Meet The Leader

Chapter 1257: I lied to you

With Elder Gongsun leading the way for Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu successfully entered the Treasure Pavilion of the Demon Palace of Bliss.

For places like this that are extremely important to the sect, although there are formations to protect them, they are not attack-type formations, but defensive formations.

This kind of formation is the real difficulty, and it is very time-consuming.

Now with Elder Gongsun leading the way, Chu Xiu entered it smoothly and saw all kinds of strange things.

The Magic Palace of Elysium studies people's qi and blood, physical body and even primordial spirit, and has created many monsters and incomprehensible beings.

This point is incomprehensible to Chu Xiu, the Devil Palace of Bliss is not a devil, but a madman.

If they really have goals, that's fine, but the real reality is that they usually only have a bold idea, and then they start killing recklessly, experimenting with flesh and blood, and if they don't succeed, they give up and switch to another experiment.

If it succeeds and creates various monsters or secret methods that can be used for oneself, then it is earned.

Chu Xiu also killed a lot of people, so he would not hypocritically accuse the Demon Palace of Elysium of killing innocent people, but the practice of the Demon Palace of Elysium was a real suicide.

Feeling that Chu Xiu's eyes were a little wrong, Elder Gongsun smiled and explained: "Master Chu, in fact, I have not participated in the things that the Elysium Palace does, and the Elysium Palace is also divided into several schools. To study those weird secret methods, there are some people who honestly practice magic arts, and I belong to the latter.

And it wasn't like this at the very beginning. It was only because later generations messed around and tampered with the core inheritance of the Devil's Palace of Bliss, and it became what it is now.

In fact, the core inheritance of my Paradise Magic Palace has only two words: good luck.

Demons exist in this world, not like the ancient wells of Taoism and Buddhism, but there are thousands of possibilities.

There are all kinds of demons, and the creation of the Devil Palace of Bliss can also have all kinds of changes.

It's just that this one is too difficult, and there are very few, or even none, of the disciples of the Demon Palace of Bliss who can reach the core of this martial arts.

So later, the Demon Palace of Elysium became what it is now, only playing with those evil secret techniques, but forgot the core of my martial arts of the Demon Palace of Elysium. "

While speaking, Elder Gongsun opened the door of the last secret room and said, "This is the most precious collection of my Demon Palace of Bliss, and the blood of that strong man is treasured here."

After saying that, Elder Gongsun took out a jade bottle, and there were as many as eight drops of blood sealed in it, which was even more than that of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Elder Gongsun said: "About the legend of this strong man, the elders of the division have also said that in recent years, the palace master and other warriors have almost always tried to refine the blood, but they have all failed, and even used their To carry out other experiments, without exception, all failed.

At the beginning, there were more than ten drops, but now, there are only so many left.

However, the previous palace master of the Devil Palace of Elysium once said that there is a dead energy in this blood essence, which is also the reason why it cannot be refined.

But it is said that the strong man did not die at the beginning, but was banned and watched in the High Heaven Sect, so why the death energy was born in this blood essence is also very strange. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, dead?

He didn't ask more, but turned his attention to other treasures in the secret room.

Although Chu Xiu told Yuan Kongcheng that he only wanted Dugu and my blood essence, but now the treasure is in front of him, Chu Xiu hasn't been an idiot yet.

But after wandering around, Chu Xiu didn't find anything too worthy of him.

There is no shortage of ordinary cultivation resources, etc. Chu Xiu now, in order to show his 'generousness', he will leave it to Yuan Kongcheng.

As for other things, I have to say that most of the treasures in the Magic Palace of Bliss really don't have any use for them.

The blood and bones of some beasts even have brains, and the most bizarre thing is that there are even banned living souls.

It is useless to ask for such a thing, but at the very center of the secret room, there is something that attracts his attention.

It was a black pill in a jade box.

To be precise, it should not be black, but a flowing, liquid-like thing.

"What is this?"

Elder Gongsun said: "This is the Demon Seed of Creation, which was left by the last generation of the palace masters of the Demon Palace of Ultimate Bliss who built the Demon Dao of Creation 10,000 years ago when they were still in the lower realm.

But although he left this thing, he did not leave any explanation, so later generations did not know what it was, and they studied it for a long time, but there was no result.

After all, it was left by the ancestors, so we have kept it all the time. "

Chu Xiu nodded knowingly and took it directly into his arms.

He didn't know what the use of this thing was, but when Chu Xiu saw this thing, the demonic energy in his body that came from the primitive devil's cave was throbbing.

Apart from the fact that he had mastered the law, heaven and earth when he faced the threat of Jun Wushen's nails and seven arrows in the past, this demonic energy has never moved. As a result, this kind of throbbing has arisen at this time, which is rare. , so don't care if it's useful or not, just take it and talk about it.

