Meet The Leader

Chapter 1358: try to die

The Vishnu Hall, one of the three major halls of the Sanskrit Church, was destroyed by Chu Xiu's hands. The people who were most alarmed were those who were related to Chu Xiu. Of course, they mainly had hatred.

And those who have no grudge against him are also secretly investigating and being vigilant.

The world of great strife has not yet come, and Daluotian is already so chaotic. When the world of great conflict really comes, what will Daluotian look like?

At this time, the most northern place, Tianzhu Mountain Guanxing Pavilion, here is the place of hermitage for the scattered people of Xinghe.

Meng Xinghe was sitting at the highest point of the Guanxing Pavilion, with a chessboard in front of him, but he had no opponent. He was actually playing against himself.

At this moment, a white-robed warrior walked up to the Guanxing Pavilion, lowered his head and said solemnly: "Sir, the results of the Western Regions battle have come out, and the Vishnu Temple, one of the three major temples of the Brahma Sect, was destroyed, but the one who really did it was not the one who did it. Tianluobaosha, but Chu Xiu.

He didn't know when he actually joined forces with Tianluo Baosha to bypass the hundred thousand mountains, and when Tianluo Baosha attracted the positive force of Sanskrit, he made a sneak attack. "

Meng Xinghe paused and dropped his son, still with that kind of gentle smile on his face: "Interesting, Tianluobaosha, who has always been upright and upright, will join forces with the notorious Chu Xiu, while Brahma, who has always liked cunning methods It's really interesting that the teaching is so miserably calculated by others."

The martial artist said in a low voice, "My lord, if something like this happens, the rivers and lakes will be shaken for a while. Is the plan of our Galaxy Martial Arts Academy normally implemented?"

Meng Xinghe waved his hand and said, "Don't delay, even if Chu Xiu destroys the Sanskrit religion, the Xinghe Martial Arts Academy should be established.

So far, how many Gu Zun have agreed? "

The warrior looked a little ugly: "Only three people agree.

Don't know how to lift!

Sir, you are willing to take them to establish the Galaxy Martial Arts Academy, to give me a certain vitality and luck for the ancient ancestors in this world of great competition.

In the end, they were still worried about their own little thoughts. I don't think many of them can pass it on to the next generation, and they must cut them off! "

Meng Xinghe smiled and waved his hand: "Everyone has their own fate, and if they don't want to, we naturally can't force this kind of thing.

They will understand my painstaking efforts, and now they don't need to make a choice, the plan can be carried out as usual. "

The warrior walked down, Meng Xinghe looked up at the sky.

This is the highest mountain in the extreme north, and it can be said to be the closest place to heaven and earth.

Martial Immortal Martial Immortal, known as immortal, but still a mortal, a mortal who will grow old, sick and die, a mortal who is trapped on this earth.

In that galaxy, on the Jiuzhongtian, is there really an immortal immortal?


Southern barbarian land.

After Chu Xiu returned with the people, he immediately began to count the harvest.

The shocks on the rivers and lakes have nothing to do with him, anyway, his purpose has been achieved.

As for the Sanskrit side, they have decided on this boring loss.

In the absence of the World-Honored One, Sanskrit was unwilling to take action.

At this time, the Vishnu Temple was directly destroyed by Chu Xiu, and the Sanskrit religion in only two temples would be even more impossible to take action. Otherwise, Tianluobaosha would teach the other party a lesson and let them know that they need to use thunder to destroy heresy. means.

And after he destroyed a temple of the Brahma Sect, it can also play some shocking effects, so during this time, whether it is the people from the southern region or the group of ancient venerables, it is estimated that they will not come to him for trouble, but they can give Chu Xiu has been developing steadily for a period of time.

First of all, Chu Xiu took out the various records of the Sanskrit religion on the origin, and prepared to study this thing first.

The source has not been obtained, but at least I know where it is.

And these records of the Sanskrit religion, according to Ji Xinluo, were researched by the lives of several Martial Immortals and countless strongmen of the Sanskrit religion. As long as they can borrow a trace of the power of the source, they will make Chu Xiu's strength. skyrocketing.

But when he opened those records, Chu Xiu realized that he couldn't understand it.

The records of the Sanskrit religion are naturally all written in those obscure Sanskrit languages. Fortunately, Chu Xiu brought Jisilla back.

After someone called Ji Xinluo, Ji Xinluo still had a worried look on his face, wondering if Chu Xiu would kill him to silence him.

But he never thought that the first thing Chu Xiu asked him to do was to ask him to be the translator.

Throwing those records to Ji Xinluo, Chu Xiu asked, "How much do you know about this founding fetish of your Sanskrit religion?"

Ji Xinluo shook his head cautiously and said, "I don't know much about it.

It has only been less than a year since I stepped into the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, and as soon as I stepped into this realm, I took over the position of the Palace Master of the Palace of Confusion and Confusion, so I don’t know anything about the secrets of the upper levels of Sanskrit.

