Meet The Leader

Chapter 162: you guys, no chance

PS: This chapter is for the reward of the leader 0o Yu Xiaomo o0.

Compared with Jiangxi Chen, the ancestor of the Jiang family stayed in Guanzhong for more than 100 years and witnessed the process of Guanzhong's punishment hall from weak to strong and gradually rising. Naturally, he knows more about Guanzhong's punishment hall than Jiangxi Chen.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall will not let people affect their own image. Once the matter becomes serious, even if Chu Xiu throws out this so-called evidence in full view, Guanzhong Punishment Hall will make this matter a hard case!

So the matter is big, this is basically a lose-lose situation, their Jiang family has been standing in this level for so many years, it is the first time he has seen such an unruly inspector.

It's just that even if Chu Xiu doesn't follow the rules, his status in Guanzhong Xingtang is incomparable to the Jiang family, and he is not like Fang Zhengyuan. He has no backer behind him. They can solve it in secret. , In addition to admitting defeat and surrendering, and finding a way back in the future, the ancestors of the Jiang family couldn't think of any other way.

Chu Xiu looked at the ancestor of the Jiang family, sighed and shook his head: "There are people in your Jiang family who understand. It's a pity that I gave you the Jiang family a chance, but you didn't choose to cherish it."

The expression of the ancestor of the Jiang family changed slightly: "Master Chu, what do you mean? Don't you want to hurt both of my Jiang family? You have done things too much, and if you go to the top, your position as an inspector will not be guaranteed. , I, the Jiang family, have no deep hatred with you, is it worth it?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Why do you want to make trouble? If you destroy all of your Jiang family, will there be people who will make trouble?

As I said, I gave you the opportunity, but you didn't cherish it.

Mr. Jiang, you are also an old man who has been in the rivers and lakes for so long. You should know that when you do something, you either don't do it or you don't do it.

Today, your Jiang family was forced to bow their heads and give out one-tenth of their family property. I'm afraid you will be very unwilling in your heart, right? Maybe in the coming days how to calculate me.

In order to avoid future troubles, I also ask you all to die! "

When the words fell, Chu Xiu directly shouted: "Kill!"

As soon as the word "kill" came out, Du Guangzhong and others rushed up to kill them. During the time they were talking, other inspectors from Tangkou also came to Jiang's house and rushed up to kill them.

Seeing this scene, the ancestor of the Jiang family suddenly widened his eyes. He pointed at Chu Xiu and shouted: "Mad! You are so confident in destroying the Jiang family? Don't you know the relationship between my Jiang family and Lord Wei Jiuduan? Kill me. Have you ever considered the consequences of the Jiang family?"

Chu Xiu held the red-sleeved saber in his hand and walked towards the Jiang family's ancestor step by step, indifferently said: "After talking for a long time, the strength of your Jiang family still does not depend on Lord Wei Jiuduan, but it is a pity that Lord Wei is not here now, and it is not your own strength that will always be there. It's not your own, your Jiang family's confidence is very fragile."

The words fell, and the red sleeved sword in Chu Xiu's hand suddenly slashed. The crimson sword was more than ten feet long, and the murderous murderous aura filled the air, making the atmosphere in the entire council room suddenly chill.

A sharp edge suddenly appeared in the eyes of the ancestor of the Jiang family, and he shouted: "When the family is in crisis, no one should let go. Whether my Jiang family can survive this disaster depends on today!"

The ancestors of the Jiang family did seem a little cowardly before, but even though Chu Xiu had already forced him to such an extent, he still chose to admit defeat and surrender.

But in fact, the ancestor of the Jiang family just thought of the overall situation, and did not want to lose both with Chu Xiu.

Now that Chu Xiu has decided to do everything, then his Jiang family also has the courage to fight to the death!

Although the ancestor of the Jiang family was old and his blood was depleted, he was not the one who wanted to kill the younger generation in the outer astral realm in front of him!

Facing Chu Xiu's knife, the ancestor of the Jiang family squeezed the fist mark with one hand and fell down. A dazzling edge burst out from the body that seemed to have decayed. The flowers bloomed, one layer on top of one another, and bursts of gang-qi explosions sounded, and Chu Xiu was blown away directly!

The state of Sanhua Gathering is to condense your own spirit, energy and spirit to the peak state, to gather together, lock spirit and gather energy, completely step into another world, even as long as you can step into Sanhua Gathering when you are young The top realm can also delay its own aging.

Among the five levels of imperial qi, the inner and outer qi are the first layer of heaven and earth, the three flowers and the five qi are another kind of heaven and earth, and the final state of unity between heaven and man is the pinnacle of the imperial qi realm.

In the past, Chu Xiu could easily slash the outer gang with the inner gang, but now he wants to kill a strong man with the top three flowers in the outer gang, but it is difficult and difficult, even if the person in front of him is actually old.

The ancestor of the Jiang family said coldly: "Although this old man is old, he can also throw a punch!"

"Really? I just don't know how many punches you can throw now, Mr. Jiang?"

A sharp edge appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes, he retracted his knife and punched, his hand squeezed the seal, the Great King Kong wheel seal slammed down, and the golden qi bloomed, suppressing evil and slaughtering demons!

Seeing that Chu Xiu actually used a Buddhist practice, the ancestors of the Jiang family were a little unbelievable.

