Meet The Leader

Chapter 1366: You can come, but you can't leave!

Suhana's disciples have the strength to refine the realm of real fire, and the Kunlun Demon Sect will also send a warrior who can refine the realm of real fire.

Tang Ya smiled and said: "Everyone, it's time for me to be in the limelight today, so leave it to me."

Everyone else shrugged and said nothing.

Tang Ya and Yan Bugui's strengths were infinitely close to Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, and the two of them would be the safest to go up.

Now that Tang Ya has spoken, Yan Bugui will definitely not rob him.

With the lessons learned, Lizhiqi played a lot more cautiously this time, and there was not much nonsense. His whole body shone with five colors of divine light, and he looked extremely bright for a moment.

Tang Ya sneered: "It's so gorgeous, it's like a peacock opening screen, are you asking for a puppet?"

Li Zhiqi said angrily, "Stop talking nonsense!"

The voice fell, and the five-color divine light attacked Tang Ya.

Among these five colors of divine light, there are five types of Astral Qi that are entangled and entangled.

But at this moment, Tang Ya sneered, and he began to circle around him. In an instant, countless hidden weapons burst out from around him.

Bone-piercing nails, heart-piercing arrows, dragon tail darts, plum blossom needles, broken bone spurs... and many other hidden weapons were densely packed, just like the top of a dark cloud, and the black pressure struck.

Hidden weapons are only things that low-level warriors can use, and even some low-level warriors from big factions will not use them because they are too cheap.

This disciple of the Kunlun Demon Sect has already reached the realm of real fire, and he still uses hidden weapons as his main attack method. How much lack of practice is he?

However, some of the strong people present raised their eyebrows, seemingly seeing something.

The hidden weapons that Tang Ya shot out were not just as simple as attaching the hidden weapons to fly out with astral qi, but each hidden weapon seemed to be connected to Tang Ya by a silk thread.

These hidden weapons are not separate individuals, but a whole!

Thinking of this, the expressions of everyone present have changed.

How many of these hidden weapons are there? Thousands of them, it was almost impossible to count them.

But this Tang Ya can control all of them, how strong is his control over the power qi?

Lizhiqi didn't realize this, he brushed out the five-color divine light in his hand, and even a large number of hidden weapons were brushed directly to the ground by him.

"The trick of carving insects is laughable and generous!"

Lizhiqi just laughed when he heard Suhana shout: "Be careful!"

Lizhiqi was taken aback, but it was too late.

Countless hidden weapons turned out to completely wrap Li Zhiqi.

At the same time, the Astral Qi threads above those hidden weapons became thicker and thicker, and became clear to everyone.

Countless silk threads were all connected to Tang Ya's hands, and as Tang Ya's hands formed a seal, he faintly spit out a word: "Broken!"

In an instant, countless threads were all tightened, and there was an incomparably violent explosion of astral gas and a 'puchi' sound from the tearing of flesh and blood.

The next moment, a large amount of blood flowed out from the ground, Tang Ya waved his hand, and all those hidden weapons were taken back by him.

"It's a shameful waste, my hidden weapon is not a one-time use."

When Tang Ya took back the hidden weapon in his hand, everyone saw the situation on the field.

It should be said that there is nothing wrong, Lizhiqi was completely torn into a pile of minced meat, and he couldn't fight.

The expression on Suhana's face was already furious to the extreme, but he was holding back and did not break out.

In fact, the current Suhana is also difficult to ride a tiger.

The original intention of Sanskrit was to use Daluotian's rules to embarrass Chu Xiu, at least not allow Chu Xiu to establish a sect and live so freely.

The result is now good, two people have died on my side, they are all outstanding disciples of their younger generation, and now it is their turn to be uncomfortable in Sanskrit.

So the other disciples are also staring at Suhana, do they still want to take action?

Suhana gritted his teeth fiercely: "Tuman, this time you come!"

Tuman is a burly man with a naked upper body and countless runes engraved on it, and has the cultivation of the realm of heaven and earth.

The other party is not a person from the Brahma Temple, but the palace lord of the Shiva Temple's Beast Lord Shrine.

The warriors from the Shiva Temple are extremely powerful. At least the warriors on his side of the Brahma Temple can beat the opponent.

However, seeing this scene, Chu Xiu's side showed an unidentified smile.

When it comes to the level of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, now the people on Chu Xiu's side are the strongest.

Shang Tianliang didn't step into Martial Immortal, and he was still Tong Xuan.

The rest of Lu Jianghe, Mei Qinglian, Chu Wuji, Lu Fengxian, and others, they are all open to heaven and earth.

None of these people is easy to mess with, it can be said that just taking one out is enough to solve the other party.

So several people actually humbled each other there.

