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Chapter 1405: compromise deal

There are no weaklings in the Martial Immortals of the Tianluo Baosha.


The Ksitigarbha Pavilion is also one of the strongest pavilions in the Tianluo Temple. Although Ji Kong is old, it is old and strong, and its strength is even more profound.


Chu Xiufa's extremely powerful punches made him look a little embarrassed, but they didn't really hurt him.


The gigantic Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's dharma image is between heaven and earth, and any rules are completely suppressed under that.


Jizo suppresses the prison!


This is also one of the inherited magical powers of the Ksitigarbha Pavilion of the Tianluo Baosha. The power is so strong and domineering that it doesn't quite match Jikong's slender figure.


Fa Tianxiang slammed in the face of the powerful magical power of the Tibetan prison, one is the ultimate power magical power, and the other is the domineering magical power that can suppress countless rules.


Chu Xiu frowned slightly, this Ji Kong's strength was really beyond his imagination.


Only Fang Daochen and Mu Baishuang had fought against Chu Xiu, the Martial Immortal of the Seventh Layer.


Mu Baishuang is a standard swordsman, and his martial arts are sharp and single. It is not too difficult for Chu Xiu to fight against Mu Baishuang with his flexible martial arts.


And Fang Daochen's power is meticulous and meticulous. Although he can set up a formation with the power of rules, the change in power is not enough. Chu Xiu can completely break through all methods with his strength.


Only this Ji Kong is very difficult to deal with. His strength and mastery of the rules and supernatural powers have almost reached the peak of the seventh heaven, and he is not at a disadvantage when confronted with Fa Tianxiangdi.


Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, almost simultaneously dissipating his magical powers from Ji Kong.


Since they are evenly matched, there is no point in using magical powers other than consuming power out of thin air.


The next moment, Chu Xiu's right hand, the six-path reincarnation bracelet, radiated a lot of light, and the six-path Saha congregation's wonderful flower wheel appeared, shrouding Ji Kong in it, and the power of the six-path roulette wheel frantically turned and strangled.


Ji Kong frowned slightly, he could recognize it naturally, the foundation of this technique is actually the Buddhist technique of his Tianluobaosha lineage, but it involves the power of the six reincarnations, he has only seen it in the classics, Almost no one is going to practice in the Tianlu Baosha now.


Feeling the power of the Six Paths of Saha's Wonderful Flower Wheel, Ji Kong recited the scriptures. Under the influence of the scriptures, the power of the rules around him actually circled around him, turning into a formation, resisting the six paths of reincarnation. The power of pulling and strangling.


Ksitigarbha original vows!


Jikong has read this scripture for a lifetime. He started to read it when he didn’t know martial arts, and he still read it when he stepped into the realm of real pills, and he read it all the way to the realm of Martial Immortal, so that the power in this scripture has even been in line with the rules of heaven and earth, forming It has a kind of supernatural power, but it is not the existence of supernatural power.


Seeing that the scene was stalemate again, Chu Xiu retracted the Six Paths of Saha Congregation Miaohua Wheel, the broken circle around his waist had already been unsheathed, and the boundless demonic energy slashed out with a powerful sword, swallowing the sky with one sword!




Ji Kong gave a low voice, squeezed the Buddha's seal in his hand, condensed the word Buddha's seal with absolute strength, and took Chu Xiu's sword.


But the next moment, the demonic energy above the swallowing sword started to circulate like a living thing, turning into a huge demonic shadow, directly wrapping Jikong's whole body in it, eroding the strength of his body.


The power of the creation of demons, the cycle of life and death, can assimilate any alien power.


But there were countless golden Sanskrit characters all over Ji Kong's body.


It turned out to be an immortal golden body, and it was cultivated to the extreme, comparable to the immortal golden body of supernatural power!


Ji Kong, who was slightly thin, threw a punch, and his strength was condensed to the extreme. He broke through the obstacles of the good fortune demon, retreated sharply, restrained his strength, and said solemnly: "Cult Master Chu, we can't tell the winner. Stop fighting."


Ji Kong seemed calm on the surface, but his heart was full of horror.


It wasn't Chu Xiu's power that shocked him, but Chu Xiu's endless methods.


If one method can't defeat you, then use another method. How many methods has Chu Xiu changed since the start of the fight? There are both supernatural powers and powerful martial arts, and Ji Kong also knows that Chu Xiu still has two powerful supernatural powers that can be called trump cards.


If he continued to fight, Ji Kong didn't know how many means Chu Xiu had, but he was about to run out of skills.


And continue to fight, if both sides fight a real fire, and finally evolve into a life-and-death fight, it will not be worthwhile.


Chu Xiu also stopped, and he said lightly, "Since it's a draw, what will Master Jikong do? Retire?"


Ji Kong looked back at Xu Yun, who was not reconciled, and Rama, who looked indifferent. If they retreated, they would be really disappointed in Tianluobaosha in their hearts.


Master Ji Shan once said that the warriors of the two sects of the lower world must be in their hands, and they must be treated equally, and even they are trained as the direct disciples of the Tianlu Baosha, so they must be brought back to their hearts.


