Meet The Leader

Chapter 132: The Power of the Outer Realm

Before Chu Xiu, he really didn't expect that people from Piaoxuecheng and Juyi Village would come to chase and kill him. Shangmang Mountain was so big that people from these two factions couldn't even see a splash of water when they were thrown in. What would they use to find him? Just wasted effort.

But looking at it now, the other party seems to have locked his approximate position, looking for him in a region, but the arrangement of these five people is also achieved by them.

Chu Xiu has the strength to fight warriors in the outer astral realm, so there must be at least one outer astral among these five people, otherwise the result will be an instant kill by Chu Xiu.

And a warrior in the inner astral realm plays an auxiliary role. Even if Chu Xiu can fight the outer astral, the warrior in the inner astral realm also has the strength to hurt Chu Xiu.

As for the three congenitals, their role is only to expand the scope of the collection. When encountering an existence of Chu Xiu's level, it is basically a dead end.

Chu Xiu restrained his breath and observed, but at this moment, an unusually slight cracking sound came from his ear. Chu Xiu's body moved and jumped directly to the ground. The tree he was hiding was actually used by someone. The short gun is directly smashed with Astral Qi!

This explosion was extremely loud in the night sky, and the five people who were being followed by Chu Xiu were startled and turned around immediately, just in time to see Chu Xiu falling on the ground.

The five of them were stunned for a moment. They were still looking for Chu Xiu before, but they didn't expect the other party to follow them all the time!

Thinking of Chu Xiu's terrifying strength, among the five, except for the martial artist from the Outer Astral Realm, the other four were a little scared.

With Chu Xiu's strength, if they wanted to make a sneak attack, almost none of the five of them would survive.

A Martial Artist from the Outer Astral Realm strode over from the back and said with a sneer, "You people from the Snow City in the North are really trash. You have been followed for so long and you haven't found out!"

The Outer Gang Realm warrior who attacked Chu Xiu from the rear was from Juyi Village. He was dressed very strangely, wearing black rattan armor, four short spears behind his back, and a pitch-black long spear in his hand. .

And looking at his appearance, he is also very good at light power, at least before he took action, Chu Xiu didn't find him.

The martial artist from Juyi Village had been following Chu Xiu's trail all the time, but he was afraid of spooking the grass, so he didn't bring anyone else. .

It's a pity that Chu Xiu's reaction ability is too amazing. His short gun, which is a killer, actually allows him to dodge just like that.

The martial artist from Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north snorted coldly: "Don't talk nonsense there, catch someone, and the credit will be divided equally!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Outer Astral Martial Artist from the Snow City in the extreme north rushed directly towards Chu Xiu.

Although Chu Xiu had a record of fighting warriors from the Outer Astral Realm, the battle was also very dangerous, and it could be said that he barely won.

They are both in the Outer Astral Realm, although their strength is slightly weaker than that of Zen Master Hengshan who was killed by Chu Xiu in the past, but they are not too weak.

With this kind of mentality, the palm of the North Piaoxuecheng fell, and the ice-blue qi burst out with the palm force with the coldness, and he even left two points of strength.

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin said that Chu Xiu is dead or alive, but for Juyi Village and Extreme North Piaoxuecheng, it is better to live, and if they are directly captured, they can still pry a lot out of Chu Xiu's mouth. good stuff.

It's just that the next martial artist from the snow city in the extreme north knew that he was wrong, a big mistake!

Facing this palm, Chu Xiu formed a very strange seal with both hands. His hands were like wheels, and internal energy was poured into them, and a dazzling golden light burst out!

Soldier word tactic, the Great Diamond Wheel Seal!

The main force of the Great Vajra Wheel Seal is as strong as a cone, invincible!

This seal fell, as if King Kong Ming had suppressed evil and brought down demons, crushed the heavens, and the endless bursting power was all hidden in this seal. With the appearance of the seal, the eyes of the martial artist in the snow city in the extreme north were revealed. With endless panic, he wanted to retreat, but it was too late!

There was a loud bang, and his entire arm was smashed into pieces by Chu Xiu's Great Diamond Wheel Seal, and the seal did not stop at all, and a huge hole was directly blasted in the opponent's chest. Drifting away, the figure of the extreme northern snow city warrior was like a rag doll, and flew out more than ten feet upside down.


Although the martial artist in the snow city in the extreme north had not expected Chu Xiu's strength and wanted to capture him alive, he kept two points, but he was killed by Chu Xiu in one move, which also shows that Chu Xiu's current state The great power and the domineering power of the Nine-Character Art of Speed ​​and Slowness.

The martial artist from Juyi Village who was about to rush up from the rear was stunned.

The intelligence clearly stated that this Chu Xiu was in the Inner Astral Realm. It had only been less than a month. How could the other party become the Outer Astral? And the strength is so terrifying?

