Meet The Leader

Chapter 328: conspiracy

PS: Thanks to book friend Brainli's leader for the reward, congratulations on becoming the tenth leader of this book ^_^

Thanks to the book friend Dunzitang for the reward of 14,000 starting coins, and thanks to the book friends who cherish the 10,000 starting coins of ING Phantom.

Wei Jiuduan was surprised by the sudden visit of the ancestor of the Wei family.

Naturally, he knew the ancestor of the Wei family, and he had a lot of dealings when he was young. Of course, with the characters and positions of the two people, this so-called dealing is naturally more confrontational and conflicting.

It's just that after the ancestors of the Wei family went to retreat, there was not much communication between the two conveniences.

Wei Jiuduan knew that the ancestor of the Wei family was notoriously afraid of death, and his own blood had just begun to decline, so the old guy dared not continue to hang out on the rivers and lakes, and hid in the back house of the Wei family all day to recuperate and recuperate. Extend life.

After seeing Wei Jiuduan, the ancestor of the Wei family cupped his hands with a smile and said, "I haven't seen you for many years, but Master Wei is still the same."

Wei Jiuduan said with a smirk, "The two of us are already acquaintances, don't talk so much useless, you have hardly taken a step in the Wei family for so many years, and now you suddenly come to me, why? "

Seeing Wei Jiuduan being so direct, the ancestor of the Wei family was no longer stubborn, and he said solemnly: "Chu Xiu! My Wei family is here for Chu Xiu!"

Wei Jiuduan frowned, "What do you mean?"

The ancestor of the Wei family said solemnly, "You should be very clear about what I mean, Mr. Wei, that Chu Xiu's wolf ambitions, as long as he is there, there will be no peace in the land of Kansai.

This time, Chu Xiu was so arrogant that he even went to other state capitals to arrest people. I asked Wei Changling to ask for an explanation, but he was injured by Chu Xiu's subordinates.

Mr. Wei, with all due respect, Chu Xiu's power in the Kansai area is stronger than yours now. After a while, I am afraid that the entire Kansai area will only know about him, Chu Xiu, and not you, Mr. Wei. ! "

Wei Jiuduan's expression changed, but he still snorted coldly: "Even so, what can I do? The old man is about to retire. Do you still care about fame and fortune?"

There was a faint smile on the face of the ancestor of the Wei family: "Master Wei, you and I have known each other for decades, don't I know what kind of character you are? You can endure this. tone?

You just told me not to betray you. Now everyone can say it frankly and honestly. Chu Xiu arrested my Wei family's personnel, and my Wei family lost face. So this person, my Wei family must come back, and Chu Xiu also Must back down.

As for you, Master Wei, you must also want to suppress this Chu Xiu. This time it happened that you and I joined forces to completely suppress Chu Xiu's arrogance.

This time, Chu Xiu didn't take care of him. Could it be that, Mr. Wei, you don't even have the courage to move that Chu Xiu? "

Hearing this, Wei Jiuduan's face suddenly showed a hint of anger.

But before he had the attack, the ancestor of the Wei family handed over a post. Wei Jiuduan opened it and saw that there were a lot of cherished elixir and cultivation resources written in it.

The ancestor of the Wei family said lightly: "I know that Sir Wei, you are going to retire and leave, these are the gifts that you prepared for Sir Wei in advance."

Wei Jiuduan closed the post, pondered for a while, and said, "Come to the main hall to lead people in three days, and I will let Chu Xiu hand them over."

The ancestor of the Wei family nodded and left directly.

Just as the ancestor of the Wei family said, Wei Jiuduan wanted to suppress Chu Xiu for a long time, but now it is just right to have such an opportunity, especially the benefits that the ancestor of the Wei family gave him was something Wei Jiuduan could not refuse.

Wei Jiuduan ordered someone to call Yang Ling. After entering the door, Yang Ling immediately bowed and said, "Foster father, what are you looking for for the child?"

Seeing Yang Ling, Wei Jiuduan's expression improved.

At the moment, these inspectors in Kansai, either like Chu Xiu, who have already given birth to two hearts, or like Jiang Taoran and others, all have their own scheming, wishing him to get out of the way, and who really stood on his side, The only one who can be trusted is Yang Ling, the adopted son who has been nurturing and caring for him.

Thinking of this, Wei Jiuduan really felt that he had treated Yang Ling a little bit badly over the years.

Looking at Yang Ling, Wei Jiuduan's expression softened a bit, and said, "You should have heard of what Chu Xiu has done during this time. Now that the Wei family has come to the door, the old man is also ready to press this Chu Xiu. , you go and tell that Chu Xiu, three days later, bring people to the branch and hand them back to the Wei family!"

Yang Ling hesitated: "But foster father, with Chu Xiu's character, would he befriend someone so easily?"

Wei Jiuduan said lightly: "If you don't hand in people, you will be disobeying orders, don't forget, I am still in charge of the torture officer!

It is a taboo to commit the following crimes in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Chu Xiu dares to disobey. Although I will not do too much, it is not a problem to take away one of his state capitals. Even Hall Master Guan can’t say anything.

