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Chapter 1356: Turn into spring mud to protect flowers

The vitality that was born in the boundless annihilation was like the last straw, completely crushing Yindra.

Shiva's third eye was broken, and even his eyes were bleeding, but he still muttered: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Chu Xiu's complexion was also a little pale, but with a wave of his hand, all the raging fires of destruction in the primitive devil's cave had all dissipated, leaving only a green bud that really existed and fell into his. in hand.

good fortune.

At this moment, Chu Xiu seemed to really understand the meaning of the word "good luck".

I don't know what kind of plant that green sprout is, maybe it is nothing, it just represents the vitality of good fortune, and it melted into Chu Xiu's hands in an instant.

The next moment, Chu Xiu suddenly felt a slight vibration from the source of yin and yang in his body, a very slight vibration, much less than when they merged before.

But in an instant, all of Chu Xiu's previous consumption had recovered, and his face was extremely rosy.

That power even flowed through his limbs and bones. Although Chu Xiu couldn't step into the Fourth Heaven of Martial Immortal, it made him realize something.

Looking at the Yindra in front of him, Chu Xiu was not in a hurry to kill him. After all, it was thanks to him that he finally realized something.

Chu Xiu just shook his head gently and said, "Impossible? There is nothing impossible in this world, it's just that you are too extreme.

All things in the world, the balance of yin and yang, is itself a cycle of reincarnation. Where can there be something that can only be destroyed?

The fire that destroys the world can only create the world after the world is destroyed.

In that extreme darkness, what is hidden is the real life-creation, but you have never discovered it, or you do not want to discover it.

Yindra, you have taken the wrong path from the beginning. You can step into the Martial Immortal, but you cannot reach the peak. "

With a hoarse voice, Yindra let out a strange laugh: "I was wrong? I can't be wrong! How could I be wrong!

Chu Xiu, you didn't win because you couldn't kill me! "

As Yindra's voice fell, the last trace of energy in his body condensed into a world-annihilating fire, but it ignited on himself.

With a weird and wild laughter, Yindra had already burned himself into a pile of flying ashes in an instant.

Chu Xiu was stunned for a while, Yindra would rather commit suicide in front of him than admit that he had lost, and he was really persistent, or paranoid enough.

Looking at the pile of ashes on the ground, Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Turn into spring mud to protect flowers.

You burn yourself to ashes with the fire of destroying the world. After a few months, the grass here must grow extremely vigorously. Isn't this a kind of reincarnation?

In fact, you already know the answer, you just don't want to believe it. "

Paranoid people will go further and faster, but in the same way, paranoid people will die even worse if they go down the wrong path.

With the two martial immortals in the Vishnu Shrine being beheaded, the rest of the warriors couldn't even resist, and they all cried and fled.

"Hurry up and kill, but don't chase too hard. Others enter the Vishnu Temple and take away everything that can be found!"

This is the Vishnu Hall, one of the three major halls of the Brahma Sect, and there must be countless treasures in it. Chu Xiu broke the Vishnu Hall this time, and the resources he obtained were enough to make him a lot of money.

Of course, what Chu Xiu wants most now is not these things, but the source.

However, Chu Xiu and others searched the Vishnu Temple and found a lot of secret treasures. Even the deepest treasure room in the Vishnu Temple was broken open by Master Yuan Ji and Chao Yun, but there was still no source in it. .

Chu Xiu frowned. Could it be that the fat man in Sikongtan's information was wrong, and the source of Daluotian's anode was not in the Vishnu Temple of the Sanskrit religion?

"There is still no living mouth left in the Vishnu Temple?"

Lu Jianghe walked over with a martial artist with a moustache and a realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, "That's the only one left.

Most of the guys in the Vishnu Temple are really not afraid of death, and this guy surrendered because he was afraid of death. "

The martial artist looked at Lu Jianghe with a hint of grievance.

If you don’t surrender, you will kill, but you still say that I am greedy for life and fear of death when I surrender.

"What is your position in the Sanskrit religion?" Chu Xiu asked in a deep voice.

The middle-aged man hurriedly said, "The next one is Ji Xinluo, the palace lord of the Palace of Magical Confusion."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly. He seemed to have a good relationship with the people from the Hall of Confusion. The warrior he met this time turned out to be a man from the Palace of Confusion.

"Do you know where the source of the collection of Vishnu Temple is?"

Ji Xinluo looked puzzled: "Origin? What origin?"

Lu Jianghe snorted coldly, his qi and blood condensed in his hands: "Boy, be honest, if you dare not tell the truth, there are 10,000 ways in this seat to make you survive and die!"

Ji Xinluo quickly said: "I really don't know! I have been in Sanskrit for so many years, and I have never heard the word "Origin"."

Chu Xiu waved his hand and motioned to Lu Jianghe not to do it, he might really not know.