Although he was very puzzled, it was obviously not the time for him to be puzzled. The martial artist from the Outer Astral Realm relied on his outstanding feats to turn around and run away!

Chu Xiu's expression did not change, he used the spell of the formation, and his hands formed inner binding marks. In an instant, Chu Xiu's whole body's true energy was poured into his legs under the traction of the inner binding marks. When his feet moved, his figure instantly appeared. In front of the Juyizhuang martial artist, he was as fast as thunder, as fast as lightning!

This is the inner bound seal. As long as the seal is not broken, the ultimate speed can be erupted. Between the heavens and the earth, let me be vertical and horizontal!

Perhaps the only disadvantage of this type of printing is that the speed of the burst is too fast, resulting in the consumption of internal energy like running water, but it is only available for short distances in battles, and long-distance raids are simply impossible.

The martial artist from Juyi Village was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Chu Xiu. Although his Qinggong was not too brilliant, he was enough to show off his might among the same level of martial artist. Xiu catches up, but this Chu Xiu's profile doesn't show that he can do it lightly!

If he hadn't known that Juyi Village would not harm him, he would have thought that Meng Yuanlong had given them all false information in order to send them to death.

The realm and strength shown by Chu Xiu, there is simply no one that can correspond to the data!

There was a trace of icy murderous intent in Chu Xiu's eyes, and the red sleeved sword in his hand slashed out.

The martial artist of Juyi Village gritted his teeth, his body burst out, the spear in his hand was swung up, and dozens of spears burst in front of him in an instant.

However, under the Blood Refining Divine Astral, not only his Astral Qi, but even the four-turn Baobing Long Spear in his hand was directly cut off by Chu Xiu's knife!

The blood refining God Gang entered the body, and the cold murderous intent and blood evil energy suddenly caused the martial artist of Juyi Village to spit out blood.

Before he could react, what greeted him was the violent saber stance that was like a continuous drizzle, drizzle at dusk, and the red sleeves evoked the soul!

Under the overwhelming force of the sword and the bombardment of the blood-refined divine gang, the martial artist from Juyi Village only insisted on more than ten moves before being cut off and separated from his head.

Chu Xiu turned his gaze to the direction where the other warriors fled, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes. The power of the inner bound seal burst out, and directly caught up with a warrior of the innate realm at the fastest speed, using the sky The Jedi Destroying Soul Movement Dafa forced out some information.

Chu Xiu was a little helpless when he learned that these three companies had teamed up to spend a lot of money to ask Feng Manlou's fortune-telling master to deduce his approximate position.

This method is almost impossible to prevent, and of course it is also simple to defend. When your strength reaches a certain level, those fortune-telling masters will not dare to deduce your news easily. death.

Therefore, whether it is the amateur fortune-teller masters in Fengmanlou or the powerhouses in the Daoist sect who are concentrating on the calculus of heaven, they will not easily deduce a certain person, but will only deduce a certain thing.

This time, the three families spent a lot of money to ask Fengmanlou's fortune-telling master to make a move. Obviously, they were going to take back Chu Xiu's blood jade before refining it, so that their money would not be wasted.

It's just that they are obviously going to lose money this time, because Chu Xiu has already refined the blood jade exquisite, even if they find Chu Xiu, it is useless.

The few warriors who escaped were not too stupid, and they knew that they would run separately. After Chu Xiu caught up with one, the others also ran away.

Chu Xiu rubbed his chin. This time, his traces were completely exposed. The distance was too close. No matter how he hided, the other party would follow his traces. There was no difference between staying in Shangmang Mountain and going out. .

Moreover, once the other party really encloses him, that is the real danger. To meet the great master of the unity of heaven and man with Chu Xiu's current strength is purely courting death, so he must find a quickest way. Breaking!

Staying in place and thinking about it, Chu Xiu suddenly remembered that he still has some cause and effect here in Wei County. Since the water is already so muddy, it is better to make the water muddy!

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu didn't delay, and ran directly down the mountain, and the place he went to was the Tongzhou Mansion in Wei County.

In the early morning, Bai Jihu and Meng Yuanlong took some disciples and looked at the corpse on the ground with a gloomy expression.

The few who survived last night told them the news, which surprised Bai Jihu and Meng Yuanlong.

Others don't know how this Chu Xiu stepped into the Outer Astral Realm, but they could guess as soon as they heard the description, this Chu Xiu must have refined the blood jade exquisite, and only then stepped into the Outer Astral, and can still use it. Bleeding and refining God Gang.

It's just that they couldn't think of how Chu Xiu could refine the blood jade in less than a month, and they couldn't do it!

And the corpse of the martial artist in Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north was instantly killed by someone with an extremely violent and violent boxing-type martial art. Chu Xiu had never revealed that he still knew this kind of martial arts.

If it wasn't for the people under him who swore that it was Chu Xiu, they would even wonder if there were outsiders helping Chu Xiu.


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