Meet The Leader

Chapter 456: backing

The person who came out was the ancestor of the Luo family, a martial arts master who had no sense of existence.

That's right, although he is a martial arts master, he has no sense of existence in the arena.

The ancestor of the Luo family was not well-known in the arena when he was young. As a disciple of the Wujun Luo family, one of the nine great families, he has not even been on the Dragon and Tiger List, let alone the Wind and Cloud List.

This Luo family ancestor even barely entered the realm of martial arts masters when he was about to enter the age of aging, which can be said to be extremely reluctant.

However, no matter how weak the martial arts master is, he is still a martial arts master. The Luo family's ancestor appeared here at this time, but it was enough to restrain Chu Xiu and others.

At this moment, a tall and strong old man suddenly came out and said: "Luo Jiunian, this time, your Luo family has done too much. If you want to compete with Luo Feihong's baby, don't you even face it? Won't you show your face?"

Although the momentum of the old man who came out was not as strong as Luo Jiunian, the ancestor of the Luo family, he was also at the same level as him, and he was also a figure at the level of a martial arts master.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but they also recognized who this master-level figure was. He turned out to be the previous pavilion owner of the Shenbing Pavilion and the great master of refining, Mo Yezi.

Since the last Divine Armament Conference, Mo Yezi and Zangjian Villa repaired the magic sword Sauvignon Blanc, and he was criticized by many people in the martial arts, so Mo Yezi has not appeared in the arena for a long time.

In fact, compared with Tibetan Sword Villa, Mo Yezi's purpose is much simpler. He is a craftsman, and his lifelong wish is to make a weapon that can exceed his own limits. The magic sword Sauvignon Blanc is the old Kunlun magic sect. One of the three major demon soldiers in the world is the pinnacle of the famous swords in the world. It is possible to repair this level of demon soldiers. Not to mention that Mo Yezi cooperates with Tibetan Sword Villa, even if it is possible to cooperate with Dao Dao.

However, although Mo Yezi is a martial arts master, he is a martial arts master who cannot fight.

Everyone on the rivers and lakes knows that there is a master craftsman from Shenbing Pavilion. After all, there is no martial arts. Ordinary flames can't melt those extremely strong materials, and only use True Qi to melt into the flames.

It’s just that cultivation is cultivation, and combat power is combat power. Warriors from Shenbing Pavilion can’t even be called warriors, because they usually don’t even know a single martial skill. They only have cultivation, but they can’t fight.

Therefore, Mo Yezi, a martial arts master, seems to be a little weak in strength, and it is estimated that even the martial artist of the unity of heaven and man is no match.

The ancestor of the Luo family frowned and said, "Mo Yezi, what are you doing here?"

Today is the day when their Wu County Luo family competes and recruits relatives. Wu County Luo family invited people to watch the ceremony. Of course, it is impossible to invite Mo Yezi, who is not the master of Shenbing Pavilion at this time.

Moreover, the people who can come here are basically the younger generation of warriors, but there are not many older warriors who come here to watch this kind of excitement.

Mo Yezi said lightly: "Of course I am here for Luo Feihong, her blood spear 'Red Kitten' is my proud work, there will be a chance to become a magic weapon in the future, how do you manage Luo Feihong? No, that's your Luo family's family affair, but I can't let my red kite fall into other people's hands because of this.

I'm going to see Luo Feihong, so I have to make sure she's all right. "

Looking at Mo Yezi, the ancestor of the Luo family also had a headache.

In the face of Mo Yezi, a great master of craftsmanship, Luo Jiunian couldn't beat him, and he couldn't scold him.

After all, Mo Yezi was the former pavilion owner of Shenbing Pavilion. Although he has already stepped down as pavilion owner, the relationship is still there. If he offends Mo Yezi, he offends Shenbing Pavilion.

Moreover, over the years, Mo Yezi has made countless weapons and weapons, and has made a lot of network resources. Once these people start to be dispatched, even the Luo family in Wujun will feel the pressure.

The ancestors of the Luo family were also helpless. Mo Yezi had forged weapons for so many people, so why did he treat Luo Feihong differently?

"Mo Yezi, what do you want? This time my Luo family competes to recruit relatives. Luo Feihong himself will not fight. The final winner of the ring is my Luo family's son-in-law, so she can't see anyone now."

Mo Yezi said indifferently: "It's just a competition to recruit relatives, and it's not that you're already married, and you can't see people before, what kind of rules are this?

When I was refining the red kite, I confiscated a penny from your Wu Junluo family. Why, I was so grateful, and now I don't recognize anyone? "

The Luo family's ancestor looked helpless. In fact, the most hated people in the world are people like Mo Yezi. Although they are not strong, they have a wide network of people, and they can't move if they want to.

In the end, the ancestor of the Luo family had no choice but to wave his hand and said, "Okay, you can go if you want."

Luo Tianyang, who was on the side, wanted to say something, but was glared back by the ancestor of the Luo family.

