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Chapter 1368: Attack the Eastern Regions!

? Mu Baishuang made such a choice, not because he hated Chu Xiu deeply, but because he was anxious.

If Chu Xiu is not eliminated, the Kunlun Demon Sect will not be able to contaminate the Eastern Regions in one day.

Luo Shan looked at Mu Baishuang calmly and asked, "What did you see? The reason?"

Mu Baishuang, who had always spoken very little, now told Luo Shan everything he had seen in the Kunlun Demon Sect in great detail.

In the end, Mu Baishuang said solemnly, "Chu Xiu's strength is not strong enough to make me the Sword Sect of the World and the Southern Territory jealous.

But his growth rate is really amazing.

The Kunlun Demon Sect is in the land of the southern barbarians. If he is not removed, our Southern Region sect will never be able to encroach on the Eastern Region. "

Luo Shan looked at Mu Baishuang with a little surprise, "It's rare to see someone so jealous."

Mu Baishuang said solemnly, "Then Chu Xiu is worthy of our jealousy. Of course, if our Southern Territory Sect does not contaminate the Eastern Territory, no matter how strong he is, Chu Xiu, we don't need to be jealous."

Luo Shan shook his head lightly and said, "It seems that our thoughts are very similar."

Mu Baishuang was stunned, "We? Who else?"

Luo Shan didn't speak, just waved his hand, and an old man wearing a blue robe strode into the hall.

"City Lord Ye!"

Mu Baishuang was shocked, he never expected to see Ye Weikong here.

That's right, the one who appeared in front of them was Ye Weikong, the city lord of Hanjiang City, who had not appeared on the rivers and lakes for a long time.

When Chu Xiu held the founding ceremony and the whole Daluotian came to congratulate him, Ye Weikong had already come to the Sword Sect of the Southern Territory by himself. What this was for is self-evident.

Ye Weikong said lightly, "Mu Jianzun, do you feel that Chu Xiu is worth fearing until now? It's a pity it's too late."

Mu Baishuang said in a deep voice, "It's not too late, it's just right, City Lord Ye is here, is it possible that he is ready to turn his back on the Eastern Region?"

Ye Weikong suddenly burst into laughter, and the laughter was full of anger and unwillingness.

"Abandoning the Eastern Region? A joke, a joke!

The Eastern Region is the Eastern Region of his High Heaven Sect and the Eastern Region of his Emperor Heaven Pavilion, but it is not the Eastern Region of my Hanjiang City!

It's never been mine, how can I turn my back on it? "

Ye Weikong had already come to the Sword Sect of the World when Chu Xiu widely issued an invitation to invite Siyu to come to watch the ceremony.

In fact, although Ye Weikong had been recuperating in a low-key manner in Hanjiang City by Chu Xiukeng, he had not yet given birth to the thought of abandoning the Eastern Region and joining forces with the Southern Region martial arts.

And it was Chu Xiu who made him feel this way.

It was Chu Xiu's move to establish the Kunlun Demon Sect, which completely made Ye Weikong's mentality unbalanced.

He was angry, also unwilling, and even deeply jealous, jealous of Chu Xiu!

In the past, when he established Hanjiang City, he was a strong opponent of Lingxiao Sect and Huangtian Pavilion. On the premise of joining forces with Meng Xinghe, he took food from these two factions and laid the foundation of the current Hanjiang City.

He couldn't even remember how much Hanjiang City paid for the casualties.

But now what?

Why did Chu Xiu establish a Kunlun Demon Sect? Not only did Ling Xiaozong and Huangtian Pavilion not stop him, but they even sent gifts in person. Why! ?

Although Ye Weikong knew, because the times were different.

At that time, when he established Hanjiang City, it was an internal fight in the Eastern Region, and he was grabbing food from Ling Xiaozong and Huangtian Pavilion.

Now that Chu Xiu established the Kunlun Demon Sect, it seems that the two factions can also guard the southern border for them as a barrier, so they do not reject it.

But although Ye Weikong understands the truth, he can't swallow this bad breath!

Since the Eastern Region has never accommodated him in Hanjiang City, and regarded him as his own, why should he do his best for the Eastern Region?

The so-called four regions of east, west, north, south, and south are nothing more than a geographical name. Which region Hanjiang City is in is just Hanjiang City, it doesn't matter.

Luo Shan said solemnly, "City Lord Ye has made a wise choice. My Sword Sect of the World is very pleased. The Eastern Region cannot tolerate it, but the Southern Region can tolerate it, and the Sword Sect of the World can tolerate it."

Ye Weikong said coldly, "This is not a wise choice for me, but a helpless choice.

Sect Master Luo, I, Hanjiang City, will cooperate with the Southern Region to attack the Eastern Region, but I only ask for one thing. "

"whats the matter?"

"Kill Chu Xiu!"

Luo Shan paused and said, "Yes."

In fact, the Sword Sect of the World and Chu Xiu have never had any deadly enmity.

However, because of the position of the two sides, this endless battle can be said to be settled.

At this time, Mu Baishuang, who was beside him, suddenly said, "Sect Master, this battle has already been exhausted, and we must succeed in this battle.

But Ling Xiaozong has Ling Xiao Wuji imprint, how much confidence is there? "

Mu Baishuang's attitude was very aggressive before, but now that he saw Luo Shan's decision to attack the Eastern Region, he suddenly became cautious.

This time is different from the past. This is the first and last time for the Southern Region Sect headed by the Sword Sect of the World to attack the Eastern Region.

It became, the Southern Region Sect annexed the Eastern Region, and its power rose sharply.