After looking around for a week and seeing nothing useful, Chu Xiu nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, yes, I should go."

Elder Gongsun immediately said with a smile on his face: "Then Master Chu can help me kill that boy Wang Yizhi?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "If you don't kill him, why do you want to kill him? That kid is very obedient and has helped me so much. If I kill him, it will affect my reputation in the Southern Region.

Also, as I said earlier, it's just that I should go, not that you can go. "

Elder Gongsun looked at Chu Xiu dumbfounded, his voice trembling slightly: "Master Chu, what do you mean? You promised me before! I have helped you a lot!"

With a smile on Chu Xiu's face, he said, "I promised you, but I'm not going to abide by it. There is no need to talk about morality and righteousness like you."

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, he spread out the Divine Realm all over his body, and instantly wrapped Elder Gongsun's entire body in it.

Elder Gongsun's strength in the Demon Palace of Bliss is not very strong. His high status is due to his qualifications and ability to handle these things.

In addition, he is old now, and his own strength has begun to weaken. He is trapped in Chu Xiu's divine domain, and he can't break free at all, and he can't even burn his blood essence.

Chu Xiu landed an expressionless punch, the opponent vomited blood, and his breath was depressed. The two fists fell, the bones were all shattered, and the qi drifted away.

When Chu Xiu's third punch fell, only a cloud of blood was left in the secret room.

"Elder Mo Dao is still so naive, credulous, and his business ability is really poor."

Chu Xiu adjusted his clothes and left lightly.

At this time, in the outside world, Yuan Kongcheng was strangling Yan Beifeng, who was in the center of the demon's hand, with all his strength.

With the fourth level of Wuxian to fight against the fifth level of Wuxian, and it is still Yan Beifeng, who has amazing combat power in the southern region, even if Chu Xiu and Shang Tianliang attract their attention, let him make a successful raid and want to kill the opponent. Killing is not so easy.

But what made Yuan Kongcheng strange was that Yan Beifeng, whose power was constantly being eroded, did not show any despair, not even scolding.

He was making seals with both hands, but the way of making seals was completely different.

The seal of the left hand burst out with a faint light, and the magic energy rose, resisting the erosion of the magic hand.

In the seal of the right hand, there is a faint trace of blood, and it keeps flowing.

Under this strange atmosphere, Yuan Kongcheng couldn't help but say, "Yan Beifeng, what are you still insisting on? The Magic Palace of Bliss has been breached, and your lineage has been abolished!"

The corner of Yan Beifeng's mouth revealed a murderous intent, but there was a smile on his face: "Yeah, the Demon Palace of Elysium has been breached, so today, all of you are going to die and be buried for the Demon Palace of Elysium!

But the Devil's Palace of Bliss will not be abolished. As long as I am here, the Devil's Palace of Bliss will be there! "

Yuan Kongcheng just wanted to say something, but the next moment, in the flow of blood, a powerful momentum shot straight into the sky, and a loud bang came, and the demonic hand that covered the sky was directly burst!

"What the **** is this?"

Yuan Kongcheng stared at everything in front of him in astonishment.

At this time, Yan Beifeng's face was pale, as if his blood had been drained.

But he was surrounded by thirty-six extremely strange beings, and even Yuan Kongcheng didn't know what to call them.

These thirty-six monsters all seem to be assembled things, some with human beast heads, some with animal bodies and human heads, and some are not like people at all, but more like pieced together monsters.

The most important thing is that they are all living creatures, and they all have primordial spirits, with extremely violent primordial spirit powers.

At this time, the thirty-six monsters circled around and formed a formation, and they began to attract the power of Zhou Tianxingchen into their bodies.

At this moment, those strange monsters actually carried an authentic aura of Xuanmen in them, and the good and the evil stood side by side, which seemed very strange.

"What kind of ghost is this?" Yuan Kongcheng couldn't help but ask Yan Beifeng said with disdain: "A ghost? This is not a ghost, but the real core of my martial arts in the Devil Palace of Bliss!

Create the world and use it for yourself. The real core martial arts of my Bliss Devil Palace is the power of creation that runs through the yin and yang of life and death!

The thirty-six demon gods in this Zhoutian Demon God Great Array were created by me over a hundred years, with countless fierce beasts, barbarian powerhouses, and all kinds of true spirits. , are the real creatures formed the day after tomorrow!

The ancient demon gods were created from heaven and earth and possessed the mighty power of heaven and earth.

These thirty-six demon gods of mine were built by me the day after tomorrow. Although I cannot borrow the power of heaven and earth, they are also demon gods, the acquired demon gods!

Heaven and earth can create demons, and so can I!

When the power of creation has reached its peak, it is God! "

Yuan Kongcheng looked at Yan Beifeng dumbfounded: "Mad! You lunatic!"

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