Meet The Leader

Chapter 465: Kill out!

Luo Jiunian was already on the brink of rage at this time.

Although Luo Jiunian has no reputation in the arena, but in the entire Luo family, Luo Jiunian talks about the unique ancestor of the Luo family. When has he been threatened by a junior like this?

But at this time Luo Tianyang whispered behind Luo Jiunian: "Ancestor, let them go, Feihong holds the relic of my Luo family's ancestor in his hand, once she is angered, then both sides will suffer. , even if Feihong can't get out of the Luo family, my Luo family will suffer greatly because of this!"

Luo Tianyang said this partly for the Luo family's consideration, and partly for Luo Feihong's consideration.

After all, Luo Feihong was his own daughter. If Luo Tianyang had no feelings for him at all, it would be unreasonable.

If Luo Feihong really destroyed the relics of the ancestors today, and also destroyed the Luo family's great formation, then Luo Feihong would surely die today.

Although it was said that Mo Yezi was on their side, after all, Mo Yezi was not a martial master with combat effectiveness, and Chu Xiu and others were only relatively strong among the younger generation. How could they be able to defeat the entire Luo family?

Therefore, it is better for both to take a step back and let Luo Feihong leave. The Luo family just lost some face, but they won't lose too much.

However, Luo Tianyang ignored Luo Jiunian's furious state and his identity at this time.

If someone else said this, maybe Luo Jiunian could calm down and take a step back.

But Luo Tianyang was Luo Feihong's father, and when he said this, he simply added fuel to the fire.

Luo Jiunian looked at Luo Tianyang with gloomy eyes, and said coldly: "At this time, you are still talking about this evil obstacle, and you want to save her life? It's all a good daughter you educated!

As the head of the family, it's okay if you don't live up to your expectations. As a result, the two sons and daughters you teach, one is trash and the other is rebellious! From now on, you don't have to be the head of the house anymore! "

Luo Tianyang was stunned when he heard the words, unable to believe that he had come to such a result.

Luo Jiunian looked directly at Luo Feihong and said coldly, "Nie Barrier, I will give you one last chance to hand over the relics of your ancestors. I can still save your life and let you repent in front of my Luo family ancestors. , otherwise, life is better than death!"

Luo Jiunian was angry, but Luo Feihong's character was much tougher than he imagined.

Hearing Luo Jiunian say this, Luo Feihong didn't say a word, just picked up the ancestral relic in her hand, smashed it into pieces with a bang, and the neatness was beyond the imagination of everyone present.

At that moment, the eyes of the Luo family instantly turned red.

Ancestral relics represent not only the first trump card of their Luo family, but also their ancestors of the Luo family.

Now Luo Feihong crushed it abruptly, which is equivalent to digging up his own ancestral grave and scattering the ashes of his ancestors on the ground.

"you wanna die!"

Luo Jiunian shouted angrily, and the powerful momentum around his body rose into the sky, and he was about to kill Luo Feihong.

But at the moment when the ancestor relic was destroyed, the entire Luo family began to tremble.

Layers of formations appeared on the ground, but the brilliance of those formations had already begun to shatter and die.

At this time, an old Luo family's complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly shouted: "Ancestor! Don't worry about her for now, the ancestral hall is the formation eye, once the formation method is completely destroyed, my Luo family ancestral hall will also be completely destroyed. Lost!"

As a place to worship their ancestors, the Luo Family Ancestral Hall is of great significance. If the Luo Family Ancestral Hall was destroyed in the hands of their generation, then they would really have no face to see their ancestors.

However, Luo Jiunian was already in a rage at this time, and he said coldly: "In time, before that formation is completely destroyed, I will kill this evil barrier!"

On Luo Feihong's side, Mo Yezi sighed: "If you do this, you and the Luo family will be immortal from now on."

Luo Feihong said indifferently: "From the moment the Luo family decided to betray me, the result was already doomed."

Mo Yezi shook his head and said, "You guys rush out with Feihong, I'll delay the time!"

When the words fell, Mo Yezi took out four swords from the secret box of space. The four long swords were bright and dazzling, and they were four divine soldiers!

As Mo Yezi poured his true energy into it, the four long swords also rose into the wind with sword energy, killing Luo Jiunian.

Although Mo Yezi has never practiced martial arts, and only has realm without combat power, this does not mean that he has no resistance at all.

As a master of refining, the most important thing Mo Yezi lacks is weapons. For others, magic weapons are something that can be encountered but not sought after, but for Mo Yezi, as long as there are enough materials, he can refine them. It's actually not that difficult to come.

