Meet The Leader

Chapter 469: Just because I am Chu Xiu!

Among the three kingdoms in the world, the Eastern Qi is the most abundant and most prosperous.

As the capital of Eastern Qi, Daliang City is naturally the same. There are bustling traffic, dignitaries in the city, and countless experts in the past, but no one dares to make trouble here.

As the capital of Eastern Qi, this place is the most tightly defended place in Eastern Qi. There are countless experts in the military and in the imperial palace. If anyone dares to cause trouble here, it will be purely impatient.

Chu Xiu was going to find the second prince, Lu Longguang. Naturally, he couldn't just meet him, but he had to find an acquaintance first, and that person was Fang Zhenqi, the commander of the Pofeng Battalion.

Each battalion of the Dragon Knights is actually an independent existence, responsible for carrying out various affairs, and even the objects of their allegiance are different.

The barracks of Pofeng Camp is not outside the city, but in a mansion in the east city of Daliang City.

The mansion seemed very low-key, it was just a seemingly ordinary black mansion with three characters of Po Fengying written in large golden characters, and there was also the dragon mark of the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army.

However, on the street outside the entire Fengfeng Camp mansion, almost no warriors could be seen coming and going here.

These warriors are not idiots. They know where this place is. It is the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army belonging to the Dongqi royal family. If they accidentally provoke them, they will not even know how to die.

Chu Xiu knocked on the door, and two dragon cavalry banned soldiers in black clothes and light armor immediately surrounded Chu Xiu, looked at Chu Xiu, and asked in a bad tone, "Who are you?"

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Please inform the sergeant Mr. Fang, saying that Chu Xiu is visiting and he will know who I am."

The two Dragoons looked at each other, one of them went in to report, while the other was still watching Chu Xiu outside.

Fortunately, Chu Xiu's strength is relatively strong, showing the cultivation of the Five Qi Dynasty.

If this were another person, I am afraid that he would have been locked up by the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army before interrogation.

The Dragoons belonged to the royal family, and it was probably not a good thing for outsiders to come to them.

After a while, Fang Zhenqi came out and saw Chu Xiu, he was surprised: "Why are you here?"

In the case of Qiu Zhensheng in Pegasus Ranch last time, Fang Zhenqi really dealt with Chu Xiu a lot, and even if it wasn't for Chu Xiu, the second prince would not have cheated on the prince once.

However, the cooperation between the two parties was only to get what they needed, and Chu Xiu was still only a person in the punishment hall. Seeing Chu Xiu again at this time, Fang Zhenqi was really surprised.

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "It's a little inconvenient here, let's talk inside."

Fang Zhenqi frowned, but he still invited Chu Xiu to a conference room and asked, "What's going on now, can you tell me?"

"I'm going to see the second prince." Chu Xiu said solemnly.

Fang Zhenqi frowned, just as he was about to say something, he heard Chu Xiu say: "Master Fang, don't refuse, and don't ask me why I am looking for the second prince, I can only tell the second prince what I said, in short, it's right. The second prince has advantages, and there is no disadvantage.

Besides, this is the Daliang City of Dongqi. I dare to play tricks in other places, but I don't dare to be arrogant here. Since this is the case, what else is there to be afraid of, Mr. Fang? "

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Fang Zhenqi also felt that there was some truth. Chu Xiu was just a warrior of the Five Qi Dynasty. After thinking about it, he took Chu Xiu directly to find the second prince, Lu Longguang.

Lv Longguang was named King of Liang at this time, and his fief was in Liang County, the most prosperous state in Qi. However, apart from sending his confidants to take care of the fief, Lu Longguang didn't go to his fief very much, and was always there. Daliangcheng or the military swayed, making Crown Prince Lu Longji hate gnashing his teeth, and also terrified.

Lu Haochang has never forced Lu Longguang to go to the fief, which proves that in Lu Haochang's mind, there is no difference between the two of them, and the prince Lu Longji only occupies a position.

When seeing Chu Xiu again, Lu Longguang also felt a little strange.

The last time he saw Chu Xiu, Lu Longguang's deepest impression of Chu Xiu was Chu Xiu's boldness and his greed.

At that time, Chu Xiu was only an inspector of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. He was regarded as a relatively outstanding martial artist of the younger generation, but he was not a high-level officer of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

But even such a Chu Xiu dared to negotiate with him, the second prince of the Eastern Qi, and knocked out a smashing fist from his hand. This courage gave Lu Longguang a deep sense. impression.

Seeing that Chu Xiu came to him again at this time, Lu Longguang couldn't help asking: "Chu Xiu, why are you looking for this king this time? Could it be that you are going to join this king?"

To be honest, if Chu Xiu could really rely on himself, Lu Longguang would still be very happy.

After all, Chu Xiu's strength and potential are displayed here, as long as he is not blind, he can see it.

