Meet The Leader

Chapter 164: speak with strength

Wei Hanshan's relationship with the Jiang family is not very close. After knowing that the Jiang family was destroyed by Chu Xiu, Wei Hanshan was so angry only because Chu Xiu affected his interests.

The Jiang family had promised to move some of their business to Shangzhou, so that he would also be able to get a part of the filial piety, but now the Jiang family has been destroyed by Chu Xiu, who cares about his filial piety?

And Chu Xiu's way of doing things is simply breaking the rules.

It is normal for some sects or noble families in Guanzhong Land to secretly do some prohibited but hugely profitable businesses such as smuggling.

But also these aristocratic sects will give some filial piety to the inspectors above, so that they can open up or pretend that they have not seen what they have done. These are some unspoken rules of tacit understanding secretly in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

But now Chu Xiu's domineering behavior has broken this unspoken rule. Although Chu Xiu is only doing this on his own territory, he represents Guanzhong Xingtang. He does this, and it is not only implicated It's just him!

"It's just bullshit!"

Wei Hanshan snorted coldly, and immediately called the Master, changed into the clothes of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and headed to Jianzhou Mansion.

These secret unspoken rules were not formulated by the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but they were the benefits obtained after the inspectors made compromises with the local martial arts forces. I don't know if the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall is like this. That's what it does.

At present, the unspoken rules of Chu Xiu, a newcomer who doesn't understand anything, cannot guarantee that Wei Hanshan and other inspectors will not be hated by the Jianghu sects below, and the money will not be easy to collect at that time.


Inside the Jianzhou Mansion, Chu Xiuzheng personally led people to distinguish the treasures and resources he got from the Jiang family.

Although these things are in triplicate, they cannot be distributed arbitrarily, and naturally they must first follow their own interests.

Therefore, Chu Xiu made a selection in advance, and let people classify them according to their own standards in the future, and then they were the first to choose what they needed.

At this moment, Du Guangzhong suddenly walked in and said, "Sir, Wei Hanshan, the inspector of the Shangzhou government, is here."

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "What is he doing here?"

Chu Xiu didn't forget Wei Hanshan's attitude towards him when he was in the Guanxi Xingtang branch. It was not friendly.

Du Guangzhong smiled bitterly: "Master Wei seems to be in a bad mood, and his subordinates don't dare to ask more."

"Let's meet then." Chu Xiu said lightly.

Wei Hanshan suddenly came here, and Chu Xiu could probably guess what the other party meant.

Besides destroying the Jiang family by himself, what else could attract the attention of the other party?

When Chu Xiu came to the council room, Wei Hanshan was already sitting there waiting with a gloomy expression on his face, and seeing Chu Xiu walking in, Wei Hanshan snorted coldly: "Chu Xiu, you are here. What a guts!

Just a few days after taking over as the inspector, such a big thing happened, and you dared to destroy such a long-standing family as the Jiang family without any evidence. Do you still pay attention to the rules of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall? "

Chu Xiu sat down calmly, took a sip of tea, and then raised **** and said lightly: "First, I have evidence to destroy the Jiang family. I, Chu Xiu, have always done things with reason and evidence. How do you do it?"

"Second." Chu Xiu raised his head and said with a hint of coldness in his eyes: "What are you, whether I am bold or not is you qualified to manage? Don't forget that you and I are also inspectors. Do you want to It can't be in my head to be meddling!"

Hearing Chu Xiu's words, Wei Hanshan's complexion suddenly turned gloomy to the extreme.

Chu Xiu and him are indeed inspectors, but at the moment Chu Xiu only has the outer gang, but he is already a master of condensing the top three flowers.

The other party was so provocative, Wei Hanshan sneered directly: "What am I? Okay, today I'll show you who I really am!

Don't think that if you join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall on the recommendation of Chu Daxia, if you become an inspector, you can be on an equal footing with other inspectors in Kansai. Whether you are in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall or outside the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, it all depends on your strength. ! "

The voice fell, and a long, narrow and slender silver-white long knife appeared in Wei Hanshan's hand, and the cold air lingered on the blade's edge.

Chu Xiu came first, and the blood refining divine gang on the red sleeved knife soared. The scarlet gang collided with Wei Hanshan's knife, and suddenly there was an explosion of gang gas. , turned out to be an evenly divided situation.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared in Wei Hanshan's eyes. He didn't use all his strength with his knife just now. After all, everyone was an inspector. He could teach Chu Xiu a lesson, but it was impossible to kill Chu Xiu in public.

But even so, he was stronger than Chu Xiu by a big realm. As a result, Chu Xiu's Astral Qi was really so terrifying, and the Astral Qi that contained astonishing blood and suffocation could easily block his sword Astral.

