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Chapter 160: Jiang family's confidence

ps: Thanks to the book friend Feihong Witch for the reward of 30,000 starting coins, and the reward of 10,000 starting coins for Xianyichen.

Outside Qicheng, Chu Xiu glanced back at the Jiang family and said lightly, "No wonder the Jiang family can rise in Jianzhou Mansion. This Jiangxichen is a character."

Du Guangzhong nodded and said, "That's right, this Jiang family dared to do something with Fang Zhengyuan in the past. It was indeed audacious."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "I didn't mean that, I meant his attitude today.

I have done so much just now, and my strength is still here, but this Jiang Xichen still can't hold back from turning his back on me, it's you, can you? "

Du Guangzhong thought for a while, then shook his head: "No."

Thinking from another perspective, Chu Xiu's stance was just looking for trouble. If he was the head of the family, it would be strange if he could agree.

Not to mention that Jiang Xichen was so powerful that he even dared to plot to kill a procurator, even other small families would not allow Chu Xiu to bully him like this.

If you are an inspector, you can claim one-tenth of your family’s property with just one mouth. Are you the Guanzhong Xingtang or the Thirty-Six Great Bandits in the North?

"Then, what should we do in three days?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Cold salad, I said, after three days I hope the Jiang family will make a sensible choice. The choice is not mine, but theirs."

After speaking, Chu Xiu turned around and left with the person.

At this time, in the Jiang family, Jiang Yao said dissatisfiedly: "Patriarch, then Chu Xiu is so arrogant, why do you have to endure it? One-tenth of the family property, thanks to him being able to open this mouth! It just doesn't know what it is!"

Jiang Xichen said coldly: "Of course I know that Chu Xiu is purely deliberately blackmailing my Jiang family, but my Jiang family has been able to go all the way to the present, relying on two points of caution and decisiveness.

When it’s time to make a move, it’s natural to make a decisive move, but you can’t make a reckless move. Think about it carefully, almost all of the judges in Guanzhong’s execution hall are held by the masters of the Sanhua Gathering Realm, but now they suddenly appear like this. A martial artist from the Outer Astral Realm, can he sit in this position without a background?

The last inspector, Fang Zhengyuan, was rigid and rigid in his life. He didn't know how to work around it. He would not have liked Mr. Wei for a long time, and he had no support at all, so we dared to make a move. But for Chu Xiu, we should first investigate his background and take a look at him. Do you have the right to take one-tenth of my Jiang family's fortune! "

After speaking, Jiang Xichen said to Jiang Yao directly: "Go, go to Shangzhou Mansion with me, and ask Lord Wei Hanshan about the origin of this Chu Xiu!"

This time, the Jiang family only took out such a few things to send Chu Xiu away, but they didn't really look down on Chu Xiu, but they had already spent a lot of money on the inspector, but it was not Chu Xiu, the inspector, but Shangzhou. Inspector Wei Hanshan.

After Fang Zhengyuan's death, Wei Hanshan was the most active. Wanting to take the opportunity to take the lead in Jianzhou, the Jiang family prepared to invest in advance, so they went to give Wei Hanshan a big gift.

But who would have thought that Wei Hanshan did not take over the Jianzhou Mansion in the end, but instead a new inspector was sent from above, which also made the Jiang family's gift in vain.

Of course, it is not a free gift, at least Wei Hanshan can be regarded as remembering the Jiang family's intentions, even if Wei Hanshan did not enter the Jianzhou mansion in the end, but he has a certain connection with the Jiang family.

The area of ​​Shangzhou Mansion is similar to that of Jianzhou Mansion, but it is much more prosperous. There are more than 20 small cities under its command, and Shangzhou City in the center is also more prosperous than Jianzhou City.

Moreover, Wei Hanshan's style is also different from that of most inspectors.

Most of the inspectors of Guanzhong Punishment Hall will live at the entrance of the inspector's hall most of the time, even if they have a house outside, and Wei Hanshan likes luxury. He has a special mansion in Shangzhou City. Even the office is in his own house, unless there is a major event, he will go to the inspection hall.

At this time, Jiang Xichen brought people to Wei Hanshan's mansion. After the announcement, he was brought into the living room. After a while, Wei Hanshan yawned and walked out in a loose brocade robe. Tun Tun said: "Isn't this Jiang Patriarch, why do you come to me when you have time?"

Before Wei Hanshan was quite enthusiastic about the Jiang family, if he could successfully take over the Jianzhou Mansion, then a local clan like the Jiang family would definitely be the person he wanted to make friends with.

It's just that the newly appointed Jianzhou Inspector has already taken office, and he has given up this idea, and his attitude towards the Jiang family is also very casual, but after all, it is for the benefit of others, and it is still necessary to see it.

Jiang Xichen cupped his hands respectfully and said, "The next time I came to see Mr. Wei, I actually wanted to inquire about the new Jianzhou inspector, Chu Xiu. That Mr. Chu is really deceiving!"

Hearing the news about Chu Xiu, Wei Hanshan became somewhat interested and asked, "Why, what's wrong with your new inspector?"

Jiang Xichen said with a hint of sadness and anger on his face: "Then Chu Xiu came to my Jiang family for alms, and my Jiang family also gave Chu Xiu a lot of property according to the rules, but who would think that Chu Xiu was a lion. , I want one-tenth of my Jiang family's property with one mouth!"

