Meet The Leader

Chapter 1321: Tang Ya's past

Compared with Beiyan Wulin, which requires Mei Qinglian to rely on killing people to calm down the scene, Chu Wuji is even more relaxed on the Xichu side.

Although the strength of the Western Chu Wulin is not weak, the World Alliance has been merged into the Kunlun Demon Sect. Both the Moon Worship Sect and the Tianshi Mansion have chosen to join forces with Chu Xiu, so there is only one sitting and forgetting sword house left. countertop.

However, Zuo Wang Jianlu was very calm and did not want to offend Chu Xiu at this time, so he also kept a low profile.

Only a small number of people in the entire Western Chu Wulin did not come, that is, part of the martial arts forces in the land of Bashu.

The land of Bashu is also in Western Chu, but it is the farthest west, and the road is difficult, so the main forces headed by Tangjiabao did not refuse, but they asked Chu Wuji to wait for a while because of the difficult road, but in fact, It should be secretly negotiating something.

After getting the news, Chu Wuji chuckled lightly, shook his head, and called Tang Ya over.

"You should know everything about Tangjiabao, so I won't be involved. You can take someone for a trip, and it just happened to give your heart a knot."

Tang Ya's expression changed slightly, but he still shook his head and said: "No need, the Holy Sect has a big plan first, wait for Tang Jiabao to send someone over and deal with them together, I'll go back and forth, waste too much time.

Besides, as I have said, the past has become a cloud of smoke. Over the years, I have followed the leader of the sect, and I have faced the righteous alliance, the Daoist sect, and even the ancient powerhouses of another world.

If my vision is still obsessed with those nasty things of the year, then it is really not on the table. "

Chu Wuji chuckled and said, "It's not bad for you to think so, but wealth and honor don't return home, it's like walking in brocade clothes at night.

In the whole life of a person, if you don't fight for steamed buns, you still fight for your breath. I'm the one who wants to face you, and the same is true for you, Tang Ya.

In fact, I have vaguely heard about what happened to you back then.

Of course, I didn't do it on purpose, but among the hidden demons, there are some warriors from Bashu.

Don't worry, there is time.

This time, the sect leader is attacking Tianmen. What he is playing is not a conspiracy but a conspiracy. He needs to gather the strength of the entire river and lake to make a move, and it is not short of your time.

My generation has traversed the rivers and lakes in this life, if I can't even do the four words of pleasure, kindness and hatred, how embarrassing would it be?

Besides, the sect master also knows about this matter. You follow me to Xichu, but the sect master personally ordered it. "

Tang Ya was stunned when he heard the words, but there was a touch of emotion in his eyes.

"Thank you sir!"

When Tang Ya walked out the door, Yan Bugui stood at the door waiting for him.

"Wait, I'll go to Bashu with you."

Tang Ya said in surprise: "What are you doing with me? Lord Chu has given me enough people."

Yan Bugui patted Tang Ya's shoulder and said, "Help you kill people."

Yan Bugui said very few words. Although he only said four words, Tang Ya understood what he meant from the look in his eyes. It was nothing more than worrying about him. Can't go.

Among these people from the Kunlun Demon Sect, Tang Ya and Yanbugui were the first to know each other. When Chu Xiu was still in the novice village, these two were already gold-medal killers in the rudder of Heavenly Sin.

Later, all the way to this day, although no one said it, in fact, both parties know that they are each other's most important friends.

Thinking of Chu Xiu's arrangement, what Chu Wuji said, and Yan Buhui's companion, he couldn't help rubbing his eyes and said, "Tsk, did I say you have to make the atmosphere so sensational? The cold-blooded and ruthless demon sect agreed. What about Chinese people? It doesn't match our identity."

Yan Bugui didn't answer, just followed Tang Ya with his heavy sword on his back.


Half a month later, in Bashu Shuzhong County, Tangjiapu.

Shu Road is difficult, and it is difficult to ascend to the sky.

Even though the weakest people brought by Tang Ya were in the real core realm, they took half a month to arrive. After all, the real core realm could not fly and could easily overcome those natural dangers.

Looking at Tang Jiabao in front of him, Tang Ya's eyes showed a look of nostalgia.

He will never forget that he was driven out from Tangjiabao like a wild dog.

His real name is not Tang Ya, but Tang Dongting, a direct descendant of Tang Jiabao, but he is a concubine.

His father was Tang Beifei, the owner of the previous generation of Tangjiabao. He was a notorious waste. He had never built a successful hidden weapon in his life. Won't.

The composition of Tangjiabao is somewhat unique, and it is said to be a family, but in fact, since I don't know how many generations, Tangmen began to recruit hidden weapon masters, and some craftsmen who made hidden weapons, married them and made them Tangjiabao's part.

In this way, although Tangjiabao's strength has skyrocketed and its reputation has risen, it has also completely declined the Tangjiabao lineage.

Therefore, Tangjiabao later had rules. The Tangjiabao fort owner had to be the direct descendant, but the real person in charge was the Tangjiabao Presbyterian Church, with more than a dozen elders from each branch.

His mother was the concubine of the previous castle lord Tang Beifei, but he was born with a strong talent for hidden weapons, so he was loved by the elders of the Tang family and wanted to make him the next castle lord.