His four long swords were made by Mo Yezi himself, and he used his own blood and essence to nourish them every day, and he asked several Taoist masters of Zhenwu Sect to paint them on the condition of creating weapons for others. When the sword formation came out, as long as the infuriating energy was sufficient at the critical moment, these four long swords would be able to display the Zhenwu Sword formation of the Zhenwu Sect on their own.

With Luo Jiunian's strength, although this sword formation could not stop him, he did not want to break the sword formation so easily.

Seeing that Mo Yezi really had some backing hands behind him, Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Kill it out!"

As soon as the voice fell, he directly bore the brunt, and the demonic energy of the sword gang swayed on the Tianmowu in his hand, and the power was amazing. The first few Luo family warriors who rushed up were directly killed by him on the spot.


A Luo family's Heaven and Human Unity Realm martial artist rushed out, his body was condensed, and the sword in his hand was just condensed, and he saw that Chu Xiu was already slashing in the head!

The meaning of the three swords of Abi Dao has been condensed into the bones by Chu Xiu. The three swords are combined into one. This sword is like a sword of judgment cut out from hell, but it has a majestic divinity in the evil.

Moreover, Chu Xiu's knife did not give the warrior any chance to dodge at all. At the same time as the knife was released, the Emperor's Wang Qi technique had already been used by him, completely seeing through all the dodges of the Luo family warrior, Any chance to escape this knife is completely blocked!

At this moment, the Luo family martial artist felt as if he was an insect hanging on a spider's web.

He wanted to struggle, but before he could start moving, Chu Xiu's knife had already fallen.

The qi died, the blade shattered, and everyone could only see a sliver of blood spilling out. The Luo family's martial artist of the unity of heaven and man was cut in half by Chu Xiu!

The blood splattered with the internal organs, and this terrifying scene suddenly stopped the Luo Family's Heaven and Human Realm warriors, daring not to make any further changes.

In fact, there are still some warriors in the Luo family's unity of heaven and man, such as warriors of the same generation as Luo Tianyang, and some elders of the Luo family, they are all in the unity of nature and man.

But Naihe Chuxiu's knife is a bit too terrifying, killing a chicken is like killing a chicken. A great master of the unity of heaven and man can't even hold a knife under his hands, and there is something more terrifying than this. thing?

With the power of Chu Xiu's sword, Chu Xiu and others have even crossed the front hall, but no one from the Luo family has dared to stop it.

Seeing this scene, even Ying Bailu couldn't help but say, "The Luo family is about to be abolished."

It is normal for an aristocratic family to be weak, and the general trend of the world has its ebb and flow, let alone such a small family as the Luo family.

But now the Luo family has no courage. So many people are facing a Chu Xiu and Luo Feihong who bullied their ancestors. They are so afraid that they don't even have the courage to take action. This is indeed a bit too much. Cowardly.

Uncle Fu asked after Ying Bailu, "Eldest son, do we need to take action or just watch?"

Ying Bailu said lightly: "Just look at it like this, the Luo family has been abandoned, and it is meaningless to rescue the Luo family at this time.

Such a Luo family doesn't even have the qualifications to win the alliance with me.

In the past, the only valuable thing in the Luo family was Luo Feihong, the pearl. Unfortunately, now the Luo family has personally forced him away. In this way, the Luo family is no different from What value is there? Word? "

Ying Bailu didn't want to save the Luo family, but someone wanted to save the Luo family. To be precise, they didn't want to save the Luo family, they just wanted to make Chu Xiu uncomfortable.

This person is Li Yuan.

Li Yuan is the confidant of the prince, but in fact, apart from being the confidant of the prince, he has not given any credit to the prince Lu Longji.

Including his being reused under Lu Longji's command, it is not because he has made any great contributions, but because he is relatively stable.

In the past, Li Yuan didn't think about it so much without a chance, but now he just happened to see Chu Xiu, the guy who once caused a lot of trouble for His Royal Highness. It is also good to please His Royal Highness.

So Li Yuan thought about it and said directly to Chen Dou beside him: "Eunuch Chen, in this situation, should we go and help the Luo family?"

Chen Dou touched his chin. If he wasn't a eunuch, this would be a gesture of stroking his beard and thinking, but unfortunately Chen Dou didn't have a beard, so his action seemed a bit redundant.

"Help the Luo family? But the Luo family didn't choose to go to His Highness directly, they just wanted to have a relationship with His Highness, not ours.

We helped the Luo family. Are you sure that the Luo family can be grateful to Dade and invest in the prince's command? If not, then we are at a loss. "

Li Yuan smiled and said, "Eunuch Chen, you said before that His Royal Highness often gritted his teeth against Chu Xiu.

Before, His Royal Highness had concerns and could not take action against Chu Xiu. Now we are taking action against Chu Xiu in the name of helping the Luo family clean up their rebellion. This excuse should be enough, right? "


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