Meet The Leader

Chapter 462: debut

Chen Qingdi is famous in all corners of the world, but what kind of exercises he cultivates is really unknown in all corners of the world, because Chen Qingdi was born in the grass, and the exercises he cultivates are too many and too complicated.

But now, it doesn't matter what the martial arts Chen Qingdi is practicing. People in Jianghu only know that Chen Qingdi's fist is very strong.

This kind of powerful fist intent is the powerful fist intent that Chen Qingdi has condensed from the rise of the grass to the present, after countless fights and hardships. It belongs to him alone, so Xie Xiaolou simply cannot fully to obtain this inheritance.

Because of this, as a disciple of Emperor Chen Qing, Xie Xiaolou used a knife, not a boxing technique.

But although Xie Xiaolou uses a knife, it does not mean that he does not know Chen Qingdi's boxing. It's just that although Chen Qingdi has practiced this kind of boxing for him, it is based on Xie Xiaolou's experience and his knowledge of martial arts. Understand, but it is impossible to fully display this kind of fist intent, even if it is reluctantly displayed now, it has not hurt anyone, but it has already hurt oneself, and the backlash is not ordinary.

However, at this time, the face of the opponent, Ying Baihu, has already changed.

Xie Xiaolou's punch came, and the powerful fist swayed all the qi in his body, and even the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth avoided it.

This was the first time Ying Baihu felt a threat from Xie Xiaolou, an extremely powerful threat.

As this pressure came, Ying Baihu roared, and the qi in his body condensed into the shape of a dragon, roaring the heavens and the earth, and turned into a black dragon attached to him.

At this moment, there seems to be a figure intertwined with dragon shadow and human shadow behind Ying Baihu. With his punch, he suppressed the mountains and rivers of the world!

Whether it is Chen Qingdi's fist intent or the punch that won Baihu at this time, they are all fierce and domineering to the extreme.

The two fists were facing each other, and what erupted was an unparalleled formidable power, and the entire arena was cracked.

At this moment, the expressions of everyone present changed slightly. The strength of winning the White Tiger was beyond their expectations. Even Xie Xiaolou was so strong, which was even more unexpected.

Mo Tianlin below looked at the movement in the field and felt a little uncomfortable. He was not jealous of Xie Xiaolou, but just complained that he was not good enough.

When he met Xie Xiaolou in the past, in fact, the difference in strength between the two sides was not too big. Xie Xiaolou was stronger than him, but his strength was limited.

Later, Mo Tianlin also got to know Luo Feihong, but in his opinion, a woman like Luo Feihong who is stronger than a man is simply a pervert and cannot be compared, and he does not want to compare himself with Luo Feihong.

Later, he met Chu Xiu, who was even more perverted than Luo Feihong. He was someone who could compete with the top five talents on the Dragon Tiger List. Comparing with him was purely for himself. Feeling uncomfortable.

As a result, Mo Tianlin found out that even Xie Xiaolou, who he always thought was similar to him, had already far surpassed him. At least now, he didn't even have the courage to resist Xie Xiaolou's punch. , which also made Mo Tianlin a little frustrated.

Chu Xiu saw Mo Tianlin's appearance, he couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Brother Mo, your character is like this, you like to enjoy leisurely, in fact, you don't need to compare yourself with anyone, just be yourself. Otherwise, forcibly cultivating will not only be useless, but will also lead to the bottleneck of inner demons.”

Chu Xiu was quite familiar with Mo Tianlin's character.

This one is really not the kind of material that is suitable for fighting with people in the ups and downs of the rivers and lakes.

If you look at what Mo Tianlin likes, you will know that he likes wine and enjoyment, and he likes poetry and songs. The only thing here is that there is no cultivation and martial arts.

Moreover, Mo Tianlin's strength was actually very ordinary before. The reason why he was able to step into the Dragon and Tiger Ranking and rise was because he was dumped by a woman, so he started to practice frantically because of a moment of anger. With the strength he has now of.

Therefore, Mo Tianlin still has talent, but the only thing he lacks is a heart to specialize in martial arts.

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Mo Tianlin also smiled bitterly: "Brother Chu is right, but I'm a little attached, but I really should have been cultivating more hard during this time, otherwise, if I don't say I will be given to you by you. If it is completely thrown away, it is estimated that even my position in the Mo family will not be guaranteed."

The current Mo Tianlin is the heir of the Mo family. In fact, Mo Tianlin himself doesn't really value this so-called heir.

Because of this, the gap between him and the other Mo family's younger generation did not widen too much, and there were quite a few young Mo family disciples who coveted his position.

Although Mo Tianlin doesn't care about this position, he knows that if other people are allowed to sit in his position, the things he can enjoy now may not necessarily be available in the future.

At this time, Xie Xiaolou and Ying Baihu fought against each other. Under the violent fluctuations, the smoke and dust dissipated, Ying Baihu's face was pale, but Xie Xiaolou was already bleeding from his mouth, and even his The right arm was trembling slightly at this time, obviously it was not lightly injured.