It's just that for Lu Longguang, Chu Xiu's current reputation is more important to him than his strength and potential.

That is the sixth young Junjie on the Dragon and Tiger list. If he can recruit Chu Xiu to his command, then he will directly push Chu Xiu out for others to see. Even the sixth young Junjie on the Dragon and Tiger list will invest in it. His subordinates are willing to ride the horses for him, does this make him look very virtuous?

Chu Xiu smiled and shook his head and said, "Your Highness is joking. Hall Master Guan treats me badly. How can I turn my back on the Guanzhong Punishment Hall? Although I, Chu Xiu, are not a good person, I know the word loyalty and righteousness."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Lu Longguang's interest suddenly diminished. He lay on his back on the chair and asked, "Then what are you going to do when you come to see this king this time? When you are entertaining this king, you know the consequences."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Since I have taken a lot of time to ask the General Counselor to bring me to see His Highness, there is naturally something that will satisfy your Highness."

"Oh? What?"

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "If I can help Your Highness to destroy the Prince's reputation and weaken the Prince's power, are you satisfied with this matter, Your Highness?"

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Lu Longguang sat up straight and frowned, "You want to help this king deal with the prince? Then what do you want?"

Lu Longguang still remembers Chu Xiu's unprofitable and early character. The last time Chu Xiu showed the evidence, he made Lu Longguang pay the price of killing himself and killing himself. Now, what does this Chu Xiu want? ?

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "I don't want anything, it's just that since I helped you last time, the crown prince has hated me, and his subordinates have been making trouble for me.

I'm a very vengeful person. If someone slaps me and doesn't throw it back, that's not my character. If someone wants to trouble me, I'll go back and let some people see and trouble me. price.

This matter has just passed, if your Highness has not heard of it, you can ask others. "

Lu Longguang really didn't know what happened to the Luo family.

He is the second prince of Dongqi. Except for some big things in the arena, he can't be bothered to care about it. Competing for the throne and developing his own strength are the real business for him.

But he doesn't know, but that doesn't mean others don't know.

Lu Longguang asked an old **** with a white face behind him, "Eunuch Li, what's going on?"

When Eunuch Li heard the words, he immediately sent a voice transmission to Lu Longguang, telling him what happened to the Luo family, and also emphasized that Eunuch Chen and Li Yuan, who were under the prince's command, shot Chu Xiu.

Lu Longguang nodded, looked at Chu Xiu with a strange look in his eyes and said: "Since this is the case, how are you going to help this king deal with the prince? You only have the strength of the Five Qi Dynasty, but this king wants to see Let's see, with your little strength, can you damage the foundation of the prince?"

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice, "Your Highness, you are wrong about one thing. I said it before. I am here to help Your Highness to deal with the prince. If it is just me, then I can take revenge and leave calmly. Why do you want to come here to find you, Your Highness?

It is precisely because I have no power in Dongqi that I came to His Highness and borrowed His Highness's power to help you attack the Prince. "

Lu Longguang was stunned when he heard the words, and then there was a look of anger in his eyes, and he sneered: "Chu Xiu, are you here to entertain this king? I thought you had some tricks or plans for the prince, but I didn't expect that. You came from the white wolf with empty gloves!

There is You want to use the power of this king to deal with the prince, why do you? If this is the case, this king might as well do it himself, why should I lend you my power? "

Chu Xiu smiled, pointed to himself, and said word by word, "Just because I am Chu Xiu!

If you want to offend people, there are powerful people under your highness, such as General Fang and Eunuch Li, but you can't find one who is really capable of setting up a battle. Otherwise, your Highness will not be with the prince. Been stuck for so long.

And I, Chu Xiu, was born in the grass, and in less than two years, I have changed from an inspector who first entered the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to a judge in charge of the Kansai land.

In the past, when my boss was in charge of Kansai, discipline was lax, and the forces in the rivers and lakes were arrogant and rampant, and even reached the point where the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was not taken seriously.

But since I took over the land of Kansai until now, in the whole of Kansai, I, Chu Xiu, have made a statement!

The same power can play different roles in the hands of different people, so this time, Your Highness, you can bet a game and bet on my confidence.

If Your Highness believes in me, then lend me some of your power. If Your Highness does not believe it, then I will turn around and leave without disturbing Your Highness. This grudge will be reported another day. How to choose is entirely up to Your Highness. "

After Chu Xiu finished speaking, he looked at Lu Longguang silently. To be honest, not only did his words make Lu Longguang stunned, even Fang Zhenqi and Eunuch Li were the same.

They have seen arrogant people, but they have never seen someone as arrogant as Chu Xiu, and they have exaggerated themselves.

But thinking about it carefully, what Chu Xiu said is still true. This is his record, and it is also the confidence that he can stand in front of Lu Longguang and say these words.


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