Meet The Leader

Chapter 503: infatuation seeds

Chu Xiu, Lu Fengxian and Fang Qishao were together, and as they were, no one came to disturb them for a while.

Chu Xiu's reputation in the arena is not very good, and although there are many people who want to make friends with Fang Qishao, it is a pity that he has spent a lot of time in Fang Qishao before. Almost all of Fang Qishao's friendships caused Fang Qishao's mouth to be damaged.

Fang Qishao and Chu Xiu, a young handsome man of the same level, seemed a little funny, but when dealing with those who were not as strong as himself, this fellow's mouth was very poisonous, and it was definitely making people want to do it with him.

Of course, anyone who wants to do it can't beat him, and the martial arts masters who can beat Fang Qishao also have to worry about the prestige of the Sword King City.

With more and more people behind, Chu Xiu also saw a lot of acquaintances, such as Yunjian Fairy Yan Feiyan from Yuenu Palace.

Chu Xiu had some grievances with the Yue Nu Palace. Although the last time at Tongtian Tower, because Lu Fengxian adjusted from it, the grievances were resolved, but he still had nothing to say with the women in the Yue Nu Palace.

But last time, Lu Fengxian also saved Yan Feiyan once, so after Yan Feiyan came in this time, he specially nodded at Lu Fengxian, but then walked aside.

As one of the four beauties of martial arts, although Yan Feiyan's strength is not as strong as that of Chu Xiu and others, she is very famous. Almost as soon as she came in, she was surrounded by a group of young warriors, scrambling to flatter her.

However, Fang Qishao pinched his chin and wondered: "Yan Feiyan, this woman has always looked like she's honest when she met me before, why did she suddenly greet me today? Could it be that she meant something to me? ? This is not easy to handle, the people of the Yue Nu Palace do not marry outside, marrying them is equivalent to marrying a trouble, this is not good."

Chu Xiu looked at it funny, he couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Some women are not easy to surrender, Yan Feiyan is not easy to mess with, even if she is really interested in you, the Yue Nv Palace will not stop you, you Dare to marry her?"

Fang Qishao thought for a while and said, "I really don't dare, that woman is not some kind of fuel-efficient lamp, but she can't stand someone falling in love with her. Look at it, as long as Yan Feiyan comes, there must be a seed of infatuation behind her. , There is a 90% chance that the seed of infatuation will arrive this time."

Lu Fengxian asked curiously from the side: "The seed of infatuation? Who?"

Fang Qishao's pair of sword eyebrows suddenly picked up at the door, and said, "Say that the gods and gods will come, then no, the seeds of infatuation have come."

At the door, Ying Bailu in a black robe stepped into the hall with a calm smile on his face.

Ying Bailu seems to have a natural effect, that is, as long as he appears, he will definitely attract everyone's attention and become the focus of the audience, as if he is dazzling like the sun.

Everyone present looked at Ying Bailu, but at this time, six words could not help but emerge from the bottom of their hearts: Young Master Jia, peerless in the world.

Using these six words to describe Ying Bailu is very appropriate. Even if his ranking on the Dragon Tiger list is not as good as that of Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao, in the eyes of everyone, he is more reliable than Chu Xiu and Fang Qishao. many.

And everyone present also looked at Chu Xiu subconsciously, but they knew that not long ago, Chu Xiu just pushed Ying Bailu down one place in the Dragon Tiger rankings, making him fall out of the fifth place, and now two The individuals just meet each other, will they fight directly?

The top five heroes of the Dragon and Tiger Rankings will fight against each other, which is quite interesting.

But what was unexpected was that although Ying Bailu saw Chu Xiu, he didn't mean to go to Chu Xiu at all, but went straight to Yan Feiyan.

When the young warriors surrounding Yan Feiyan saw Ying Bailu, their expressions changed one after another, and they all dispersed.

They are also self-aware. Compared with winning Bailu, they do not have the slightest advantage. In front of Bailu, these people are only ashamed of themselves, and it is just shameful to continue to stay.

Ying Bailu looked at Yan Feiyan and said softly, "Miss Yan, we met again. Last time we said goodbye, Miss Yan's cultivation has improved a lot, which is gratifying."

Saying that, Ying Bailu took out a brocade box and handed it to Yan Fei Yandao: "Miss Yan, this is the Hundred Flower Dew I specially collected. Now Miss Yan, your cultivation is very helpful."

Yan Feiyan shook her head gently and sighed: "Young Master Ying should take back such a precious thing, Feiyan can't afford it."

Ying Bailu shook his head and said, "If you can't even afford this Hundred Flower Dew, Miss Yan, then no one in this world can really afford it.

Accept it, it's just my heart, you know my character, and I won't force anything. "

Yan Feiyan frowned slightly, she didn't hate winning Bailu.

It should be said that no woman would hate a man like Ying Bailu.

It's just a pity, Yan Feiyan knows that, let alone she has no feeling about winning Bailu, even if there is, this relationship will have no end.

She is a disciple of Yue Nv Palace and a descendant of Yue Nv Palace. She is destined to take over Yue Nv Palace in this life and make Yue Nv Palace become brilliant and powerful again.

