Meet The Leader

Chapter 1342: Exploring the origin, Guzun Conference

After successfully driving Fang Qishao and others into the enemy's interior, Chu Xiu's side can be considered to be able to live in peace.

However, Chu Xiu also had a feeling that he had too little information in Da Luotian.

In addition to the information in the Eastern Region, he is still well-informed, and in the other three regions, he has no source of intelligence at all.

Of course, this wasn't Chu Xiu's fault, but that the four regions of the Great Luotian were severely divided, as was the case.

The Heavenly Demon Palace was able to place nails in the Sword Sect of the World because they were all sects in the Southern Region.

But if Tianmo Palace wants to place nails in the Eastern Region or the farther North Region in the Western Region, the difficulty can be said to increase linearly.

But there are a lot of people he offended by Chu Xiu, all over the four regions, so he also urgently needs the information of the entire four regions, and he also wants to investigate some things in Da Luotian, so Chu Xiu is eyeing again. Sikongtan.

This time, Chu Xiu did not go to the southern region, but called Sikongtan to the eastern region through the power of the demon.

Walking into Chu Xiu's stronghold in the land of the southern barbarians, Sikong Tan suddenly felt a chill while feeling apprehensive.

What did he see? The strict and tidy palace is full of formations, and he can also form formations, but the formations here are not even he can see through.

They were all black-clothed warriors with cold expressions. Sikongtan could feel a strong suffocating aura from their bodies.

Although Sikongtan is from the Southern Region, he has dealt with the warriors of Emperor Tiange.

He was sure that the warriors of Huangtian Pavilion were definitely not like this.

This Chu Xiu is on the site of Huangtian Pavilion, but he does not stay in the county guard, but has established such a well-guarded stronghold in the land of Nanman, and the warriors under his command are completely different from those of Huangtian Pavilion. What does he want? What to do? It's almost like being a king by yourself.

For a long time, Sikongtan thought that Chu Xiu was behind the Emperor Tiange, but now it seems that Chu Xiu may be the only one behind him!

With an uneasy mood, Sikongtan cautiously stepped into the hall. The surrounding lights were dim, and Chu Xiu's figure was hidden in the deep darkness, and suddenly said, "Sikongtan, you did a good job this time. You and I have written off those things in Luoshen Palace."

Sikongtan was taken aback, but then he immediately said: "Master Chu is serious, it is an honor for him to be able to do things for Master Chu."

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said: "I am a person who is clearly rewarded and punished. You do things for me. If I don't give you benefits and continue for a long time, who is willing to do things for you?

Sikongtan, you have done a good job this time, and it is considered worth it, so I will not reward you, but if you do what I asked you to do next, the things I can give you are far more than you. It takes more to cling to those so-called ancient gods. "

Chu Xiu first waved his hand and threw out a secret box: "Look at the things here."

Sikongtan opened the secret box suspiciously, but the next moment he was blinded by the contents.

There are countless weapons, medicinal herbs, exercises, materials, etc., especially the exercises. Sikongtan just glanced at them briefly. Some of them are even secret techniques that have been lost in Da Luotian!

"Sir... are you?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "These things are for you to develop the gate of the divine machine.

Your ability is good, but the Shenji Sect is inherently insufficient, and it is too difficult to grow bigger, so these things should be regarded as rewards paid to you in advance.

After the Shenji Gate develops and grows, your task is only one, and that is to monitor any news trends in the Southern Region, or even the Northern Region and the Western Region.

Also, help me find something. "

Sikong Tan hurriedly said: "Sir, please tell me, no matter what it is, my subordinates will definitely find it for you!"


Sikongtan was taken aback: "What?"

His confused expression was not a disguise, but that he really didn't know what the origin was.

In fact, Chu Xiu had already expected his reaction. Given Sikongtan's realm, maybe he really didn't know the origin.

Among the five realms at present, in addition to a mysterious and incomparably long life, there should be eight origins in the world.

Among the origins of the magic way, Chu Xiu holds the origin of the magic way of the lower world, Dugu is the only one who controls the origin of the magic way of Huang Quantian and Daluotian, and the origin of the magic way of the upper world is missing, and I don’t know if it is in the ancient catastrophe. Dissipated, or was taken to Da Luotian.

As for the source of anodes, Chu Xiu holds the source of anodes in Xiafantian, and the source of anodes in Daluotian and Xiafantian is missing. As for Huangquantian, Chu Xiu guesses that there may be no source of anodes in that place. Only I got it.

So now Chu Xiu holds the source of yin and yang, and Dugu is the only one who grasps at least two sources of magic.

But the more this kind of thing, the better, so when he was in the lower realm, Chu Xiu had already ordered everyone in the Kunlun Demon Sect, plus Feng Manlou, to explore clues about the origin.

On Daluotian's side, Chu Xiu chose Sikongtan to investigate.

Of course, this was just a tentative move, and he didn't expect Sikongtan to really find his origin.