This Chu Xiu's mind is vicious and ruthless, and there is no room for doing things. How can such a person be able to use Buddhism? What a joke!

But at this time, the ancestor of the Jiang family didn't care about these things. His old body broke out a powerful wave of qi again. As his punch fell, the qi was like a hundred flowers blooming, layer upon layer. It exploded with a bang, the power is extremely amazing, the subtlety of this boxing technique is that it can explode one level of infuriating energy into two levels or even more.

The spirit and qi were united, and the gang qi fluttered and agitated. At this time, the ancestors of the Jiang family seemed to have recovered to their peak period. The shots were extremely powerful. Even if Chu Xiu's Great Vajra Wheel Seal was powerful, it could only be blown away by a punch. , and the internal organs have suffered some shocks.

However, at this time, Chu Xiu didn't seem to feel it. He rushed forward again and again in a frenzied manner. He used the quick and slow nine-character art of melee combat to the extreme, and occasionally attacked with the Heavenly Destruction Da Ziyang Hand.

It's just that this evil clan's palm technique is not very useful for a martial artist of the Jiang family's ancestor's level. The Jiang family's ancestor's own internal strength is far superior to Chu Xiu. As soon as the Ziyang Demon Flame entered the body, he was forced into it. Forced out, the last punch hit Chu Xiu back.

At the beginning, the ancestors of the Jiang family didn't feel anything, and even other Jiang family warriors saw that their ancestors' swords were not old, but they were still so brave, and their momentum was still very strong, but in the end, the ancestors of the Jiang family were Something feels wrong.

There are some problems with the words "Fist is afraid of young and strong", but in the same rank, if one is in prime of life and the other is declining in blood, then if the strength of the two is similar, the former is most likely to win, after all As a martial artist, the decline of the physical body has an unavoidable impact on combat effectiveness.

The current ancestor of the Jiang family is old enough to extend his lifespan by retreating and reducing activities.

Don't look at it now that he is suppressing Chu Xiu, but Chu Xiu is exchanging injuries for his life! Every time the ancestor of the Jiang family threw a punch now, in fact, what he threw out was his very few lives!

The ancestor of the Jiang family took a deep breath, and there was a hint of determination in his eyes.

This is the catastrophe of their Jiang family, and it is also karma, and it is time to pay it back.

When Jiang Xichen wanted to kill Fang Zhengyuan, he reported to him, and the ancestors of the Jiang family agreed.

Because Fang Zhengyuan was a bit too pedantic, he was extremely rigid, and he didn't eat hard and soft, and at that time Fang Zhengyuan had already set his eyes on the Jiang family. Even if Wei Jiuduan wanted to keep their Jiang family, it would be very difficult.

That's why the Jiang family will take a risk and kill Fang Zhengyuan directly, so that no one will target him.

Who would have thought that Fang Zhengyuan, who insisted on the rules and was extremely pedantic, died, but another daring lunatic came.

Although the former is troublesome, it will not kill the Jiang family, while the latter really dare to destroy their Jiang family!

This may be karma, but it is too late to regret it now, all he can do is to use all his strength to kill Chu Xiu, so as to win the last shred of life for their Jiang family!

At this moment, the ancestors of the Jiang family were full of white qi, and the powerful fists were condensed at one point, which was extremely dazzling and dazzling, but in comparison, the body of the old master of the Jiang family seemed to have aged ten years in an instant. , with an air of decay.

The aging and rotten body formed a very sharp contrast with the magnificent and splendid fist, but when the fist fell, the powerful aura directly enveloped the entire council hall, as if forming a vortex, sending everyone's Attention is drawn to it!

Facing the punch of the ancestor of the Jiang family, a dignified look appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes.

Like the ancestors of the Jiang family, their longevity has come to an The warriors who can only survive look weak, but in fact, when they are really desperate, they are more terrifying than anyone else.

Because existences like the ancestors of the Jiang family already knew that their lifespan would be exhausted and they would definitely die, so in this last battle, they were able to put life and death aside, sublime to the extreme, and burst out with their strongest power.

That dazzling and magnificent punch burned the life of the ancestors of the Jiang family. It was extremely powerful, and it blocked all the space around Chu Xiu to dodge, forcing him to resist.

Holding the red sleeved knife in his hand tightly, the aura on Chu Xiu's body became extremely terrifying at this moment, like an evil ghost who came out of hell, with endless hatred and evil lingering around Chu Xiu's knife. In Chu Xiu's eyes.

It was cut out with a knife, as if the gate of **** was in full bloom, and the coldness caused the temperature of the entire council hall to drop instantly, like a severe winter!

A nose three swords!

However, this time Chu Xiu did not use the first knife, but directly burst out the terrifying power of the second knife.

The jet-black sword light seemed to be about to shatter under the dazzling punch, but in the end, the terrifying magic sword suddenly burst out with an astonishing power of blood, with a bang, the punch dissipated, and the Jiang family elder Zu looked at Chu Xiu, as if to say something, but in the end he shook his body and fell to the ground!


Jiang Xichen and the others in the rear let out a mournful cry at the same time, with a look of grief in their eyes.

PS: The New Year's wave is enough, and July will return to the state of crazy code words. There are recommendations for QQ reading these days. If there are no accidents, the recommendation period will be four times a day, one in the morning, three in the evening, lasting four days, and it will arrive It's the end of the month, if you have a monthly pass recommendation, go crazy!


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