Meet The Leader

Chapter 501: scare off

ps: Thanks to book friend Akka Roujiamo for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Qiao Liandong looked angrily at Chu Xiu, who followed the trend and unequal. He couldn't believe that these people really dared to abolish his disciples.

In fact, it wasn't Zhou Baiyi's idea to seek an unfair medical scripture, but his idea, and Zhou Baiyi didn't have the guts either.

When he brought Zhou Baiyi for diagnosis and treatment, he hoped that Feng Buping would give him a face, that he could ask for less money for the diagnosis, and that he would not have to wait in line.

Unexpectedly, Feng Buping didn't take him as a martial arts master seriously. Not only did he not give a penny for the consultation fee, but he forced him to take out the purple ginseng, which he regarded as a treasure, and queued up for a month. Only then did Zhou Baiyi's injury heal.

Although Qiao Liandong is a martial arts master, he is not a generous person, and since then he has hated Feng Buping.

It's just that after all, he is also a well-known figure in the Western Chu rivers and lakes, and it is a bit too cheap to directly seek the unfair medical scriptures.

That's why he was about to let his apprentice Zhou Baiyi take action, forcing Feng Buping to hand over the medical scriptures, but he didn't expect that this group of people really didn't take him seriously, so they just abolished him.

Facing the martial arts master level powerhouse, although Feng Buping's face did not show panic, his complexion was not very good-looking.

After all, a doctor is just a doctor. When a martial arts master asks for him, he is a genius doctor. When someone wants to kill him, he is nothing.

Lu Fengxian, on the other hand, clenched the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand and immediately stepped out.

It's not that he has never faced the master of martial arts. In the past, even in the face of Juyizhuang's pursuit, he did not retreat half a step.

However, just before Lu Fengxian was about to take action, Chu Xiu had already taken a step forward and said indifferently, "Senior Qiao, you are also a master at the level of a famous grandmaster in Western Chu, but now you allow your apprentices to take advantage of them. Is this really good? Or, the person who covets the Fengshen Medical Manual is actually yourself?"

Qiao Liandong said coldly: "How about my own apprentice, I will discipline myself, but it is not your turn to do it!

Chu Xiu, you are the officer in charge of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but this is Xi Chu, even if Guan Siyu is behind you, but today you abolished my disciple, if I let you go so easily, I will face you. Take and put?

If you didn't kill my disciple, then I won't kill you today. I'll make you look what you changed my disciple. I want to see, how can he be so badly injured? Can't heal! "

For Qiao Liandong and other loose cultivators, he is really not afraid of Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

He is a loose cultivator, and he lives in no fixed place. What if he offends the Guanzhong Punishment Hall? Guan Siyu is the only one who can threaten him in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Could it be that Guan Siyu can ignore the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and come to chase him?

Moreover, Qiao Liandong is a martial arts master of Xichu, born in a loose cultivator, and knows a little about some secrets. Guanzhong Punishment Hall is just low-key, but he really thinks that Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not strong, and Guan Siyu's strength is not high either. where to go.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Okay, I also want to learn about Senior Qiao's strength, Master Martial Arts, it's not like I haven't fought before!"

Hearing this, everyone present was in an uproar, this Chu Xiu really dared to take action, did he really think of himself as the 'Little Heavenly Master' Zhang Chengzhen?

People in all corners of the world are rumored that the top five heroes on the Dragon Tiger list have the strength comparable to martial arts masters, but in fact this is just a rumor.

Zhang Chengzhen is the only one who really has a record of fighting against martial arts masters.

Now that Chu Xiu has just stepped into the realm of the unity of man and nature, he dares to challenge Qiao Liandong, a veteran martial arts master.

There was also a hint of anger in Qiao Liandong's eyes. He has been famous for so long, but no one has dared to ignore him like this.

Just when Qiao Liandong raised the blood-colored Miao Dao in his hand, Chu Xiu had already moved, but it was not his people who moved, but his 'god'.

In an instant, Chu Xiu performed the Heavenly Destruction and Shifting Soul Dafa and the Inner Demon Rotation Dafa to the extreme, and his spiritual power was also raised to the peak level by him.

Under the blessing of the powerful spiritual power, the Heavenly Son's Qi Technique was also performed to the extreme by Chu Xiu. At this moment, Chu Xiu's entire body seemed to be integrated with the heaven and the earth. When people look at Chu Xiu, they have a strange feeling of being stripped naked.

Qiao Liandong, who was the first to bear the brunt, was even more so. He couldn't understand what was going on in Chu Xiu's body, but he had a feeling that the world was under Chu Xiu's control.

