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Chapter 1268: failed robbery

Before Chong Qiushui passed through the bottom with Chu Xiu, in Zhongzhou, it is normal to encounter the existence of the first layer of Wuxian, so it is also normal to encounter a half-step Wuxian, Chu Xiu never Think that he can traverse the land of Zhongzhou.

But the Taoist priest in front of him was indeed very young, and Chu Xiu couldn't help but be surprised by his youth.

He didn't practice any secret technique, but he was so young that he reached the half-step Martial Immortal realm.

The dust whisk in the hands of the young Taoist seemed to be an understatement, but wherever he passed, that black hole-like force was distorting everything. Wherever he passed, even the vitality of heaven and earth began to twist, and the rules changed.

Taoism is natural, but if the cultivation of Taoism reaches a certain level, it can also make it unnatural.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, the whole body of the gods exploded, the yin and yang were twisted upside down, and they competed with that power.

His body was like a cannonball, and he rushed in front of the young Taoist almost instantly, smashing it down with a punch, like a landslide!

The young Taoist smiled and said, "Your Excellency is good at close combat? That's right. I have just finished my profound skills and want to find an opponent."

As the voice of the young Taoist fell, he unexpectedly threw out the same fist. At this moment, the seemingly white and tender fist was stained with a layer of golden light. With a loud bang, the fists intersected. At the same time, they all retreated several dozen feet.

A breeze blew through, and the area where the two were fighting, with the breeze blowing, even the sand and gravel of the earth turned into sparse dust, floating in the air.

A strange look appeared in the eyes of the two of them at the same time.

The next moment, Chu Xiu took out the knife, and the sword intent exploded, like cracking the ground. The sword is indistinct, formless and intangible.

In the hands of the young Taoist priest, a silver Taoist sword appeared. The long sword was lightly tapped, and the Taoist cloud was flowing, and the sword energy stirred the heaven and the earth.

The sword light collided with the sword, the powerful sharpness scattered again, and the sword light and sword energy even formed a tornado that was constantly sweeping.

But when the storm dissipated, there was no trace of Chu Xiu in front of the young Taoist priest.

"Illusion? It's interesting."

The young Taoist kept muttering something in his mouth, and at the same time, the rapid formation of seals in his hands, the wind, water and fire, the power of the four poles circulated around him crazily, and finally turned into a storm of vitality, which burst into all directions!

Within a radius of thousands of meters, the vitality storm has been swept away. Although it is not strong, the scope is extremely wide. The young Taoist squinted his eyes and felt all this.

Illusions are just illusions, and blindfolding can deceive the eyes and even the perception, but it is still real.

He couldn't see through Chu Xiu's illusion, but the power within this world, the vitality between this world, and the way between heaven and earth could tell him where Chu Xiu was.

"found it!"

The next moment, the young Taoist squeezed the seal in his hand, and the golden rays of light connected to the Dao Yun, and a strange rune was condensed in front of him, and even the void trembled and could not be stabilized.

Seal the immortal talisman, seal the immortal and suppress the devil, and the Taoist law is the only one!

The next moment, Chu Xiu also pinched the seal with his hands. The whole body cried and rained blood suddenly, and the huge demon phantom ripped apart the void and smashed the immortal talisman to pieces!

But at the same time, the power of the immortal talisman radiated out, but it directly banned the remaining power of the Great Compassion Curse, and the rain of blood and tears came to an abrupt end.

Chu Xiu suddenly squinted his eyes, and the violent demonic energy swept around his body. All the power was swallowed into his body, and his figure immediately began to soar.

The young Taoist has always been calm since his appearance, and only at this moment did he show surprise.


After being surprised, there was a dignified look in the eyes of the young Taoist priest. He put away the long sword and whisk in his hand, and formed an unusually complicated seal with both hands. A blurry phantom is standing between heaven and earth, overlooking all living beings in the world!

Divine Ability · Wanfa Liuxian!

Fa Tianxiangdi's punch fell, and the vague phantom in the air seemed to stretch out his hand lightly, and the rules between heaven and earth changed in an instant, as if it turned into countless chains wrapped around Fa Tianxiangdi, letting Chu Xiu's Fist, how can not fall down.

Three breaths of time, the two sides insisted on three breaths of time, although only three breaths, but the power fluctuations are straight into the sky, which is extremely terrifying.

Chu Xiu's figure moved, the power of Fa Tianxiangdi withdrew, and at the same time, the young Taoist also dispersed the powerful phantom.

"If the robbery fails, I can't rob you." Chu Xiu said lightly.

Chu Xiu came to rob, not to fight for life and death.

Although he still has a lot of hole cards that he has not used, he believes that the same is true for the opponent.

The young Taoist shook his head and said, "Actually, I also wanted to rob you in reverse, but now it seems that I can't rob you either.

Forget it, don't waste your time, brother, I wish you a successful robbery. We will meet again in front of the Daluo Shrine. "

When he was about to leave, the young Taoist cupped his hands towards Chu Xiu and said, "Northern Region, Sanqing Hall, Fang Yizhen."

Chu Xiu also cupped his hands and said, "East Region, Chu Xiu."

