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Chapter 126: Inverse calculation

ps: Thanks to book friends, I am Lin, Shuhuang 1997, Love Too Beautiful, Cherish the 10,000-point reward of ing Phantom.

At the same time, with one enemy and two, in fact, the helmsman of Heaven's Sin did not fall into a clear disadvantage.

The killers of the Azure Dragon Society are almost all those who have experienced a hundred battles, especially those who can survive to the level of the helmsman of Heavenly Sin. They may not be enough in other areas, but their combat effectiveness is extremely amazing.

Although Meng Yuanlong and others are famous, they usually deal with sect affairs in addition to their cultivation, and what about the killers of the Azure Dragon Society? In addition to cultivating, their lives are killing people.

In a real one-on-one battle, neither Bai Jihu nor Meng Yuanlong can be said to be the opponents of the rudder master of Heavenly Sin, and they must be suppressed by them.

But now that the two of them are shooting together, they also have a bottom line in their hearts. It is almost impossible to **** the blood jade with the power of the rudder of the gods.

At this time, the helmsman of Tiansin is also looking into the distance. The time is coming, and the arrangement he left should also be activated, right?

He didn't feel any pity about the calculation of Chu Xiu.

He also admitted that Chu Xiu's strength and ability are indeed very strong, and he will almost certainly become the ace killer of the Azure Dragon Society in the future, adding glory to their guilt.

But these things are nothing compared to Xueyu Linglong. There is only one Xueyu Linglong, but there are many talented killers.

At the beginning, it was only because he did it smoothly that Chuxiu entered the Qinglong Club. If he could find one Chuxiu, he would be confident to find the second and third Chuxiu.

Moreover, for the helm of Tiansin, he never wanted to stay in this Beiyan's sub-rudder for the rest of his life. For him, the entire Tiansin sub-rudder was just a springboard for him.

In the past, he was calculated and made a mistake, which led to being kicked by Dalongshou in a fit of anger to the rudder of this godless sin, but after his strength has grown greatly, he will return to the headquarters again sooner or later. It's just a springboard for him to return to the headquarters of the Azure Dragon Society, that's all.

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin was playing against Meng Yuanlong and Bai Jihu in a leisurely manner.

If the next plan goes well, the arrangement on Chu Xiu's side is detonated, and most of the people are attracted to Chu Xiu's side. That's when he really exerts his strength, and now he naturally needs to leave some spare energy.

At this time, Chu Xiu was among the crowd watching the fun, calculating the time in his heart.

The disciple of the Fang family said that the time was only half a quarter of an hour. Obviously, after half an hour, the exquisite blood jade in his hand would undergo some changes.

What this change is, we will find out later.

Just when Chu Xiu felt that the time was almost up, he suddenly rushed out and shouted at the helmsman of Tiansin: "Master helmsman, the things have been obtained!"

The words fell, and the box containing the exquisite blood jade was directly blessed by Chu Xiu and threw it to the helmsman of Tiansin.

Hearing the words "Xueyu Linglong", the helmsman of Heavenly Sin subconsciously turned around to catch the box, but he suddenly realized that it was Chu Xiu's voice!

Among the crowd, Chu Xiu gave a stern smile to the helmsman, and immediately escaped into the crowd again.

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin immediately secretly said that it was not good, but at this time, a dazzling blood-colored light burst out from the box in his hand, and even went straight to the sky, looking extremely magnificent.

The expressions of Bai Qihu and Meng Yuanlong suddenly changed: "Blood jade is exquisite!"

That dazzling blood-colored light is exactly the vision that Xueyu Linglong burst out. Because the powerful blood energy in it is too strong, after Xueyu Linglong is opened from the secret box, once it receives any external impact, it will automatically overflow. This kind of blood is coming.

Back then, the Qingchen faction and the Jindaomen were able to discover that the Fang family had opened the blood jade exquisite, because the Fang family accidentally dropped the blood jade exquisite to the ground, and this kind of **** glow erupted, which attracted the two. pie people.

What Bai Jihu and Meng Yuanlong didn't understand now was how the people of the Azure Dragon Society got this **** jade in full view.

But at this time, they couldn't allow them to think too much. The two of them instantly burst out with the strongest power to kill the Lord of Heavenly Sin, and they had to keep him here.

The face of the helmsman of Tiansin changed, and he scolded secretly: "Damn!"

At this time, he still didn't understand, his calculations were seen through by Chu Xiu, and he was so bold that he dared to reverse his calculations!

This series of changes made the people below unable to react. At this time, even the head of the Fang family was stunned. Xueyu Linglong was guarded by two elders and other disciples of their Fang family, and even a few Juyi How could Zhuang's disciple join the assassins of the Azure Dragon Society for no reason?

Patriarch Fang grabbed a disciple who ran out of the Fang's house and asked, "What happened? When was the blood jade Linglong taken away?"

The disciple shook his head in a panic and said, "Xueyu Linglong has always been in the inner house, and no one has touched it. The two elders are also wondering, let me come out and take a look."

The owner of the Fang family was stunned for a moment, no one was going to touch the blood jade exquisite, so why did two blood jade exquisite run out?

But at this time, the disciple of the Fang family suddenly said: "But I seem to have seen the seventh young master go out with something similar to the box, and the seventh young master has not come back."

