Meet The Leader

Chapter 485: freak

Zong Xuan squeezed the Ming Wang seal and fell, and in Chu Xiu's eyes, the power was so powerful that he was infinitely close to the martial arts master, and even gave him the illusion that he was fighting against Nie Renlong from Juyi Village in the past! &1t;/

A person like Zong Xuan has a weird way of thinking. If his strength is weak, it is a standard neurosis, and no one will pay attention to him. &1t;/

But if there is Zong Xuan's strength, it is like what Fang Qishao said, this person is a freak, there is no other way but to stay away from him. &1t;/

But now that Zong Xuan has already started, Chu Xiu can't dodge even if he wants to. &1t;/

Under the seal of the King Ming, the sun, moon, and stars in Chu Xiu's eyes were changing. &1t;/

Zong Xuan's power has been so strong that he can block all the dodging spaces around Chu Xiu. He seems to be the real King Ming. Under the power to the extreme, Chu Xiu can't dodge, and he can only choose to resist a path. . &1t;/

Squinting his eyes, Chu Xiu's whole body burst out with horrific demonic energy and **** aura. &1t;/

The sword intent of the three swords of Abitao was brought to the extreme by him, and he slashed out with one slash, as if the gate of **** had opened, and the power was extremely terrifying. . &1t;/

Zongxuan's seal of King Ming is the incarnation of King Ming, and Chu Xiu's magic sword is to sacrifice himself to become a devil! &1t;/

Only when facing the Martial Dao Grandmaster will Chu Xiu reveal this level of power. In addition to burning blood essence, this is the pinnacle of Chu Xiu's power. &1t;/

Zong Xuan is not a master of martial arts, but the pressure he brings to Chu Xiu is no less than that of a master of martial arts! &1t;/

As King Ming's seal collided with Chu Xiu's magic sword, a powerful force burst out. Chu Xiu's seemingly incomparably powerful magic sword actually shattered inch by inch under the seal of King Ming, the demonic energy was melted, and the blood The Spirit Refinement Gang was suppressed, the evil spirits were suppressed, and the demons were suppressed. This was not considered a top-notch practice in the Daguang Temple, but it was used by Zong Xuan to the extent of being in a state of perfection. As soon as the seal fell, the sound of the Buddha even came, and the sound of Ming Wang’s anger spread Come. &1t;/

Under the powerful Astral Qi storm, everyone around dodged to the side, even Fang Qishao. &1t;/

He put away the expression on the hippie smile on his face, and his expression became extremely solemn. &1t;/

He has experienced Zong Xuan's strength. Although it is not a battle of life and death, he is the one who suffers, and even if Fang Qishao tries his best, he is not sure to win against Zong Xuan. &1t;/

Fang Qishao's karma swordsmanship is unparalleled, let alone a martial artist of the same rank, even the many martial arts masters in the rivers and lakes and the powerhouses in the real fire refining realm cannot comprehend it successfully. &1t;/

But in the same way, Karma Kendo is not invincible. At least when he fought against Zong Xuan, Fang Qishao was completely suppressed by Zong Xuan, which was a complete crushing of strength. &1t;/

The swordsmanship of cause and effect, there is cause and effect, Fang Qishao's sword did stab Zong Xuan, but his sword could not hurt Zong Xuan! &1t;/

This is undoubtedly a very terrifying thing, so Fang Qishao will evaluate Zong Xuan as a freak at all. &1t;/

Seeing Zong Xuan again at this time, Fang Qishao did not feel that Zong Xuan's strength had improved significantly, but Chu Xiu surprised him. &1t;/

The last time when he fought against the demons in Fuyu Mountain, Chu Xiu only showed his karmic martial arts, which is also amazing, but now he realized that he was fighting head-on, and Chu Xiu's power was incomparably terrifying. &1t;/

It's just a pity that Chu Xiu's opponent is Zong Xuan, an existence that Fang Qishao can call a freak. &1t;/

In the fierce collision, Chu Xiu's magic knife collapsed, and he couldn't help but retreat step by step. Every time he took a step back, a hole burst into the ground under his feet, and it was several feet in size. &1t;/

After taking more than ten steps back one after another, Chu Xiu's complexion was white, and even his internal organs could not bear the powerful force, the pure and extremely powerful force! &1t;/

The expression on Zong Xuan's face did not change in the slightest, but the Buddha's light in his eyes became more and more bright. He stared at Chu Xiu, and there was a slight pause in his movements. This may be Zong Xuan expressing surprise and surprise Chu Xiu. It can actually stop him from this seal. &1t;/

However, when Zongxuan changed his hand, another seal fell. This time, the Buddha's light in the sky condensed into a dharma image that appeared behind Zongxuan, and the Buddha's flames rose all over his body, glaring at him, the seal of the King Ming of anger! &1t;/

The Buddha's anger burned the heaven and the earth, and as the seal of the wrathful King Ming fell, the surrounding air began to rise in waves, and the heaven and earth's vitality was shattered. This overbearing force could not hold any foreign objects. &1t;/

Chu Xiu roared angrily, and a powerful qi machine appeared all over his body. All the qi was condensed into one, motionless like a mountain, and all methods did not invade! &1t;/

Under the seal of Dugu, the Qi shield around Chu Xiu was almost condensed into a substance, but under the seal of the wrathful King Ming, the shield was shattered, and he couldn't resist even a breath! &1t;/

But at the moment when the gas shield shattered, all the killing intent in Chu Xiu's body condensed to the extreme, and even the last trace of clarity in his mind was swallowed up by the boundless killing intent. &1t;/

