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Chapter 1277: Today I know that I am who I am

Compared with the unwillingness and resentment suffered by the animal realm, the various pains suffered by the **** realm, and the gentle bone-eroding knife of the heaven and human realm, the Shura Dao was the most lethal for Chu Xiu.

Asura Road has only one theme, and that is killing.

Asura was born to kill, without any emotion, only know how to fight and kill.

In the **** rivers and lakes, killing is also indispensable.

Chu Xiu had no count of killing people in his life, but he dared to say that he was not lost in this kind of killing.

Killing for the sake of killing is the real loss.

Fortunately, what he experienced in that **** before was the same scene, but he held on in the end, so this time, the Asura Dao couldn't help Chu Xiu.

The scene was transformed again, this time it became the realm of hungry ghosts.

Countless hungry ghosts with slender statures but with swelled abdomens like pregnant women wailed in the hungry ghost realm, thirsting for food.

But no matter how much food there is, they can't fill their stomachs. What the hungry ghost represents is greed, endless greed!

Chu Xiu is also greedy, it should be said that the world is greedy for everything.

From birth, greed is engraved in the deepest part of people's hearts.

Can pick fruit to satisfy one's stomach, but want to eat meat, so people invented knives and guns to hunt and kill living things.

Cooked meat tastes better than raw meat, so people know how to use fire to make meat more delicious.

Everyone is greedy, greedy for better things, but it is also because of greed that people become stronger.

Chu Xiu is also greedy, greedy for power, greed for freedom, greed is the peak state, the only difference is that he can face up to this kind of greed.

The power of Hungry Ghost Dao can't help Chu Xiu, this kind of greed Chu Xiu doesn't even need to be suppressed, because it is a part of his own emotions, why should he suppress it?

The scene change of the last reincarnation, the vast world, the vast beings, the human world!

Compared with the other five paths, the human path is the most complicated one.

In this life, Chu Xiu was born as a human being. When he was young, his family was poor, his parents died early, and he was bullied by others.

After studying hard and becoming a talent, he was admitted to a career, but he was suppressed by Shangguan, and his future was slim.

When people reach middle age, they do nothing, and finally give up their own persistence and join forces with them, but they are despised by their wives and children, and they eventually become lonely.

Just as the new emperor ascended the throne, thoroughly investigated corruption, was pulled out by Shangguan as a scapegoat, and when Caishikou was beheaded, the people who cheered were those who were saved when he was an honest official.

Decades of life, involuntarily, life involuntarily, suffering!

Every detail seemed to exist, imprinted in Chu Xiu's mind, making him almost breathless.

The ordinary illusion can't help but Chu Xiu, but in these six reincarnations, everything he has experienced is too real, so real that he can even remember it clearly every day.

In this life, he is not the demon master Chu Xiu who traverses the lower realm and Da Luotian, or the martial arts powerhouse who smashes mountains and rivers with his fists.

When he was bullied as a child, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and tolerate the humiliation.

When he was suppressed by Shangguan, he was helpless. Under the power, he was like an ant.

His wife and children didn't understand him, and when he left him, he had nothing to do. People's hearts were the most difficult to restore.

In the end, when Cai Shikou was beheaded, the feeling that even his life was out of his control was the hardest thing for Chu Xiu to bear.

Humanity, being a human being is the hardest!

Fortunately, Chu Xiu didn't get lost in these six reincarnations, and he still survived.

Looking at the white space around him, Chu Xiu said lightly, "I've tried all six reincarnations, and now I haven't shown my true body yet?"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, the six realms of reincarnation appeared in front of him again, but this time, Chu Xiu was thrown directly into the human realm and reincarnated!

At this moment, Chu Xiu's complexion suddenly changed, he underestimated this monster, or he missed one thing.

The martial artist of the previous Zhanwu Shenzong sent this news to Chu Xiu before it dissipated. It was indeed a good intention, and he wanted to be grateful, not to deceive him.

In his opinion, Chu Xiu is the only existence that can shake the ghost general for thousands of years, find out his weakness and free him, his strength is comparable to a martial arts, and he can solve a normal high-level ghost without any problem getting things. of.

And Chu Xiu actually thought the same way, so along the way, Chu Xiu was very calm, as if he was either going to face a high-level demon or dig for treasure.

But he ignored one point, that was thousands of years ago.

Although ghosts are not human, they will become stronger with the passage of time.

Because the attack methods of ghosts are a bit elusive, Da Luotian's warriors simply divided ghosts into low-level, middle-level and high-level.

Low-level ghosts are just born ghosts with simple abilities, and warriors in the realm of real fire can easily kill them.

