Meet The Leader

Chapter 1261: 2 Domain Unrest

?The Southern Region is now a land of right and wrong, so Chu Xiu didn't plan to stay any longer, but when he was about to leave, Chu Xiu specifically asked Wang Yizhi if he would like to go back to the Eastern Region with him.

Wang Yizhi didn't even think about it and said, "Your life was saved by the adults, and the adults also helped me avenge my **** revenge. From now on, my subordinates will let the adults drive me!"

Shang Tianliang, who was on the side, said in a strange voice, "I rarely see you come out to recruit people in person. What's so special about this kid?"

"This kid is a talent."

Shang Tianliang shook his head and said, "Except for being a little stubborn, I don't see any talent."

Chu Xiu smiled meaningfully and said, "Mall owner, don't bring yourself into him, a person who can not collapse after being destroyed by the top faction, but still cultivate to the real fire refining spirit realm, and kill him. As the grandson of an elder of the other party, this ability is already considered a talent."

Chu Xiu didn't take the initiative to recruit too many people in Daluotian before. Even now, most of the people in Cangwu County are not Chu Xiu's confidants. They can only be regarded as the warriors of Huangtian Pavilion.

It's not that Chu Xiu despised them, just because of three words, he didn't believe it.

For the subordinates that Chu Xiu wants, strength is not important, the most important thing is obedience.

Those people were the people of Huangtian Pavilion before, and Chu Xiu thought that he was not so charming, which could make them forget Huangtian Pavilion and be loyal to himself.

When Chu Xiu returned to the Eastern Region, the entire Southern Region was already boiling because of this incident.

In recent years, it should be said that in the past few hundred years, there has not been a top sect that has been passed down for more than ten thousand years in the rivers and lakes. The Demon Palace of Bliss is the first, but it is still extremely aggrieved, except for Yan Bei. Feng and other high-level people actually died in the hands of a bunch of small sects who were not in the mainstream.

In the Southern Territory, there are the most small sects of this type, and no one cares about them in normal times. Until today, they suddenly discovered that there are too many ants killing elephants, although their high-end combat power is not enough, But together, it's terrifying.

At the same time, this incident also made them remember a name, Dongyu, Chu Xiu!

In Jianzhou County in the southern region, the sect of the Sword Sect in the world is a straight peak, extremely steep, and it is called Tongtian Jianfeng.

At this time, on the top of Tongtian Jianfeng Mountain, Mu Baishuang sat cross-legged on the ground, looked at the old man in front of him, and said solemnly, "Sect Master, the Demon Palace of Bliss was destroyed a few days ago. "

The old man in front of Mu Baishuang was very ordinary. His gray-white hair was casually unkempt because he was not carefully groomed. The clothes he was wearing were also ordinary gray coarse linen, which was even more ordinary.

Even as a swordsman, he doesn't even have a sword in his hand.

This old man is the sect master of the Sword Sect in the world, and the head of the three sword masters.

He has no title, Jianzun is Jianzun, the lord of kendo, the current Daluotian, the first person in kendo!

Many of the martial artists of the Sword Sect in the World are not used to their words, because their words are too simple, and the simplicity is outrageous.

Chu Xiu teamed up with the Heavenly Demon Palace to destroy the Elysium Demon Palace. For such a big matter to be reported to other sects, I am afraid that it will fill up several papers, and I can't wait to write all the details.

But when it comes to Mu Baishuang, it's better. It can be summed up in one sentence, and the time, place and characters are complete.

However, Luo Shan's answer was simpler, with only one word "Oh."

Mu Baishuang didn't feel anything wrong, and still asked in an emotionless narrative voice, "The plan for the Eastern Regions that we made before, will it be implemented?"

Luo Shan shook his head and said, "I don't want to fight anymore, people's hearts are scattered, what else is there to fight?

And we don't have time to fight, this time Daluo Shrine may have to start the selection ahead of time. "

"Oh? Why?"

"Because the demons are about to be suppressed."

Luo Shan's eyes turned to the north, and he said faintly, "Just a few days ago, the Taoist priest of the Sanqing Temple sent me news that a demon had already escaped from the area of ​​Zhongzhou, but was detected by the formation, and the Sanqing Temple shot in time to destroy its annihilation.

The one who appeared 500 years ago, reached an agreement with many sects in Daluotian, and voluntarily entered the interior of Zhongzhou to suppress the demons. We thought that everything was fine.

But in fact, no matter how strong he is, there is only one person, but there are too many ghosts.

That is the debt of our ancestors, and now we naturally have to repay it ourselves.

Open the Daluo Shrine selection, and let a group of people in, we can persist for decades. "

Mu Baishuang said coldly, "It's just drinking poison to quench thirst, aren't people who die in Zhongzhou not afraid of turning into demons?

If you want to avoid future troubles forever, the easiest way is to completely destroy the Daluo Shrine, cut off the connection with the ancestral land, and the rules of space and time will gradually return to normal. The existence of ghosts that should not be born will naturally dissipate . "

Luo Shan sighed, "That's the ancestral land after all, it's the root of my waiting, how can it be cut off so easily?"

