Meet The Leader

Chapter 1279: Friends of Buddhism, jealous of evil

ps: Thanks for the reward of 50,000 starting coins for sweet and sour radish sticks, congratulations on becoming the 32nd leader of this book ^_^

Chu Xiu suddenly shot, not only Shang Tianliang was a little confused, but even the monk Faming was a little confused.

Before seeing a Great Sun Tathagata seal falling, the monk Faming, who was in despair, thought that a fellow from Tianluobaosha came to save him, but he did not expect it to be a strange warrior.

Judging from the appearance of Chu Xiu, he is definitely not a member of the Sanskrit religion, but why did he come to save him, and why did he know his Buddhist practice?

But at this time, when the three Sanskrit warriors saw Chu Xiu's face, the three of them were stunned for a moment, and then said in amazement, "Chu Xiu! It's actually you!"

People in the Sanskrit religion can know Chu Xiu, not because Chu Xiu's reputation is already big enough to shock the Western Regions, but Xin Jialuo told them before coming in that they should pay attention to Chu Xiu, if they find Chu Xiu's trace , Kill if there are many people, flee if there are few people, if it can be captured alive, it is best, if not, then seal up his true spirit and take his head back.

Xin Jialuo knew the strength of Chu Xiu, so what he meant was that the hordes of warriors from the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm could go and kill Chu Xiu, and it would be better if there were fewer people.

It's just that these three people have misunderstood what Xin Jialuo meant, or Xin Jialuo did not make it clear.

In their opinion, there are three people on their side, and the number is already 'a lot', while on Chu Xiu's side, there is only one person, plus a monk Faming who has been severely injured, they must be 'few people' over there.

The warriors with thousands of giant snakes in the field sneered: "Chu Xiu, do you know that Lord Singara is also looking for you? We didn't trouble you, but you are now coming to the door.

Exactly, today we will solve the monk Faming, and you will also be solved! "

At this time, most of the golden Sanskrit characters on Monk Faming's body had been shattered, and he insisted: "This benefactor, you also have a grudge with Sanskrit? It's okay, you'd better go.

The poor monk is here to hold them back, and I only ask the donor to tell them the news of the poor monk's death when he finds the person who sees my Tianlu Baosha in the future, so that they can avenge the poor monk! "

Monk Faming didn't recognize Chu Xiu, but in his opinion, Chu Xiu just shot at a critical moment, and he still used Buddhist practice, and he also had hatred with Sanskrit, so he must be from his side, so he It was also subconsciously that he had a good impression of Chu Xiu, and he couldn't bear to see Chu Xiu also die here.

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "This is something I can't do. Master Faming should go and talk to the masters of the Tianluobao Temple in person."

Seeing that Chu Xiu didn't seem to take them seriously, the warrior in control of the thousand-headed giant snake said coldly, "Kill Chu Xiu first! He is the person named by Lord Singara!"

As the warrior's voice fell, the black giant snake in his domain suddenly let out a scream, and the black giant snake turned into a boundless thick fog, and in an instant, Chu Xiu was surrounded by it.

But before the remaining two people shot, Chu Xiu had already moved.

The next moment, the golden Buddha's light rose up from Chu Xiu's body, and behind him a great sun Tathagata appeared.

Chu Xiu stepped out, and in an instant, he came to the front of the warrior. He punched it down, and the layers of black mist around the opponent condensed into chains, but if you look closely, they turned out to be snake heads.

However, under absolute power, those snake heads were smashed to pieces by Chu Xiu in an instant, and even the martial artist was spitting out blood by Chu Xiu's punch, and the crackling sound of broken bones resounded through the air. Sleep.

Only then did the other two warriors react.

The world-destroying fire under Chu Xiu's feet burned violently, and at the same time, a roar shook his primordial spirit.

But unfortunately, this level of attack has little effect on Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu had already deduced the fire of destruction to a very deep level. Even if the palace lord of the former Daheitian Divine Palace came, there would not be Chu Xiuqiang, let alone other people.

As for the other person's Primordial Spirit offensive, for Chu Xiu, who had refined his soul crystals and tempered his state of mind during the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he didn't need to worry about it at all.

The next moment, they were horrified to discover that those world-annihilating fires actually avoided Chu Xiu, and the sound waves of the lion's roar seemed to have no effect on Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu landed again with a punch, shattering all the black mist in front of the warrior, grabbed the opponent's neck with his left hand, and picked him up. In his terrified eyes, there was a loud bang, and the opponent's head was already broken. crack!

Fa Ming, who was standing behind Chu Xiu, stared at this scene dumbfounded.

These three Vatican warriors are all at the level of the master of the first house in the Vatican, and if they can act as the master of the first house, even if they are not as good as Xin Jialuo, they are not ordinary people. As a result, in the hands of Chu Xiu, Just three punches and two kicks, and it's solved?

Although Chu Xiu's last resort was a little bit more brutal, Fa Ming was very pleased with it.

