Meet The Leader

Chapter 1300: above the peak

Ning Xuanji's words were unexpected, but within expectations.

Chu Xiu has always firmly believed in one truth. If they are not in the same realm, don't speculate on the real thoughts of those in the upper ranks.

What were the thoughts of Ning Xuanji and Dugu Weiwei five hundred years ago, who will know?

It was just wishful thinking by those Jianghu people to assign the so-called immortal title to Ning Xuanji.

Have you ever seen a fairy who swears all day long and likes to eat dog meat?

Ning Xuanji waved his hand casually and said: "Don't talk about those old things, you haven't gone back for five hundred years, it just so happens that you have returned to the lower realm, tell me, what happened to the Kunlun Demon Sect and the Zhenwu Sect, are they all being abused? destroyed?"

After knowing Ning Xuanji's thoughts, Chu Xiu didn't hide it either. He directly told the truth: "The Kunlun Demon Sect was destroyed after Dugu and I disappeared. It has only been rebuilt in recent years. I am the current Kunlun Demon Sect. Bishop."

Ning Xuanji glanced at Chu Xiu and said, "Weak, too weak.

Although you look very similar to a clone of Dugu Wei I, your current strength is simply incomparable to the original Dugu Wei I. "

Chu Xiu coughed, did not refute, and continued: "As for the true martial arts, it has always been passed down, but the strength is not strong. The current leader of the Taoist sect is the Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshifu."

Ning Xuanji nodded, with no sadness and no joy on his face: "Oh, so, it was not destroyed. This is beyond my expectations."

Chu Xiu found that Ning Xuanji was really a little bit incomprehensible.

Do normal people hope that their sects will be destroyed?

The Zhenwu Sect has not been destroyed, and looking at Ning Xuanji's expression, it seems that he is still very surprised.

Chu Xiu wondered: "Why should the Zhenwu Sect be destroyed? No one dared to destroy the Zhenwu Sect with your original prestige."

Ning Xuanji sneered twice: "Reputation? I'm afraid it's notoriety.

At that time, the abbot of Daguang Temple was pointed at the nose by me and scolded the bald donkey, and the headmaster of Chunyang Daomen was talking to me.

I also grilled dog meat in the Subhuti Zen Temple, and borrowed the famous sword from the Tibetan Sword Villa. Although they were a little reluctant, they still forced me to borrow it.

Lord Dao, I have offended so many people, and none of my unsatisfactory juniors can handle it. Is it strange to be destroyed? "

Chu Xiu was a little stunned at this time.

If it weren't for the fact that the Kunlun Demon Sect was too domineering, and those who played with me prospered and perished against me, it would have been Ning Xuanji who should have been besieged by the people of the rivers and lakes.

At least Chu Xiu knew that even Dugu and I didn't do things so excessively at the beginning.

Murder is no more than a nod to the ground. Dugu Wei I will hold a knife and ask you if you will accept it. If you don't accept it, I will use the knife. Unlike Ning Xuanji, it is simply a slap in the face.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Maybe it's because after your fight with Dugu Wei me, your reputation is so great that you have left all of your legacy to the Zhenwu Sect, so no one dares to use the Zhenwu Sect at such a time."

Ning Xuanji nodded and said, "Oh, that's fine."

Chu Xiu gave Ning Xuanji a slightly surprised look, as if he didn't pay much attention to his own sect.

Dugu Weiyi is because his body was destroyed, so he can only use the technique of splitting the soul. One is in Huangquantian, the other is suppressed, and the other is Chu Xiu, who is confused and unable to return to the lower realm to save the Kunlun Demon Sect.

But Ning Xuanji was alive and well, why didn't he return to the lower realm? Even if he has a plan in Da Luotian, he should have time to return to the lower realm.

As if seeing what Chu Xiu was thinking, Ning Xuanji said indifferently: "The bald donkey of Buddhism talks about cause and effect, the bull nose of Taoism... My Taoist pays attention to cause and effect.

Being born in the Zhenwu Sect is a karma, but there is only one life, so what should be repaid, I have almost repaid it.

Five hundred years ago, my disciples and grandchildren have long since died. Now I don't know those guys. Besides calling me Patriarch, what do they have to do with me?

One life is due to one world, and the next life, do my bird thing? "

Ning Xuanji is worthy of being the supreme figure of Taoism. Although his words are a bit vulgar, they are still very reasonable.

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly asked, "Senior Ning, this junior has some doubts. I wonder if the senior can answer it?"

Ning Xuanji took a deep look at Chu Xiu and said, "You really are not Dugu and I, your personality is not at all different from his."

Just as Chu Xiu wanted to ask what was different, Ning Xuanji asked, "Is there any wine? Is there meat?"

Chu Xiu was taken aback, where would he bring that kind of thing into Zhongzhou?

When he reached the Martial Immortal realm, he could not starve to death just by absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth. He could achieve complete inedia. Although Chu Xiu was not yet an official Martial Immortal, with his strength, he was able to achieve this step.