This kind of thing about children's long-term love does not belong to her, and even she does not dare to think about it.

So she knew what it was like to win Bailu, but Yan Feiyan had always refused.

"Master Ying, I appreciate your kindness, but I really can't accept this." Yan Feiyan politely declined.

Ying Bailu sighed and said softly, "Baihualu is only for you, Miss Yan. Since you don't want it, it will lose its meaning."

The voice fell, and the pale golden qi burst out in Ying Bailu's hand, and the brocade box turned into a cloud of mist. It was too late for everyone present to even stop it, and they could only watch the rich floral vitality drifting into the air. , everyone couldn't help shouting waste in their hearts.

The Hundred Flower Dew made from hundreds of exotic flowers of 6th revs or more turned into fireworks, which is simply a waste of time!

Fang Qishao, who was behind, shook his head and said, "I've taken it, I've really taken it. This seed of infatuation is really good. The method of picking up girls is so wasteful. If the winner is weaker, it won't be enough for him to lose his family."

Chu Xiu glanced at Fang Qishao, and replaced it with other noble families. As long as they have disciples with the aptitude to win Bailu, it is estimated that they are willing to let him lose.

Yan Feiyan looked at Ying Bailu helplessly and said, "Why are you bothering this? Young Master Ying, you and I are really impossible.

Now that my master is injured, I manage part of the affairs of the Yue Nu Palace. I am not in the mood for ordinary love affairs, and the rules of the Yue Nu Palace do not allow it. "

Ying Bailu stared at Yan Feiyan, and said, "Sincere and sincerity is the most important thing, nothing is impossible in this world.

By the way, is Lord Lin Gong seriously injured? I, Shang Shuiying Clan, have experts who specialize in medicine, as well as all kinds of treasured elixir, which can definitely help Palace Master Lin. "

Yan Feiyan shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Young Master Ying, don't bother Ying clan. Last time when the Fuyu Mountain was fighting against the demons, my master was injured by a sneak attack when he fought against the demons. The injuries are not serious, but they are a little bit serious. eccentric.

I have already found out that the wounded doctor of the rivers and lakes in Xichu can be healed if he is not in a good mood. It happened that this time I came to participate in the opening ceremony of Dong's family, and I will invite the **** of wind to come to my Yuenu Palace to help him after the event. "

Ying Bailu nodded and said, "I've heard of the name of Feng Buping, 'Angry Yama'. Although he is from Ye Luzi, he has some skills in medicine.

However, I heard that he has a stubborn personality, and his conditions for healing are harsh, but it doesn't matter, I have everything in my Ying's collection, and I can take out anything Feng Buping wants as a medical fee. "

At this time, someone in the hall suddenly said: "Fairy Yan, you want to find the Fengshen doctor, but it is a step too late. Fengshen doctor has left the valley of the dead at this time, and turned to practice medicine in Guanzhong, but his relationship with Lu Fengxian That's right, as long as Xiao Wenhou speaks, I believe that Fengshen doctor may not want anything and will diagnose and treat Lin Gongzhu."

The Valley of the Dead is not too far from Gaoling County, and Feng Buping has a good reputation in Western Chu. Some people already know what happened in the Valley of the Dead.

But the person who is talking now has no good He is not intentionally reminding Yan Feiyan, but provoking Ying Bailu to join Chu Xiu.

Everyone knew that Lu Fengxian and Chu Xiu had a good relationship with each other. Yan Feiyan went to beg Lu Fengxian, would she feel better to win Bailu? He was just deliberately muddying the water.

Sure enough, following the man's exit, Yan Feiyan also looked towards Lu Fengxian. She walked to Lu Fengxian's side and bowed to Lu Fengxian: "Lu Shaoxia, we meet again. Is Feng Shenyi really in Guanzhong at this time?"

Yan Feiyan was very impressed with Lu Fengxian. In the last battle at Tongtian Tower, it was Lu Fengxian who rescued her. Although she had a trump card without Lu Fengxian, it would make her pay a certain price.

However, what really impressed Yan Feiyan was that Lu Fengxian used this favor to resolve the conflict between Yuenu Palace and Chu Xiu.

Right now in the rivers and lakes, morality is placed on both sides, and the righteousness is placed in the middle.

And from that time on, Yan Feiyan also saw the strength of Lu Fengxian. At that time, she felt that Lu Fengxian was definitely not in the pool. Sure enough, it didn't take long before Lu Fengxian was already ranked in the top ten of the Dragon Tiger List. Even just below her.

Moreover, Yan Feiyan also felt that in a real fight, she might not be able to defeat Lu Fengxian. She was able to rank ahead of Lu Fengxian only because she was a woman and one of the four beauties in martial arts, with a much greater reputation and influence than Lu Fengxian.

Lu Fengxian nodded and said, "The Fengshen doctor will be fast even if he hasn't arrived at Guanzhong at this time.

If Miss Yan wants to ask Feng Shenyi to take action, she can help to talk about it.

It's just that Fengshenyi has his own rules. In terms of consultation fees, you still need Miss Yan to discuss with Fengshenyi in person. "


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