For other people, they will also pay attention to what is to be forgiven and forgive others, and what to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot.

But for the heretics of the Sanskrit religion, their existence for one day is a humiliation to the Tianlu Baosha!

Killing one person in a blink of an eye, Chu Xiu suddenly stepped towards the blank space in front of him.

A small black snake hidden on the ground was completely smashed by Chu Xiu's foot, and it let out a human-like howl.

"If you want to die, die cleanly. With these little tricks, do you still want to be resurrected in a place where ghosts and ghosts are everywhere in Zhongzhou?"

The warrior who controlled the fire of the world and the warrior with the lion's head looked at each other, and at the same time, they both saw the incomparable horror and panic in the eyes of the other party.

Half-step Martial Immortal!

Xin Jialuo had hurt them badly this time. If they had known that the other party was actually a half-step Martial Immortal, even if there were twice as many people, they would not dare to do anything with Chu Xiu.

At this time, the two of them had already lost their fighting spirit, and immediately burst into the strongest speed, turned around and ran.

Chu Xiu didn't chase, the broken moment in his hand had already surfaced, and when he slashed it down, the extreme edge suddenly came, invisible and intangible, but there was a sharp wink in the whole world, illuminating the entire sky. .

The Misty Slash, which is exerted with all its strength, is already an existence that is close to divine power.

The Brahma cultivator who used the fire of destroying the world suddenly touched his neck, but the next moment, his eyes suddenly fell, he fell to the ground, and his head was separated with a knife!

And the warrior with the lion head and the dharma form, before the misty slash came, although he could not find the trace of the sword, but at the juncture of life and death, he broke out the greatest potential.

The seal in his hand was very fast, and the next moment, a golden glow bloomed on the dharma behind him, lifelike.

In an instant, he actually swapped the position with his own dharma, and the lion-headed dharma was instantly torn apart by beheading, turning into qi and wafting away.

Under the shock, the martial artist directly squeezed the seal with his hand, and the blood-colored rays of light all over his body and the primordial spirit golden light erupted, and he chose to burn the blood essence and escape together with the primordial spirit in an instant.

He was really scared.

He has seen Banbu Martial Immortal. With the strength of the Sanskrit religion, there is no shortage of martial artists in the world, and he has seen more than one Banbu Martial Immortal.

But now Chu Xiu's strength is so powerful that it makes people tremble, even when Xin Jialuo is in the realm of half-step Martial Immortal, he is not as good as Chu Xiu.

Killing Heaven and Earth Tongxuan is like slaughtering a chicken and a dog, killing one person with one knife. This kind of terrifying strength simply makes him suspect that he is facing the supreme power of the Martial Immortal Realm!

But the next moment, he felt something was wrong.

Why is the speed of burning blood essence and primordial spirit so fast? Why do you get so much power?

They have already reached the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, and their control of their own power should not have such problems as excessive.

He wanted to stop the burning, but was horrified to discover that the burning power of qi, blood and primordial spirit was so strong that it was beyond his control. At this moment, he suddenly felt a powerful fist blowing beside him, stirring the void.

He subconsciously turned around and threw a punch, but the power seemed to have found a vent, and it exploded!

His body even shattered into a blood mist because he couldn't bear this powerful force!

Shang Tianliang fell from the air, shook his head and said, "Poor baby, what are you running for? The faster you run, the faster you die. Haven't you heard of it?"

Fa Ming, who was behind him, was already stunned. Where did the two half-step Martial Immortals come from?

After a long while, Faming finally came to his senses, took out a red cassock and draped it over his body, and solemnly said to Chu Xiu: "Faming in Huayan Pavilion, Tianluo Baosha, I would like to thank the patron of Chu for saving his life, and dare to ask Mr. Chu where he came from. group?"

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Born in the Lower Eastern Region, Gu Zun is a descendant of people, and serves as the county governor in Huangtian Pavilion.

In fact, Master Faming doesn’t need to worry about it, as you have seen, I have a grudge with Singara, the new Vishnu temple master of the Sanskrit religion, and the other party also wants to kill me and then hurry up.

So when I saw the Sanskrit gang, I would definitely take action.

And you have also seen Master Faming, I know the Buddhist practice.

Ten thousand years ago, when I was in the lower realm, my lineage had some origins with the Tianluobaosha, and I learned some Buddhist martial arts. The relationship was extremely close. Naturally, I couldn’t watch Master Faming being targeted by the people of the Sanskrit religion. "

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Faming suddenly had a good impression of him.

If the other party uses this matter to repay the favor, it is normal. The favor of Tianlu Baosha is very valuable.

All the sects in the entire Daluotian, except for the Sanqing Palace, Tianluobaosha can be said to be afraid of anyone.

But the more Chu Xiu said so lightly, the more Faming felt admiration, and he felt that Chu Xiu, the descendant of the ancient venerable, was really an upright person.

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