It's not only shameful to leave like this, but it's even easy for Xuyun and Rama to be detached from the Tianlubaosha.


Ji Kong said solemnly: "Cult Master Chu, today the poor monk brought the people from the Tianlu Baosha, not to decide between life and death with you, but also not to have a play.


The former residences of the Daguang Temple and the Subhuti Temple must be taken back. You can ask for a price. I am willing to trade things for them.


As far as I know, it is useless for you to keep these two places.


The Daguang Temple has been in ruins. The Subhuti Temple is not in line with the attributes of your Kunlun Demon Sect. Now only a few disciples of your Kunlun Demon Sect are stationed there. "


Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly, but he did not expect that Ji Kong would say such a thing.


If it is a transaction, it is not impossible.


Of course, the most important thing is that, looking at the appearance of Tianlubaosha, it should be people who value Xuyun and Rama very much, so they would rather pay the price and let them return to their hearts.


If they don't agree, they are afraid they will be entangled again.


Chu Xiu suddenly thought of something at this time, he thought for a while, and said solemnly: "It's not impossible to trade, what I want is very simple, you should have collected the One's blood.


Although I don't know how much you have collected, the quantity is definitely not small. I only need 50 drops, and I will return them to you at the Great Light Temple and the Subhuti Temple. "


Chu Xiu's current state is actually higher than the realm of strength.


He played against many masters of the sixth and seventh levels, and he still had the source of yin and yang in his body, so his understanding of the power of the source rules had actually reached a very high level.


But his power is now at a level that can't keep up with Chu Xiu's realm comprehension.


After all, power takes a long time to accumulate.


Chu Xiu has been relying on external force since the first day of Wuxian.


It's just that other people's use of external force will lead to instability in his realm, but Chu Xiu's realm far exceeds his strength, but the opposite is true. Even if he relies on external force, his realm is very solid.


So now, there are only two ways that Chu Xiu can imagine the external force. One is to cultivate by stimulating the source of yin and yang, but it is too dangerous and full of unknowns. A master at the level of Ning Xuanji was beside him to protect him.


The second one is to absorb the blood and essence left by Dugu Yui in the past.


Anyway, he is also a part of Dugu Yume, and absorbing Dugu Yume's blood is equivalent to taking back what belonged to him in the past.


When Ji Kong heard Chu Xiu's request, he frowned and looked a little tangled.


Dugu only my blood essence cannot be refined. Over the years, they have not researched anything of value from it, and they are almost equivalent to waste.


But now that I know that Chu Xiu has the ability to release Dugu Yume, and he also asks for Dugu Yume's blood, there is probably some conspiracy involved.


After thinking about it, Ji Kong decided to agree to Chu Xiu's conditions.


In the battle five hundred years ago, almost all the major factions collected some of the blood of Dugu and I.


With Chu Xiu's current strength and the forces under his control, the blood of the Eastern Regions is probably already in his hands.


So now it's not bad for his Tianluobaosha.


Moreover, even if Dugu was the only one who was released, it would be the trouble of the whole Da Luotian, not the trouble of his Tianluobaosha family, but these things in front of him were related to the interests of his Tianluobaosha.


Ji Kong said in a deep voice, "I agree to the conditions, but my Tianluo Baosha didn't collect that much blood essence at all, only forty-eight drops, and I wasted six drops during my research."


Chu Xiu sneered and said, "Who are you lying to? All the Sword Sects in the world can collect more than 20 drops. With the strength of Tianluo Baosha at the beginning, how could it be possible to collect more than 40 drops?"


Ji Kong said angrily: "The monks don't lie, the poor monks have already decided to trade, and will they lie to you over the number?"


Seeing Ji Kong's appearance, Chu Xiu really believed that there really was only so much blood essence in the Tianluo Temple.


Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Okay, give blood in one hand and place in the other.


When the blood and essence were brought in, I immediately evacuated the disciples stationed at the Subhuti Temple. "


Ji Kong snorted and immediately sent someone back to Tianluobao to get the blood and essence, and he still got it from Daluotian.


Although most of the elite warriors in the Tianluo Temple have already gone to the lower realm, but some accumulations, secret treasures and other things must still be placed on the Tianluobao Temple in Daluotian.


It took a full month to go back and forth, and then I brought Dugu Wei's blood and blood.


After inspecting the goods, Chu Xiu immediately sent people to evacuate the disciples stationed in the Subhuti Temple.


It doesn't matter at the Beiyan Daguang Temple, it's just a ruin, and no one even takes care of it.


However, after Chu Xiu's people withdrew, Rama didn't send too many disciples back, but only sent a few disciples back to repair the sect.


The Tianluo Baosha has not completely turned against Chu Xiu, and the land of the Southern Barbarians is still Chu Xiu's sphere of influence.


At this time, all the disciples were stuffed into the Subhuti Temple. This was not putting nails in Chu Xiu's sphere of influence, but sending meat to Chu Xiu's mouth.

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