Martial Dao Grandmaster is just a respectful name for the outside world. In fact, the realm of Martial Dao Grandmaster should be called Martial Dao True Pill Realm, which motivates the power of heaven and earth to refine Martial Dao True Pill at the dantian, and communicates the power of heaven and earth. A golden pill is swallowed into the belly, and I know that my life is inexorable. Martial Dao Zhendan is called Neidan in Daomen, and Buddhism also calls it relic. Only a Buddhist master at the level of martial arts master can condense all the strength of the whole body on Martial Dao Zhendan and turn it into relic at the end of life. son.

Therefore, in the Martial Dao level, only when you reach the Martial Dao True Pill Realm, can you truly borrow the power of heaven and earth with the Martial Dao True Pill, and you will have the power of changing the situation with a single blow. Compared to the masters of the Martial Dao True Core Realm, they are closer to heaven and earth!

But now facing Chu Xiu, the strange feeling makes Qiao Liandong think that he is the unity of heaven and man, and Chu Xiu is the master of martial arts, and everything is controlled by the other party, which feels unusually awkward.

Qiao Liandong snorted coldly and raised the knife in his hand, but Chu Xiu took one step, and it was this seemingly simple step that locked the Qi machine around Qiao Liandong, as if all his next movements had already been observed. The level of clarity is average.

Qiao Liandong changed his movements again, Chu Xiu took another step, and the result was exactly the same.

Twice in a row, Qiao Liandong's gaze towards Chu Xiu has changed.

As expected of a Junjie who was able to rank fifth on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking with his grass roots, is it possible that Chu Xiu can really rival the martial arts master?

Under Chu Xiu's miraculous qi technique of the emperor, Qiao Liandong couldn't help but feel a sense of retreat.

In the past, Qiao Liandong became famous, not because of his martial arts, but because he once went to the Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain to seek justice for his disciples, and he successfully descended the mountain, which made his reputation known to all corners of the world. And they all said that Qiao Liandong was tough enough to dare to enter the Heavenly Master's Mansion for the sake of his disciples.

In fact, only Qiao Liandong knows the truth of this matter. At the beginning, he was not so courageous. He was just angry and went up Longhu Mountain for a while, but when he was only halfway up, he already regretted it.

But the mountain is already up, and it is even more embarrassing to go down at this time, so Qiao Liandong planned to go up the mountain after saying a few soft words and then go straight down, but he did not expect that the person who received him was not the martial arts master of Longhu Mountain, but the 'Little Heavenly Master' Zhang Chengzhen.

Qiao Liandong was really angry when he saw that the other party and the martial arts masters of the level did not send out, but after he fought Zhang Chengzhen a few times, he knew that Longhushan sent Zhang Chengzhen to negotiate with him, that was for him face!

And Zhang Chengzhen didn't publicize the matter after the incident, but sent him down the mountain politely, so outsiders thought he had succeeded in going to the Tianshi Mansion to seek justice, although in fact he did not, but he also got the fame.

This is the first time Qiao Liandong knows what is a real genius, what is a real hero, he even has the feeling that he has lived as a dog at his age.

Zhang Chengzhen is not only powerful to the extreme, but also has a feeling of shame for Qiao Liandong when he acts as a person.

It is not difficult to defeat your own enemies, but what is difficult is to be able to make your enemies feel admirable.

Facing Chu Xiu at this time, Qiao Liandong was also a little suspicious. Although he would not compare Chu Xiu with Zhang Chengzhen, he could not guarantee that Chu Xiu would be much weaker than Zhang Chengzhen.

After all, Feng Manlou said that Chu Xiu once fought Zongxuan in a Although there was no ending, the two sides were evenly matched before the armistice. Zong Xuan is the only one who is fighting for Zhang Chengzhen, so this Chu Xiu's strength is really hard to say.

Qiao Liandong held the knife with a hesitant look in his eyes. His knife changed back and forth several times, but none of them came out.

Because he is not sure.

This is not Longhu Mountain, but the Valley of the Dead, which is surrounded by hundreds of people.

He slashed with this knife, in case Chu Xiu had no choice, even if it was a tie, his face would be lost, because he was a martial arts master, and Chu Xiu was a junior martial artist.

It is precisely because Qiao Liandong is a loose cultivator that he wants to be famous. What he is betting on is his reputation. Is he doing it or not?

After a long while, Qiao Liandong put down the blood-colored seedling knife in his hand, and said coldly: "Chu Xiu, I think you and I are from the same grassy background. Abolish you.

But my disciple was abolished, this matter is not so easy to end, I will give you three days to get out of Xichu, if you let me see you again, then you will not have such good luck, my Mind is also limited! "

After finishing speaking, Qiao Liandong turned around and left, leaving the stunned crowd behind.

Qiao Liandong didn't make a move and just left? Is that what his apprentice feud is about?

The warriors of Xichu know Qiao Liandong's temperament well, and this fellow's heart has always been small, otherwise he would not have done things like revenge and intimidation.

As a result, Qiao Liandong has become so generous now, what is the situation?


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