At this time, Lu Jianghe rushed over and took out a few jars of wine and roast chicken and roast duck and sent them on.

Chu Xiu looked at Lu Jianghe with a strange expression, what is this guy doing with these things with him? Came to a place like Zhongzhou for a picnic?

Ning Xuanji rolled up his sleeves, picked up the wine jar and took a big sip, chewing on the chicken leg, and sighed, "I haven't drank and eaten meat for more than a hundred years, and I've almost forgotten what it tastes like, Daluotian's gang. It’s a bit boring, and my head is full of cultivation.”

Chu Xiu secretly said to the side, this is normal, and the head is full of food, then it is abnormal.

"Okay, if there is anything you want to ask, just ask, and treat it as a drink."

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "When you came to Da Luotian with Dugu and I, why are you here now?"

Ning Xuanji said lightly: "It's very simple, in order to break through, but also to pay back a period of cause and effect.

Back then, I broke the barrier of the world together with Dugu and I and came to Daluotian. From ancient times to the present, it may be only me and Dugu and me who have broken the world in this way.

In that battle, I and Dugu Weiwei fought fiercely, but they did not surpass their strongest peak state, but when we broke through the world barrier, we had a different epiphany. "

Ning Xuanji pointed at the silk thread that the power of rules around him turned into: "The world is made up of the power of these rules, there are countless rules, seemingly chaotic, but they are orderly and regular.

If I can understand all these rules and arrange them in order, can I also create a world?

The cycle of life and death, the demise of creation, everything in the world is reincarnation, and above the peak, will it be the creation of the world? "

If someone else said this, they would definitely be considered a lunatic.

But these words were said by Ning Xuanji, who would think that Ning Xuanji was a lunatic?

Although Chu Xiu was horrified, he didn't reach the realm of Ning Xuanji, so naturally he couldn't understand Ning Xuanji's feelings.

"The Daluo Shrine connects the two worlds, which is the most intuitive manifestation of the power of rules, so over the years, I have been here almost all the time, observing the power of these rules.

At the same time, I also made an agreement with the powerhouses of the top sects in Daluotian, these demons, I will help them guard, but in the same way, don't disturb me here, I have exclusive use of this place.

Of course, this is only one reason, and another reason is that the demons in the land of Zhongzhou are now erupting so violently, which is also related to me and Dugu Yume.

If it hadn't been for me and Dugu Yume to smash the space, connect the two worlds, and make the rules between the two worlds a little more chaotic, the demons in Zhongzhou wouldn't have erupted so violently.

So now Dugu and I have been suppressed, and this cause and effect can only be repaid by Dao Ye. "

Speaking of this, Ning Xuanji suddenly snorted: "Dugu Wei is just too straight, and his mind was almost filled with qi, no, he won't use his brain at all!

When breaking the barrier of the world, what I realized was the way to control the rules, create the world and become detached, but what Dugu Only I realized turned out to be a way to break the rules of this world with absolute power and achieve a state of detachment.

So when the guy came to Daluotian, he looked unconvinced and resentful. After I finally broke up with him, he confronted the sects of Daluotian, and the killing was more refreshing than the lower realm. , As a result, he was slapped in the face by others and was directly suppressed.

That guy really thought that Daluotian and this group of people were all made of mud. They have tens of thousands of years from the lower realm to Daluotian. "

As he said that, Ning Xuanji also glanced at Chu Xiu: "So I said, you are not Dugu only me, you are not at all like Dugu only me.

Dugu Yume will not use any conspiracy and tricks to do things. It is not that he will not use it, but he does not want to use it and disdains it.

And you boy, this thought is not ordinary.

Of course, this is not a bad thing. Five hundred years ago, if Dugu Wei I had so many thoughts of you, he would not have been suppressed.

Of course, in other words, if Dugu Yume has so many thoughts of you, he will not be Dugu Yume. "

After hearing Ning Xuanji finish, there was a thoughtful look in Chu Xiu's eyes.

Dugu Yume's original vision was to break free from the shackles of the world's rules and achieve a state of detachment with a powerful force, so when did he change his goal to finding the eternal life?

Dumbfounded for a Chu Xiu put away the messy thoughts in his mind, pointed to Wei Shuya and said, "Senior, why is Mr. Wei here?"

Ning Xuanji said a little embarrassedly: "Cough, you said this kid, I made a mistake when I was pacifying the twisted rules here, don't worry, with me here, even if he doesn't get any chance, Can't die either.

You have also seen the appearance of these ghosts, and they have evolved more and more powerfully.

Therefore, I had to get a big one, and directly return their old nest to the original, creating a normal space within Zhongzhou.

Maybe it's because the power is a little big, so I pulled this kid in from the outside. "

With Ning Xuanji's age, it's not wrong to call Wei Shuya a kid. After all, people have lived for five or six hundred years.

And hearing the news that Wei Shuya was safe, Chu Xiu didn't need to worry anymore.

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