Hearing this, Wei Hanshan was also speechless, he couldn't help but sighed: "This Chu Xiu really dares to open this mouth, one-tenth of his family property, is he poor and crazy?"

The position of the inspector can be regarded as the existence of the most basic level of power in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. In a small city with more than ten prefectures, there are dozens of large and small forces. If you want to go to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, you will usually show some filial piety. It's normal, but Chu Xiu directly asked for one-tenth of the family's property, which was almost like a robbery. He, Wei Hanshan, didn't dare to do this. Where did Chu Xiu get the confidence?

So here Wei Hanshan asked in surprise: "This Chu Xiu has done so much, and you haven't turned against him yet?"

Jiangxi Chendao: "I also want to turn my face, but that Chu Xiu looks aggressive, I am also a little unsure who the other party's backstage is, in case the other party has something to do with the main hall and wants to pinch me Isn't it easy for such a small family as the Jiang family?

That's why I turned to you, Lord Wei, to find out the details of this Chu Xiu. "

Wei Hanshan looked at Jiang Xichen with a half-smile but not a smile: "Patriarch Jiang is quite careful."

Jiang Xichen said with a poignant smile: "People are in the rivers and lakes, and they will die long ago if they are not careful. There are still a lot of clansmen behind my Jiang family. I can't help but be careful."

Wei Hanshan waved his hand and said, "Okay, since Patriarch Jiang you said so, I will help you this time. The origin of Chu Xiu's identity is really not simple, and there is also a background."

As soon as he heard Wei Hanshan's words, Jiang Xichen immediately secretly said something dangerous.

The water in Guanzhong's punishment hall is deep. The four chief punishment officers are only forces on the bright side. The warriors with real fighting power are all in the main hall, such as the leaders in the punishment department. It is said that they The strength of the prisoners is stronger than those of the four judges.

But then Wei Hanshan said: "But you don't have to worry, then Chu Xiu can't threaten you.

This Chu Xiu doesn't look young, but he is quite famous among the younger generation, and he is a person who has been on the Dragon and Tiger List.

He used to be a loose cultivator, and later joined the Azure Dragon Society. He once worked as a killer in the Azure Dragon Society for a period of time. It is said that the land of Yandong was full of storms.

Later, not knowing what was going on, he suddenly betrayed the Qinglong Society, joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and became the inspector of the Jianzhou.

And his backstage, that is, the key to making him an inspector is the 'Master of Guanzhong' Chu Yuansheng, who was personally recommended by Chu Yuansheng to Master Guan Siyu, and is said to be a distant relative of Master Chu.

Since it was Master Chu who spoke, Master Guan Siyu would naturally want to give Master Chu this face, or else do you think that a martial artist from the outer realm of him can become an inspector so smoothly? "

Wei Hanshan looked at Jiang Xichen, and said indifferently: "Although Chu Xiu is a young generation, his reputation is in Yandong's generation, and he is only a young generation, so it is nothing to worry about.

As for Chu Daxia's recommendation, you don't need to take it seriously. Chu Daxia has recommended many people over the years. Who do you think he has managed?

Moreover, even if Chu Daxia wanted to control it, he couldn't control it. This was a matter within the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and Chu Daxia was also measured. "

Hearing this, Jiang Xichen breathed a sigh of relief, and bowed his hands to Wei Hanshan: "Thank you Lord Wei for telling me."

Wei Hanshan's news is very important to Jiangxi Chen, UU reading www. has no absolute confidence, how could he dare to turn against Chu Xiu?

In the past, the Jiang family dared to attack Fang Zhengyuan because Fang Zhengyuan had no backer, and even Wei Jiuduan didn't like it, and their Jiang family still had a favor with Wei Jiuduan.

And although this Chu Xiu is weaker than Fang Zhengyuan and has a backer, obviously this backer is useless.

The reputation of "Guanzhong Hero" in Guanzhong is indeed big, but the big thing is only reputation, not power.

Just as Wei Hanshan said, Chu Yuansheng would not easily intervene in the internal affairs of the punishment hall in Guanzhong. If every person recommended by him had a problem, he would take care of it, then who would have the final say in the punishment hall?

Jiangxi Chen smiled and handed over a brocade box, which contained five hundred taels of purple gold and two six-turn pills. Although there were only two, they were more valuable than the two bottles before Chu Xiu.

The contents in this brocade box are more than double what they were prepared to give to Chu Xiu before.

"What is the meaning of Patriarch Jiang?" Wei Hanshan put away the brocade box without looking, and then asked.

Jiang Xichen said with a smile: "Just a little bit, please don't dislike it, Lord Wei, my Jiang family is going to do business in Shangzhou recently, and I hope Lord Wei will take care of you.

And if Chu Xiu still wants to embarrass my Jiang family, I hope Lord Wei will help my Jiang family to say a few words of justice. "

The county magistrate is not as good as the current one. Although the Jiang family has left some impressions in front of Wei Jiuduan, the inspectors at the bottom also have to make friends.

Originally, Chu Xiu was a very good choice, but because this Chu Xiu was too greedy, they could only leave the near and far and make friends with Wei Hanshan. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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