Shang Tianliang pouted and said, "Not even a half-step Martial Immortal, it's boring, come on you young people."

Mei Qinglian looked disgusted: "It's too ugly, it affects my mood, I won't go."

Lu Jianghe took a few glances, shook his head and said, "He looks quite strong, but he is puffy and lacks the power of qi and blood."

Chu Wuji sighed and said, "I've been helping Mr. Wei with all his work during this time, but I'm exhausted to death. I'll leave things like fighting to you."

Seeing that everyone didn't want to take action, Lu Fengxian showed a gentle smile: "Alright then, leave it to me."

With that said, Lu Fengxian dragged the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand and walked to the center of the ring.

Mantu, the palace lord of the Beast Lord Shrine, was furious with the other party's previous words.

The other party's tone was as if he was a piece of garbage, and they were too lazy to do it.

At this time, seeing Lu Fengxian, who was handsome and not tall, stood up, he immediately roared, "Little white face, die!"

As his voice fell, phantoms behind him merged into his body. There were giant dragons, war elephants, lions, etc., and the roars of the beasts shook the sky. Come loud.

Lu Fengxian shook his head gently. The next moment, the demon flames around him rushed into the sky, and the powerful demonic energy shrouded his body, as if he had been covered with a battle armor composed entirely of demonic energy.

Jiuxiao refining the devil's golden body!

Holding the Fang Tianhua halberd, behind Lu Fengxian, a huge demon phantom loomed, and as he slashed the halberd, the powerful force was like a mountain and a rock, causing a harsh explosion in the air.


A huge roar sounded, and Mantu was directly smashed to the ground by this halberd. He couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Lu Fengxian in disbelief.

Why can this seemingly thin little white face burst out with such a powerful force?

He roared angrily, and countless phantoms of wild beasts rushed towards Lu Fengxian, but Lu Fengxian still fell with a halberd, and everything was shattered in front of absolute power!

When Lu Fengxian's third halberd fell, Mantu could no longer resist, and his arms shattered.

His physical body is strong, but Lu Fengxian's power is even stronger.

Seeing that Lu Fengxian's fourth halberd was about to fall, Suhana's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly tried to stop it.

The first two people who shot were from his Brahma Temple. Even if they died, I believe Lord Lou Naga would understand him.

But Mantu was from the Shiva Temple. If the madman Yama knew that he had killed the palace master under his command, this matter would not be so easy to end.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu's right hand moved, and there was a shrieking sound from the six-path reincarnation bracelet, which suddenly shocked Suhana's primordial spirit, and his body froze.

With just such a pause, Lu Fengxian's fourth halberd fell, and the power and momentum exploded to its peak. The Wushuang halberd directly split the Mantu into two pieces, and the square was filled with blood in an instant.

"Chu Xiu!"

Suhana roared wildly, and the anger and murderous intent in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

He could not wait to fight with Chu Xiu right now, but he also knew that this was the Kunlun Demon Sect, the base camp of Chu Xiu, and he had almost no chance of winning.

After a long while, Su Hana said coldly: "Okay! Chu Xiu, you are fine!

I gave you the soul-returning bell, take good care of it, sooner or later I will take it back in person from the Brahma Church. UU Reading"

After speaking, Suhana was about to leave.

But Chu Xiu said in a cold voice, "You think my Kunlun Demon Sect is a place where you can come and leave when you want?

I'm not interested in this soul-returning bell, so I'd better send it back to the Sanskrit religion. Sending the bell in the morning and the bell in the evening is a bell. Why don't I send it to you now! "

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, he actually unfolded the law, grabbed the soul bell, and threw it at Suhana!

No one would have thought that Chu Xiu would take action without saying a word, and he would use supernatural powers when he came up, and Suhana didn't expect it either.

Five colors of divine light shone behind him, and the power of the five elements combined with force, decomposing any power in the world.

That time, the Soul Bell exploded with a bang in the battle between Suhana and Chu Xiu, but Suhana was also blown away.

Suhana's five-color divine light cultivation reaches its peak, and it is indeed possible to decompose any power. After all, no power between this world can escape the scope of the power of the five elements.

But his five-color divine light is the purest power that cannot be decomposed.

Three punches fell, and the whole earth made a tremor, and Suhana was extremely embarrassed to resist.

Seeing that Chen Qingdi and Wei Shuya on the other side were already on the verge of making a move, Su Ha's whole body suddenly burst into several rays of brilliance. When the disciple came, he left quickly in the air.

After all, Suhana is the sixth level of Martial Immortal, let alone the combat power, at least the power background is deeper than that of Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu was confident to fight him, but the other party wanted to escape, but he had no good way to stop him.

Suhana is not the kind of stubborn Yindra, who can't escape even if he can't fight, and has to fight recklessly.

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