Meet The Leader

Chapter 492: overbearing

Both are in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, Ming Qi and Long Tianying are inseparable, but now Zong Xuan is replaced, but he can't even hold a move, which shows how big the gap is. &1t;/

Long Tianying was also horrified. It was the first time he had played against a young handsome man on the Dragon Tiger Ranking. Let alone others, this Zongxuan was definitely a monster, even more terrifying than the existence of some martial arts masters! &1t;/

"Go! Stop the door, don't let anyone go in to disturb Master Tanyuan!" Long Tianying shouted at the other guests of the Whale Sky Club. &1t;/

Those warriors in the realm of the unity of heaven and man did not hesitate. Even in the face of Zong Xuan, a master who had a great reputation in the arena, and even hit Long Tianying severely with one move, they rushed forward without hesitation. &1t;/

It has to be said that the quality of the offerings of these guest ministers recruited by Long Tianying is quite high. &1t;/

These people are all well-known loose cultivators in the East China Sea. After recruiting them to the Whale Sky Club, Long Tianying is like a brother to them, and they are generous, so now at this critical time, these worshipers He is also willing to fight for Long Tianying. &1t;/

Zong Xuan's face was expressionless, but there was no pause in his hands, all kinds of Ming Wang's seals fell, and the warriors who were present at the unity of heaven and man couldn't even find a single move that could stop him. All of them were severely wounded and vomited blood by his seal. &1t;/

Moreover, everyone could see that Zong Xuan didn't want human life, so he still kept his measures. &1t;/

Otherwise, some weak warriors in the Whale Sky Club are likely to be directly bombarded by his Ming King Seal. &1t;/

At this time in the room, Master Tan Yuan has completely passed on all his power and exercises to Chu Xiu. After the initiation, although Master Tan Yuan did not die, and even his appearance did not change much, Chu Xiu learned from him. I sensed a breath, a rotten breath. &1t;/

At this time, Master Tanyuan was nearly exhausted. &1t;/

Chu Xiu stood up and bowed to Master Tan Yuan: "Thank you, Master."&1t;/

This thank you, Chuxiu, was sincere. After all, although his strength and inheritance were deceived, it was still given to him willingly by Master Tanyuan. &1t;/

Master Tan Yuan reluctantly waved his hand and said: "The last wish has been fulfilled, and my purpose of returning to the Central Plains has been fulfilled. I have a clear mind, and I have no more thoughts. I should thank you, Chu Xiaoyou."&1t ;/

Chu Xiu was silent. Sometimes it's better for people to be confused. If you see everything too clearly, you will have a lot of regrets. &1t;/

At this time, Chu Xiu looked outside the inn and said, "Master, what should the people of Daguang Temple do?"&1t;/

Chu Xiu and Master Tan Yuan had already sensed what was going on when they were teaching the exercises just now, but they were at a critical moment and could not be disturbed, so they naturally didn't show up. &1t;/

Master Tan Yuan sighed when he heard the words: "In the past, when I didn't go to the East China Sea, for all Buddhist disciples in the world, there were only two sacred places in the Buddhist sect, one is the Great Bright Temple of the Northern Buddhist Sect, and the other is Subhuti Temple of Southern Buddhism.&1t;/

Because of my practice, I always take the Daguangming Temple as the holy place in my heart, and I want to go to the Daguang Temple in my dreams. &1t;/

It's just that with the changes of time, this thought is getting weaker and weaker. In the end, I have no interest in going to the Daguang Temple again. &1t;/

No darkness can be tolerated under the light of the Buddha. I don’t know since when, the Great Light Temple has changed and become extreme and arrogant. &1t;/

They only focus on strengthening their own Buddha's light and letting the light suppress more darkness, but they have never thought about how to completely find the source of darkness instead of blindly suppressing it. ”&1t;/

Seeing the former Buddhist holy land, the place that he once dreamed of has become like this, full of benefits and calculations, Master Tan Yuan also felt a little sighed in his heart. &1t;/

Chu Xiu didn't have as much emotion as Master Tanyuan, he just said lightly: "Master, you are wrong about one thing, if there is no darkness, where will the light come from? Everything needs to be compared, maybe the Great Light Temple. I don't want this darkness to be completely destroyed."&1t;/

Master Tanyuan was stunned for a moment. What Chu Xiu said had some truth, but it was too extreme. Although Master Tanyuan felt that what Daguang Temple was doing was somewhat realistic, the other party should not be so dark. &1t;/

With another sigh, Master Tan Yuan said: "Chu Xiaoyou, you can solve the following matters. I can't move them now, and I can't stop them."&1t;/

Chu Xiu nodded and went straight out the door. &1t;/

At this time, the guests from the Whale Sky Club brought by Long Tianying did not last long, and they were severely injured and defeated by Zong Xuandu, and almost all of them lost their combat effectiveness. &1t;/

Seeing that Zong Xuan and Ming Qi were about to step into the inn, Long Tianying stood up and stopped in front of the two. &1t;/

This time, even the onlookers were a little surprised. This Long Tianying is really a figure. It's already this time. He even dares to stop in front of Zong Xuan and Ming Qi. Is this person really not afraid of death? &1t;/

Zong Xuan said lightly: "Get out of the way."&1t;/

Long Tianying gritted his teeth and shook his head: "You Daguang Temple are so domineering, aren't you afraid of being criticized?"&1t;/