"But it was also us who gave up the last chance to save ourselves and gave up our roots."

Mu Baishuang's words were incomparably cold, as if he were speaking from the perspective of a complete bystander, although in fact he was also a descendant of the original group of people.

Luo Shan shook his head and said, "The great calamity has not yet passed, so you have to leave yourself a way back. You all know this truth. Is it difficult for the Taoist Venerable of the Sanqing Temple to understand? ?

The roots of the ancestral land cannot be cut off, so we can only send batches of people into it.

Go and prepare, and let all the disciples of the Sword Sect in the world be prepared to enter the Daluo Shrine at any time. "

Mu Baishuang frowned and said, "Since the demons have already reached the point where they can't be suppressed, what are they going to do? Send them to death?"

Luo Shan said lightly, "It is precisely because of this that they are allowed to enter, part of it is responsibility, and part of it is opportunity.

The stronger the demons erupt, the greater the power accumulated in the Daluo Shrine. You and I both came out of that place, you should know.

There are three sword masters in my world sword sect, I also mind, there is one more. "

Mu Baishuang was silent for a while, nodded, and walked down the mountain, leaving Luo Shan alone, looking to the north, not knowing what he was thinking.

The affairs of the Southern Region were not what Chu Xiu wanted to care about at this time.

As soon as he returned to the Eastern Region, someone from Ling Xiaozong and Huangtian Pavilion came to ask Chu Xiu about the Devil Palace of Bliss.

Except for some details that Chu Xiu didn't want to reveal, the rest of the Southern Territories also knew about it, so Chu Xiu also told everything to Huangtian Pavilion and Ling Xiaozong.

After listening to it, the people of Ling Xiaozong and Emperor Tiange had an unreal feeling.

Before, they were still worried about how to defend themselves, how to deal with it, etc. in the event of a call from the Southern Region, but in the blink of an eye, Chu Xiu actually killed a top faction on the other side, which made them all I don't know whether to be frightened or surprised.

Of course, overall, this is a good thing.

There is one less top faction in the Southern Region, and there is also one less threat in the Eastern Region.

After Chu Xiu returned to the Eastern Region, he handed Wang Yizhi to Shang Tianliang and others for training, and he began to retreat.

Chu Xiu's biggest gain during his trip to the Magic Palace of Elysium was not the blood of Dugu and me, but the magic seed of good fortune.

The inheritance of the Elysium Demon Palace is actually very strong. Although it does not belong to the orthodox magic way of the Heavenly Demon Palace, it has taken a different path and found a way that does not belong to the former.

It's a pity that the descendants were not up to the standard, which led to the loss of the true core of the martial arts of the Demon Palace of Elysium.

Yan Beifeng thought that what he had comprehended was the real way of creation, but in fact, he also went the wrong way.

Good fortune Good fortune is a journey from nothing to something, turning the rotten into a miraculous, and turning the impossible into a possibility.

The acquired demon gods created by Yan Beifeng were forcibly pieced together based on what he already had. Although he was indeed amazing in talent, even if he went the wrong way, he still got out of the way. different.

Therefore, under the real demon seed of creation, everything is attributed to nothingness and is completely restored.

After the demon of creation was activated by Chu Xiu's magic source, Chu Xiu was able to refine it normally.

Of course, this is a kind of cheating method. Normally, only the warriors of the Elysium Demon Palace can truly comprehend the introduction to the magic way of creation, and then they can refine the magic seed of But according to Tianhun, the origin of the magic way It is the most basic source of power in a world, and it is the source of all magic power. Although the magic of creation is powerful, it is also in this source.

The ink-like demon melted in Chu Xiu's body, and penetrated into Chu Xiu's body like a liquid.

The next moment, Chu Xiu's demonic energy scattered all over his body, condensing into odd-shaped things, people and beasts, and finally turned into the most extreme power of heaven and earth.

Earth, wind, water and fire, the five elements rotate.

But what this demonic energy turned into was not the normal power of heaven and earth, but the power of the underworld, Yinfeng, Huangquan, Netherfire and so on.

In the end, these forces condensed together to form a terrifying shadow of nothingness, which looked like a human being but a **** but not a god.

The power of creation is ever-changing.

This is the **** of creation!

Chu Xiu let out a sigh of relief, and the terrifying good-fortune demon behind him also dissipated.

At this moment, Chu Xiu had a faint look of excitement.

He wants to get out of the martial arts that is different from Dugu and I, but in fact, there are too many inheritances in him that can be related to Dugu and I. Even if he has his own understanding, it is indispensable to Dugu and I. influences.

And now the power of the creation of the demons is definitely beyond the control of Dugu and me.

Ten thousand years ago in the lower realm, martial arts were prosperous and prosperous. Although I don’t know if there are any superpowers like Dugu Yume, it is clear that Dugu Yuyi is a human being, not a god. There are some martial arts that even he has never understood.


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