Meet The Leader

Chapter 124: misfortune

PS: Thanks to book friends, I am Lin Yiwan for the reward of starting coins

The Fang family is only a small family in Linzhong County, and the interior is not large, but at this time it is crowded and crowded.

Most of the people are actually here to join in the fun, just to see what this so-called ancient devil's most precious blood jade Linglong looks like.

Among them are the Qingchen faction and the Jindaomen. At this time, the two factions regretted their death. If they knew this, they should put down the idea of ​​​​competition first, and directly take action from the other party's family, and first take back the blood jade exquisite. Say it again.

As a result, now they can only watch the treasure fall into the hands of the North Piaoxuecheng, but they don't even dare to say a word of nonsense.

These two factions are quite good in Linzhong County, but compared with the snow city in the extreme north, they are like ants.

At this time, Chu Xiu pretended to be an ordinary martial artist in the world, and was inconspicuous at all. While wandering back and forth, he was also investigating the situation and movements of the entire Fang family.

After about an hour, a group of people came in from the outside, the leader was a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a snow-white tiger skin robe, his appearance was cold, and his face was even more ferocious. The scar, which continued from the forehead to the left side of the face, was not easy to match at first glance.

Someone next to him said, "It's the thirteenth master of the Bai family's 'Raging Flames and Crazy Saber' in the Snow City in the extreme north! Fighting for the snow city in the extreme north, and now it has reached the peak of imperial qi, the strength of the realm of harmony between man and nature, and its status in the snow city of the extreme north is not inferior to that of the direct line warriors.

It seems that the snow city in the extreme north also attaches great importance to this exquisite blood jade, and even sent such a master to personally come to greet it. "

At this time, the owner of the Fang family came out to greet him in person, with a happy smile on his face, he bowed to Bai Jihu and said, "To bother the Thirteenth Master to come here in person, our Fang family is really full of brilliance. what."

A stiff smile appeared on Bai Qihu's face and said, "Since the Fang family has decided to join me in the North Piao Xue City, then my Piao Xue City in the extreme north will naturally keep the Fang family safe and rich.

Since the Fang family believes in my Extreme North Piao Xue City, then my Extreme North Piao Xue City will not lose their trust in others. From now on, the Fang family and my Ultra North Piao Xue City will be guaranteed. Anyone who dares to attack the Fang family’s idea is quite a deal. Yu is provoking my extreme northern snow city! "

After saying this, Bai Jihu's eyes swept around for a week, and his eyes seemed to be flickering with a chilling light, which made the hearts of everyone present suddenly chill.

Especially the people from the Qingchen faction and the Golden Sword Sect, for fear that they would be revenge by the Fang family after the incident because they had the support of the North Piaoxuecheng.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows secretly when he saw the behavior of catching tigers in white. Extremely North Piaoxuecheng even sent a master of the realm of harmony between heaven and man this time. I'm afraid it will be a little more troublesome.

But trouble is trouble. Anyway, the task over there is not what he wants to do. Since the helmsman of Heavenly Sin is sure to take action, he should be able to expect that he will deal with more than two masters of Heaven and Man at the same time.

And the words that Bai Zhuhu said are actually very meaningful. He said these words not only to the Bai family, but also to other Jianghu people.

It was found that the secret treasure was going to be hidden, but it was a disaster that would destroy the family.

And if it is dedicated to them in the extreme north of the snow city, then it will be like the Fang family, and they will get the protection and status they deserve. Which side is more suitable, it goes without saying.

After the people from the snow city in the extreme north were welcomed into Fang's house, Chu Xiu also quietly retreated and sneaked into the backyard of Fang's house.

At this time, whether it was the Fang family or the Jianghu people present, their attention was all in the front yard, and the people from the lower family would formally hand over the exquisite blood jade to the people in Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north.

Although this was just a ceremony, it was a ceremony held in front of everyone, with Juyi Village as a witness.

If the North Piao Xuecheng is treachery and does not protect the Fang family in the coming days, it will be a broken rule. Not only is the face of the North Piao Xuecheng unsightly, but even Juyi Village has to speak up for this matter. It is also the role of a witness to ask for justice, just like Zen Master Hengshan was a witness at the Yao Nanqian Golden Basin Handwashing Conference.

In the backyard, Chu Xiu was hidden under a rockery. At this time, most of the Fang family were in the front yard, and basically no one would come to the backyard, and even if someone came, they would not be able to find Chu Xiu.

At this time, a disciple of the Fang family in his twenties took a box and sneaked into the backyard, looking around at something.

Chu Xiu picked up the long sword in his hand and tapped it rhythmically on the rockery a few times. The young man's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately ran to Chu Xiu's side, stuffed the box with Chu Xiu, and said carefully: "The things have been brought to you, leave quickly, and walk directly from the backyard. The frontyard is already full of warriors. I can't leave for too long, otherwise it will lead to suspicion."