The head of the Fang family was stunned: "Damn! This bastard!"

The seventh young master is not his son, but the heir of his younger brother, who is also the direct line of the Fang family, and is naturally qualified to enter the Fang family's inner house.

The blood jade was just lost here, and the Seventh Young Master over there has disappeared. It is easy to be associated with stealing the beam and changing the column.

It's just that everyone is in a mess now, but no one imagines how the Seventh Young Master would do this under the guards of the elders of the Fang family and the disciples of Juyi Village.

The words of the Fang family were also heard intermittently by Bai Jihu and Meng Yuanlong, who were extremely powerful in perception. The two sneered at the helmsman of Heavenly Sin: "It's a good way to bribe the idiots in the Fang family as a traitor, and replace the blood jade Linglong. , I underestimate you!"

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin threw the fake blood jade in his hand to the two of them, and snorted coldly: "Stealing the beam and changing the pillar! If I succeed in stealing the beam and changing the pillar, can I still let you guys find out? This thing is fake. , I was also calculated by others!"

Having said that, the helmsman of Heavenly Sin was about to leave, but was stopped by Bai Jihu and Meng Yuanlong.

Bai Yanhu said coldly, "Do you think we would believe it? Hand over the real blood jade!"

Preconceived, the series of actions of the helmsman of Heaven's Sin indicate that he is going to steal the boat and take the **** jade, but in fact the original plan is indeed like this.

Now the helmsman of Heavenly Sin threw the fake blood jade Linglong to the two of them in anger, which made them even more suspicious.

Who knows what means the helmsman of Tiansin has, to be able to dispose of things without the knowledge of the gods and the ghosts, if they really believe the words of the helmsman of Tiansin, they will be called idiots.

So now, no matter who is in the hands of this **** jade, let's take down the helmsman of Heavenly Sin first!

With two enemies and one, even if the Heavenly Sin Helmlord's combat effectiveness is strong, they will have a good chance of winning in the end.

Seeing that he was being entangled by the two of them, the helmsman of Heavenly Sin was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

Right now, these two people didn't even give him a chance to explain, what else could he do except fight hard?

At this time, Chu Xiu had already sneaked into the inner courtyard while the helmsman was fighting with people in the front courtyard.

At this time, Xueyu Linglong was still in the Fang's inner courtyard, and the fight was hot outside. The people in the Fang's inner courtyard and the Juyi Village martial artist who was in charge of guarding Xueyu Linglong were confused.

The person sent out said that Xueyu Linglong had been stolen, but several of them have been here all the time. How could Xue Linglong be lost?

The Seventh Young Master from the Fang family did come here for a walk, but in his capacity, he was not qualified to contact the **** jade, and he was scolded by the two elders of the Fang family just after walking around.

The few people who guarded Xueyu Linglong felt a little confused. Is the one they are guarding now really Xueyu Linglong?

One of the elders of the Fang family said cautiously, "How about we open it up and take a look? Is this blood jade exquisite?"

A martial artist from Juyi Village glanced at him and snorted coldly: "What are you looking at? You Fang family are too embarrassed to look at it? You don't even know that there is a traitor in your own people, it's just a joke!"

When the elder Fang heard the words, his nose turned grey, but at this moment, the door was pushed open. Just as the elder Fang was about to ask who it was, a crimson knife light swept across, and the elder Fang immediately It was cut into two pieces by this knife!

There are four people in the house, and the two elders of the Fang family are only in the innate realm, and they are simply trash, which is not a cause for concern.

The real trouble is the two Inner Astral Martial Artists of Juyi Village. If they can't be solved as soon as possible, it will be called trouble.

It only took a split second from pushing the door in and starting the killing The three people present had not reacted, and blood had already splashed with the blade.

That Chu Xiu's knife that was going to the extreme was hidden in the blood. Another elder of the Fang family had clearly seen Chu Xiu's knife attack, but just as he raised the long sword in his hand, he was hit by Chu Xiu's knife. Cut off the head!


The other two warriors from Juyi Village shouted angrily and subconsciously killed Chu Xiu.

At this moment, Chu Xiu's eyes and his knife were stained with a layer of black gas, and the knife slashed, as if the gate of **** was in full bloom, the blade slipped, and purgatory was endless!

In order to speed up the battle, Chu Xiu directly used his strongest Abi Dao three swords. Even the warriors of the outer astral realm were not so easy to block, let alone the warriors of the inner astral realm.

At the moment when Abitao's three knives fell, a warrior was beheaded on the spot, and there was no trace of knife marks on his body, but the blood was strangely drawn away, like a mummified corpse.

Another Inner Astral Martial Artist from Juyi Village passed the terrifying magic knife. Although he was lucky not to die, his eyes showed endless horror and immediately ran outside.

Chu Xiu's Great Abandoned Son grabbed his hand and wanted to pull it back, but the martial artist turned his hand into a palm, and there was a hint of coldness in Chu Xiu's eyes, and the grabbing hand instantly became the hand of the Heavenly Destroyer Da Ziyang. When this palm fell, the opponent's arm was completely twisted, and the Ziyang Demon Flame entered his body, making him want to mourn.

But before he wailed, Chu Xiu dropped another palm, directly smashing the opponent's meridians, picked up the exquisite blood jade in the secret box, turned around and ran! Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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