The middle-level demons have been able to infiltrate people's hearts and create illusions. If a warrior in the real fire refining **** realm can't get it right, he will die.

The high-level demons are those who can threaten the existence of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm, and they should be treated with caution.

As for the high-level ghosts, I didn't say anything, but high-level ghosts are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. This thing was a high-level ghost thousands of years ago. Compared with thousands of years, how much has his ability improved?

Chu Xiu didn't have time to think about it, but the experiences and memories of one lifetime after another were forcibly stuffed into his mind.

There are seven hardships in life, birth, old age, sickness and death, love and hate meeting, resentment and separation, and nothing to ask for.

Chu Xiu experienced these things over and over again, he wanted to forget, but he couldn't.

Even in the end, Chu Xiu was a little confused, and gradually forgot that he was Chu Xiu, the devil who traversed the world, but became a member of this cycle of reincarnation, wasting his life.

In the Reincarnation Temple, the smiles on the faces of those ghost monks were extremely strange, making Shang Tianliang straight.

Chu Xiu has already entered one of the hours, why hasn't he come out yet?

Although Shang Tianliang did not enter it, his own feelings told him that this six-path reincarnation was very dangerous.

Even if he had confidence in Chu Xiu, at this time, he was a little unsure.

At this time, in that reincarnation, Chu Xiu had no idea how many lives he had experienced, how much suffering he had experienced, and his mind was almost filled with those memories.

But at this moment, a word suddenly popped out of Chu Xiu's mind.

I am alone!

He has his own memory, but he is the avatar of Dugu only me, so is he considered to be Dugu only me?

Tianhun has the inheritance of the martial arts of Dugu only me, has the body of Dugu only me, and also has all the memories of Dugu only me. Is he Tianhun or Dugu only me?

Why am I me?

Why am I me?

How can I know... that I am me?

Is it the body, the soul, or the memory?

Chu Xiu is not a person who likes to think too much. He would never think too much about this kind of problem before, but today it suddenly appeared in his mind.

During the reincarnation, Chu Xiu was a street vendor in this life. He came from a difficult background and was illiterate. He was in troubled times. It was not easy to survive, and he was also bullied by soldiers and gangs in the city.

In front of him, a gangster kicked over his stall and said viciously: "Boy, can you pay the bill for this month? If you don't pay it again, you will dare to appear on this street in the future. you once!"

But what made the **** strange was that the boy in front of him did not panic, but instead laughed, laughing, and his heart was trembling with laughter.

"Boy, are you crazy? What are you laughing at?"

Chu Xiu raised his head, there was no fear and confusion in his eyes, and his eyes were extremely clear.

"How did Bodhi come to have the fruit of realization, only today can I know that I am who I am.

I am me, I am Chu Xiu, why? "

The voice fell, the body of the gangster in front of him began to shatter, the entire city, the whole world was shattering!

The six reincarnations have collapsed!

Outside, just when Shang Tianliang was a little uncertain, Chu Xiu suddenly appeared in front of him, startling him.

But before he could speak, everything around him was dissipating.

Those terrifying ghost monks are dissipating, and Samsara Temple is also There are only two corpses left on the ground, two lifelike corpses.

One is a monk, and according to his clothes, he should be a person from Tianluobaosha, and the other is a warrior of the Zhanwu Shenzong.

Shang Tianliang said in surprise: "Then you solved the monster? How did you solve it? This monster's predecessor was transformed by this monk?"

"I said, if you want to solve the ghost, you just need to enter his rules. If I break his rules, I will naturally solve the ghost."

As Chu Xiu spoke, he took out a bracelet next to the monk's body.

The bracelet seemed to be made of gold, with six gems inlaid on it, and various strange Sanskrit characters were engraved around it.

Chu Xiu sighed: "That monster was not created by this monk, but by the spirit of this bracelet. It's strange, it's really strange."

Shang Tianliang was also a little speechless, Chu Xiu seemed to be different from normal people.

There are special ghosts in existence, but there are definitely not many.

Chu Xiu was lucky, there were three high-level demons in total, and two of them were special.

At this moment, Chu Xiu took the bracelet on his hand. The next moment, a strange brilliance shone. In Chu Xiu's eyes, the six paths of reincarnation were constantly revolving. .

Shang Tianliang just glanced at it, and his spirit seemed to have gone through many years, which made him shake his head suddenly, and said in amazement: "What are you? the power of?"

Chu Xiu shook the six-path reincarnation bracelet and said, "Its artifact spirit is scattered, but in my hand, I am its artifact spirit, and I can control everything that artifact spirit can control.

I said that it is beneficial to take the initiative to enter the rules of those ghosts and compete with them. Now you see, the benefits are coming. "

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