With that said, the young warrior was about to leave.

But at this time, Chu Xiu felt slightly wrong when he took the box.

He directly opened the box, and inside the box was a fist-sized, irregularly shaped, delicate blood jade, which contained countless delicate blood lines, which looked incomparably mysterious and magnificent. It was the exquisite shape of the blood jade in the legend.

Seeing Chu Xiu opening the box, the young man was a little flustered, and he quickly said: "What are you looking at here? Hurry up and take your things away! Otherwise, we will both be unlucky if we are found later! "

Looking at the exquisite blood jade, Chu Xiu suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched the warrior's neck, and said coldly, "This is not the exquisite blood jade at all!"

The martial artist of the Fang family struggled and said, "What are you doing? What else is this not a blood jade? Let me go, do you still want to be black and black?"

Looking at the martial artist of the Fang family, Chu Xiu's eyes showed a hint of indifference, the martial artist of the Fang family was lying, and even the plan of the helmsman that day was wrong!

In the original plot, Chu Xiu has never seen Blood Jade Linglong, and he has never seen it in this life. He just heard about it. Right now, what's in the box looks exactly like Blood Jade Linglong. Why does Chu Xiu think it's not Blood Jade? exquisite?

The reason is very simple, because the blood evil energy he has condensed cannot resonate at all with the power in this blood jade exquisite!

The secret technique on Chu Xiu's body is the martial arts of the Blood River Sect, and it can be said that it is from the same source as this **** jade.

As a result, Chu Xiu didn't feel the slightest power belonging to the Blood River Sect on this Xueyu Linglong. Later, he even opened the box and tested it with the blood evil spirit. There was even the slightest resonance on the Xueyu Linglong. No.

A sect's treasures refined by its own secret method turned out to be unable to inspire even the sect's own martial arts, causing resonance. Isn't this a joke?

Moreover, after realizing that there was a problem with the exquisite blood jade, Chu Xiu realized that there was something wrong with the plan of the helmsman this time.

At that time, Chu Xiu felt that something was wrong after the helmsman of Tiansin said this plan, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

Only now did Chu Xiu know what was wrong, because this plan was too smooth!

There is no problem with the arrangement of the plans. The problem is that as long as the helmsman of Heavenly Sin has bought a direct line warrior from the Fang family, he will be able to steal the pillars and bring out the real blood jade.

During the process, the blood jade will indeed fall back into the hands of the Fang family, but it is absolutely impossible for the Fang family to be in charge of it alone. There must be many people, including even the disciples of Juyi Village. Meng Yuanlong came this time not only by himself, but also brought many disciples.

Bringing Chu Xiu into the role of a disciple of the Fang family, with Chu Xiu's strength and the secret technique in his hands, the success rate of him being able to successfully drop the blood jade exquisite is less than 10%. This disciple of the Fang family Why is it so easy to get rid of the blood jade exquisite? Even if he is the son of the head of the Fang family, it is impossible.

Moreover, the disciple of the Fang family in front of him only has a blood coagulation state. It seems that the scheming is not too deep. On the contrary, it is a little If the helmsman of Tiansin wants to rely on him, he will make the blood jade exquisite. To steal it out, that's just a joke!

Looking at the martial artist of the Fang family, a trace of coldness appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes.

The Heaven and Earth Destroying Soul Dafa was cast out, and for a moment Chu Xiu's eyes seemed to have turned into an endless abyss. In the abyss, I completely lost myself.

With Chu Xiu's current cultivation level, it is very simple to use the Heaven and Earth Destruction and Shifting Soul Dafa to deal with a warrior who is in the state of concentration.

"Is the blood jade exquisite?" Chu Xiu asked in a low voice.

The disciple of the Fang family said in a dull voice: "It's fake, the real blood jade is exquisitely guarded by two elders of my Fang family and several disciples of Juyi Village. Although I am a direct descendant, I have no Qualifications to be near."

Chu Xiu's expression turned cold, and he continued to ask, "Then what happened to the thing you gave me?"

"It was given to me by that adult, let me come to the backyard at this time, hand over the things to a person, and treat the things in the box as real **** jade, I must watch him take the things and leave Fang's house is fine, only half an hour, the other party must leave the range of Fang's house."

"Who is that lord?"

"I don't know, but he gave me a lot of exercises and cultivation resources. Afterwards, I can take these things and leave the Fang's house, rich and happy."

"Has he ordered you anything else?"

"No, that's all."

With a gloomy expression on his face, Chu Xiu directly strangled the Fang family's martial artist. Until now, he could be sure that he had been tricked. To be precise, he was regarded as a chess piece by the helmsman of Heaven Sin, or an abandoned piece. Just right!


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