The cultivation of the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm, coupled with the fact that the other party is the palace owner of a shrine, this status is considered a big person in the outside world, but it is obvious that in the Sanskrit religion, it should not be able to access the true secrets of the Sanskrit religion.

So Chu Xiu changed the word and described the general shape of the source to Ji Xinluo, and the other party suddenly realized: "So you are talking about the founding fetish."

"Founding fetish?"

Ji Xinluo nodded and said: "Anyway, the previous Vishnu temple master told us that this thing is left by the founding god, only my three gods can control it, and now we have got a part, but We have never been able to use that power.

And once it's not used properly, even Martial Immortal can't stop the power fluctuations emanating from it.

Over the years, there have been as many as five Martial Immortals in my Vishnu Hall who died because of their research on the founding artifacts, and the rest of the Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan and True Fire Refinement Realm are even more numerous. "

"Then where is this founding fetish now?"

Ji Xinluo replied cautiously: "In the Sanskrit headquarters."

"What!? Why is it at the Sanskrit headquarters?"

Ji Xinluo said: "Before you killed the master of the Temple of Singara, and without the master of the Vishnu Temple, I felt that the founding sacred object was a little unsafe in the Vishnu Temple, so it was moved to the headquarters of the Sanskrit Church. "

Chu Xiu frowned slightly, but he ignored it.

Under the premise that the source is so precious, the Vishnu Temple does not even have the master, how can it be possible to ensure the safety of the source?

"Then, in your Vishnu Hall, have the research records on the founding gods, etc., been moved to the Sanskrit headquarters?"

Ji Xinluo said: "That's not true."

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said: "Find out all the research on the founding gods and any secret books in your Sanskrit religion. I can spare your life. Of course, you don't want to go back to the Sanskrit religion."

Ji Xinluo breathed a sigh of relief.

But to be honest, he didn't even want to go back to Sanskrit.

Since he had surrendered because of his greed for life and fear of death, and betrayed so many secrets of the Sanskrit religion, he would return to the Sanskrit religion at this time. Once he was discovered, there would be thousands of tortures of the Sanskrit religion waiting for him.

Ji Xinluo ran to find those research records. At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly moved, and said to the demon: "Don't you want to use a martial arts expert to refine a body? There just happens to be one here."

Although Yindra had been turned into ashes, Anasiro was beheaded by Wei Shuya, but his head was lost, but his body was still intact.

Heart Demon slightly disliked and said: "He is too old."

"Tsk, why do you ask for so much? Even if you use a martial arts expert to shape a body for you, you can only exert the strength of the heaven and earth Tongxuan realm, but the upper limit has become a martial arts.

As long as you can rely on yourself to comprehend the power of the rules, it will be easier for you to step into the realm of Martial Immortals than other Martial Artists. "

The heart demon nodded and said, "That's okay, tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

Chu Xiu was stunned: "How do you know that I want you to do things?"

Heart Demon sneered: "I've been in your mind for so long, I still don't know what kind of character you are?

People are the most complicated things, and you are more complicated than most people.

From what I know about you, if you didn't want me to do something, you wouldn't be in a hurry to help me reshape my body. "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "You and I have known each other for so many I didn't expect you to look at me like this, it really makes me sad and disappointed."

However, Chu Xiu immediately changed his voice and said, "But I really have a little favor I want you to help."

The inner demon said indifferently: "Come on, I'm not human, what are you playing with me?"

People have emotions, but for the current demon, he has no emotions, and only uses the coldest gains and losses to calculate everything.

He was mixed with Chu Xiu, and since he left the primitive cave, Chu Xiu can be said to be his master.

Now, even if Chu Xiu helped him reshape his body, he could be considered as giving him back his freedom, but it would be most beneficial for him to follow Chu Xiu.

So he really doesn't need to think about so many messy things. With what he knows about Chu Xiu, as long as he doesn't betray, Chu Xiu will never treat him badly.

As for himself, he has no reason to betray Chu Xiu now.

Chu Xiu pointed at Ji Xinluo, who was running to find something, and said, "It is impossible for this guy to return to Sanskrit in the future, so what I want you to do is very simple. After rebuilding your body, you can copy his memory, I made my body into his image, you pretended to be a survivor and escaped back to Sanskrit, and from now on, you are the master of the Vishnu Palace of Sanskrit, and the Palace of Delusional Kings."

The demon nodded knowingly and said: "Understood, don't you just want me to go undercover, but this guy is too ugly, and you have used this trick several times, still use it? "

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "It doesn't matter if you are ugly, I will help you change your appearance later.

There are also tricks that don't matter whether they are new or old, as long as they work, what means can be more effective than breaking into the enemy's interior?

And this is not a simple undercover, the Sanskrit may suspect an outsider, but they will not doubt the 'own'. "

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