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Chapter 1287: before the decisive battle

Lu Fengxian's luck this time was astonishingly good.

Normally, it is normal for a warrior to die in Zhongzhou, but what is not normal is that someone will carry so many soul crystals and die in Zhongzhou.

Those who can collect so many soul crystals are definitely the powerhouses who are qualified to participate in the final competition for the Daluo Shrine.

As a result, the other party is now dead there, and there are only the ghosts that the other party transformed into after his death, and there are no other ghosts. The biggest possibility is that the other party was also killed by the ghosts, but he died with the ghosts.

And the timing of Lu Fengxian's visit was also very coincidental.

If he came a little later, the demon that the other party transformed into absorbed the power of the soul crystal and would directly become a high-level demon. At that time, even Lu Fengxian might only be able to save his life.

Lu Fengxian's luck is enviable, at least better than Chu Xiu, who has been unlucky all the way since entering Zhongzhou.

But no one was jealous of Lu Fengxian.

No matter how good his luck was, what he got was not for himself, but he gave it to Chu Xiu without reservation.

Chu Xiu didn't say thank you much, and between him and Lu Fengxian, there was no need to say more about these things.

"By the way, who of you has met Elder Wei?"

The people who entered Zhongzhou from Chu Xiu's side, except for Wei Shuya, all gathered here.

Of course, there is another Chen Qingdi, but Shang Tianliang has already met Chen Qingdi. With the strength of the other party, he must be pushed and crushed all the way, so there is no need to worry.

Mei Qinglian frowned and said, "Have you never met Elder Wei? We are the same."

Hearing what Mei Qinglian and the others said, Chu Xiu also frowned.

It stands to reason that everyone has entered the hinterland of Zhongzhou, the distance has gradually narrowed, and there are already many fellow warriors.

Moreover, what Chu Xiu has done in Zhongzhou during this period has also made him famous. Whether it is prestige or notoriety, in short, he is famous.

So it's been so long, Wei Shuya should have appeared too, but in the end, no one has seen Wei Shuya, which also made Chu Xiu's heart more hazy.

Although Wei Shuya's strength is not weak, it is not uncommon for a half-step Martial Immortal in Zhongzhou.

The most important thing is those ghosts, such as ghost generals, if a martial artist who is not proficient in Yuan Mysticism is dealt with, even a Martial Immortal will have a hard time defeating them.

Lu Fengxian comforted him from the side: "Brother Chu, don't worry, Mr. Wei has rich experience and sophisticated methods. Even if there is an accident, he should be able to survive it himself."

Lu Jianghe also said, "Who said no, that old man doesn't look like a short-lived guy."

Mei Qinglian glared at Lu Jianghe, would she speak?

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Don't think about it so much for now, and keep an eye on Elder Wei's movements."

Right now, in the land of Zhongzhou, even if everyone wanted to find Wei Shuya, there was nothing they could do.

So whether you are in a hurry or looking for it like a headless fly, it is almost useless and will waste your time.

Although Chu Xiu was also very worried about Wei Shuya, he was still able to maintain absolute sanity.

"Where are we going now?" Lu Jianghe asked.

Chu Xiu glanced at Fa Ming behind him and said, "I am now joining forces with Tianlu Baosha, preparing to deal with Sanskrit.

It's just that you are here, and my winning rate is a little more. "

Hearing Chu Xiu say that he actually joined forces with the monk of Tianluobaosha, Lu Jianghe and the others all widened their eyes with disbelief on their faces.

They all believed what Chu Xiu said, but now Chu Xiu actually said that he joined forces with Tianluo Baosha, how could it feel like a cat and a mouse playing at home?

However, they didn't believe that what Chu Xiu said was true after they arrived at the Tianluo Baosha's residence.

In addition, the monks of the Tianlu Baosha have a good sense of Chu Xiu. After all, it was Chu Xiu who solved their predicament, helped them break the situation, and also killed a lot of Sanskrit warriors.

For these monks in Tianlubaosha, as long as they can help them kill those heretical fellows, they are friends and allies.

Chu Xiu came to Fajing and said solemnly: "Master Fajing, our actions should have been discovered by the people of Sanskrit.

Before the people of the Sanskrit religion died one after another in my hands, as long as the people of the Sanskrit religion are not idiots, they have found that something is wrong.

Then I went to rescue the people under my command. Master Fa Ming was also present and was seen by many people.

Once someone spreads the word, I believe that the Sanskrit Church will soon know what we have done.

So now, fishing is useless, and it should be at the point where you can't see anything.

It's just that I don't know the preparation and determination of Tianluobaosha to do a showdown with Sanskrit? "

Fajing pointed to himself and the other disciples of the Celestial Temple and said, "All the disciples of the Celestial Temple have this preparation.

From the moment I entered Zhongzhou, I, Tian Luo Baosha, and the Sanskrit religion have always taken the stand of immortality.

As you have seen before, the Sanskrit religion specially prepared a secret method, which was used to target my Tianlu Baosha.