But Tang Beifei's wife, that is, his aunt, was jealous, and framed him to destroy one of Tangmen's most treasured hidden weapons, the Yulongwu, which led to him being punished by the elders, and his mother died in depression.

His father was just a waste, and he didn't care about him. In the end, the elders would read him out of the Tang Sect because he was a direct descendant of the Tang Sect. In the Sword Sect, it can be regarded as a place of sanctuary.

But in the end, his aunt was still worried, and bribed the disciples of the Bashan Sword Sect to want to harm him, which made Tang Ya desperate, changed his name and surname, left the land of Bashu, wandered in the rivers and lakes, and finally entered the Qinglonghui.

This kind of thing is very common in some big families, the difference is that someone is dead, while Tang Ya is still alive.

Shaking his head, a sneer appeared on the corner of Tang Ya's mouth, and he snorted: "The holy teaching method drives Tangjiabao, so hurry up and welcome!"

Now Tang Ya has stepped into the realm of real fire, and as soon as his words came out, they resounded in the sky of the entire Tang Family Fort, making all Tang Family Fort's warriors complexion change. .

More than a dozen elders of the Tang Family Elders Association gathered together to accuse each other.

"Damn it! The Kunlun Demon Sect actually came to the door in person!"

"The old man told you a long time ago that now that the Kunlun Demon Sect is making a comeback, Chu Xiu's methods are ruthless, and you dare to linger on the posts he sent?"

"Can you blame me? Who said that we should delay time to see if there are any forces in the world that resist the Kunlun Demon Sect?"

"Don't talk nonsense, go out and take a look."

In the midst of the noise, the gate of Tangjiabao opened, and more than a dozen Tang family elders came out, followed by hundreds of Tangjiabao warriors.

A Tangjiabao elder with white hair and beard in the lead said with a humble smile on his face: "I don't know if the envoys of the Kunlun Demon Sect are here, and they are welcome from afar. Don't be surprised. How dare you ask the envoys?"

Tang Ya said lightly: "Under the Holy Sect, the head of the Blood Yacht Hall, Tang Ya."

Tang Ya was not the hall master before, but after he came to Da Luotian, the strength of a large number of warriors under the Kunlun Demon Sect experienced a surge, so Chu Xiu let Tang Ya establish a separate hall and become the hall master.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't die in the future, the Heaven and Earth Opening Profound Realm can be expected.

In fact, Yan Bugui also has the qualifications to become the hall master, but he is strong enough, but he is not good at management, so he has always stayed with Tang Ya's Xueya Hall.

The elder of Tangjiabao said with a surprised smile on his face: "I didn't expect that the surname of the hall master is also Tang, this is really fate."

Tang Yapi smiled and said, "Of course it's fate. I, the Tang Dynasty, inherited it from Bashu, the Tang that belonged to Tang Zizai, the great master of Bashu's hidden weapons, 'Thousands of Miles Picking Stars' 5,000 years ago."

All the elders of the Tang Sect were stunned for a moment. Tang Zizai was the ancestor of their Tangjiabao. The person in front of him was also a Tangjiabao person?

Among the elders, a younger elder suddenly pointed at Tang Ya and said, "You are... Tang Dongting! The son of the head of the family!"

After all, Tang Ya was Tang Beifei's own son. Although he was only a teenager when he was kicked out, his appearance at this time was three-pointed from Tang Beifei's.

The originally menacing Kunlun Demon Sect warrior turned out to be their "own person" in Tangjiabao, which should have been something to be excited about.

But thinking of the things they did in the past, everyone present couldn't laugh.

Especially at the back of the crowd, a middle-aged woman's face showed a look of horror.

With a strange smile on Tang Ya's face, he said, "I didn't expect the elders to recognize me, it's an honor.

But you have to remember clearly, there is no Tang Dongting in this world, there is only Tang Ya of the Holy Sect!

By the way, what about Tang Beifei? "

The Great Elder of Tangjiabao said cautiously: "The head of the family passed away ten years ago because of his practice."

Tang Ya frowned and said, "Just use his temperament to cultivate? Who are you lying to? Tell the truth."

The first elder of the Tang family had no choice but to say: "It is true that the head of the family passed away because of a mischief, but it was because he practiced one... a double cultivation secret method, and something went wrong.

This kind of thing is not so glorious, so this is what Tangjiabao said to the outside world.

"Waste! Even the dead are so useless!" Tang Ya spit out such a The elder Tang Jiabao couldn't help but said: "He is your father after all!"

Tang Ya sneered: "My father? A father who I have met no more than ten times in the past ten years, a father who looks impatient every time he sees me, and a father when I was kicked out of Tangjiabao. , the father who is still having fun with women?"

The first elder of the Tang family wanted to say something, but he never said it. After all, he knew what happened back then.

Tang Ya waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'm too lazy to talk about those **** things before, and I'm not here for these things."

Speaking, Tang Ya looked around for a week, and said coldly: "You dare to fart with my holy teachings? Under my holy teachings, no one dares not to come, only you Tangjiabao dare to ignore my holy teachings. post.

Well now, if you don't come, my Holy Church will come to you and ask you a question in person.

You Tangjiabao, but look down on my Kunlun Sacred Sect? "

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