There was a hint of anger in Ying Baihu's eyes.

It was obvious that the White Tiger had won, but his victory was a bit reluctant.

He originally planned to be a blockbuster, but now he is so embarrassed in the face of a Xie Xiaolou whose strength is far inferior to himself, which is obviously a bit different from his calculations.

Just when Ying Baihu was about to take another shot, Xie Xiaolou opposite him said directly: "I admit defeat."

The three words Xie Xiaolou said were neat and tidy, without the slightest sloppiness.

He was just here to delay the time and hone his own strength by the way.

Ying Baihu, who was about to shoot, stopped there again, which made his face turn red, and finally he had to snort coldly and withdraw his steps.

Luo Jiunian stood up and said solemnly, "Are you ready to take the stage?"

Everyone present immediately looked at each other in dismay. With the strength shown by just winning the White Tiger, who would dare to come on stage to court death?

In particular, this win Baihu seems to be still angry at this time, but this attack is quite ruthless, wouldn't it be to vent his anger at this time?

"I come!"

With a smile, Chu Xiu walked onto the ring step by step.

Luo Jiunian squinted and glanced at Chu Xiu, and he knew that this group of people would definitely come out to make trouble, but unexpectedly, Luo Jiunian didn't care, just took a deep look at Chu Xiu and left Off the ring.

Luo Jiunian was tricked by Ying's people before. He is also an old man who has been rolling on the rivers and lakes for so many years. How could he have no idea at all?

If Chu Xiu wanted to make trouble, let him make trouble. If Chu Xiu lost, Luo Feihong could marry Ying's normally.

If Chu Xiu wins, can Bai Lu watch his younger brother be defeated and fail to win? If he wins against Bailu, Chu Xiu will definitely lose! At that time, Luo Feihong can successfully marry Ying Bailu, killing two birds with one stone.

Luo Jiunian also thought of the worst result, that is, Ying Shi sat and watched Ying Baihu lose to Chu Xiu, Ying Bailu did not move.

But that doesn't matter, the big deal is that their Luo family doesn't get married.

Although it is said that the Luo family is not trustworthy in doing so, and they agreed to compete and recruit relatives, but they regretted it, but in the arena, trust is such a thing, just talking about it, even if the Luo family is openly playing a rogue, they just don't want to marry their daughter, Chu Xiu What can be done to him?

On the arena, Chu Xiu glanced at Ying Baihu and said, "Although you are not seriously injured, you are a bit overwhelmed. I will not take advantage of you, so as not to be called a wheel battle, you will cultivate for a while before I shoot."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately felt that Chu Xiu was quite particular, and knew not to take advantage of others' dangers.

But Nie Dongliu below looked at Chu Xiu and frowned.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is usually not a friend, but an enemy.

Nie Dongliu and Chu Xiu were enemies, and they were not enemies for a day or two, so he clearly knew what kind of person Chu Xiu was.

It is absolutely not too much to say that he has no compromises. When did his Chu Xiu's character become so high? Under normal circumstances, he should have fallen into trouble.

So Nie Dongliu intuitively told him that there must be ghosts, but he couldn't guess what Chu Xiu was thinking.

On the other hand, Ying Baihu, who was on the field, gave Chu Xiu a deep and sat cross-legged to restore his inner breath.

Chu Xiu is different from Xie Xiaolou, he is the same as himself.

When Ying Baihu was still in Ying's retreat in Shangshui, Chu Xiu had already started to fight with the masters of the unity of nature and man on the rivers and lakes.

Moreover, Chu Xiu's ranking on the Dragon Tiger Ranking was only after his brother beat Bailu.

Facing such an opponent, Ying Baihu couldn't help but be cautious.

Of course, while being cautious, Ying Baihu's heart is also somewhat eager.

As long as he can face-to-face and can defeat Chu Xiu upright, he will be the sixth on the Dragon Tiger List, and he will be one step closer to his brother's position!

After about a quarter of an hour, Ying Baihu stood up and his breath had completely calmed down.

Chu Xiu held the knife in his hand and asked, "Is it alright?"

Winning White Tiger nodded.

But just as Ying Baihu nodded, Chu Xiu's sword was already unsheathed, and the boundless demonic energy was intertwined with the **** energy. The sword light of dozens of meters ran through almost the entire arena.

The power of Chu Xiu's knife was simply terrifying, and even the power of the move that had just won against Baihu and Xie Xiaolou couldn't compare to Chu Xiu's knife.

Even after seeing this knife, and sitting below, Ying Bailu, who seemed a little careless at first, suddenly sat up straight, and said solemnly: "I lost! Baihu has already lost, what is the origin of this Chu Xiu?"

Uncle Fu said in a deep voice behind Ying Bailu: "This son was born in the Jianghu grass. I heard that he was a loose cultivator and a killer of the Qinglong Society. Finally, he joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and became the Guanxi Execution Officer. .

His situation on the Dragon Tiger Ranking is like a broken bamboo. He is a dark horse, not a simple character. This time, Second Young Master, the winning rate is indeed not large. "


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