Meet The Leader

Chapter 246: arena

PS: This chapter is for the reward of the villain's leader, your close book friend Sean.

The huge furnace was burning with amazing heat, and even the flame was not an ordinary flame. Under the blessing of the formation, the flame actually burst out with a faint blue light, which was extremely miraculous.

And in the furnace, there was still a mass of liquid metal constantly churning. The most strange thing was that there were countless runes shining on the liquid metal, which was very mysterious.

Everyone present was stunned when they saw this scene, is this the so-called magic weapon? Why does it feel like there is no embryo at all?

Mo Yezi said solemnly: "Weapons are weapons for killing, and in the past, when weapons were first forged, they were never infused with sharp murderous intent.

This time, what I am going to use is a refining method that I have devoted myself to researching for more than ten years.

What you are seeing now is the embryo of this weapon, but I did not let it take shape, but kept it circulating in the formation.

When you fight each other in the arena, the killing and cutting aura you generate when you fight will be introduced into this embryo by the formation method, and it will take shape.

At the end of the day, what kind of weapons will the embryos that absorb enough killing energy become, even I don't know, it all depends on the type and type of sharp killing energy you are good at. quality.

Therefore, this time, it is not only me, but also all the heroes here, who will make the final magic weapon. It is also up to you to decide. "

After hearing Mo Yezi's explanation, everyone suddenly realized, no wonder Mo Yezi said that the magic weapon forged this time was not even known before the magic weapon conference.

At the beginning, everyone still felt a little strange. A great master of craftsmanship actually said that he didn't know what kind of weapons he would forge. This is not a joke. Until now, everyone knows what this means, and understands why Cangjian Villa and Mo Ye Zi actually made the momentum so big.

Without them, Mo Yezi's newly developed artifact refining technique would not have been successful.

After Mo Yezi finished speaking, Cheng Tingfeng stood up and said solemnly: "Master Mo Yezi has also finished what he should say. The materials for this magic weapon conference were provided by our Tibetan Sword Villa, and it was Mo Yezi who made the artifact. Master Yezi also needs everyone to complete it together. In the end, it is obvious to all who this magic weapon should belong to.

The magic weapon chooses the master, only the strongest can become the master of the magic weapon, and there is no such thing as cheating.

As for the rules of the arena competition, it is also very simple. The five arenas will start the competition at the same time, and the objects of the competition will be decided by lottery. "

Speaking of this, Cheng Tingfeng paused and said, "Everyone is from the same rivers and lakes. This time the Magic Weapons Conference is mainly about the exchange of martial arts, so there will be a warrior from my Tibetan Sword Villa as the referee, so that swords have no eyes and fists have no heart. . Hit the real fire and control the strength is not good, it is not beautiful.

Of course, if any of you have to fight to the death with real swords, I will not stop you from Hidden Sword Villa, but it must be agreed by both of you. "

Cheng Tingfeng's last sentence was obviously to Chu Xiu and the others.

In a normal fight, everyone controls their strength, and basically they won't even get hurt.

But looking at how Chu Xiu and the others had just clashed, it was obvious that this matter was not so easy to settle. If something happened, it would be bad for them to stop them from Hidden Sword Villa, and it would be bad not to stop them.

So it's better to make it clear in advance, what happened at the time, even if the sect behind them was looking for trouble, they couldn't find their head of Hidden Sword Villa.

After the rules were said, some disciples from Jinghu Villa came over with boxes, all of which were written with the numbers of the zodiac and even the time of day. The warriors who had drawn the same number could call out the numbers from the people at Jinghu Villa. Went on stage for a test.

The few warriors who went up at the beginning were not well-known ones. They also knew that there was no hope of competing for divine weapons, so the two sides just played against each other normally, and regarded it as an exchange. The basics of real fire No, so the progress is very fast.

Among the second batch of warriors, Xie Xiaolou was there. His opponent was a warrior in his thirties. He only had the innate realm, so it was obvious that he came from soy sauce.

Before Xie Xiaolou could speak, the warrior cupped his hands with a smile and said, "In the Xichushu area, Lin Zhao, it's an honor to be in the same arena with Xie Gongzi this time, but I don't dare to follow him. Xie Gongzi is a heroic figure, so in this game, I will voluntarily admit defeat."

After he finished speaking, Lin Zhao handed over his hands and walked straight off the ring, without the slightest sloppiness.

Seeing this scene, everyone present secretly said that this is the smart person.

In fact, most of the people who came to participate in the magic weapon conference, except for Xie Xiaolou and Chuxiu's level of warriors, had never imagined that they could get the magic weapon.

