Meet The Leader

Chapter 385: Opening of the conference

It can be said that the five major sword factions have invested heavily for this World Sword Sect Conference, and they have brought out a lot of good things.

The rewards that were brought up were covered with red cloth. Han Ting lifted the first piece of red cloth, which contained a sword, a secret box, and a bottle of medicine pill.

Han Tingyi pointed at the long sword whose hilt was pitch-black, but the blade was crimson, and said solemnly: "This sword is a rank six treasure, and it ranks the 65th among the famous swords in the world. The red devil, who used to be the sidearm of a demon envoy of the Kunlun Demon Sect, has now been purified of his demonic energy, retaining the **** energy, his power has not been reduced much, and it is still sharp.

In the arena competition of the younger generation, the first reward was the Red Devil Sword. "

Han Tingyi pointed at the secret box again and said, "This thing is a secret box that I got after I attacked the Kunlun Demon Sect while sitting in the Forgotten Sword Lodge. It was found in the Kunlun Demon Sect's arsenal equipped with exercises. It contains a set of magic Dao martial arts "Devil Blood Dafa" and "Blood Transformation Sword". The combination of the two has a level of seven rank.

However, all the people who came to my World Sword Sect Conference were people of the righteous path, so I sat in the forgotten sword house and temporarily sealed up the extremely evil demon blood Dafa. There is only the blood-turning sword in it, but it can be used as a battle at critical moments. It is the reward for the second place to use the trump card.

The last bottle of elixir contained the Kunlun Demon Sect's secret elixir, Dead Tree Fung Chun Dan, which was made from the rootless holy fire at the top of the Kunlun Demon Sect. "

After Han Ting had introduced all these things, Chu Xiu didn't feel anything, but he knew that Mr. 6 and other warriors from the Kunlun Demon Sect who were hiding in the dark probably wanted to swallow Han Tingyi alive.

Han Tingyi or the entire five sword sects are simply those who are teasing the hidden demons.

The top three prizes they took out were all taken from the hands of the old Kunlun Demon Sect. In other words, these were trophies, but they were the shame of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

Now they take these things out as a reward, is this not a provocation?

It's just that Mr. 6 and the others naturally won't do it now, because even bigger provocations are yet to come.

Han Ting's expression remained unchanged, pointing to the last thing wrapped in red cloth, and said solemnly: "The masters of the martial arts master level don't look down on those little things, so we only prepared one of the winner's. The reward, that is the symbol of the Kunlun Demon Sect in the past, and also the symbol of the righteous unity of the magic way, creating the Heavenly Demon Flag!"

As Han Tingyi lifted the red cloth, a powerful demonic energy surged into the sky in an instant, as if it was terrifying to cover the clouds and the sun. There should be a formation on the red cloth, otherwise it would be absolutely Such a great prestige cannot be suppressed.

Everyone looked intently, and under the red cloth turned out to be a broken banner.

As Han Tingyi raised the banner, everyone could see the true appearance of the banner.

The flag was only 30 feet high, the flagpole was pitch black, and there were scars from swords and swords on it. It looked very vicissitudes.

And although the flag body can still float in the wind, it is still broken to the extreme, as if it can be shattered at any time.

Originally, the flag was supposed to be pitch-black, and it was covered with various mysterious runes and patterns with gold patterns, but now it was impossible to see a complete rune.

Everyone present had a strange look on their faces. This was the symbol of the demonic way of the past, representing the orthodox demonic flag of the demonic way!

Those martial arts masters from the major factions all know what the five major sword factions mean this time. Seeing that they really took out the Heavenly Demon Banner, then this time the five major sword factions are really determined to suppress the demon way.

And the other loose cultivators are also looking at it desperately. This represents the existence of the ancient Kunlun Demon Sect's creation of the Heavenly Demon Banner, a legendary existence.

As for the sects at the level of the Bashan Sword Sect, they were calm and did not move at all.

This fortune-telling demon flag is of no use to them at all, instead it is a hot potato, and they don't want it for nothing.

Today, only the existence of the five major sword factions or the Buddhist sect of Taoism can keep this fortune-telling demon flag and put it in the hands of others, I am afraid that the next day will be attacked by a large number of crazy demons. Come to the door and shred directly.

Because the arena in the center of the martial arts field is very huge, it was directly divided into ten parts by the people sitting in the forgetting sword house, which could accommodate ten groups of people at the same time to compete and compete at the same time.

In the World Sword Sect Conference, the arena competition is just an accessory, especially this time the five major sword sects held this World Sword Sect Conference with a different purpose, so the rules are not as strict as they are set.

Anyone who wants to take the stage can sign up, start the competition at will, and allow each other to challenge each other. However, for each round of challenge, the challenged has the right to take a round of rest and recover their physical strength. This can prevent someone from fighting with one another and deliberately pitting a person.

