Meet The Leader

Chapter 490: inherited

Master Tan Yuan stared at Chu Xiu, without coercion, only calm. &1t;/p>

He had seen many people overseas and had experienced a lot of things, but he couldn't see through Chu Xiu. &1t;/p>

It should be said that the human heart itself is the most difficult thing to see. Although the jade slips and the comments have proved that Chu Xiu is the one that meets the requirements, the intuition is to tell Master Tanyuan that something is wrong. &1t;/p>

Chu Xiu didn't answer Master Tan Yuan directly, he just said solemnly: "Good and evil are only a matter of one thought. Even if I have a guarantee with you at this time, I guess you will not believe it.&1t;/p>

Martial arts have a hard road ahead, and I can only promise that I will do what I should do in the future. ”&1t;/p>

Master Tan Yuan nodded, Chu Xiu said this, but it reassured him. If Chu Xiu patted his chest and said that he would definitely do good deeds to save people in the future, Master Tan Yuan would not believe it. &1t;/p>

He has stayed in the East China Sea for so long, and he has seen a lot of such things as human nature is evil. If Chu Xiu pretended to be too hypocritical here, he would easily be seen through by Master Tan Yuan. &1t;/p>

Looking at Chu Xiu, Master Tan Yuan said solemnly: "I just hope that my cultivation will not be wrong, little friend Chu, don't let the old monk down.&1t;/p>

Now that the practice has started, I have decided to completely dissipate my cultivation base, and part of it is going to return to the world. I can't collect this part of the power, so I can only let it drift away. &1t;/p>

However, I still have a part of the purest power that can be injected into your body, Little Friend Chu, to help you go further, so you have to be ready, let go of your spirit, and prepare to meet my power. &1t;/p>

Don't worry, this part is pure and extremely powerful, does not contain any impurities, and the amount is not too huge, at least for your physical strength, you can completely control it. ”&1t;/p>

After a pause, Master Tan Yuan continued: "What the old monk has learned in his life is actually very complicated. I was born in a small temple, and the exercises I learned are not very powerful. I guess you don't like it, and I was in the East China Sea in the later period. It has also obtained a lot of inheritance of exercises, and there are strong and weak in these things.&1t;/p>

Therefore, I only intend to teach you two martial arts, one of which is an ancient practice that I accidentally found in the East China Sea, and even has traces of Tantra, but I think its power is not weak, so I will After practicing, this exercise is called "The Great Law of Changing the Sun"! &1t;/p>

The Dafa of changing the sun takes its meaning of stealing the sky and changing the sun. It can take the creation of the world and melt it into itself, and maximize its potential, but its power is powerful and it is easy to hurt others and hurt itself. &1t;/p>

The day of changing the sun also has the meaning of the Great Sun Tathagata. Changing the day is to exchange your state of mind with the Great Sun Tathagata, so whether your body can withstand the power of the Great Sun Tathagata depends on you. . &1t;/p>

And the second practice law that I have taught you is the "Shadowless Ding Mahamudra" created by me gathering countless Buddhist practice methods. &1t;/p>

Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. &1t;/p>

The colorless Dingmamudra has been cultivated to the extreme, the five aggregates are empty, the birth and death in the palm print converge, and it evolves into the heavens and the world. ”&1t;/p>

When it comes to the colorless Dingmudra, even Master Tan Yuan couldn't help showing a hint of pride. &1t;/p>

Although the Dafa of Changing the Sun is also his main practice, it is written by his predecessors. Even if he has learned it, he has nothing to be proud of. &1t;/p>

The colorless Ding Mudra was created by Master Tanyuan himself. In Master Tanyuan's view, this is the condensation of his lifelong martial arts. &1t;/p>

Master Tan Yuan folded his hands together, and a little bit of Buddha light bloomed all over his body, and said solemnly: "Little friend Chu, relax your mind, when I pass these powers to you, the Great Law of Changing the Sun and the Great Mudra of Colorless Dingying will also enter. In your mind, there is also some of my cultivation experience, so that after you get these two exercises, you can skip the cultivation stage and use them instantly.&1t;/p>

But it is not something you cultivated yourself, and its peak is limited. The experience I give you does not belong to you, so it can only help you evolve the eight-point charm of the practice. If you want to get out of your own way, Still have to rely on yourself. ”&1t;/p>

As the Buddha's light around Master Tanyuan's body became more and more prosperous, those rays of light also poured into Chu Xiu's body, which instantly added a lot of things to his mind, and even felt that his body was about to burst. some. &1t;/p>

However, those forces really entered Chu Xiu's body directly as Master Tan Yuan said, making Chu Xiu instantly feel as if he had entered another realm! &1t;/p>

The biggest difference between the Heaven and Humanity Realm and the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm is that the power they can mobilize is different. &1t;/p>

No matter how strong the Five Qi Dynasty Yuanjing is, what is mobilized is only one's own strength. &1t;/p>

When it comes to the realm of the unity of heaven and man, the power of oneself has faintly merged with the heaven and the earth, and it is natural to borrow a trace of the power of the power of the heaven and the earth when shooting. &1t;/p>

Of course, whether the borrowed power is strong or not depends entirely on how strong the power you comprehend and how strong your own control over the power is. Otherwise, no matter how much power you borrow, you cannot control it. Can only be wasted. &1t;/p>