If they lose, the vitality of the Southern Region sect will be greatly damaged. In the future world of great competition, it is estimated that there will be nothing to do.

So this time, you have to be cautious.

Luo Shan said lightly, "Don't worry, I'm ready to deal with Lingxiao Wujiyin, I have integrated the Tongtian Sword."

Hearing this, Mu Baishuang's complexion suddenly changed.

The Tongtian Sword is the heritage treasure of their world sword sect. Its origin is actually the same as Lingxiao Wuji Seal, but it is made of a piece of fine iron born from the dragon veins.

The Tongtian Sword existed in the lower realm, and after it was brought into Daluotian by the Sword Sect of the World, it was nurtured on the Tongtian Sword Front.

The divine objects of heaven and earth cannot be controlled by mortals, and Tongtian Sword is also a product of the dragon veins of the lower realm. It has some conflicts with Da Luotian. Every time it is used, the backlash it brings can be said to be huge.

Luo Shan chuckled and said, "What are you doing with such a big reaction? Old man, I have actually failed in my life. I have been the number one swordsman in the world. I have been in this position for hundreds of years. Zun, by the way, there are now four, and that kid Yi Guixie also has the title of Sword Sovereign.

When it comes to my understanding of this world, I'm not as good as the World Honored and the leader of the Sanskrit sect, let alone compared with the Dao Venerable. Even a rising star like Meng Xinghe can't compare.

The realm of the Nine Heavens of mine, I just forcibly broke through by relying on my original vigor, but in fact it was very reluctant.

Everyone else is chasing the peak, but I can't even see where the peak is.

Now that I am old, I can still use the Tongtian Sword while I still have the last bit of vigor that I still have. If I drag it on, I may not even be eligible to use the Tongtian Sword.

But of course we can't just do this, we have to find a few people.

Brother Sheng, the general of Zhenlong and Venerable Gu Yue will be handed over to convince them.

They already have inheritance disciples, and I am afraid that this time, they will not be so easy to persuade. "

Sheng Jiuyuan came out of the inner hall, nodded expressionlessly and said, "Okay, give me some time, and I will bring them all."

Mu Baishuang watched all this in a daze. It turned out that when he was still worried about his scruples, the old Sect Master had already arranged everything.

But all of this, why does it feel like an account of the aftermath?

Mu Baishuang shook his head violently, and said solemnly, "Sect Master, what should we do now?"

Luo Shan said solemnly, "Wait, wait for everyone to arrive.

I have already sent Yi Guixie to Daqianmen and Zhanwu Shenzong. This time, I have gathered the three major sects in the southern region, the strength of the three ancient venerables, and the city lord of Hanjiang City as inner responders. It can only be said that I have no such luck in the Southern Region. "


In the dense forest deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, in front of the secret realm of Zhenlong and Gu Zun's lineage, Xu Tianya and Fang Baidu looked at Sheng Jiuyuan with some doubts, not knowing why he suddenly came to them.

Sheng Jiuyuan had already stepped into the seventh level of Martial Immortal, and his combat power was to be higher than theirs, so although the two sides had some friendship, it was not too much.

Moreover, Sheng Jiuyuan is relatively arrogant. Most of the time, they take the initiative to cling to Sheng Jiuyuan. This is the first time Sheng Jiuyuan has come to them.

"Brother Sheng, it's not easy to come to us once, come and come, go to the secret realm and sit first. I cultivated a batch of forgetfulness grass in the secret realm, and the wine brewed from this can be said to be able to solve the problem in one cup. A thousand sorrows."

Although Fang Baidu wondered why Sheng Jiuyuan took the initiative to come to them, he politely took Sheng Jiuyuan to his seat.

But Sheng Jiuyuan shook his head and said, "Today I am not here as a guest, but to invite the two of you to attack the Eastern Region and destroy the Kunlun Demon Sect, Lingxiao Sect, and Emperor Tiange!

The two of you can take revenge for killing the disciples. Also after the Southern Region Zongmen occupied the Eastern, whether the two of you want to get a batch of resources for hermitage, or directly establish a sect in the Eastern Region, All are possible. "

Fang Baidu and Chen Jiulong looked at each other in silence, but their attitudes could explain everything.

Before that, the revenge of the murderers was indeed undying.

But now, they have two new apprentices. They are beautiful, cute, sensible, and smart. Their talents are much stronger than the previous two, and their future achievements are even stronger than theirs. To put it better, they are fettered. I don't want to be killed anymore.

But if it's a bit harsher, they are also afraid, and they are afraid of being beaten by Chu Xiu, and they dare not go to each other's troubles.

Although the two of them are not old, they are not too young either.

The martial arts of this life are almost over, and I just hope that there is an outstanding disciple who can inherit the mantle.

Now that their goal has actually been achieved, why bother with a murderer like Chu Xiu?

Sheng Jiuyuan frowned and said, "This time, the Sword Sect of the World will take the lead, and Sword Master Luo Shan will take action, as will Daqianmen, Zhanwu Shenzong and I.

Even Ye Weikong, the city lord of Hanjiang City in the Eastern Region, will respond internally. "

Fang Baidu smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm not afraid of waiting, I just think it's unnecessary. Brother Sheng, let's find someone else."

At this time, Sheng Jiuyuan's face suddenly turned cold, and he said, "Two, the matter of attacking the Eastern Regions, and the matter of Hanjiang City being the inner responder are all secrets for the time being. Now that you have heard these secrets, you don't want to take action?"

Hearing this implied threat, Xu Tianya and Fang Baidu's expressions suddenly sank.

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