Meet The Leader

Chapter 1233: Heaven and Paradise

This sudden appearance of the Heaven and Paradise is not something that Fang Yinglong can open now.

It should be said that although Fang Yinglong can break the formation with force, it is easy to destroy this cave.

Looking at Ye Weikong, Fang Yinglong said lightly: "Ye Weikong, your luck is very good, take your people from Hanjiang City to retreat, otherwise, your Hanjiang City will not be able to keep the last trace of life!"

Ye Weikong snorted coldly: "I can't preserve the vitality of Hanjiang City, this is what your High Heaven Sect wants? Fang Yinglong, your High Heaven Sect has too many calculations, and you want to maintain your position as the hegemon of the Eastern Region. This is fine, but there are always situations that you cannot control. That day!"

After speaking, Ye Weikong turned around and left. Before leaving, he gave Chu Xiu a deep look, and the killing intent in his eyes was not concealed at all.

Chu Xiu looked back directly without fear,

Because of the problems in the southern barbarian land, the conflict between him, Ye Weikong and Hanjiang City could no longer be reconciled.

Anyway, the big hatred has been forged, so what about being hated? Although the feeling of being hated by a Martial Immortal strong man is not a good feeling.

Fang Yinglong said lightly to Chu Xiu: "According to the previous agreement, Ye Weikong, I have already solved it for you, and now you Huangtian Pavilion should also abide by the promise, give up that county, don't let me Baidicheng get it in person."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Don't worry, what Huangtian Pavilion promised will not go back."

Anyway, that county belongs to Huangtian Pavilion, not Chu Xiu, so of course he won't feel distressed.

Taking a look at the big tomb, Fang Yinglong said solemnly: "This cave was born in a blessed land, and there will definitely be many strong people who enter it and compete for it.

In particular, the place where Dongtianfudi was born is very embarrassing. It does not belong to my Eastern Territory, but in the land of Nanman.

So maybe there will be a big sect in the southern region and the strong to **** it. I and other warriors in the eastern region should unite together, fight against outsiders first, and then distribute the benefits.

After you go back, tell Chong Qiushui about these things. I will go back to Lingxiao Sect and invite some masters of the formation to come and decipher the natural formation in this blessed land. "

After speaking, Fang Yinglong turned around and left.

He is not afraid that Huangtian Pavilion will be the first to enter this Paradise of Heaven and Paradise. Chong Qiushui is also a strong man in the realm of Martial Immortals, and Huangtian Pavilion also has a heritage of inheritance. He should know the consequences of forcibly breaking this Paradise of Paradise.

After a while, Zhong Qiushui also came from behind.

However, Zhong Qiushui's appearance was a little miserable, his face was pale, and even Chu Xiu could feel that his current aura seemed a little unstable.

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "Pavilion Master, are you injured so badly?"

Chong Qiushui snorted coldly: "Could it be that your master didn't teach you the gap between the realm of Martial Immortals? You can make up for the difference by one level, but I'm three or four levels away from them and can block them. power, this is already pretty good.”

This kind of thing is actually nothing to be ashamed of. After all, these two people, one is recognized as the number one powerhouse in the Eastern Region, and the other is also the master of Hanjiang City who has become famous in the entire Daluotian in the past few hundred years. .

"Ye Weikong is gone?"

Chu Xiu pointed at the big tomb in front of him and said, "The strength of the fight between the two of them is too strong, and it is naturally impossible to beat this hidden cave.

But this is also a good thing. Our Huangtian Pavilion is close to the water tower, and we can also share some benefits when this cave is opened. "

Zhong Qianqiu sighed and shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't be so easy, I would rather not have this kind of heaven and earth, it's better to kill the old guy Ye Weikong.

This time, Ye Weikong's old guy was seriously injured, and when he takes another shot, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to solve.

Also, although this Heavenly Blessed Land is the closest to my Emperor Heaven Pavilion, but deep in the land of the Southern Barbarians, it is estimated that it will attract those guys from the Southern Region.

There are very few guys in Nanyu who are easy to mess with.

During this period of time, I will stay here first, and I will fight for it after the arrival of Ling Xiaozong.

When it comes to matters between the two domains, it is no longer within my power to influence one sect and one sect. This leader still needs to be brought out by the Lingxiao Sect.

As the No. 1 faction in the Eastern Region, Ling Xiaozong's prestige is enough, so when it comes to a critical moment, Ling Xiaozong must also stand at the forefront on behalf of the Eastern Region. "

After becoming the pavilion owner of Huangtian Pavilion, Chong Qiushui's personality has also changed a lot, and he has become a lot calmer.

If it was in the past, this kind of cowardice would not be said by Chong Qiushui, but now it is very natural. As long as the power of Huangtian Pavilion can be preserved as much as possible, what can't Chong Qiushui do?