This kind of thing cannot be explored with great fanfare in the first place, so Chu Xiu thought for a while and said solemnly: "The existence of the source can be understood as a kind of treasure that is naturally generated between heaven and earth, there are yin and yang, but but cannot be copied.

Its body is a very inconspicuous wisp of magic energy, or a wisp of golden light, but it contains extremely strong power.

Right now, in the Great Luotian, only those strong people standing at the peak should know the existence of the source.

So when you look for it, you don't need to make a big splash to investigate, you just need to follow these characteristics and clues to track down.

This kind of thing can be done slowly, don't be in a hurry. "

Sikongtan remembered these characteristics in his heart, and said quickly, "Yes, my subordinates remember it."

At this moment, Mei Qinglian suddenly walked in and handed Chu Xiu an invitation: "This was given to you by someone, and I entrust Huangtian Pavilion to hand it over to you."

"Invitation letter for the Guzun conference? Yuanshen Zun?"

There are just a few words on the invitation, the invitation letter for the Guzun meeting, and the signature is Yuanshenzun.

It's just that in those few fonts, each word contains an extremely powerful force, as if written by the rules of heaven and earth, so strange that it cannot be imitated at all.

"What is the Gu Zun Conference? Who is Yuanshen Zun?" Chu Xiu murmured these words.

Sikong Tan subconsciously said: "The Gu Zun Conference is..."

But as soon as his words came out, Sikongtan felt something was wrong.

Didn't Chu Xiu claim to be the descendant of Gu Zun? Then why didn't he even know about the Gu Zun Assembly? Why doesn't even Yuan Shenzun know?

After returning from Daluo Shrine before, Sikongtan also carefully investigated Chu Xiu because he was afraid of Chu Xiu.

At that time, he felt that what Chu Xiu did did not look like what a descendant of Gu Zun would do.

The high-profile development forces have no interest in the hermitage at all, but instead are roaming the rivers and lakes.

And although he claims to be the descendant of Gu Zun, no one knows which lineage he belongs to. Even the Gu Zun behind him only suspected that he had shot once and blocked Hanjiang City. Ye Weikong, but no one had seen the real face that time.

Thinking of today's Chu Xiu's unfamiliarity with some common sense among Gu Zun, Yi Sikongtan couldn't help but have a bold guess, a guess that made him shudder.

Sikongtan raised his head subconsciously at this time, just in time to see Chu Xiu looking at him there, with an unknown look flashing in his eyes.

"You guessed it?"

Sikongtan shivered violently, and quickly shook his head: "This subordinate is stupid! This subordinate doesn't know anything!"

Chu Xiu waved his hand casually: "Don't worry, since you are already my person, it is better to know some things than to be confused, at least you can know who you are doing things for.

Now let’s talk about it, who is this Lao Shizi Gu Zun Assembly, and Yuan Shen Zun? "

Sikongtan cautiously said: "I also heard Yu Wenfu about these news. He said that Gu Zun seems to be in hermitage, and they rarely contact each other in normal times, but they each have their own connections, and they communicate with each other. There will also be exchanges.

They are separated from Jianghu Zongmen and form their own system, and the Ancient Zun Conference is the place where all the ancient Zuns are linked together.

The date of the Guzun Conference is uncertain, it may be more than ten years, it may be decades or even hundreds of years. In short, the Guzun Conference is usually held when something big is going to happen. Apart from discussing things, You can also trade some things with each other in the Ancient Zun Conference.

As for Yuanshen Zun, this one is not well-known in the arena now, but he is a supreme ancient Zun who is at the peak of the Nine Heavens of Martial Immortals. He is also the most low-key among the ancient Zuns. The rivers and lakes took a step, and the only appearance was at the Gu Zun meeting.

There is an organizer for the Guzun Conference. Yuanshen Zun is highly respected and has never had disputes with people, so he has been the organizer for hundreds of years. "

Chu Xiu nodded and asked, "Then where is the location of this Ancient Venerable Conference?"

"Top of the East China Sea, Immortal Island."

Chu Xiu waved his hand and let Sikongtan go down, and Sikongtan immediately left as if receiving an amnesty.

Mei Qinglian, who was on the side, frowned and said, "Trouble, do you want to go to this conference or not? If you don't go, it will be suspicious."

Chu Xiu said: "Of course I'm going. In Daluotian, the top sects are a circle, and these ancient masters are also a circle. Only those who have become Martial Immortals are qualified to step into this circle and decide the entire Daluotian's life. towards.

I don't integrate into it, I'm always an outsider. How can I know so much news? "

"But if you choose to go, who can you let go? Mr. Wei? Although Mr. Wei is a Martial Immortal, he is not as strong as you now."

Chu Xiu pointed to himself and said, "Why do you want Wei to be old? Don't forget, the invitation was sent to Gu Zun. I have stepped into the realm of Wuxian and become a new generation of Gu Zun. My 'Master' is an old man. Retirement gives way, isn't it?"

It was only after hearing what Chu Xiu said, Mei Qinglian realized that, with Chu Xiu's current strength, he no longer needed to pretend to be a descendant of Gu Zun, he could already become a real 'Gu Zun'.

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