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Chapter 1230: give you hatred

The moment Fang Yinglong appeared, Ye Weikong felt that things were actually out of his control.

He is aware of the grievances between Emperor Ling Xiaozong and Huangtian Pavilion, but because of this, Ling Xiaozong should not be here, he should be watching tigers fight from the mountain.

Ye Weikong stared at Fang Yinglong and said solemnly: "I really didn't expect that the High Heaven Sect would take action this time. Could it be that in your opinion, the threat of my Hanjiang City is even bigger than your old enemy, Huangtian Pavilion?"

Fang Yinglong nodded and said, "That's right, your threat is indeed greater than that of the Emperor Tiange.

High Heaven Sect has been fighting with Huangtian Pavilion for tens of thousands of years, so we know very well about Huangtian Pavilion and know where their upper and lower limits are.

But I don't know about your Hanjiang City. The unknown existence is the most worthy of vigilance. "

Hearing the words of Ye Weikong and Fang Yinglong, Chu Xiu suddenly felt that Daluotian's group still had great advantages.

For example, if Fang Yinglong is replaced by those from the righteous sects in the lower realm at this time, they will definitely sway a lot of big truths, saying that in order to ensure the peace and stability of the Eastern Region, you cannot let you destroy the Emperor Tiange.

On the other hand, Fang Yinglong is very direct. I feel that your threat is greater than that of Huangtian Pavilion. I will obstruct you and prevent you from succeeding.

There are not so many big truths, it is related to the interests of the sect and has to be done.

But then Fang Yinglong paused, glanced at Chu Xiu and said, "Of course this is just one of the reasons, the other reason is that this little friend Chu is eloquent and profound. I, High Heaven Sect, cannot refuse."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Xiu immediately felt that Ye Weikong's eyes were looking at him, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

Chu Xiu: "..."

He didn't feel that Fang Yinglong was direct at this time. Although this guy is a martial arts expert, his mind is very dirty. At this time, he did not forget to give him a hatred for this junior martial artist.

Looking at Fang Yinglong in front of him, Ye Weikong suddenly showed a smile: "Fang Yinglong, when was the last time you and I fought? A few decades ago or a hundred years ago? You were not even a Martial Immortal at that time.

The number one expert in the Eastern Region, I have never competed with you for this position, he was yours from the very beginning.

This time, I would like to experience how strong you, the No. 1 expert in the Eastern Region, are! "

The powerhouses of the Martial Immortal Realm will not retreat so easily.

Last time, Ye Weikong was just preparing to teach Chu Xiu a lesson, but he met an 'Gu Zun'. It didn't matter that time, so he retired.

And this time, he gathered the elite forces of the entire Hanjiang City to destroy Huangtian Pavilion in one go, how could he retreat again?

The incomparably powerful City Lord Hanjiang in the past will not retreat twice in the same place!

As Ye Weikong's voice fell, he stepped out one step, and the momentum around him was like a wind and a cloud, setting off bursts of icy storms.

The piercing cold wind mixed with falling snowflakes. As Ye Weikong's aura soared to its peak, in an instant, within a few hundred meters of him, he was shrouded in winter snow and ice fields. Chu Xiu almost thought he was in the snow city in the extreme north of the lower realm. .

Chu Xiu couldn't tell the imposing manner of the Martial Immortal powerhouse, he only knew that the opponent was very strong, but Fang Yinglong's complexion changed.

"Seventh Heaven of Martial Immortals! You actually stepped into the Seventh Heaven!"

Before, there had been rumors in the Eastern Martial Arts, saying that Ye Weikong had the strength of the sixth heaven, and his full strength could reach the seventh heaven.

But now, he himself has the strength of the seventh heaven!

Zhong Qiushui's expression also became serious. The last time he fought against Ye Weikong, the other party was still clumsy. The real power of his seventh heaven was probably prepared for Ling Xiaozong!

Although it is said that the realm of Wuxian is divided into nine levels in great detail, people still habitually believe that the first to third level is one heaven and earth, the fourth to sixth level is another heaven and earth, and the seventh to ninth level is the martial arts. The true pinnacle of fairy.

Sixth Heaven and Seventh Heaven are different by a realm, and the gap is actually very large, so Ye Weikong's full-strength burst close to Seventh Heaven will make people afraid.

But there is not such a big gap between the seventh layer and the eighth layer. Now Ye Weikong is no longer a person to be afraid of, but is fully qualified to challenge Fang Yinglong, the number one expert in the Eastern Region!

There was no expression on Ye Weikong's face, but behind him, layers of frost storms danced, and finally turned into the roar of a huge ice dragon.

Ye Weikong reached out and grabbed it, and the huge ice dragon turned into a long sword in the shape of a dragon and held it in his hand.

In the dragon-shaped long knife, the frost flows, and what it contains is not the power of his world, but a kind of rules of the world!

Ye Weikong is now equivalent to turning the magical power into a weapon and holding it in his hand!

Fang Yinglong stepped out, nine dragons roared all over his body, and the golden giant dragons circled and danced in the air, biting towards Ye Weikong.

Once the powerhouse of the Martial Immortal Realm really fights, the power is like a fight between gods and gods, and it is the real destruction of the world.