At this time, Mo Yezi pointed at Chu Xiu and said, "These little dolls are friends with Luo Feihong, and they all went with the old man."

Anyway, one has already been put in, and he doesn't care about the second one, so the Luo family's ancestor waved his hand directly and let them take them to see Luo Feihong.

The people around saw that there was no fight, but these people felt a little disappointed. They thought there was a lot of fun to watch.

On the way, Mo Yezi looked at Chu Xiu and the three rumors: "It's good that Feihong's girl doll has friends like you. The Luo family has gone too far this time, and it is still uncertain to trade their daughter for their future. The future, although it is helpful to the Luo family itself, it seems to be too arrogant."

Chu Xiu and others all nodded, and they all knew that Luo Feihong had a good relationship with Mo Yezi.

In the past, the Luo family asked Mo Yezi to forge the red kite, the blood gun, for them. It was Mo Yezi who overcame the opposition and handed the red kite to Luo Feihong. He also said that the red kite could only play its role in Luo Feihong's hands. the greatest effect.

Afterwards, Mo Yezi treated Luo Feihong really well, just like he treated his own daughter, not only because of the weapons, but also because the two people were more compatible.

At the last Divine Soldier Conference, Chu Xiu and the others had to enter the Jinghu Villa only after the Divine Soldier Conference officially started, but Luo Feihong was able to enter the Jinghu Villa early and eat and drink there, as if he were his own. looks like.

It's just a pity that Mo Yezi's backer is of no use to Luo Feihong, because he is only a great master of refining.

When asking for someone to refine a weapon, the Master Refiner is naturally a respected existence, and his status is even higher than that of a martial arts master.

But at such a critical moment, a great master of craftsmanship obviously does not have a normal martial arts master to score as much.

Luo Jiunian was willing to give Mo Yezi face, but he would not cancel this competition for Mo Yezi's sake.

At this moment, Mo Yezi suddenly looked at Chu Xiu, and said through a voice transmission, "The sword in your hand is the sword I used to refine the weapon last time at the Divine Armament Conference?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Exactly, I would like to thank Master Mo Yezi for laying the foundation for my demon dance this day."

Mo Yezi shook his head and said, "Don't thank me, I was planning to use this weapon to test the method of refining the weapon, and if it was used as a shield, if you can capture it, that's your strength. .

And looking at its appearance, you even added some materials to it, so that the demonic energy in it is prosperous, but it is stronger than I expected before, and it also has the potential to advance to the magic weapon.

However, the magic power of your sword is too strong, you need to control your heart, otherwise it will be easily eroded by the magic energy and affect your heart. "

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "A weapon is always a weapon, and in the hands of a person, a weapon is a weapon, otherwise it's just a pile of scrap metal. If a person is affected by a weapon, it can only prove that a weapon is used. people are too trash.

It's like when Fuyu Mountain was fighting against the demons, Fengyun Jianzhong took out the famous fierce soldier Jueyuan. In the hands of others, Jueyuan is the fierce soldier of the world, and it is unknown who touched it.

But in the hands of peerless powerhouses like Donghuang Taiyi, the so-called murderous soldiers were nothing but a joke. The Jueyuan Sword was easily refined by him using the Burning Heaven Treasure Mirror and turned into a Burning Heaven Sword, and he could handle it at will. "

Mo Yezi glanced at Chu Xiu in surprise, a strange look appeared in his He did not expect that this Chu Xiu could see things so clearly.

Mo Yezi's habit is to let weapons choose people. In the eyes of most people, Mo Yezi thinks that weapons are more important than people, but in fact Mo Yezi believes that only strong enough people are qualified to control a sufficient A powerful weapon, otherwise, if the two collide, not only will it not be able to exert the powerful effect of the weapon, but it will also cause the warrior himself to be affected by the weapon or even backlash.

The people from the Luo family who led the way took everyone to an attic next to the Luo family's ancestral hall. When they saw the gate, everyone present frowned.

There are formations all around the attic and on the gate, apparently for fear of someone escaping.

What does the Luo family mean by locking Luo Feihong here? Consider her a criminal?

The disciples of the Luo family were waiting outside. Chu Xiu and others pushed the door and entered, but what they saw was a strange scene. Luo Feihong was actually here with Erlang's legs crossed, holding a novel and eating melon seeds there, seemingly leisurely. very.

Chu Xiu took a closer look. The cover of the book had the three big characters "Fengyue Tribulation" written on it, and on the cover there were a few charming women with half-dressed clothes and enchanting postures. You could see what the book was about by looking at it.

At this time, seeing Chu Xiu and others coming, Luo Feihong dropped the book and said in surprise: "How could those old immortals let you in? Hey, you are here too, Senior Mo, I understand, I guess the immortal immortal is It was only because you were worried about your face, Senior Mo, that you let people go."

But at this moment Mo Tianlin frowned and said, "Are you injured?"

Although Luo Feihong looked leisurely at this time, she was a little pale, and her aura in the Three Flowers Gathering Realm was still a little erratic. Everyone could see that she was seriously injured at this time.


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