Meet The Leader

Chapter 1333: ask for a promise, the fastest update to meet the leader!

In Lingxiao Sect's Lingxiao City, the atmosphere was a little depressing.

When Chu Xiu came here, it was the elder Wu of Lingxiao Sect who came out to greet him.

Seeing that all the warriors of the High Heaven Sect looked like this, Chu Xiu couldn't help but wonder, "Why do I feel that the atmosphere of your High Heaven Sect is a little wrong?"

Elder Wu glanced at Chu Xiu curiously and said, "Xuanyuan Wushuang was killed by a demon in the Daluo Shrine. You should know about this, Master Chu."

Hearing what Elder Wu said, Chu Xiu realized that it was because of Xuanyuan Wushuang.

Chu Xiu really forgot about this.

It's not that Chu Xiu has a bad memory, but that when he killed Xuanyuan Wushuang, the other party was no longer a threat in Chu Xiu's eyes. Killing him was like stepping on an ant.

Chu Xiu can remember Jun Wushen, who almost killed himself in the past, but Xuanyuan Wushuang was ignored by him subconsciously, and he didn't react for a while.

Seeing Chu Xiu's appearance, even Lu Jianghe felt that Chu Xiu was going too far.

You have killed people, but you still can't remember them. If Xuanyuan Wushuang could still find the body, he would probably scratch the coffin board with anger.

His face seemed sincere, but in fact he expressed his condolences to Elder Wu without any sincerity, and Chu Xiu and Lu Jianghe went to see Fang Yinglong and others.

In the reception hall, Fang Yinglong, Qin Baiyuan, Linghu Xianshan and other three martial immortals of the High Heaven Sect were all present.

As soon as he saw them, Chu Xiu put on a sigh and said: "I have heard about Brother Xuanyuan, and I would like to express my condolences to the three of you.

In the past, Brother Xuanyuan and I had some disputes, but we didn't know each other.

I wanted to wait until he also set foot in Wuxian in the future and took over the Lingxiao Sect, so that we can also meet each other and forget our grievances and guard the Eastern Region together.

When I saw him for the last time, I even suggested that Brother Xuanyuan would act with me, but Brother Xuanyuan was also an arrogant person. "

Chu Xiu's attitude is extremely sincere, but he doesn't appear to be hypocritical because of excessive grief, and it doesn't make people feel that he is being polite, as if he is really sad for the death of an old friend. Obviously, after he broke through Wuxian, he even improved his acting skills. one level.

Lu Jianghe also lowered his head behind Chu Xiu, as if he was also mourning in silence, but in fact, he just didn't want Fang Yinglong and others to see his twisted expression.

At this time, Lu Jianghe was already roaring in his heart: "There are such shameless people in this world!"

You killed other people's disciples, and now you are still pretending to miss you, which is extremely hypocritical.

At this moment, Lu Jianghe was convinced. Chu Xiu could be the leader, but he was just a Demon Venerable, which made sense.

At least he couldn't talk nonsense like Chu Xiu took for granted without even blinking his eyes.

Fang Yinglong and the others did not doubt Chu Xiu, because the evidence was there. They saw with their own eyes that Xuanyuan Wushuang was indeed killed by the demon in the end.

So Fang Yinglong just let out a long sigh, Qin Baiyuan shook his head helplessly and said, "This may be fate, and of course it is our responsibility.

Wushuang is too strong. We told him before that if he didn't step into the half-step Martial Immortal in Zhongzhou, he would not be able to participate in the competition for the Daluo Shrine, but he didn't listen to us.

Like Lu Sanjin from Huangtian Pavilion, his strength is not as strong as his, but after listening to Chong Qiushui's words, he honestly cultivated in Zhongzhou, and his strength has also improved greatly.

He just doesn't understand that living has a future, and dying means nothing.

By the way, little friend Chu, why did you come this time? "

Although they didn't doubt Chu Xiu, they didn't believe that Chu Xiu came all the way to Ling Xiaozong just to mourn Xuanyuan Wushuang.

Chu Xiu said solemnly, "I'm here to ask everyone from Ling Xiaozong for help.

In the past, Sect Master Fang once said that Ling Xiaozong could do one thing for me. Originally, I didn't want to use this promise, but now it is no longer necessary. "

Having said that, Chu Xiu told Fang Yinglong and the others that the person he had offended in the Daluo Shrine was going to come to trouble him collectively.

After listening, Fang Yinglong and the other three all felt a little toothache.

Even they had to admire Chu Xiu for being able to provoke so many powerhouses in one breath. How many people did he kill in the Daluo Shrine?

Fang Yinglong said helplessly: "Chu Xiaoyou, do you know how much trouble you have caused?

Since the Sword Sect of the World wants to come to trouble you, the people who come here are definitely not ordinary. Most of them are Mu Baishuang, one of the three sword masters, and that is the seventh level of Wuxian.

The three ancient venerables, the 'Dragon Suppression General' Xu Tianya, the fourth level of Martial Immortal.

'Venerable Gu Yue' Fang Baidu is a fourth-level Martial Immortal.

There is also 'Ling Tian Jian Zun' Sheng Jiuyuan, his strength is the strongest, he has reached the seventh level of Martial Immortal.

As for the Sanskrit side, it is still unknown who they will send.

This kind of power is enough to attack my High Heaven Sect. "

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "That's why I came to ask the High Heaven Sect for help. Of course, if the High Heaven Sect is in trouble, I can understand."

