Meet The Leader

Chapter 403: dead

Xiahou Wujiang was in jeopardy, Xiahou Zhen looked at Situ with a cold eye and shouted: "Do you really want to keep Xiahou with me forever?"

Situ Li squinted his eyes and said with a sneer, "It's not that my Phaseless Demon Sect wants you to die forever, it's that you, Xiahou Clan, want to fight against my demons.

You don't want your son to die? That's good, it's simple, you will take everyone from the Xiahou Clan to leave Fu'Jade Mountain, and I will let go immediately, do you dare?

Xiahou Zhen's 'yin' face did not speak, of course he did not dare!

You must know that it is no longer a dispute between the five major sword factions and the devil.

At this time, all the forces participating in the war represented the 'door' of the Righteous Dao Sect.

Since the Xiahou Clan had already started, but they gave up halfway, what is this? Abandoning the right path? Their Xiahou Clan's reputation will plummet!

The Xiahou Clan is not the Xiahou Clan of Xiahou Town alone, so any decision Xiahou Town makes must be in the interests of the Xiahou Clan.

If today Xiahou Town dares to take someone to escape from the Floating Jade Mountain in order to save his son and affect the reputation of the Xiahou Clan, then when Xiahou Town returns to the Xiahou Clan, he, the head of the Xiahou Clan, will not have to do it. .

A person who ignores the interests of the entire Xiahou Clan for the sake of 'selfishness' and "desire" is not worthy of becoming the head of the Xiahou Clan.

But if he allowed his son to be killed, of course Xiahou Zhen couldn't do it.

At this time, Xiahou Zhen suddenly thought of something, and he directly shouted to Xiahou Wujiang: Run away! Escape from the Floating ‘Jade’ Mountain!

The Xiahou Clan could not escape, but Xiahou Wujiang could. After all, he was only a junior martial artist and could not represent the entire Xiahou Clan.

If he escaped from the battle, Xiahou Wujiang Dingtian would only lose some reputation. Anyway, for a junior martial artist like him, there is still a chance to make up for it in the future.

Xiahou Wujiang was also horrified at this time, even if Xiahou Zhen didn't say anything, he already wanted to escape.

This person in front of him has cultivated to the extreme in both strength and 'spirit' power, enough to crush Xiahou Wujiang in all aspects.

Xiahou Wujiang is not an idiot. Fighting against such an opponent is simply courting death.

So here Xiahou Wujiang turned around and fled without any hesitation.

Seeing Xiahou Wujiang's actions, Chu Xiu sneered. If Xiahou Wujiang could still escape this time, it would be because there was real luck on Xiahou Wujiang's body.

Even though Xiahou Wujiang's realm has progressed very quickly, in fact, if he really talks about his own combat power, Xiahou Wujiang is still not as good as Nie Dongliu. His background and foundation are too poor.

Xiahou's major is 'spirit', but this kind of thing needs to be practiced for a long time. Xiahou Wujiang stepped into the realm of the Five Qi Dynasty because of external things, and he has not had time to hone his own. 'Essence' divine power, so his current realm is somewhat watery. Even if Chu Xiu can't use Tianmowu or martial arts such as the Nine-Character Technique to hide his identity, he can easily crush Xiahou Wujiang.

The demonic energy around Chu Xiu surged and enveloped him.

At the same time, Chu Xiu's eyes were also glowing with a hint of crimson 'color'. He stepped into the realm of selfless killing in an instant, and his stature suddenly increased a lot, and he went straight to kill Xiahou Wujiang. go.

Violent demonic energy and murderous intent condensed around Chu Xiu, killing Xiahou Wujiang one after another, almost every time he landed, Xiahou Wujiang would spit out a mouthful of blood.

But Xiahou Wujiang really put his life on the line in order to escape.

Gritting his teeth, Xiahou Wujiang pointed at his forehead, and instantly his blood was mixed with golden light.

Xiahou's method of burning 'essence' blood is also different from other people's. Others are simply burning 'essence' blood, but Xiahou's people burn even the soul and 'essence' blood together, although it consumes more energy. More, but the power is also greater.

In an instant, Xiahou Wujiang's whole body actually burst out with seven golden 'color' rays of light, bursting towards the whole body and 'shooting' away.

Chu Xiu was not in a hurry, the murderous intention in his eyes subsided, but instead a strange scene of the sun, moon and stars changing.

The Heavenly Son's Breathing Technique was performed to the extreme by Chu Xiu, and the figures in the seven golden lights were almost completely visible, and there was nothing to hide at all.

Xiahou's escape technique is called Divinity Transformation. Divine Sense evolves thousands of times. It has no attack power and is purely prepared for escape.

It can be said that even the masters of martial arts can't see the mystery here, either your power is approaching the extreme, you can catch up with those golden lights and smash them one by one, check the truth or falseness, or you can only try your luck.

It's a pity that Xiahou Wujiang met Chu Xiu, and the Emperor Wangqi almost completely overcame his Xiahou's practice.

After catching up with Xiahou Wujiang's real body, Chu Xiu fell with a punch, and before the gang qi came to him, that powerful murderous intent had already caused Xiahou Wujiang to vomit blood, destroying the meridians in his body.