After typing, they reported their names, and both of them had a clear look in their eyes.

Chu Xiu had only been loud in the East Domain before, but as he joined forces with the Heavenly Demon Palace to destroy the Bliss Demon Palace, his reputation in Daluotian was definitely higher than he imagined.

Although Fang Yizhen's name, Chu Xiu, has never been heard before, as long as he hears the name of Sanqingdian, Chu Xiu will know that the opponent's strength is absolutely normal.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Daomen Supreme Sanqing Hall is even the largest sect of Daluotian.

Therefore, it is not surprising that young disciples from Sanqing Palace can show the cultivation of half-step Martial Immortal Realm. Even if a Martial Immortal jumps out now, Chu Xiu is not surprised.

Fang Yizhen Shi Shiran left, but Chu Xiu continued to stand by and treat others in place.

Chu Xiu's harvest in the past few days is not bad. He has accumulated more than 100 tokens, but if he wants to safely enter the Daluo Shrine to practice, this number may have to increase several times before he can barely.

At this time, in another section of Zhongzhou, in the ghostly temple, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, directly strangling all the existences within the field of vision without distinction, and even the ghosts hiding in the deepest part have also turned into soul crystals.

The illusion dissipated, and what was revealed was a warrior wearing a green robe and holding a green long sword. It was Yu Wenfu, the successor of the Lingtian Sword Sovereign who was defeated by Chu Xiu in the past.

Yu Wenfu is still a man of shame and courage. Since the last time he was defeated in the hands of Chu Xiu in the Lingxiao Sect, he had no face to return to his master, but immediately began to retreat and cultivate until the news that the Daluo Shrine was opened in advance. Come on, he just left.

"Brother Yuwen's strength has improved again. It seems that the evil spirits in Zhongzhou can't help you."

A middle-aged warrior with a slightly fat body, wearing a brocade robe and a warm smile on his face complimented him.

This person is Sikongtan, the sect master of the Southern Territory Shenji Sect.

Originally, a martial artist like Sikongtan would rarely come to Zhongzhou to try his luck, but he was in his prime, but he was not willing to give up like this in this life, so he came here to gamble.

Yu Wenfu said solemnly: "It's nothing, these are just the weakest demons, as long as they are not deceived by the illusion in front of them, they can kill them with their eyes closed.

My master said that a truly terrifying demon cannot kill him unless he finds out his true identity, even if you are a Martial Immortal.

It's both fantasy and reality, the influence of that level of demons is your state of mind, not this simple fantasy. "

Sikongtan shook his head and said, "When we meet a demon of this level, we can only run for our lives, and only someone like Brother Yuwen can fight against it.

By the way, brother Yuwen, before you came in, you asked me to pay attention to Chu Xiu's movements. Now I have found where he is. "

Yu Wenfu immediately asked, "Where is Chu Xiu?"

Sikongtan said with a strange expression: "Then Chu Xiu is now guarding in a canyon between the outskirts of Zhongzhou and the hinterland, and he hasn't moved a place for a long time."

"What is he doing there?"



Sikongtan nodded and said, "It's just robbery. That canyon is one of the only ways to go to the hinterland of Zhongzhou. He stopped there and robbed a lot of warriors' tokens and soul crystals~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Yu Wenfu's face showed a gloomy look: "Then Chu Xiu has a good plan, and it fits his character.

However, doing too much injustice will lead to suicide. This Chu Xiu is so arrogant and domineering, he really thinks that this Zhongzhou is opened by his family? "

Sikongtan said cautiously, "Brother Yuwen, are you really going to attack that Chu Xiu?

It's not that I raise other people's ambitions, but that Chu Xiu is not easy to match.

Not long ago, this son joined hands with the Tianmo Palace to destroy the Bliss Demon Palace, but he was a ruthless man who dared to use a knife with a martial arts expert.

The competition for the Daluo Shrine is extremely dangerous. Maybe in the end, if we don't do anything, then Chu Xiu will be killed by other people or ghosts. "

Yu Wenfu snorted coldly: "I've heard about this too, you lifted that Chu Xiu too high.

At that time, the main shot was Yuan Kongcheng, a martial immortal powerhouse, the Heavenly Demon Palace's 'Covering Demon Hand'. What does it have to do with him, Chu Xiu? He was just secretly instigating the soft-hearted small forces in the Southern Region to be cannon fodder, and he would only play with those conspiracies!

My lineage of Sword Master Ling Tian is not the right way, and my master has never taught me what it means to be patient!

He just told me that everything he lost and everything he wanted must be retrieved with the sword in his hand.

I will avenge this revenge myself. Others have killed Chu Xiu and abolished Chu Xiu, so what does it have to do with me? "

Sikongtan couldn't help rubbing his head. Are all sword-wielding guys so paranoid? Is all the sword qi you cultivate in your mind? The people of the Sword Sect in the world are like this, and so is Yu Wenfu, the descendant of Sword Sovereign Ling Tian, ​​who doesn't know how to adapt.

Of course he thought so, but he dared not say it.

He is the head of a middle-class sect, and he has finally become a good friend with a strong descendant of Gu Zun, but he does not dare to offend the other party.

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