Meet The Leader

Chapter 1270: ghost general

Sikongtan vomited blood in frustration, and seeing Yu Wenfu, who was also spitting blood, almost wanted to vomit blood on his face.

Before Yu Wenfu looked like he was holding a Zhizhu, and what he said was within his own calculations.

You count a hammer!

Now the two of us are lying here side by side vomiting blood, is it also in your calculations?

In fact, Yuwen's calculations were really detailed before, and they were even accurate to what they should do every quarter of an hour.

According to the previous plan, the two of them took action to hold Chu Xiu down and fought fiercely with him, and then Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang went to attract the powerful demon, both ways.

When they got tired of dragging Chu Xiu here, the ghost general also arrived, and then Xu Jiang used a secret method to brand Chu Xiu, and let Chu Xiu and the ghost general go desperately.

The result is good now, there is still no news from Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang, and they have made a huge mistake.

They underestimated Chu Xiu, but overestimated themselves.

Even delaying Chu Xiu, given the current gap in combat power between the two sides, it would be good if they could make more moves.

Chu Xiu walked slowly, and said lightly: "God has the virtue of good life, in fact, I don't like killing people very much.

Although you are taking the initiative to trouble me today, but I will show mercy once, hand over the token and soul crystal, and I will let you live. "

Sikongtan whispered to Yu Wenfu through voice transmission: "Brother Yuwen, forget it for now. This Chu Xiu is too sharp and hard to mess with. Let's go back for now and think about other plans."

"It doesn't count!

Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang have already led the ghost generals to come, as long as we hold back Chu Xiu, there is still a chance! "

Sikongtan said helplessly: "But what are we going to do to delay it?"

"Take your life to drag!"

As Yu Wenfu's voice fell, a surge of qi and blood rose up all over his body and merged into his sword.

The sword's edge is stained with blood, and the sword's energy is vertical and horizontal.

At this moment, Yu Wenfu's entire body seemed to be integrated into the long sword.

No sky, no land, no self, no sword!

Yu Wenfu was nowhere to be seen in the whole world. Some, he just held a blood sword that seemed to tear the world apart!

Chu Xiu frowned and intuitively told him that something was wrong.

There is a grudge between him and Yu Wenfu, but is Yu Wenfu taking the wrong medicine? He clearly didn't want to kill someone, so he was rarely merciful and gave him a way to survive, but he didn't run away, and he had to work hard. What kind of routine is this?

He has nothing to do with him about killing his father or stealing his wife. Isn't he just defeated once in his own hands, so he can't look at it like that? This fellow's heart is too small, right?

Seeing the blood sword tearing through the sky and slashing towards him, Chu Xiu's eyes also revealed a murderous intent, a deep murderous intent.

This time, he really didn't want to use the killer, he only robbed money, not his life.

But since Yu Wenfu wants to court death himself, then let him do it!

The whole body of the gods opened up, and within a few hundred meters, all the power was under his control.

The yin and yang were disordered, the five elements were reversed, and all the power was controlled by Chu Xiu, constantly strangling the blood sword that was slashed at him, revealing the appearance of Yu Wenfu.

Misty Slash fell, the extreme sharpness collided with the sword, and the powerful edge formed a huge storm in an instant, rising into the sky.

Using blood as a guide, Yu Wenfu integrated his own strength into the long sword, and turned his body into a sword.

But even so, this kind of power still poses no threat to Chu Xiu.

"Sikongtan! Haven't you made a move yet? Use your magic array!"

Yu Wenfu's voice rang in Sikongtan's ears, and he was helpless, so he had to follow suit.

He finally became good friends with Yu Wenfu, mixed into the circle of their ancient ancestors, and today he followed Yu Wenfu to besiege Chu Xiu, even if this hatred was forged.

If he doesn't make a move at this time, he has no benefit at all except offending both sides.

As Yu Wenfu's voice fell, Sikongtan's whole body lit up with a shining point of light.

Looking closely, these light spots turned out to be small array plates and some weapons and the like.

But at this time, all of these things were affected by the qi chains, forming a wonderful formation, and the source of the qi chains was Sikongtan himself.

Sikong Tan was born in the grass, so in his early years, in order to accumulate financial resources, in addition to martial arts, he was also good at formation, weapon refining and other things.

Although he couldn't compare with professional crafting masters or formation masters, those people might not be as strong as him in martial arts.

Originally, there were so many things that were complex and not refined, but Sikongtan was considered a genius of the sky. He actually merged all these messy things into one, combined with his own martial arts to create a great array of magic, as his Killer.

The dense array of formations and some weapons and the like emerged one by one. God knows how much heritage Sikongtan has accumulated over the years.