Ming Qi frowned and snorted coldly: "Domineering? Since I am the head of the Buddhist sect in Daguang Temple, I can't watch my Buddhist martial arts fall into the hands of outsiders. Don't forget, you are just an outsider. &1t;/

Since you don't know how to praise, then don't blame the poor monk for being ruthless! ”&1t;/

As soon as the voice fell, Ming Qi was ready to take action and completely solved Long Tianying. &1t;/

The Daguang Temple has never been afraid of outsiders saying they are overbearing, because the Daguang Temple itself is already very overbearing, and it doesn't care what others say. &1t;/

However, just as he was about to shoot, a wisp of knife light roared out from the inn. &1t;/

As the knife approached, the boundless demonic energy mixed with the power of blood demons came crashing down, and the powerful demonic energy sword light traversed dozens of feet, and even enveloped the entire long street in it! &1t;/

The light of the sword fell, and the murderous intention suddenly rose. &1t;/

As the knife fell, Ming Qi could even vaguely hear the cries of evil ghosts, which was extremely terrifying. &1t;/

Such a shocking demonic energy, if Ming Qi didn't know who the person was inside, he would even wonder if there was a peerless devil living in it! &1t;/

The palms were raised, and the endless Buddha's light bloomed, but under the magic sword, the Buddha's light was easily extinguished, just as easily as Zongxuan crushed Long Tianying. &1t;/

Just when Ming Qi was about to be beheaded by that knife, Zong Xuan also moved. &1t;/

The sound of Buddha's sound and Sanskrit singing came from all over his body, and the body that was originally cast out of steel was now blooming with a more dazzling golden Buddha light. &1t;/

A seal blasted out, the King Kong subdued the devil, and the force shattered the mountains and rivers! &1t;/

King Kong Ming seal! &1t;/

A loud bang came, Zong Xuan stopped directly in front of Ming Qi, and hit Chu Xiu with the King Kong Ming seal. White seal, but strangely, there was no blood flowing. &1t;/

Chu Xiu walked out of the inn with a knife in hand. His black robe was fluttering with the strong wind that had not yet dissipated. At this time, the momentum around his body fit the heaven and the earth. It has entered the realm of the unity of heaven and man! &1t;/

In the past, when the warriors in the Jianghu talked about the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, they all discussed how the top five on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking were, how the top ten were, etc. After all, in the eyes of most people, only the top five on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking can be said. It is a class of people, because those who can rank in the top five are already the existence of the unity of nature and man. &1t;/

At this time, Chu Xiu stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man. I am afraid that they will not discuss the top five in the future, but the top six. &1t;/

Looking at Ming Qi and Zong Xuan, Chu Xiu sneered and said: "In terms of power, Master Tan Yuan has already passed it on to me, and I have also learned the exercises. Why, now you have an opinion at Daguang Temple, are you still planning to go back?&1t; /

Simply ridiculous! &1t;/

Master Tanyuan is Master Tanyuan, and Daguang Temple is Daguang Temple. What qualifications do you have to intervene in Master Tanyuan's decision? You Daguang Temple are afraid that the management is a little too wide, right? &1t;/

Do you really think that you are really the leader of the Buddhist sect in the world, and all the warriors in the entire Buddhist sect must listen to your Daguang Temple? ”&1t;/

As soon as these words came out, many Buddhist warriors present were a little unnatural. &1t;/

The Buddhist schools all over the world respect the Daguang Temple and the Subhuti Temple. Everyone knows this, and they have been doing this all the time. &1t;/

But respect is respect, what Daguang Temple has done today is indeed overbearing. &1t;/

Although they also did not approve of Master Tan Yuan's inheritance of the exercises to Chu Xiu, Master Tan Yuan was, after all, a holy monk recognized by the entire Jianghu, and his status was not under the Great Light Temple. &1t;/

Not to mention that Master Tan Yuan is now preparing to pass the exercises to Chu Even if he intends to pass the exercises to the remnants of the Demon Sect, others will not be able to say anything. &1t;/

Right now, the Daguang Temple has such an attitude towards Master Tan Yuan. If something happens to them in the future, what will happen to them? This also made everyone present a little uncomfortable. &1t;/

Ming Qi frowned, he suddenly quarreled with this Chu Xiu, he had no advantage at all. &1t;/

This guy turned right and wrong, his ability to mess around is not inferior to his strength, and he was targeting him. As a result, after what he said now, he has become extremely domineering at Daguang Temple, targeting Master Tanyuan. &1t;/

So Ming Qi rationally didn't want to talk nonsense with Chu Xiu anymore, he said to Zong Xuan coldly: "Zong Xuan, do it! This Chu Xiu didn't know what method he used to deceive Master Tan Yuan and the inheritance. However, Guangming Temple cannot sit and watch Master Tanyuan's inheritance fall into the hands of such villains, even if you get the inheritance, you must hand it over to me now!"&1t;/

Mingqi also knew the grievances between Chu Xiu and Daguang Temple in the past, but in the end, Zuo Xuyun of Delusional Meditation Hall opened his mouth, and this was settled. &1t;/

However, Ming Qi doesn't care about Xu Yun's words. Although the strength of the Karma Meditation is not as good as that of the Wandering Meditation, its status is more important than that of the Wandering Meditation. &1t;/

The power of the Wandering Meditation Hall is only because of its empty seat, and the importance of the Karma Chan Hall to the Great Light Temple lies in the Karma Chan Hall itself. &1t;/


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