After a few days, the whole land of the southern barbarians became lively. Many warriors from the Eastern Region heard that there was a paradise born, and they all came to watch. Maybe some people were still thinking of getting a piece of the pie, although many people knew that in the top In front of the big faction, they didn't even have the qualifications to drink soup, but they came anyway.

After all, it is very uncommon for Dongtianfudi to be born, and it should be said that it is not very common in recent years.

When these ancient sects first came to Daluotian, in fact, there were still many caves and blessed places, and even some major sects established sects around those caves.

But after so many years, all the caves that should be excavated have also been excavated, and it is rare to hear the news of the existence of caves. This kind of thing that is rare for thousands of years, most people in Jianghu don’t want to give up. .

While waiting for Ling Xiaozong to come, Chu Xiu not only arranged his stronghold in the land of the southern barbarians and paid attention to hiding, he also contacted Tianhun once.

Tianhun asked Chu Xiumo to follow the old road of Dugu Yume, but this old road only refers to learning to imitate Dugu Yume's martial arts route. As for some experience in martial arts cultivation and other things, it doesn't matter.

Even the same martial skill, even if it is a martial skill inherited from Dugu Yume, as long as Chu Xiu can inject it into his own martial arts, the path he will take in the future will be different from Dugu Yume.

Contacting Chu Xiu again, Tianhun nodded with satisfaction and said, "Yes, very good, your strength is much stronger than last time."

Chu Xiu said in amazement: "You can also perceive my specific strength with a simple connection with the primordial spirit?"

Tianhun smiled and said: "You and I were one before, so naturally I sensed it, but your memory has been washed away, so you can't sense me, but I can sense you clearly. ."

What Tianhun said was reasonable, but Chu Xiu felt a little awkward. He didn't want people to feel how he was, even if this person used to be of the same origin as him.

"Okay, time is running out, not much nonsense, you came to me, but what's the problem?"

Chu Xiu said: "It's not a question of cultivation, but a question about the Heavenly Paradise, which is the natural secret realm of the lower realm.

In the southern barbarian land under my jurisdiction, there has been a new unexplored cave, which should attract many major factions to compete.

However, that place is in the land of the southern barbarians. No matter who gets the land in the end, it will definitely occupy it. I am worried that my stronghold in the land of the southern barbarians will be found by them. Is there any way to use my strength? destroy it? "

This matter is what Chu Xiu has been thinking about all this time, but he has not thought about a result. In the end, he had to come to Tianhun for help.

In fact, it is a good thing to be born in a blessed land. Even if it appears next to Cangnan Mansion, Chu Xiu doesn't care.

But the land of the southern barbarians was about the passage to the lower realm, but Chu Xiu couldn't just give up.

Tianhun raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you want to destroy a Heavenly Paradise? This thing is difficult to say, simple to say.

Whether it is the so-called Heavenly Paradise or the Secret Realm, they are actually small spaces parasitizing in a complete world. Although they are rich in the vitality of heaven and earth, they can also give birth to various visions, but that also proves that they are incomplete and fragile. As long as the strength is enough, it can be completely destroyed by violence.

Of course, your current strength is even worse, so you can only use another method, which is to find the core of the secret realm. "


Tianhun nodded and said: "Actually, every secret realm has a core, and that core is the strongest point in the secret It also supports the existence of the entire secret realm, as long as it can be destroyed. , or find a way to bring it outside, and the secret realm will be destroyed naturally.

See the post tied behind me? That is the core of this Lingxiao realm, but its previous body was just an ordinary big iron pillar, and it was later refined into this shape by many powerful people in Daluotian.

If you're lucky, the core of that Rift can be easily destroyed or taken away, so to speak.

If it's like the thing behind me, strong enough to hold up a small world, you should consider yourself unlucky. "

Although Tianhun showed Chu Xiu a path, it still depends on luck.

Chu Xiu now feels that the feng shui of Nanman seems to be a little bad, and there are always some big and small things. No wonder Huangtian Pavilion was reluctant to develop here before.

A few days later, High Heaven Sect came again, and it wasn't Fang Yinglong who came by himself, but brought a large number of High Heaven Sect elites and Linghu Immortal Mountain, leaving only one Qin Baiyuan to guard the entire High Heaven Sect.

Similarly, here in Huangtian Pavilion, Lu Sanjin also brought a group of elites from Huangtian Pavilion here, but compared with Ling Xiao, it seems a little shabby.

After Ling Xiaozong came, he directly blocked the Heavenly Paradise and began to crack the natural formation.

Although this kind of domineering behavior makes some Eastern Region warriors a little uncomfortable, but Ling Xiaozong has dominated the Eastern Region for so many years, even if they are upset, what can they do? Had to obediently let go.

At this moment, a joking voice suddenly came: "Nanman doesn't belong to your Eastern Territory, can you really think that you are not dominating the Eastern Territory, but dominating Da Luotian?"


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