Therefore, the figures of Fang Yinglong and Ye Weikong appeared directly in mid-air, fighting fiercely, and did not land.

However, Chong Qiushui, who was standing beside Chu Xiu, had a confused look on his face, as if he didn't know whether he should go on or not.

Chu Xiu wondered: "Pavilion Master, what are you waiting for? Joining forces with Fang Yinglong, even if you can't defeat Ye Weikong, why do you have to inflict heavy damage on him? Are you still thinking about sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight? "

Zhong Qiushui's face was a little ugly: "What are you waiting for? One of the eighth level of Martial Immortal, the other of the seventh level of Martial Immortal, I'll rush up, I'm afraid I'll be the first to be hit hard."

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "Both in the realm of Martial Immortals, just a few layers apart, so the gap is so big?"

Chong Qiushui said with a cold snort, "How many heavens? When you were in the realm of real fire refining the gods, it was easy to kill the heavens and the earth. What did you think of those ordinary warriors who were in the realm of real fire refining? Now Fang Yinglong and Ye Weikong is just looking at me!"

Hearing what Chong Qiushui said, Chu Xiu suddenly stopped talking.

If that's the case, then the difference is really big.

However, although Chong Qiushui said so, he still rushed up and besieged Ye Weikong with Fang Yinglong.

Ye Weikong was hit hard, and the biggest profit was Huangtian Pavilion. Besides, if he really didn't take action at this time, if he angered Fang Yinglong and let go, they would be dumbfounded.

It's just that Chong Qiushui is indeed a bit miserable. Just as he rushed up, he was knocked down by Ye Weikong with a punch.

Chu Xiu could only watch the battle in the Martial Immortal Realm, and even in the realm of Fang Yinglong and Ye Weikong, he couldn't even understand the onlookers, so Chu Xiu didn't stay idle. He waved his hand and ordered his men to return. The warriors of Huangtian Pavilion attacked Hanjiang City together.

This time, Chu Xiu really didn't keep his hands. All the elites under his men who participated in the battle to destroy the Blood River Sect were also rushing up with him at this time.

It doesn't matter whether Huangtian Pavilion exists or not, the important thing is that Hanjiang City has already regarded him as a thorn in the side of Chu Xiu. If Ye Weikong is not severely injured this time, his Cangwu County will never have a peaceful day!

Chu Xiu had just stepped into the battlefield, and Qi Wuhen, who was dressed in ice blue armor, had already jumped in front of Chu Xiu, his eyes flashing with cold murderous intent.

"Chu Xiu! I knew this earlier, when I was in Lingluo County, I should have killed you at all costs!"

At this time, Qi Wuhen really regretted it.

At that time, he thought that he had already attached great importance to Chu Xiu, but he didn't expect that he didn't attach enough importance to it!

The size of Hanjiang City is here, and they only have one chance to make a move. If they fail to destroy the Emperor's Heaven Pavilion this time, they will not be able to make up for the consumption of human resources. Otherwise, Hanjiang City may have to wait for a long time to accumulate these strengths again.

All this is because I don't know what method Chu Xiu used, but he invited Ling Xiaozong to take action!

"At all costs? Qi Wuhen, you think too much, even if you really want to kill me at all costs, the result might be worse than it is now!"

With an angry shout, Qi Wuhen was too lazy to talk nonsense with Chu Xiu. The realm spread out around him, and endless storms condensed in the realm, shrouded directly towards Chu Xiu.

Ye Weikong is working **** the top, and he will naturally work **** the In fact, their Hanjiang City is the real one with no way out. After all, their background is the shallowest. If you don't take advantage of Ye Weikong's presence, Hanjiang City will When they are at their peak, they attack the city and lay the foundation. What the next generation might look like.

The divine realm around Chu Xiu opened up, and slammed the realm directly and rudely.

In the realm of the gods, the five elements are disordered, the yin and yang are reversed, and the powerful force twists and strangles everything.

Qi Wuhen's domain was very fragile in front of Chu Xiu's domain, and was immediately swallowed up by the rapid ablation.

At this moment, Qi Wuhen looked at Chu Xiu as if he had seen a ghost.

Everyone has this kind of domain, although it is true that different domain attributes are restrained from each other, but it also depends on the specific strength of the warrior.

As a result, now, Chu Xiu's realm is not as good as him, but the realm completely restrains him. What is this realm?

Seeing that Chu Xiu's God Realm had eroded his realm step by step, Qi Wuhen let out a roar, and a huge ice dragon roared behind him, blending into his fist style, and punching Chu Xiu directly!

Where the punch passed, it seemed that even the vitality of the heavens and the earth was frozen, but Chu Xiu didn't dodge or evade. The same punch fell, the fire of the inner power in the whole body was burning and blooming, and the blood in the body had boiled to the extreme. .

Chu Xiu had fought against Qi Wuhen before, and knew that the other party's Ice Soul Magic was extremely powerful and overbearing, capable of freezing internal strength, blood, and even primordial spirit.

Therefore, at this time, Chu Xiu had burned his inner strength to the extreme, causing his blood to boil, but Qi Wuhen's pure physical strength could not be frozen.

The fists collided, like a burst of ice and fire, Chu Xiu's figure stood still, but Qi Wuhen was directly blown away!


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