From the very beginning, the Sanskrit religion was not prepared to let my Tianlu Baosha also participate in the competition for the Daluo Shrine, and now, my Tianlu Baosha is naturally in this position. "

Fajing was born in Huasheng Pavilion, and Huasheng Pavilion was the most powerful pavilion in Tianluo Baocha, and often rushed to the front.

Therefore, the warriors of Huasheng Pavilion have a suffocating aura, but Fajing does not have it, but there is a coldness in him, and even the aura revealed inadvertently makes people feel chills in their hearts.

This monk has already moved the killing intent, targeting the killing intent of the Sanskrit religion.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said: "That's good, in fact, I am the same.

Singara wants to kill me, Sanskrit wants to kill me, then I will kill them first! "

The two of them also did not have the slightest murderous intent, but the cold aura was already emanating involuntarily.

At this time, there is no need for any planning and planning. As long as the Sanskrit religion emerges, the two sides must be in a **** battle.

There is only one in the Western Regions who are qualified to enter the Daluo Shrine for the ranking.

At this time, in the stronghold of the Sanskrit religion, Xin Jialuo brought the information collected by the other Sanskrit religion warriors, and the power of the rules of Xin Jialuo's whole body was a little restless.

Seeing the information on the intelligence, he was even a little angry and couldn't control the power of Martial Immortal that he had just broken through.

"Chu Xiu!"

Singaloo bit and spat out these two words.

He never thought that the plan against Tianluobaosha failed because Chu Xiu was an irrelevant guy.

The other party actually stood with the monk of the Tianluobaosha, thinking of the warriors who died in the past few days, it is obvious that the one who did it was Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu and Tianluobaosha are fishing, and his Sanskrit religion is a fish!

The Sanskrit warrior who reported the news said with a sad face: "Palace Master, Chu Xiu is not easy to deal with, and the few people under him are not weak, they are the best among warriors of the same rank. The people of Zun's successor and the people of the sword sect in the world fought, but they were undefeated with fewer enemies and more.

Now that they are teaming up with the Tianluobaosha, what are we going to carry? "

Xin Jialuo pondered for a moment, and suddenly said: "You said that Chu Xiu's men were working with Gu Zun's descendants and people from the Sword Sect of the World. What is going on?"

The martial artist said: "I don't know the specifics, I just heard some gossip, so I didn't write it in the intelligence.

It is said that Chu Xiu once had a grudge with Yu Wenfu. Later, it seems that Yu Wenfu joined forces with Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong to besiege Chu Xiu, but Yu Wenfu was killed by Chu Xiu, and the other two were also severely injured.

As for the Sword Sect under Heaven, Ling Tian Jianzun's lineage has a very good relationship with the Sword Sect Under Heaven, so the Sword Sect under Heaven took action only after knowing the news of Yu Wenfu's death.

However, Chu Xiu's strength is indeed terrifying. Even if Yan Zhifei from the Sword Sect of the World made a move, he could not win the opponent. "

When he heard this, Xin Jialuo suddenly showed a smile: "If Tianluo Baosha takes the initiative to find Chu Xiu to join forces, then they will definitely make a bad move and seek their own death.

And if Chu Xiu took the initiative to find Tianluobaosha to join forces, then he would definitely be pitting Tianluobaosha.

The funny thing is that the monks from Tianluobaosha are still complacent, thinking that they have found reinforcements, but what they found is a trouble! "

The warrior looked at Xin Jialuo with a puzzled expression, not knowing what he meant.

With that Chu Xiu's strength, he is definitely a strong aid, how could it be trouble?

Xingaro sneered and explained: "Chu Xiu, he is a trouble in himself.

You can see how many people he has sinned against recently.

The descendant of Gu Zun, the sword sect of the world, the sect of the southern region.

These are not counted, and even some of the loose cultivators who entered this place and the warriors from the small gate faction, he offended a lot.

Previously, he occupied the area between the periphery of Zhongzhou and the hinterland, and openly looted the warriors who came and went. His attitude was extremely high-profile, but it was hated.

Tell me, now that he has offended so many people, but he is bound to the Heavenly Rabbit Temple, what will be the attitude of these people? "

Hearing Xin Jialuo's words, the martial artist's eyes lit up, and he was able to He only knew that Chu Xiu was powerful and that with his helpers, Tianluobaosha was equivalent to finding one. Strong aid.

But he has forgotten that the reinforcement that Tianluo Baocha is looking for is a very hated existence, and it is a trouble in itself!

Xin Jialuo stood up, waved his hand and said, "Zhuo Bufan from the Battle Spirit Hall of the Southern Region War Martial God Sect is here, and the thirteen sword peaks from the Sword Sect in the world are here. Yan Zhifei and the even more elusive Jiuyou are here. The peak master of Jianfeng is easy to return to evil.

According to Gu Zun's descendants, although Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong were just freshmen, the disciples of Yuanyang Tianzun's lineage came back out of the mountains for the sake of Daluo Shrine. He was also related to Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong.

And those people who were looted by Chu Xiu before, who doesn't hate him, Chu Xiu?

He is still alive today, since the monks from Tianluobaocha chose Chu Xiu as their ally, don't they always talk about nonsense like karma?

Then I will see today, Chu Xiu's karma, whether his Tianluobaosha can handle it! "

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