Meet The Leader

Chapter 1363: 4 domain to congratulate

In front of the square of the central hall of the Kunlun Demon Sect, the black slate paved the ground, and the complex pattern shone with a little starlight, illuminating the entire square.

The building of the entire Kunlun Demon Sect is flat on all sides. Although it is simple, it gives people a sense of awe-inspiring depression. This is completely different from the architectural style of Daluotian, which also makes the warriors of those small sects look solemn and dare not take it lightly. noisy.

When the Kunlun Demon Sect just said it was going to be established, it was worthy of them to come to rely on the name of Chu Xiu.

But at that time, they all thought that the Kunlun Demon Sect was just a grass-roots group, but now it seems that its magnificence is not inferior to the grand sects of Lingxiaozong and Huangtiange.

Especially those formations on the ground, you can see at a glance that they are from the hands of everyone in the formation, not ordinary.

Chu Xiu sat in the center of the square in front of the main hall, Wei Shuya and others all sat around, waiting for the arrival of the auspicious time to start the grand ceremony.

The Eastern Region is near the water tower, and the number of people who come here is almost the same.

Huangtian Pavilion was the first one to come. Zhong Qiushui brought Lu Sanjin and a group of Huangtian Pavilion elders to come in person, which can be said to have given Chu Xiu enough face.

Even Huangtian Pavilion gave Chu Xiu a great gift, which is a formation plate passed down from ancient times by Huangtian Pavilion, which can change positions at will.

The production of the array plate is much more difficult than the array method, because it needs to be moved frequently, so the materials used are also more precious.

This scene also let other sects in the Eastern Region know that Chu Xiu left the Emperor Tiange to stand on his own, but the two sides did not conflict, but 'peacefully broke up', and even the relationship between the two sides was not bad.

And the Lingxiao sect was also here. Fang Yinglong and Qin Baiyuan brought their disciples and gave them gifts, leaving only one Linghu Xianshan to stay at the Lingxiao sect, which also gave Chu Xiu enough face.

Of these sects in the Eastern Region, the only one that did not come was Hanjiang City, which also let everyone know how much Ye Weikong hated Chu Xiu.

In fact, many of these sects of Daluotian are still very concerned about face.

Even if sometimes the two sides fight fiercely, at such times, both sides will pay attention to a face.

For example, in the previous High Heaven Sect and Huangtian Pavilion, the two sides began to fight from the lower realm, and have been fighting until now, but once the two sides have any major celebrations, the people who should come will also come, although some smell of gunpowder is inevitable.

But this time, Hanjiang City didn't even come to a single person. It is conceivable that the other party hated Chu Xiu to such an extent that they didn't even care about face.

After the people from the southern domain came, other domains began to come one after another.

The warrior standing at the gate of the square said loudly: "The Southern Region Heavenly Demon Sect is here to congratulate!"

In addition to the people from the Eastern Region, the Tianmo Sect was the first foreign sect to come.

However, everyone in the world knows that Chu Xiu has a relationship with Tianmogong, and the two sides once joined forces to destroy the Bliss Mogong, so it's not surprising that Tianmogong is active in everything.

"Congratulations to Cult Master Chu, I finally have a powerful ally in my demonic lineage."

Yuan Kongcheng smiled and handed the congratulatory gift with a very kind attitude.

When he chose to help Chu Xiu deliver information about the Sword Sect of the World, he was betting on Chu Xiu's future.

As a result, now he bet right, Chu Xiu's growth rate is even faster than he imagined.

As for Chu Xiu, who also established a demon sect, whether there will be a conflict with his Heavenly Demon Palace, Yuan Kongcheng is not worried at all.

He is an old mind. For thousands of years, no domain has existed alone. If Chu Xiu is in the southern domain, he will be vigilant or even reject it, but in the eastern domain, both sides can become allies.

"Palace Master Yuan is very polite, please take a seat."

After Yuan Kongcheng came, the other sects in the Southern Region, the Sword Sect of the World, the Great Thousand Sect, and the War God Sect were also present in sequence.

It is worth mentioning that Sheng Jiuyuan actually stood on the side of the Sword Sect of the World, and the Sword Sect of the World actually brought Fang Qishao here.

But seeing Fang Qishao appear, Chu Xiu was a little nervous.

He knew Fang Qishao's disposition, and he had better not reveal his secrets on this occasion.

Fortunately, Fang Qishao still knew that he was an undercover agent, so he didn't look at Chu Xiu and the others, but just looked left and right, looking like he had never seen the world before, and was reprimanded by Mu Baishuang. After that, it came down to honesty.

"Northern Territory Sanqing Hall, Xuantianjing, and Lingbao Temple are here to congratulate!"

A few sects in the Northern Territory, except for Yin Lingzi of Lingbaoguan, Chu Xiu of the other factions have not dealt with much.

However, the establishment of a sect is such a big event, and the Northern Territory will naturally have to come after hearing the news.

From the Sanqing Palace were an elder and Fang Yizhen, who had dealt with Chu Xiu in the Daluo Shrine.

Only one elder came to the Xuantian Realm.

The Lingbao Temple came with Yin Lingzi and a middle-aged Taoist priest.

"The Western Regions Tianluo Baosha is here to congratulate!"

Ji Kong and Fa Jing walked into the hall and immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Before the two sides joined hands to kill the Vishnu Temple of the Sanskrit religion, causing a sensation in the entire Daluotian, this is a big thing.