At this time, Chu Xiu was already immersed in a very strange state. It seemed that half of his spiritual power was in his body and half in the heaven and earth. &1t;/p>

As the two gradually merged, Chu Xiu suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had stepped into another world. In such a short period of time, he had already stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man! &1t;/p>

In fact, Chu Xiu already had a vague premonition of stepping into the realm of heaven and man, but at that time, Chu Xiu was still a little bit of an opportunity, and now Master Tan Yuan has given him this chance, and finally he can let Chu Xiu go. Xio stepped into this realm smoothly, and the process of breaking through can be said to be unimpeded. &1t;/p>

This can be said to be Chu Xiu's solid foundation and deep accumulation, it can also be said that the power of Master Tan Yuan is too strong, even so strong that he has given Chu Xiu so many things in silence. &1t;/p>

But this is not over, Chu Xiu is far from happy. &1t;/p>

Master Tan Yuan's Sun-changing Dafa and Wuhu Dingmudra have not been taught yet. Compared with the previous strength, these two exercises are the most important. &1t;/p>

As a result, Chu Xiu still did not move, but directly let go of his mind, so that the words and Master Tan Yuan's experience in learning the exercises were poured into Chu Xiu's mind. &1t;/p>

In fact, the actions of Master Tanyuan are very similar to the empowerment technique of Tantric Buddhism, and can create a master with extremely fast speed. &1t;/p>

There is a trace of tantric exercises in the Day-changing Dafa, and now it is not surprising that Master Tanyuan is using exercises similar to the secret techniques of tantric empowerment. &1t;/p>

It's just that Master Tanyuan unreservedly taught everything he knew, which was a huge damage to his spiritual power. &1t;/p>

Now that Master Tanyuan is on the verge of dying, he is assured of using this method to pass on his cultivation technique. &1t;/p>

At this time, more than ten miles away from Yinglong Beach, Zongxuan had already begun to return to the Daguang Temple. At this moment, a monk in white in his forties hurried from afar. After seeing Zongxuan His eyes suddenly lit up, and he ran over quickly and said, "Nephew Zongxuan, have you ever met Master Tanyuan?"&1t;/p>

Zong Xuan looked at the monk in white, and folded his hands together and said: "I have seen Master Ming Qi, Master Tan Yuan has already met, but he refused to come to my Daguang Temple."&1t;/p>

"What about Master Tan Yuan now?" Ming Qi asked quickly. &1t;/p>

Zong Xuan said: "Master Tan Yuan has chosen Chu Xiu as his heir, and he is now passing on the practice in the inn outside Yinglong Beach."&1t;/p>

Ming Qi slapped his thigh fiercely and shouted: "Damn it! It's still a step late! The Xu Jingzao deduced that Master Tan Yuan wanted to keep the exercises in the Central Plains, if I, Da Guangming, can get Master Tan Yuan's By inheriting it, you can successfully gain the reputation of Master Tan Yuan, and you can even use this reputation to preach in the East China Sea.&1t;/p>

How could you let Master Tan Yuan pass on the exercises to others? It was still that Chu Xiu! ”&1t;/p>

Daguang Temple has three major meditation halls and six major martial arts institutes. Among them, the three major meditation halls have the smallest number of people, but the strength is the strongest. &1t;/p>

The cause and effect meditation hall is not the martial arts, but the secret art of cause and effect in the Buddhist sect. The seat of the 'Venerable Maitreya' is even more comparable to those divination masters in the Taoist sect in terms of calculus and causal deduction. &1t;/p>

Maitreya Buddha is the future Buddha, and Xu Jing's nickname is Venerable Maitreya. It is conceivable how strong he is in the way of cause and effect, and most of the decisions of the Great Guangming Temple, even the abbot Xu Ci has to ask Xu for advice. Jing, UU read and let him make a decision after deduction. Although it cannot make Daguang Temple never make mistakes, it can reduce the error rate to a minimum. &1t;/p>

The same is true for coming to meet Master Tanyuan this time. After deducing that Master Tanyuan was going to leave an inheritance, Xu Jing immediately had an idea. &1t;/p>

The Great Light Temple, the inheritance of Master Tanyuan, does not look down on it, but what the Great Light Temple looks at is the reputation of Master Tanyuan. &1t;/p>

Master Tanyuan in the land of the East China Sea has already laid the foundation. At this time, if someone from the Daguang Temple goes to the East China Sea as the successor of Master Tanyuan, the pressure of missionary will undoubtedly be very low. &1t;/p>

Therefore, Xu Ci also sent Ming Qi over immediately and asked him to remind Zong Xuan about this. &1t;/p>

And Ming Qi was not in a hurry at the beginning. After all, in his opinion, even if Master Tan Yuan wanted to leave an inheritance, he would definitely leave it to Zong Xuan. &1t;/p>

Among the Buddhist warriors who were present to greet Master Tanyuan, the old monks of Subhuti Temple were all about the same age as Master Tanyuan, and which of the other Buddhist warriors could compare to Zongxuan? &1t;/p>

In the end, who would have thought that in the end, Master Tan Yuan not only did not pass on the inheritance to Zong Xuan, but even gave it to Chu Xiu, who is outside of Buddhism! &1t;/p>

Compared with the anxious Ming Qi, Zong Xuan was still so calm, he just said lightly: "The abbot didn't tell me that I must get the inheritance of Master Tan Yuan, why can't I watch it?"&1t;/ p>


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