But these seemingly irrelevant things were connected together by his secret method, and the power began to communicate with each other, forming a strange formation, shrouding Chu Xiu down!

At the same time, a ruthless look appeared in Yu Wenfu's eyes, the blood in his body erupted again, the blood sword was in the air, and that sharp edge had already arrived in front of Chu Xiu in the next moment!

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, the demonic energy around his body erupted violently, like a black hole, madly absorbing all the power around him.

His stature began to skyrocket, and the celestial manifestations of the law were displayed. At this moment, Chu Xiu was like the reincarnation of the devil, and it was extremely terrifying.

The left hand slapped out, and the powerful force directly smashed the **** sword. A crack appeared on the sword of the magic weapon in Yu Wenfu's hand, which finally expanded and shattered. He was also completely smashed by this blow. Fei, his body seemed to be about to shatter, becoming a **** man.

At the same time, Chu Xiu's right fist fell, and there was a crackling sound, and all the weapons in the array burst under Chu Xiu's punch.

Although Sikongtan stopped in time and cut off the connection with those things, he was still swept away by the fist wind, like a gourd rolling on the ground, flying backwards, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He was not hurt, but distressed.

These arrays, those weapons, are not astral, they can be recovered after they are exhausted. Those are all the wealth he has accumulated over the years!

As a result, now, everything has been destroyed in Chu Xiu's hands. After working hard for hundreds of years, one move has returned to the pre-development.

Sikongtan wanted to cry without tears, and now he even had the heart to strangle Yu Wenfu.


That's magic!

Even the most powerful warriors in the Martial Immortal Realm are not 100% capable of supernatural powers, but they are so skillful in the hands of a warrior in the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm like Chu Xiu. This is simply bullying. The two sides are not at the same level Come on, how do you fight this?

Chu Xiu came with the broken time in his hand, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

He didn't force him to ask him why he was going to fight with him, which was no longer important to Chu Xiu.

He had already left them a ray of life, but Yu Wenfu was still serious, and if he wanted to fight him to the death, then he would fulfill him.

A life-and-death struggle requires the consciousness of a life-and-death struggle, and no one is immune to this.

Anyone who kills Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu will not let him go.

Chu Xiu couldn't do it with virtue, but he could still do it with killing.

Seeing that Chu Xiu came with murderous aura, Sikong Tan was utterly cowardly, and finally burst out with his last strength and began to flee for his life.

Yu Wenfu couldn't control it himself.

This idiot was courting death himself, but he didn't want to stay with Yu Wenfu to court death.

It's time for a life-and-death crisis, and he can't care so much anymore.

But at this moment, a terrifying aura suddenly struck, the gloomy wind burst, and the shrill roars, the entire sky instantly became extremely gloomy, and the sound of the gods and ghosts cries resounded throughout the world.

Sikongtan's eyes suddenly lit up, he was saved!

At this time, Yu Wenfu, who was severely injured by Chu Xiu, also laughed while vomiting blood.

Chen Jiulong and Xu will meet earlier than he expected!

In fact, it wasn't Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang's action block, but the one behind them was too They had to speed up.

A dragon-shaped golden figure was flying at the bottom of the air, and it was carrying a person. Its speed was as fast as lightning.

With Chu Xiu's eyesight, he could only vaguely see that the other party should be a burly man.

And the person he brought with him was a young man wearing a white Confucian robe.

Of course, none of these attracted Chu Xiu's attention. All his eyes were on the thing behind them.

It was an extremely terrifying existence.

He is nearly ten feet tall, wearing a black armor all over his body, holding a huge crescent sword, with blood-colored rays of light blooming on it.

It has no flesh and blood around it, and what is exposed is a layer of black mist that seems to materialize. Even its face is the same, only two scarlet eyes, emitting a penetrating red glow.

That thing is not a human, but it doesn't look like a ghost, because its imposing manner is too strong, and it has condensed into a substance. This is simply two concepts from the ghost in Chu Xiu's impression.

But within Zhongzhou, this thing is not a ghost, what is it?

Wherever that thing passed, all the power was assimilated into a power of evil and evil, not demonic energy, to be precise, it should be ghost energy.

Along the way, he left a long ghost field directly in place, and even the vitality of heaven and earth was excluded.

Chen Jiulong almost burst out his strongest strength and started to gallop, not because of Yu Wenfu, but because that thing was too scary, if he was caught a little slower, his line would basically be the last. .

But when he arrived at the agreed place, he didn't see the exhausted Chu Xiu, but only Yu Wenfu and Sikongtan lying there miserably, which made him suddenly startled. , seems to be a little different.

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