With the current relationship between the two parties, even if they are not official allies, in the eyes of other Daluo Tianwu practitioners, they are allies, so it is normal for Tianluobaosha to come.

"Congratulations to Master Chu."

Ji Kong and Chu Xiu had never dealt with each other, and Fajing had little to say, so the two sides just exchanged a few words, and the two were invited to sit aside.

Just when everyone thought that everyone had arrived and the ceremony could begin, the disciples outside the door said loudly: "Xinghe Martial Arts Academy, Venerable Fang Daochen is here to congratulate!"

As soon as they heard this name, the expressions of everyone present suddenly became a little strange, and no one expected that the Galaxy Martial Academy would come.

In fact, when the Galaxy Martial Arts Academy was established, everyone present also sent people.

It's just that compared to Chu Xiu, the Galaxy Martial Arts Academy is much more low-key. Meng Xinghe wants to take a different path than Chu Xiu.

At this moment, Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, flashing thinking.

Others thought that Chu Xiu and Meng Xinghe took different paths, but in fact the two sides had the same goal, they both wanted to compete for enough luck before the world of war came.

After he came to the Eastern Region, the Galaxy Martial Academy almost never thought of recruiting a disciple in the Eastern Region.

He believed that Meng Xinghe could also see that the two sides were almost competitors now.

Fang Daochen is a middle-aged man dressed in Taoist costumes. He is also an ancient venerable member of the Taoist lineage.

After entering, Fang Daochen fluttered and said solemnly to Chu Xiu: "Congratulations to the leader of Chu for establishing the Kunlun Demon Sect and spreading its power in the Eastern Region.

Cult Master Chu is also a person in the same vein as my ancient Zun, and in the future, it will definitely be a good thing to get close to him.

There are already two major forces in the Guzun lineage, and the Meng Sanren also hope that my Galaxy Martial Arts Institute, the Kunlun Demon Sect, and even the Guzun lineage will have long luck! "

Fang Daochen's voice was heavy on the word "Qiyun", but he couldn't tell what he meant.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Master Fang, please take a seat and thank Meng Sanren on my behalf."

With so many people coming, everyone thought that when this time was about to start, the voice of the gatekeeper came from outside.

But this time, the gatekeeper's voice was a little hesitant, hesitating but not calling out his name.

At this time, a slightly stiff voice said loudly: "Luoshan's Shaowu and Longshan, on behalf of the old barbarian king, congratulate the Chu sect on establishing a sect and inheriting it from generation to generation!"

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present suddenly changed.

All the forces that border the Shiwan Mountains have heard of the name of the Luoshan clan, and even those who have never heard of the name of the Luoshan clan know the existence of the old barbarian king, who is almost the number one powerhouse among the barbarians now.

Kunlun Demon Sect established a sect, what did the other party do?

Fajing whispered to Ji Kong, "Uncle Shi, who is the old barbarian king?"

Although Fajing's cultivation base is strong enough, he is still a young generation after all. He usually only concentrates on cultivation, and he really doesn't know much about these things.

Ji Kong said solemnly: "That old guy should be the most difficult existence among the barbarians.

The barbarians have continued to inherit, not only because some of the barbarian tribes have some inherited artifacts, but also because each generation of barbarians will also emerge one or two top-notch powerhouses, and the old barbarian king is such an existence.

And I heard that the old barbarian king is not simple, and even has some cause and effect implication with some great factions of Daluotian.

But why did the barbarians rush to congratulate Chu Xiu? No, something is wrong!

In the past, when the land of the southern barbarians was under the jurisdiction of Huangtian Pavilion, barbarian riots often occurred, but when it was owned by Chu, there was not even a single riot.

And how did Chu Xiu cross the 100,000 Mountains to raid Sanskrit?

If it was only him, it would be no problem, but at that time, he, Chu Xiu, had brought tens of thousands of elites from the Kunlun Demon Sect. Even if those barbarians were blind, they would have noticed it! "

Ji Kong can perceive these things, and everyone present can also perceive them. All the people's expressions are strange. Could it be that Chu Xiu has colluded with the barbarians?

Of course, this is not really a big deal. The major factions actually have certain deals with the barbarians, but they have not been exposed to the public, and they are shoddy and pit those barbarians.

If a small sect does this, it is estimated that someone will take care of it, but an existence like Chu Xiu that can destroy a temple of Brahma, then no one will even take care of it.

At this time, there was a violent vibration in the earth, and there was a huge sound of friction.

At the entrance of the square, Longshan actually dragged a khaki dragon into the square.

That Flood Dragon is a hundred zhang long. Compared to that Flood Dragon, Longshan's little giant body is not even as big as that Flood Dragon's head.

As soon as he came in, he shouted: "This is a mountain scorpion hunted by the old barbarian king himself. It's exhausting to drag me all the way. I want to eat meat and drink!"

Next to Longshan was a middle-aged man in a brocade robe. Although he was also dark-skinned and tall, his demeanor was no different from that of a Da Luotian martial artist.

He cupped his hands with a hint of blunt Central Plains dialect: "In order to congratulate the Chu sect on the founding of a sect, the old barbarian king went to the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains to hunt and kill this earthworm as a gift.

Our family values ​​friendship with friends the most. Lord Chu established a sect in the land of the southern barbarians, and is a neighbor of our family. May the friendship between the two sides last forever. "

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