Fang Yinglong and the other three looked at each other with a look of helplessness.

Of course they have difficulties, but can they refuse?

Ling Xiaozong wants to be embarrassed, especially when the original promise was made in front of everyone. If he repents at this time, where will the face of a thousand-year-old sect be put?

With a sigh, Fang Yinglong said: "Chu Xiaoyou, you go back first, we will take action, but it will take a few days to prepare."

Chu Xiu nodded and took Lu Jianghe away directly.

He was not at all worried about Fang Yinglong and the others going back on their words and wanting to perfunctory, and they would not perfunctory here.

After Chu Xiu left, Linghu Xianshan frowned and said, "We really want to take action? But with so many Martial Immortals, what are we going to do?"

Fang Yinglong said helplessly: "I still want the reputation of Ling Xiaozong for the water that is poured out of my words.

It's just that when I promised Chu Xiu, I didn't expect him to cause such a big trouble.

But you don't have to worry, don't forget where this is, this is the Eastern Region!

Moving Lingxiao Wujiyin to the land of the Southern Barbarians can also be used, but the power will be slightly reduced.

Repelling them is also beneficial. Right now, the southern region is eyeing the tiger, and Chu Xiu is also a member of my eastern region.

With him in the land of Nanman, he is the first barrier. If he is gone, our situation will be even worse. "

Hearing that Fang Yinglong wanted to use Lingxiao Wuji Seal, Linghu Xianshan and Qin Baiyuan were a little surprised.

The Lingxiao Wuji Seal is the treasure of their Lingxiao Sect. It was built with a part of the dragon veins of the Eastern Region when they first came to Daluotian ten thousand years ago.

At that time, the strength of the entire Eastern Region Lingxiao Sect was the strongest, so their first-generation ancestors actually intercepted a piece of dragon vein and refined it into this treasure.

It's just that this thing is a bit limited, because it is not a weapon, and it is huge, and the farther it is from the main dragon vein of the Eastern Region, the weaker its power, so most of the time it is located inside the High Heaven Sect and rarely moves. Yes, I haven't used it a few times in thousands of years.

That's why they were so surprised now that Fang Yinglong proposed to use the Lingxiao Promise Seal.

But Fang Yinglong is the suzerain, and it seems that this is the only way now, so they have to nod in agreement.

At the same time, outside the Sword Sect of the World, Mu Baishuang and several other martial immortals gathered here.

Standing beside Mu Baishuang was a warrior with a cold face, phoenix eyes, three long beards, and an extraordinary bearing.

There are two people beside him, one of them is a strong man wearing a bronze dragon pattern armor. An ordinary teacher is Fang Baidu, Venerable Gu Yue.

When they learned that their descendants died in the Daluo Shrine, they couldn't accept it more than sadness and anger.

In fact, when their descendants were going to the Daluo Shrine, they had this kind of mental preparation.

But they can tolerate that their descendants are killed by demons because of their lack of strength, but they can't stand that they should die in the same hands, that is Chu Xiu!

Gu Zun's lineage is indeed an unspoken rule that some descendants have an accident during the experience, and Gu Zun can't do it.

Originally, if it was just themselves, even Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya planned to endure this sigh. After all, Chu Xiu's strength is not weak, and behind him stood a large sect of the Eastern Region, the Emperor's Pavilion.

But later Sheng Jiuyuan came to him personally, and said that there was also the participation of the Sword Sect in the world, they immediately nodded and agreed.

Seeing that Mu Baishuang didn't mean to leave yet, Xu Tianya, who was a little anxious, couldn't help frowning and said, "Jianzun Mu, why don't you leave? Could it be that your sword sect has changed his mind?"

Mu Baishuang said indifferently: "My Sword Sect in the world will not change the order of the day and night, just wait for one person, and the people of Sanskrit have agreed to come."

Xu Tianya couldn't help sneering when he heard the words: "If you want me to see it, don't wait, people from the Sanskrit religion may not be able to come.

Their Sanskrit religion itself was pressed and beaten by Tianluo Baosha. In the Daluo Temple, their new temple master was killed by Na Chuxiu, how could they be distracted and send someone? "

At the moment when his voice fell, the void beside him suddenly burst open, and a twisted rule thread rushed towards him.

Xu Tianya's complexion changed, he raised his hand, and the surrounding void froze, turning into a shape like a dragon scale, and the silk thread was imprisoned in it.

But the silk thread exudes a very strong power of annihilates all power, and in an instant, all those dragon scales have been torn apart and cut towards his neck.

Xu Tianya's dragon roar erupted all over his body, trying to carry it hard.

However, Fang Baidu's complexion suddenly changed beside him, he squeezed the seal in his hand, and the white brilliance of the moon enveloped Xu Tianya, and immediately moved him a distance of several meters.

The silk thread with the power of destruction brushed past Xu Tianya, and easily broke his dragon-shaped qi, leaving a bloodstain on his face.

The jet-black fire of world-annihilation bloomed, and a figure came out of the world-annihilating fire.

It turned out to be a tall and thin young man with a burning fire in his eyes. His appearance was charming and enchanting. Yes, he was charming and enchanting, giving people a feeling of indistinguishable male and female.

The same is true of his voice. It is neutral to the extreme, and it is impossible to distinguish between men and women.

"Xu Tianya, if you dare to talk nonsense again and slander my Sanskrit religion, I will send you to be with your unlucky apprentice."

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