Meet The Leader

Chapter 1399: Hand in!

In fact, Venerable Chixia didn't know that what Song Wan did was related to the Kunlun Demon Sect.


He is the ancient Zun of Daluotian, and it has only been two months since he was in the lower realm, and most of the affairs are handled by Song Wan. How could he know that the current emperor of Beiyan, Xiang Li, was raised to the throne by Chu Xiu. The Spirit Gang and the North Piaoxuecheng are both vassals of the Kunlun Demon Sect.


But intuition told Venerable Chixia that the other party seemed to be a bad visitor.


Outside the King Kong Gate, Chu Xiu looked at the appearance of King Kong Gate slightly. It was not grand, but it was quite large.


On the way here, Chu Xiu also heard about what Song Wan did. He was a person, but not a big person.


The other party seized the two opportunities of the destruction of the Daguang Temple and the attack on Tianmen, and jumped up and became one of the eight factions. If Zai developed steadily for a period of time, it is impossible to say that he can go further in this world of great competition, but unfortunately, It's all over now.


It's not wrong for Song Wan to be hostile to the Kunlun Demon Sect. Chu Xiu is not narcissistic to the point where all sects should fear and respect him.


Song Wan's real fatality is that he is too anxious.


It doesn't matter how hostile he is to the Kunlun Demon Sect in secret, but he didn't even know the situation of Da Luotian, so he hurriedly started to defect to Venerable Chixia, and also provoked the Kunlun Demon Sect. wrong, and there is no chance of regret.


At this time, Venerable Chixia walked out in a hurry, cupped her hands in front of Chu Xiu and laughed: "Cult Master Chu is coming, and I have missed you, please forgive me.


In the past, I was on the top of the Gu Zun Conference, and I didn't talk to you more than Cult Master Chu. Today is just the time. You and I are just talking about martial arts and being affectionate. "


Chu Xiu said indifferently: "The venerable Chixia is so gracious that I feel a little surprised. I thought that the venerable would drive me out directly."


Seeing Chu Xiu's attitude and those words that were neither yin nor yang, Venerable Chixia was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "What did Cult Master Chu say? No one knows the prestige of the Lord of the Eastern Regions. , who does not know?


Cult Master Chu, you came to visit me as a guest. It's too late for me to welcome you, so how could I drive you out, Cult Master Chu? "


Song Wan, who was following behind Venerable Chixia, already felt that something was wrong, and a cold sweat couldn't help falling from his forehead.


Venerable Chixia's previous attitude was very cold, not only in front of him, but also in the face of other Gu Zun who were in the lower realm. Song Wan saw this with his own eyes.


As a result, seeing Chu Xiu today, the performance of this Venerable Chixia surprised him.


Although it's not flattering, it's a careful flattery, obviously putting Chu Xiu above him.


In fact, Song Wan is very accurate in seeing people, and Venerable Chixia really has such a cautious attitude.


He had only met Chu Xiu at the Gu Zun Conference, and had never dealt with him.


But then rumors about Chu Xiu drifted into his ears involuntarily.


Killing Ye Weikong in Hanjiang City, with the power of one person, he turned the tide and thwarted the Southern Region offensive.


In the end, he even counterattacked the southern region, and it was directly under the sword of the Sword Sect Tongtian. If it hadn't been blocked by the last person from the Sanqing Palace, it is estimated that Daluotian would no longer have the sect of the Sword Sect.


And what shocked Venerable Chixia the most was the scene where Chu Xiu's identity was exposed when he was in the lower realm.


This person actually has the identity of the upper and lower worlds, which is simply deceiving everyone in Da Luotian.


And even if it was the leader of the Sanskrit religion, he was threatened by the other party.


Although Venerable Chixia didn't know much about what happened five hundred years ago, and he didn't know why the leader of the Sanskrit sect was so afraid, he only knew one thing, and that was that the trump card in Chu Xiu's hand was terrifying and terrifying. To the extent that they can't provoke them now.


So when Chu Xiu came to the door at this time, Venerable Chixia looked cautious.


Staring at Venerable Chixia, Chu Xiu's face showed a smile that was not a smile: "Don't you dare to drive me? But the Venerable has already driven my people out before, and even injured my subordinates. Shen Feiying."


Venerable Chixia was taken aback: "When did this happen? Why didn't I know? Could it be some misunderstanding?"


Chu Xiu said lightly, "I'm going to ask the Sect Master Song Wansong under your command.


The Beiyan court was supported by my Kunlun Demon Sect, but your subordinates robbed the palace of the Beiyan court to establish a sect.


My subordinates just went to inquire, but they were slapped back without even saying a word. Venerable Chixia's lineage is so majestic and domineering!


Before Daluo Tiangu Zun took root in Beiyan, I didn't say anything.


Although Beiyan is the sphere of influence of my Kunlun Demon Sect, my Kunlun Demon Sect is not intolerable.


But looking at what you mean now, Venerable, you are planning to let your yet-to-be-established Chixia Shenzong dominate Beiyan, and let my Kunlun Demon Sect make room for you? "


After Chu Xiu's words, Venerable Chixia turned his gaze to Song Wan, with a hint of coldness in his eyes: "Bastard! You did all these things?"


Song Wan wiped the cold sweat from his head, and hurriedly said, "Master, listen to me...!"