The last rule was newly set by the Sword Sect in the world this time. In the past, this kind of thing was impossible, because the participants were all warriors from the five major sword sects. For them, who would dare to play this game in the arena? The means of planting works, do you want to have a reputation?

But this time the World Sword Sect Conference was attended by many outsiders, and some of them were out of control. The five major sword factions had to add some new rules to control them.

Xie Xiaolou stood beside Chu Xiu and asked, "Brother Chu, are you going to participate in the ring?"

Among the other sects, those who represent their sects to participate in the World Sword Sect Conference are definitely warriors in the realm of the unity of nature and man.

But Chu Xiu was an exception. He came on behalf of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but he was a young generation of warriors at his age, and he was naturally qualified to play.

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "Why don't you have the benefit of delivering it to your door? By the way, I can also hone my own strength."

"Brother Chu, you use a knife, and you also like the Red Devil Sword?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "Of course not, I want that blood-turning sword, first of all I have no extravagant hope.

You have also seen that guy Fang Qishao. Although he is a bit unremarkable, his cultivation above the swordsmanship is terrifying.

Moreover, Fang Qishao has already stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man. Although I have killed more than one or two warriors in this realm, compared with Fang Qishao, the gap between these people is simply the difference between clouds and mud.

If it's not a desperate fight, I'm not sure that I can beat Fang Qishao, but if I'm arrogant, besides Fang Qishao, who is qualified to fight with me among the younger generation of warriors present? "

Xie Xiaolou thought about it, it really is the truth, Chu Xiu wants to fight for the first place, it may be difficult to fight with Fang Qishao, but if he wants to fight for the second place, it is simply more than Fang Qishao. The first is even simpler, because no one dares to rob Chu Xiu.

The arenas in all directions are opened at the same time. Anyone who wants to participate in the arena or challenge can directly board the arena and start the competition. The five martial arts masters of the five major sword factions are all standing high, and on the bright side, they are protecting the warriors who participated in the arena. It's safe, but it's secretly monitoring to see if the gang of demon rats have secretly shot.

On the arena of the Yanwu Arena, the ten groups of people are fighting vigorously. They have changed back and forth several times, and those who can still stay in the arena are almost all famous and famous among the younger generation.

After Chu Xiu entered the ring, he went through three rounds. In fact, during these three rounds, Chu Xiu didn't even start. The people in the three rounds happened to be from Dongqi. After knowing Chu Xiu's identity, he turned around directly. run away.

Chu Xiu's reputation in the Eastern Qi region is still quite large. Basically, there are only two outcomes related to Chu Xiu, one is death, and the other is that life is better than death.

On the ring, Chu Xiu is still relatively dazzling, and almost all of them are subdued without fighting. This makes the warriors of Western Chu and Beiyan a little strange. The warriors in the Eastern Qi region are a bit too cowardly, right? Quit without even hitting?

You must know that this is the arena of the World Sword Sect Conference. Everyone comes here with the intention of learning from each other. Generally, they will not give a dead hand. If they do it, they will hone their own strength. What are they afraid of?

In fact, the warriors of Dongqi were indeed a little scared by Chu Xiu's Those who were his enemies were basically dead and dead.

Although they all knew that this was the World Sword Sect Conference, Chu Xiu didn't dare to make trouble too much, but no one was willing to risk his own life to guarantee it.

And look at the other young warriors who are well-known on the dragon and tiger list, they are quite impressive.

Although Fang Qishao is a bit unreliable, he is not very ruthless. Few of the warriors who fight against him can stand up to his three swords, but his opponents also benefit a lot.

When the others saw that Fang Qishao didn't kill him, they all gathered on Fang Qishao's side, wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to play against him to ask for a few tricks.

Later, Fang Qishao was also annoyed, and directly revealed his strongest strength, one move to defeat the enemy, simple and easy, so that other warriors could not see anything, which made the disappointed people change their direction.

In addition to Fang Qishao, Nie Dongliu's performance is also very exciting.

Nie Dongliu's Qiankun Lingyun Hand has been cultivated to an extremely proficient state by Nie Dongliu. Later, he followed Han Baxian to practice boxing and martial arts.

It's just that Fang Qishao was too lazy to point out the warriors who fought against him, and Nie Dongliu took the trouble to point out every warrior who fought against him and lost to him, earning a lot of fame.

In addition to Chu Xiu and others, Yan Feiyan, Xie Xiaolou and others, who looked like Yuenu Palace in the ring, also performed very well.

As long as there is a well-known existence on the Dragon Tiger List, when facing ordinary warriors of the same rank, the advantages are not generally large.

But now some people look at Chu Xiu's beautiful appearance, but their hearts are extremely unbalanced.


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