Moreover, although most of the shrines in the Vishnu Palace are not the main battles, the Hall of Fantastic Kings is one of the main battle palaces in the Vishnu Palace. The palace masters of all dynasties have hardly participated in the study of this thing. "

Chu Xiu nodded, and did not continue to ask, but just asked Ji Xinluo to translate all these records.

He wasn't afraid of what Guisilla did on purpose.

One is because the other party has been too frightened to do so.

The second is that Chu Xiu's realm surpasses Ji Xinluo too much. If the other party deliberately manipulates, even if Chu Xiu doesn't understand this thing, he can see the abruptness.

After Ji Xinluo finished translating these things, Chu Xiu also asked Ji Xinluo to translate all the books he got from Sanskrit.

Some of them, such as exercises, can also be used for reference by his subordinates if they want to practice.

In the closed room, Chu Xiu looked at the records left by the Sanskrit religion. He suddenly realized that he had underestimated these sects of Daluotian.

He thought that the sects of Daluotian did not know much about the source, but in fact, when they were in the lower realm, the sects of the Daluotian had actually noticed the existence of the source, and their understanding of the source was definitely better than Dugu. There are more only me, at least more than Dugu and only me in the lower world.

It's just that at that time, most of the powerhouses in Daluotian knew little about the existence of the source. They only knew that the source contained extremely strong power, so they banned it into the formation.

After entering Daluotian, Brahma Religion and Tianluo Temple began to compete for the origin. After Brahma Religion officially obtained the origin, although the origin was banned by Tianluo Temple, it fell into their hands after all, and they could also study it well. Fan.

According to the records of Sanskrit, in their view, the existence of the source is actually the heaven and the earth itself.

Any top martial arts faction has come to the end, in fact, it is a process of evolving martial arts to heaven, and the same is true of Sanskrit.

In the eyes of Sanskrit people, the world was chaotic at first, divided into yin and yang.

And this source is a kind of imprint left after opening up a realm. It is the transformation of the two initial forces left in the chaos when the world first opened.

Therefore, the source is a form of presentation of the heaven and the earth itself, and it is also very appropriate for the Sanskrit to call them the founding gods.

After so many years of research and experiments, Sanskrit has finally come to a conclusion after paying countless lives.

The source can't be refined, it can't be controlled, and it can't even be done by borrowing a bit of power.

There is only one way to stimulate the power of the source, and that is to find a way to get closer to this world, to understand the power of the source itself, and then to passively stimulate the power of the source and make it burst out.

It was the power that was released inadvertently, just like the power that trembled from the fusion of the two sources in Chu Xiu's body, and it was impossible to control at all.

However, Sanskrit has created a secret method in the research to adjust its own strength. It can adjust its own strength to a state of extreme yin or extreme yang in an instant, so that it can bear part of it. the power of origin.

At least it can slightly affect this power, instead of simply letting it explode and commit suicide.

It's just that Sanskrit has not tried this method.

Because the origin of the Dao of Brahma has the seal of the Heavenly Buddha Temple, which makes them not dare to move.

If you move too lightly, you can't break the ban on the source, but if you move too hard, causing the power of the source to explode violently, that power is enough to destroy the entire Vishnu Temple.

Therefore, the warriors of the Vishnu Temple only created this secret method entirely by deducing their own ideas, but they never had the opportunity to use it, and they did not need to know whether it was easy to use or not.

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes, he suddenly wanted to try It wasn't that Chu Xiu killed himself, but that almost all of his troubles have been resolved recently, at least temporarily.

And here is the stronghold of the land of the southern barbarians, Chu Xiu's situation is the safest, this kind of environment can tolerate Chu Xiu's limited "killing".

When he was fighting Yindra before, Chu Xiu had a deep understanding of the power of the magic way.

The magic path of creation is the power that can go directly to the source of the magic path. Life and death are cycled, and when it is destroyed to the extreme, it is a new life.

Boundless demonic energy lingered around Chu Xiu, turning into an extremely gloomy primitive demon cave.

But in the deepest part of the primitive devil's cave, there is a little light shining, a shimmer in the darkness, very dazzling.

In that gleam, a green shoot grows tenaciously, representing vitality and good fortune!

In the past, when killing Yin Dara, it was this inconspicuous young shoot, but it was a manifestation of the evolution of the magical way of creation to the extreme, and even caused the vibration of the source of Yin and Yang, although it was only a little bit.

But now that Chu Xiu did it deliberately, the source of yin and yang in his body vibrated more violently than last time. Although it was only a trace, it was overflowing with several times the strength of the last time.

But the next moment, Chu Xiu's expression changed suddenly, he immediately stopped to activate the source of yin and yang, and began to run the secret method of Sanskrit.

In an instant, his figure suddenly turned into a strange state of being half black as ink and half being shrouded in hot golden light.

Two forces surged back and forth in Chu Xiu's body, as if to break free from the shackles of his body.

In the end, Chu Xiu suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, the devilish energy and golden light all over his body subsided, and his entire face was pale, as if he had been hollowed out.

Attempt to fail, death to succeed.

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