Therefore, most of them came here to watch the fun, and some of them came to make friends with some heroes.

Just like Lin Zhao just now, although he simply surrendered and conceded defeat, he reported his origin and name, which also left an impression on Xie Xiaolou.

This can't be regarded as a favor, because he was no match for Xie Xiaolou, but if he sees Xie Xiaolou again in the land of Western Chu, then he can use the scene on the ring today to reminisce the old days. What a smart person does.

And most of the warriors in the future are actually like this. When the two sides have similar strengths, everyone will learn from each other, but if they encounter Chu Xiu and the others with such a reputation, their opponents will simply surrender.

After so many rounds, 90% of the warriors present had actually been eliminated, and some even gave up without drawing a lottery. These people just came to watch the fun, and they were not interested in connecting with the disciples of Jiaotong University.

Chu Xiu has been staring at the magic weapon embryo in the central furnace, and he always feels that the melted metal is somewhat familiar.

There are also some people in the ring fighting fiercely, but it may be because the strength of the people who are actually fighting is too low, so the sharp energy collected by this formation is not much, it just makes the flames in the furnace become a little bit brighter. Just a little bit whiter.

The Qi of Jin Ge is the Qi of sharpness, and the power displayed is naturally white. Since the flame has changed color, it means that the refining method of Mo Yezi is still effective.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu realized that someone was also staring at the stove.

It was a very strange warrior, his whole body was shrouded in black robes, and he also wore a black robe hat on his head.

His dress is not strange, after all, the styles of the three countries in the Central Plains are different, especially in the West Chu side, there will be some warriors dressed in strange clothes.

Moreover, I have some impressions of this martial artist Chu Xiu. He did not reveal his strength at the beginning. As a result, he encountered Xiantian in the first battle, and he showed the strength of Xiantian realm. When he arrived at the Inner Astral Realm, his strength was exposed to the Inner Astral again.

In the above two games, he encountered a martial artist from the Outer Astral Realm again. This time, his strength has also become an Outer Astral. Even now, Chu Xiu has not made a judgment on whether the other party has the strength of the Three Flowers Gathering Dingjing Realm. It is definitely the pinnacle among warriors of the same rank.

At this moment, the man seemed to sense that Chu Xiu was paying attention to him, and the warrior turned his head to look at him with a strange look in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

At this moment, the people from the Hidden Sword Villa on the stage called out Chu Xiu's number, and Chu Xiu jumped up and jumped directly to one of the arenas.

In the first few rounds, Chu Xiu didn't do anything at all, and his opponents all conceded defeat after hearing his name.

But this time, Chu Xiu's opponent was a martial artist from the Outer Gang Realm from Beiyan. He was in his thirties, holding a strange machete. After seeing Chu Xiu, the martial artist's face was revealed. tangled color.

The reason why he struggled was very simple, because this person was with Bai Wuji and the others before.

This time, there are relatively few warriors from Bai Wuji is the one with the biggest background, so they naturally have to gather around Bai Wuji.

He had seen the relationship between Bai Wuji and Chu Xiu. If it was someone else, he would have surrendered, but now with Chu Xiu, if he didn't even fight, he would surrender. Afterwards, Bai Wuji would surrender. Will it **** him off?

But if you fight, it is certain that you will be no match for Chu Xiu, and he has seen Chu Xiu's suffocation and madness with his own eyes.

He wanted to kill even the eldest young lady of Shenwumen, and the elite disciples of Sword King City let him abolish it. If he went up to fight him, wouldn't Chu Xiu also seriously injured and abolished him?

In fact, this martial artist has been thinking too much, and Chu Xiu didn't know who he was at all.

He didn't even pay attention to Bai Wuji, let alone the few servants beside Bai Wuji.

But he was entangled here, but it was a waste of time. Chu Xiu frowned and said, "Are you going to fight?"

A referee of the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm at Cangjian Villa also urged: "If you do it, you will be quicker. If you are not sure, then surrender directly."

From the referee's point of view, there is no suspense in this game at all.

Not to mention Chu Xiu's fierce reputation, even if it is an ordinary Outer Astral Realm fighting against a warrior from the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, the winning rate is not very big. What is this guy struggling with?

At this moment, a voice suddenly came: "You don't want to fight with him, how about me instead?"

Everyone present immediately looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Shen Bai standing up, holding a long sword, and looking at Chu Xiu, with a sharp look in his eyes.

At the same time, there is an incomparably sharp sword qi around him, so that the warriors around him can't help but step back, and there is a look of horror in his eyes.


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