Wei Hanshan snorted coldly, the blade turned, and the endless cold and cold energy condensed on his blade, and the qi stretched several feet long. When it comes to accumulation, he is after all the unity of spirit, energy and spirit, condensing the top three. A flower-level powerhouse far surpasses Chu Xiu in terms of strength.

The blade slashed like a gust of wind, and wherever it passed, the cold air condensed a layer of ice on the ground.

The red-sleeved knife in Chu Xiu's hand had already condensed a black mist, and the power of the three knives of Abidao was displayed and slammed down. The evil chill was stronger than that of Wei Hanshan. powerful.

The endless **** was in full bloom, and even Wei Hanshan couldn't help being horrified by the power of Abi Dao's three knives.

He has also been an inspector in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall for several years. He has also been in contact with all kinds of demonic murderers, and he has a relatively good understanding of the magic art.

But no matter whether it is that demonic murderer's technique, it is not as good as Chu Xiu's evil and... terrifying!

With a loud bang, Abi Dao's three swords directly defeated Wei Hanshan's sword, and that power even made Wei Hanshan feel lingering fears.

At this time, Chu Xiu still didn't stop. Instead, the black energy on his blade became more intense. He turned out to be the second blade of Abi Dao's three swords!

As Wei Hanshan said before, whether it is inside the Guanzhong Execution Hall or outside the Guanzhong Execution Hall, as a martial artist, everyone depends on their strength.

Although Chu Xiu and Wei Hanshan were the same inspectors in Kansai, it was obvious that Wei Hanshan and the others never regarded Chu Xiu as an existence on the same level as him.

If this matter were changed to someone else today, would Wei Hanshan dare to come and scold Chu Xiu directly? That is simply provocation. He will only send someone to check on the other party's attitude and rumors, instead of being so arrogant as he is now.

So this time Chu Xiu didn't mean to keep his hands at all. Don't you want to look at your strength? Well, today I will show you my strength!

Feeling the power contained in Chu Xiu's knife, Wei Hanshan also showed a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

This time, he just planned to teach Chu Xiu a lesson, but he didn't expect the other party's attitude to be so strong, and the strength was somewhat beyond his imagination, but the outer gang realm can fight with him to this level, and it really deserves it. It is a character who has stepped into the Dragon Tiger List.

It's just that the outer gang is the outer gang after all, and the gap between a big realm is not so easy to make up.

Wei Hanshan held the long knife in his hand, and the qi of his whole body was condensed on the long knife. Sen Han's qi had a very strange change, condensed into ice crystals, and hovered around his long knife like snowflakes. .

In the past, Wei Hanshan once went to the extreme north snow mountain, watched the scene of avalanche to understand the true meaning of martial arts, and also had a discussion with the warriors of the extreme northern snow city, and finally created this style of 'Ice Li Slash' as ​​his trump card.

Unless it is against an extremely difficult opponent, Wei Hanshan will not easily use this move.

The impact force of the Frozen Origin Qi condensed in one place is like an avalanche. The power is indeed powerful, but it is also large enough to counteract itself, so he will not use it often.

But now facing Chu Xiu, he has already been forced to this extent by a martial artist from the Outer Astral Realm. If he doesn't use his trump card, he may really suffer in Chu Xiu's in these two When both of them were about to release their strongest blow, a figure rushed in front of the two of them, and the qi drifted away like a breeze, diluting the solemn aura between the two.

The person who suddenly appeared was Jiang Taoran, the inspector of Linzhou Prefecture, who was also an inspector next to Chu Xiu.

At this time, Jiang Taoran cupped his hands on both sides, and said with a smile: "You two, everyone is a colleague, is there anything you have to do if you can't think of anything?

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is fighting infighting among its own family, but it is outsiders who are watching the excitement. Please calm down first. "

Seeing Jiang Taoran's appearance, Chu Xiu and Wei Hanshan knew that they would not be able to fight this time, so they both snorted and put away their weapons.

But Chu Xiu looked at Jiang Taoran's smiling face, and there was a deep meaning in his eyes.

This is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. Linzhou City, the center of Linzhou Prefecture, is not far from Jianzhou City, so the other party should have come a long time ago.

As a result, he didn't show up sooner or later, but he didn't act as the peacemaker until he and Wei Hanshan reached a critical moment. Obviously, he also had his own thoughts.

If Chu Xiu didn't show his strength, he would probably wait until he was seriously injured before Jiang Taoran would act as the peacemaker, so as not to let things escalate, and by the way, he would be able to reap his gratitude.

Wei Hanshan looked at Chu Xiu and said in a cold voice, "Chu Xiu, you are acting nonsense and breaking the rules of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, this matter is definitely not over!

I will report this matter to Lord Ming Wei, let him handle it, and continue to let people like you serve as inspectors. The reputation of my Kansai Xingtang branch will be ruined by you! "

After speaking, Wei Hanshan snorted and turned to leave.


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