As soon as the words came out, Venerable Chixia slapped him in the face and slapped him out, scolding angrily: "Bastard! Why don't you tell me this kind of thing, but make your own decisions?


If it wasn't for the presence of Cult Master Chu today, I wouldn't even know that you did such a foolish thing! "


Turning around, Venerable Chixia said apologetically to Chu Xiu, "It's because the subordinates are not strict, please forgive me, Master Chu."


Chu Xiu said lightly, "This is the end?"


Venerable Chixia was stunned for a moment, and then his complexion suddenly sank: "I have already taught my people and apologized. What else does Cult Master Chu want? Do you still want me to make three bows and nine bows, and set up a banquet for sins?"


Chu Xiu said coldly, "I can't do such a thing to humiliate an ancient Zun.


However, I will give you face, venerable, and you have to give me a face too.


Shen Feiying is my person, and the first vassal sect who took refuge in my Kunlun Demon Sect.


Whether it's Daluotian or the lower realm, the person who moved me just slapped me away so lightly? is it possible?


Hand over Song Wan and the territory occupied by the Beiyan royal family. I will never stop you, Venerable Chixia, if you want to establish a sect in Beiyan, and I will even cooperate. "




Venerable Chixia immediately refused.


Perhaps these ancient venerables are indeed not suitable for the sect, but this does not mean that they are really idiots.


Song Wan is now his disciple, and he was the first person to join him after he arrived in the lower realm. If he handed it over to Chu Xiu, wouldn't that be slapping him in the face? And it's the kind that **** to death.


Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "Does your esteemed really not make friends?"


As Chu Xiu's voice fell, a faint demonic energy emanated from behind him, stirring the power of rules in the void, and also shaking Venerable Chixia's mind.


It was only at this time that he realized that Chu Xiu had already stepped into the Fifth Heaven of Martial Immortal, the same realm as his!


But everyone knows that Chu Xiu's combat power has never been directly related to realm.


When he was in the third layer, he was able to cross the second and third layers to kill his opponents. Now that he is in the fifth layer, how much should his strength skyrocket?


Venerable Chixia gritted her teeth and said, "I have returned the area of ​​the Northern Yan royal family, and then I will find another area to establish a sect."


Chu Xiu took a step forward, and Venerable Chixia then said: "Cult Master Chu, how do you want to punish Song Wan? Even if you want to abolish him, I can punish him, but people must be with me."


At this time, there were several figures walking out behind Chu Xiu, and the breath on his body was just as powerful and majestic.


Chen Qingdi, Wei Shuya, Xu Tianya, Fang Baidu, all four martial immortals!


Chu Xiu alone has already put a lot of pressure on him, let alone the four behind him.


Venerable Chixia roared angrily: "Chu Xiu! What do you want? Don't forget, you and I are from the line of Gu Zun, don't you even give me this face?"


Chu Xiu sneered: "Gu Zun? Do you still think I am Lao Shizi Gu Zun? I lied to you.


Also, face is earned by oneself, not given by others.


Venerable Chixia, when you wanted to establish a sect in Beiyan, did you ever think about giving me face?


You didn't even send someone to greet you, so why should I give you this face now? "


"Aren't you going to abide by the rules at the Ancient Venerable Conference?" Venerable Chixia said immediately.


Chu Xiu said lightly, "I'm no longer Gu Zun, why should I obey the rules of Gu Zun's lineage?"


Taking a step forward, the demonic energy behind Chu Xiu has gradually formed a ferocious and vague giant shadow, but it is in chaos and cannot see the figure clearly.


"Venerable Chixia, do you want to give this person or not?"


Venerable Chixia also had a slight cold sweat on his forehead.


With Chu Xiu's reputation in Daluotian, he didn't doubt at all whether Chu Xiu would really make a move or was just bluffing.


The Martial Immortals who died in the hands of Chu are not one or two.


"Chu Xiu, you have attended the Gu Zun Conference, you should know that now Director Meng..."


Venerable Chixia was interrupted by Chu Xiu before he could finish speaking, and sneered: "Meng Xinghe? If he had the chance, he would have wanted to kill me immediately, but I am still alive and well, you Are you still going to use him to crush me?"


Seeing that Chu Xiu's hand had been placed on the hilt of the knife around his waist, Venerable Chixia shouted angrily, and the qi burst out of his body.


Just when Song Wan thought that his master was going to fight with Chu Xiu for himself, Venerable Chixia shouted angrily: "Hand over!


Chu Xiu, I have written down the shame of today, and I will reckon with this account in the future! "


After speaking, Venerable Chixia's figure turned into a red light and disappeared into the sky.


The expression on Song Wan's face immediately stayed there, from hope to despair.


He never thought that his newly worshipped master didn't even make a move, so he abandoned himself so neatly.


Looking at Chu Xiu in front of him, Song Wan's eyes were filled with endless horror and unwillingness.


He immediately threw himself on his knees and begged for forgiveness: "Cult Master Chu spare my life, I am obsessed, eager to please Chixia Venerable... That old man, this offended the Holy Sect, and asked Cult Master Chu to spare my life, My King Kong Sect is willing to join the Kunlun Demon Sect, and I am willing to be a hawk dog for the Kunlun Demon Sect!"

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