Meet The Leader

Chapter 356: join forces

The whole body of the beast is full of treasures, this is what Master Cen just said. &1t;/

The severed limbs and remains of the beasts in the hall were already rotten, and they were simply waste, but now this frozen heart is obviously still alive. &1t;/

Although everyone doesn't know what the heart is, it must be a baby. &1t;/

However, just as the crowd approached the formation, there was a sound of machine clasping around the formation, and a machine-clad puppet in black armor with a heavy sword rose from the ground. &1t;/

The moment they saw the puppet, someone immediately exclaimed, "It's the Black Armored Soldier of Qianjimen!"&1t;/

In ancient times, Qianjimen not only produced various hidden weapons, but they were more famous for various strange mechanisms. This black armored soldier was one of the most famous puppets of Qianjimen. &1t;/

It is said that the Black Armor is composed of 36,000 machines, and his body is driven by 360 miniature formations engraved in it. He can absorb vitality from the heaven and the earth by himself. . &1t;/

And the strength of this black armored soldier is also extremely powerful. The whole body is made of diamond black iron. It can resist all the slashes below the gods. Martial Dao Grandmaster shot, it is very difficult for the Martial Artist of the unity of Heaven and Man to defeat him. &1t;/

The Black Armor is very famous in the rivers and lakes, because the Zhenwu Sect, one of the three major gates in the past, once excavated eight black armored soldiers from an ancient ruin, and the martial arts master personally surrendered them and changed the formation. , let him guard in the Zhenwu Hall of Zhenwu Sect. &1t;/

Now this black armor is guarding here, it is almost impossible for anyone to win the heart. &1t;/

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly said to Master Cen: "Elder Cen, how about joining forces? If you don't solve this black armored soldier, no one will be able to get the heart of the beast.&1t;/

This thing is so big that after it's done, you and I will be enough to share half of it. ”&1t;/

A sneer appeared on the corner of Master Cen's mouth and said: "Chu Xiu, you killed my disciple, and now you want to join forces with me, it's just wishful thinking!"&1t;/

Chu Xiu sneered: "Okay, Elder Cen, don't act, you really value that Zhang Baitao, but you definitely didn't pay attention to it to the point where you could risk it, or even lose your own interests.&1t;/

Back in Beiyan, after I killed Zhang Baitao, I joined the Qinglong Association. You can easily find out if you go to Fengmanlou to inquire. &1t;/

As a result, you didn't come to Beiyan to seek revenge for me for so long, why? It's not because the Qinglong Association is behind me. You are afraid of coming all the way to Beiyan to seek revenge from me, and you will stay in Beiyan forever. &1t;/

Later, I joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, which was closer to Xichu. Why didn't you come to me for revenge? Isn't it also because you are afraid of the strength of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall? &1t;/

And I played against Ming Chen from Daguang Temple before. If you are really determined to kill me, I may not be able to kill Mingchen so easily, but why haven't you shot yet? It's not that you're afraid of worrying that something went wrong and that you're already damaged before you enter the Babel. &1t;/

Elder Cen, you have more than one apprentice, but this is the only time you can meet the birth of Tongtian Tower. &1t;/

In the end is to let go of the grievances and join me, or choose to sit and watch the treasures and then leave, you choose. ”&1t;/

Chu Xiu's words made Master Cen feel that he had been seen through his heart, which made his face faintly angered, but he did not act. &1t;/

What Chu Xiu said was right. Sometimes, as long as you want to avenge the grudges in this world, no matter what difficulties and obstacles there are, it is not an excuse. &1t;/

Just like when Chu Xiu abolished Shen Bai and Liu Yuanyuan of Canglan Sword Sect, he valued Shen Bai more than his own son. As a result, Shen Bai was abolished by Chu Xiu, and Liu Yuanyuan was sentenced to Guanzhong because of his scruples. Tang, worried about the current Canglan Sword Sect, so abruptly endured not to come to Chu Xiu to take revenge, or even to Guanzhong Punishment Hall to ask for an explanation. &1t;/

Master Cen really liked Zhang Baitao as a disciple very much, but it was far less important than Liu Yuanyuan's attention to Shen Bai. &1t;/

Just like what Chu Xiu said, he still has many disciples, and it is impossible for him to go to Chu Xiu desperately for a Zhang Baitao to give up his interests and his own safety regardless of anything. &1t;/

After a long silence, Master Cen said in a low voice, "With the two of us, can we defeat this black armored soldier?&1t;/

This thing is very difficult to deal with, the blade slashing under the divine weapon is almost useless to it, and the internal formation can also resist the internal force of the master of the unity of heaven and man. ”&1t;/

Master Cen didn't say that he agreed to join forces, but what he said now is basically equivalent to agreeing. &1t;/

It's just that Master Cen's face is a little thin, and he is a little ashamed to say that he wants to join forces with Chu Xiu. &1t;/

The corner of Chu Xiu's mouth showed a smile, and said lightly: "No matter how strong a machine is, it is a machine. Even if it has countless blessings, it is still a brainless thing, and there is always a way to deal with it.&1t;/