Heaven and earth, no way to kill! &1t;/

When the killing intent reaches the level of madness, or even to the point of self-forgetfulness, this is the real world-destroying killing fist! &1t;/

The power of this punch is too extreme, so after obtaining the Heaven and Earth Destroying Selfless Killing Fist, Chu Xiu has never wielded the power of this move to such a peak, but now Zong Xuan has successfully forced Chu out. Hugh's punch. &1t;/

The fist marks collided, and the boundless murderous intent and the Buddha's Light Seal slammed into all directions, and the ground beneath the two of them began to crack every inch, and even stretched for hundreds of feet. The small area looked like a dragon turning over. &1t;/

In the turbulent qi storm generated by the collision, Chu Xiu's figure retreated step by step, and the crazy murderous intent in his eyes was dispelled, because his strength was almost exhausted. &1t;/

A strand of fresh blood flowed out of Chu Xiu's mouth, and he looked at Zong Xuan with a hint of astonishment in his eyes. &1t;/

Strength, Zongxuan is only good at strength, so that in terms of strength, Zongxuan has even surpassed some martial arts masters! &1t;/

Chu Xiu has always been using strength to crush others, but now it is finally the other person's turn to crush him with strength, this feeling is indeed a little uncomfortable. &1t;/

On the other side, Zong Xuan raised his right hand, and the Buddha's light in his eyes dimmed a little more than before. &1t;/

On his right hand, the skin that was cast like steel was now cracked, as if it had been cut by a knife net. &1t;/

That was caused by Chu Xiutian's Jedi Extermination Selfless Killing Fist. &1t;/

When the killing intent reaches the extreme, it will be sharper than the blade. &1t;/

Under that punch, Chu Xiu vomited blood, and Zong Xuan suffered some skin trauma. &1t;/

At first glance, it seemed that Chu Xiu was defeated, but he did not suffer, because his opponent was Zong Xuan, who was a level higher than him, so it was not ashamed for Chu Xiu to lose. &1t;/

Those warriors who were dissatisfied with Chu Xiu before did not see that Zong Xuan was wrong at this time. They only saw Zong Xuan's two moves, and they vomited blood from Chu Xiu. This guy was so arrogant before, but now he has seen it. right? &1t;/

At this moment, Xiao Baiyu frowned and said, "Zongxuan, that's enough, since you are here to welcome Master Tanyuan on behalf of the Daguang Temple, if you start entanglement here, you will lose your own face."&1t; /

The expression on Zong Xuan's face did not change at all, but he did not continue to shoot. &1t;/

"Two seals of the King of Ming Dynasty are enough. I didn't want to make another shot. Otherwise, you won't be able to stop me."&1t;/

Zong Xuan's words were very arrogant, but the expression he looked at Xiao Baiyu was still the same, without the slightest change, as if he was just stating a fact. &1t;/

Xiao Baiyu was not angry at all, his energy was still very high, especially since he knew that what Zong Xuan said was probably a fact. &1t;/

No matter in the rivers and lakes or the Eastern Qi court, Xiao Baiyu is not famous for his absolute strength. He is famous only because of his opinions above the martial arts and his identity as a great sacrificial wine at Jixia Academy. &1t;/

To be honest, Xiao Baiyu would definitely not be defeated, but he couldn't stop Zong Xuan from attacking Chu Xiu. &1t;/

After speaking, Zong Xuan walked back directly and looked in the direction of the East China Sea. Even if there were other Buddhist disciples around to greet him, Zong Xuan seemed to have not heard. &1t;/

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and threw an elixir into his mouth, chewing like a jelly bean. &1t;/

He suffered some minor injuries inside, but it wasn't too serious. &1t;/

Chu Xiu is not someone who can't afford to lose. Zong Xuan's strength is indeed very strong. Chu Xiu suspects that he already has the strength to challenge the martial arts master. &1t;/

But although two moves were defeated by Zong Xuan, Chu Xiu did not feel depressed or other emotions. &1t;/

Zongxuan didn't do his best, and Chu Xiu didn't do his best either. He just lost to Zongxuan in pure And what Chu Xiu was good at was not just brute force. &1t;/

Of course, the most important thing is that now Chu Xiu is still in the Yuan Dynasty of the Five Qi Dynasty, but Zong Xuan has already reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man. &1t;/

Although the realm of the unity of heaven and man is only one realm worse than the realm of the Five Qi Dynasty, it is a world of difference for the current Chu Xiu. &1t;/

Once he steps into the realm of the unity of man and nature, Chu Xiu's strength will inevitably usher in a skyrocket. At that time, it is still difficult to say who will win or lose between him and Zong Xuan, but at least Chu Xiu will not lose so easily. &1t;/

And now Chu Xiu is not too far from this realm, just need an opportunity, he can immediately step into the realm of harmony between man and nature. &1t;/

At this time, Fang Qishao sneaked back to Chu Xiu's side, and whispered: "I said, this guy is a freak, his martial arts is stubborn, and his life is also extremely rigid. &1t;/

I am very curious whether the Daguang Temple will make such a person an abbot in the future, tsk tsk, that scene is simply unimaginable. ”&1t;/

Chu Xiu glanced at Fang Qishao, the Sword King City would dare to choose someone like you as the heir, and take over the Sword King City in the future. Why can't Zongxuan become the successor of the abbot of Daguang Temple in the future? &1t;/

Even the virtue of Fang Qishao dared to mock Zong Xuan, one can imagine how good this guy feels about himself. &1t;/


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