After burning the 'Essence' Blood Primordial Spirit, Xiahou Wujiang lost his own strength to the extreme, and he, who was not an opponent in the first place, would not even want to go to close combat with Chu Xiu.

It's just that Xiahou Wujiang was extremely unwilling. His final status was broken by this person in front of him, which was simply impossible.

Therefore, in Xiahou Wujiang's view, it can only be said that the person in front of him has better luck, and he just chased the right person.

But there is a 1/7 chance that the other party can guess right by luck. Does that prove that today is the day that Xiahou Wujiang will be killed?

At this time, when Xiahou Town saw that Xiahou Wujiang could not even run away, Xiahou Zhen's face "showed" a touch of contention, and he shouted at Situ: Stop! I, the Xiahou Clan, are willing to withdraw from this battle of righteous demons!

Although Xiahou Town is not only a son of Xiahou Wujiang, but from childhood to adulthood, Xiahou Wujiang has been cultivated by him.

This time, if it is replaced by his other heirs, Xiahou Zhen may also weigh up who is more important to his identity as the head of the family and a son.

But now it's Xiahou Wujiang, who has been with him since childhood and has the deepest feelings for Xiahou Wujiang, but Xiahou Zhen doesn't want to weigh it anymore, he can't just watch his son die here.

What if the Xiahou clan held him accountable afterwards? Dingtian just moved him to an unprofitable position and prevented him from continuing to serve as the head of the family.

And with Xiahou Wujiang's current age and realm, it is not too difficult to become the new head of the family in the future. No one of the same generation can beat Xiahou Wujiang. Anyway, as long as people live, there is always hope.

But at this time, Situ Li 'showed' a nasty smile and said: Do you want to quit now? late!

Xiahou Zhen roared and said, "You Phaseless Demon Sect are courting death!"

Situ Li said fearlessly: There are many people in this world who want to kill my Phaseless Demon Sect, and they are not inferior to your Xiahou Clan.

What Situ Li said was true, they were indeed not afraid of the Xiahou Clan.

The Phaseless Demon Sect wants to rebuild the Kunlun Demon Sect, which can be said to be on the opposite side of the entire Jianghu people, although all Jianghu people know that this is basically impossible.

So from the very beginning, the Phaseless Demon Sect had already made plans to face the hostility of the entire Jianghu. Now there are not many more Xiahou clans, and one less Xiahou clan.

The most important thing is the way of the Demon Sect of No Phase. Even if the Xiahou Clan wanted to seek revenge on them, they would not be able to find anyone.

At this time, on Xiahou Wujiang's side, Chu Xiu had already pushed him to the extreme.

Between life and death, Xiahou Wujiang clenched his teeth fiercely, his hands formed a complicated seal, a strange symbol appeared between his eyebrows, and the golden light of countless primordial spirits converged, and the radiance was magnificent, and it instantly shrouded Chu Xiu. !

Xiahou Wujiang revealed all of his Primordial Spirit power. He was completely prepared to use his own 'spirit' spiritual power to challenge Chu Xiu's 'spirit' spiritual power. Death, his 'spirit' will be completely abolished.

But unfortunately, if Xiahou Wujiang used this trick in his heyday, Chu Xiu would 100% choose to retreat and escape.

Xiahou Wujiang wanted to work hard, but Chu Xiu didn't want to work hard with him.

But unfortunately, just now Xiahou Wujiang has already burned the blood of 'essence', UU reading www.'s own primordial power has dropped a lot, and now he wants to work hard, but he no longer has the capital to work hard.

Chu Xiu's eyes were like deep pools, and he exerted the ultimate power to destroy the soul, shrouded in the golden glow of the primordial spirit, and directly fought against Xiahou Wujiang to kill him.

As soon as the 'spirit' of the two sides came into contact, Xiahou Wujiang snorted, and then his eyes 'revealed' a shocking 'color', and he had already recognized Chu Xiu's identity!

The 'spirit' divine power seems intangible and intangible, but in fact it has more characteristics than true qi. Of course, this characteristic can only be discerned by a martial artist like Xiahou who specializes in 'spirit' divine power.

Xiahou Wujiang once fought against Chu Xiu's 'spirit' supernatural power at the Divine Armament Conference in the past, so now the 'spirit' supernatural powers of both sides were fighting each other, but he recognized Chu Xiu's identity instantly!

This guy dressed as a magic warrior turned out to be Chu Xiu!

Xiahou Wujiang wanted to shout and call out Chu Xiu's identity.

This is the battle between the righteous and the devil. As long as Chu Xiu's identity is defeated, there will be no place for him in the righteous path.

It's a pity that all his 'spirit' power is now entangled with Chu Xiu, let alone shouting, he can't even say a word.

As the darkness in Chu Xiu's eyes became thicker and thicker, the 'spirit' power brought by the annihilation of the heavens and the earth was completely exerted by Chu Xiu. The silent explosion came, and Xiahou Wujiang snorted. , The 'spirit' divine power was completely strangled, and his whole body was bleeding from the seven orifices, and instantly died and fell to the ground, but there was still a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

With just one sentence, he can bring Chu Xiu to ruin!


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