But others have to clean up too, don't wait for us to go to great lengths to get things, but there are a group of mice behind to pick up cheap. ”&1t;/

Master Cen looked back at the loose cultivators, who were also looking at the frozen heart with greedy eyes. &1t;/

The black armored warriors are not easy to deal with. If they fought hard to defeat the black armored warriors and were taken advantage of by other rats, they would indeed be wronged. &1t;/

However, Master Cen frowned and said, "Just drive them away like this? But they haven't taken action yet."&1t;/

After all, Master Cen was a member of the Bashan Sword Sect, and he was considered a long-established senior in Jianghu. His identity was there, he still wanted fame, and he didn't want to do things that were too controversial. &1t;/

Chu Xiu shrugged and said, "Elder Cen cares about reputation, but I, Chu Xiu, are already notorious in the arena, so I don't care about these things. Forget it, I will be the villain."&1t;/

Saying that, Chu Xiu turned around and walked towards those people. &1t;/

Previously, Chu Xiu and Master Cen had been using internal power to communicate through sound transmission. With their cultivation base, other people naturally couldn't hear what they were talking about. &1t;/

Seeing Chu Xiu coming, these people were stunned for a moment. Just as they were about to say something, they saw Chu Xiu pointing at the door and saying, "Go out."&1t;/

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and some people were immediately dissatisfied: "Master Chu, what do you mean? Why did you let us out?"&1t;/

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Don't you still know what I mean? Don't move your mind if you shouldn't, and don't take anything you shouldn't take.&1t;/

This thing is put here, even if I don't grab it, you can't get it. If so, what's the point of you being here? ”&1t;/

Chu Xiu's words pierced the minds of these people present, but now that the treasure is ahead, there will always be people who will be blinded by interests. &1t;/

Someone laughed dryly and said: "Master Chu's words are a bit too much. We never thought about grabbing things from you, Master Chu. Could it be that we can't stand in this hall and watch some other things?"&1t; /

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "I rarely reason with others, because I always believe that fists and swords are more effective than reason.&1t;/

It’s rare that I tell you the truth once, but you don’t listen. Then you can’t blame me. Remember to eat or beat. This is not a good habit. ”&1t;/

Hearing Chu Xiu's words, the expressions of everyone present immediately changed slightly. Among them, several warriors from Dongqi retreated quietly and directly slipped out of the hall. &1t;/

Some of these warriors from Dongqi have heard of Chu Xiu's fierce name. They want to take food from Chu Xiu's mouth, fearing that they will die without even touching anything. &1t;/

Most of those martial artists from Western Chu came from hearsay about Chu Xiu. At this time, they were still clamoring for Chu Xiu to be too domineering, and this Tongtian Tower was not his own. &1t;/

Chu Xiu sneered, and directly grabbed the favorite martial artist named Xiao. &1t;/

The strength of that warrior is not weak, and he has the cultivation of the Inner Astral Realm, but in the hands of a master of Chu Xiu's level, he is simply vulnerable. &1t;/

With a loud bang, the martial artist's body protection qi was directly crushed by Chu Xiu, and he was picked up by Chu Xiu and threw directly to the black armored soldier. &1t;/

The Black Armor has no intelligence, and completely relies on the setting of the formation to judge the enemy and the enemy. &1t;/

Someone entered its attack range, and the heavy sword in the hand of the black armored soldier raised, which seemed heavy, but his body was as fast as lightning, directly cutting the warrior into two pieces! &1t;/

The blood from the severed limbs spilled on the body of the black armored soldier, which looked a little strange, but the black armored soldier still slowly walked back to his original position, continued to lean on the heavy sword in his hand, and looked at it with empty eyes. crowd. &1t;/

Chu Xiu turned around and smiled at everyone: "Who's next?"&1t;/

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, without even turning their heads, they turned around and fled The lessons from the past were still there. At this time, they did not doubt Chu Xiu's courage to kill. &1t;/

Master Cen gave Chu Xiu a deep look. Although Chu Xiu killed his disciple, it was not until today that he really realized what kind of person this Chu Xiu was. &1t;/

Many people in the arena care about fame, fame and fortune, but fame must come before the word for profit. &1t;/

Therefore, 99% of people in Jianghu want to be famous, whether it is good name or prestige, anyway, they absolutely do not want notoriety, even if some big dispatchers in Jianghu kill people and destroy the family, it is also necessary to become famous. , although it looks a little hypocritical, but this is the rule on the rivers and lakes. &1t;/

As for the Chu Xiu in front of him, he is obviously the kind of person who doesn't care about these false names at all. &1t;/

Master Cen cares about reputation, so he can't do the overbearing thing of driving everyone present away and monopolizing the treasure, although he also thinks so in his heart. &1t;/

But Chu Xiu can do anything, but Chu Xiu dares to do anything, so this kind of person is the most terrifying, because such a person has no bottom line and fights with each other, you never know he will use [31 Novel Network] What means, what decisive thing to do. &1t;/

At this time, Chu Xiu didn't know what Master Cen was thinking, he just said to Master Cen: "Elder Cen, those mice have been cleaned up, can we start?"&1t;/


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