Hall Master Guan is unselfish, even if he is more inclined towards Chu Xiu, he must be careful about the rules of the punishment hall in Guanzhong, right? "

Yang Ling's heart froze. According to Wei Jiuduan's words, whether Chu Xiu was befriending people or not befriending people, it was actually a bit of a loss.

It's reputation that pays people a disadvantage. As long as you pay people, people in Kansai will definitely think, what can you do even if you Chu Xiu is arrogant? In the end, there is a compromise.

If you don't hand in people, Wei Jiuduan will take away a prefecture under Chu Xiu's command on the charge of disobeying orders. Wei Jiuduan failed?

However, according to Yang Ling's understanding of Guan Siyu's character, it seems that Guan Siyu will not interfere in this kind of thing.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Ling respectfully bowed to Wei Jiuduan and said, "Yes, I'll do it now, baby."

After leaving the gate, Yang Ling immediately went to Jianzhou Mansion.

He was completely tied to Chu Xiu's car at this time, and it was too late to leave now.

As soon as he entered the door of the hall, Yang Ling said directly to Chu Xiu: "Master Chu, the big thing is bad, Wei Jiuduan and the Jiuyuan Wei family are ready to deal with you!"

With that said, Yang Ling immediately told Wei Jiuduan and the Wei family's conspiracy and plans in one breath.

Wei Jiuduan thought that he only had a loyal adopted son like Yang Ling. If he knew that it would not take long, Yang Ling would sell him a clean one. It is estimated that Wei Jiuduan would not wait for Chu Xiu to do it. Will be angry and go crazy.

After listening, a cold look appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes.

To be honest, in fact, Chu Xiu didn't want to attack Wei Jiuduan so quickly.

Previously, Chu Xiu's plan was to take Wei Jiuduan step by step, with Wei Jiuduan, the torture officer on top, and his power below Wei Jiuduan completely. Become a judge.

The rules of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall have always been like this. The judges in charge are promoted from their respective territories as much as possible. This has a certain foundation and is easier to manage.

With Chu Xiu's current power in Guanxi, as long as he can reach the realm of harmony between man and nature step by step, the position of Guanxi's criminal officer must be his.

But now Wei Jiuduan insists on looking for his trouble, but Chu Xiu can't care so much.

Neither the former nor the latter, Chu Xiu would agree to Wei Jiuduan's conditions. In this case, Chu Xiu would choose neither, but chose to turn his face completely!

After calling the Ghost Hand King and others, Chu Xiu told everyone his plans. The Ghost Hand King and others could accept it, but Yang Ling's eyes widened in horror, and he hesitated: "Master Chu, so Do it, is it really possible?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "There is nothing in this world that is 100% feasible, I can only minimize the variables, Yang Ling, you are the most critical part of this, if you don't participate, I won't force you, If you are on my side, you will definitely have a place in Kansai in the future.

You know my character, I'm not Wei Jiuduan, and I don't like to draw lofts in the sky. "

Yang Ling smiled bitterly and said, "What the lord says, the subordinates will do what they want."

Chu Xiu gave him two choices, but he did not dare to choose the former.

He has heard everything, and he still has the handle in Chu Xiu's hands. If he doesn't want to follow Chu Xiu, there is only one way, a dead end!

Chu Xiu didn't force him, because he didn't have to force him to choose a dead end.

Three days later, Chu Xiu brought the Ghost Hand King and others to the Kansai branch.

In fact, since Chu Xiu came to Guanxi, he rarely came to the branch office. Chu Xiu was too lazy to deal with Wei Jiuduan, nor did he want to deal with Wei looked up and forgot to glance at the sky, maybe From today onwards, he should be in charge of this place, of course, it depends on whether things go well.

The surrounding warriors from the Guanxi branch all greeted Chu Xiu after seeing Chu Xiu, and their attitudes were not bad.

In fact, Chu Xiu has a very good reputation in the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Although he is notorious in the outside world, he is a member of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall after all. For so many years, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall has always been unknown. For someone like Chu Xiu who can make a name for himself, don't care whether his reputation is good or bad, it's enough for Guanzhong Punishment Hall anyway.

Even if they were all under Wei Jiuduan, it didn't prevent them from having a good impression of Chu Xiu.

From this, we can see how bad the means under Wei Jiuduan's control are. The entire Guanxi branch can hardly find one who sincerely stands on Wei Jiuduan's side, even his adopted son, Yang Ling, is quite complaining about it.

Since ancient times, the way to control the subordinates has been based on two things. One is strong personal charm. Just like the previous hall master, Chu Kuangge, he was admired by the warriors in the whole world.

Another is the benefit. You bring benefits to your subordinates, and the subordinates will work hard for you.

The more benefits you can give your subordinates, the harder they will be able to work hard for you, because they are afraid that one day someone who can work harder than them will come and take their place.

Chu Xiu is using this trick right now. He firmly believes that the relationship maintained by interests is more reliable than the so-called family and brotherhood.

Just like Du Guangzhong and the others from the Qinglonghui who are currently under Chu Xiu, both sides are competing, for fear of being separated by the other side and then being abandoned by Chu Xiu.


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