Meet The Leader

Chapter 518: shock

Carrying Qiao Liandong's dead head, in fact, Chu Xiu is already a little over-consumed now.

The Emperor's Wangqi Technique and Soul-Suppressing Nether Song suppressed his own mental power very seriously, and after that, Chu Xiu used Sun-changing Dafa and Wu-color Dingmudra in succession. After a series of offensives, although he beheaded Qiao Liandong, but The consumption of itself is also extremely large.

Yan Chixiao looked at Chu Xiu silently, and did not choose to do anything or anything.

He was determined to do it, but he wasn't sure.

The strength shown by Chu Xiu was somewhat beyond his imagination. Although Chu Xiu and Yan Chixiao worked together to kill Qiao Liandong in name, in reality, Yan Chixiao was only assisting. Chi Xiao only made two efforts.

Although Chu Xiu looked like he was over-consumed now, Yan Chixiao still didn't dare to do it.

Holding Qiao Liandong's head, Chu Xiu grinned at Yan Chixiao and said, "I'll go and see for you, how are your plans to resurrect Lu Wenhou, but I guess you'll be disappointed in the end."

Having said that, Chu Xiu directly carried Qiao Liandong's head back to the corridor, and Yan Chixiao didn't say a word.

At this time, in the central hall, Dong Qikun and Xu Tingyi were still pressing Xuan Jiuyou to fight, while others, including Lu Fengxian, were fighting for Fang Tianhuaji, but it was a pity, whether it was Lu Fengxian or some people who were in harmony with each other. The warriors of the first realm, even if some of them have touched the Fang Tianhua halberd, they were also thrown away by the Fang Tianhua halberd. Chance.

At this time, Fang Qishao and Xie Xiaolou finally came over. With Xie Xiaolou's strength, he was able to participate in the fight for Fang Tianhuaji, but Fang Qishao didn't do anything, but stared at him. Win White Deer.

Ying Bailu frowned and said, "Fang Qishao, why are you keeping an eye on me if you don't go and **** that divine weapon Wushuang?"

Fang Qishao laughed and said: "What am I doing with that thing? I can't grab Wushuang with a sword. It is estimated that Wushuang will even take the initiative to attack me after feeling the breath in me, so I won't touch it. What about the fungus.

Seed of infatuation, I heard that you just fought with Chu Xiu, and you even fought a close match? Tsk tsk, it's hidden quite deep, why don't you and I fight again, how about it? "

Fang Qishao is actually very similar to Ying Bailu in some aspects. He doesn't care much about the fake names on the Dragon Tiger Ranking. The Dragon Tiger Ranking says he is the third and he is the third. Ranking will take the initiative to challenge some people and go to war.

However, when encountering an opponent he is interested in, Fang Qishao doesn't mind moving his muscles and bones.

Among the warriors on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, he had fought against Zong Xuan and Zhang Chengzhen, but unfortunately, he was the one who suffered.

The fourth guy on the Dragon Tiger Ranking list is elusive, but Fang Qishao often roams the world.

That guy's martial arts is the martial arts of killing people. If he shoots a flying knife, he will see life and death. It is extreme. Fang Qishao is looking for someone to learn martial arts, and he is not desperate, so that time he did not fight with the opponent.

As for Chu Xiu, before Chu Xiu was in the Yuan Dynasty of the Five Qi Dynasty, although Fang Qishao had a hand with Chu Xiu, that was not the peak of Chu Xiu, and now Chu Xiu has stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man. , but the two sides are also very familiar, Fang Qishao is too embarrassed to say a challenge, after all, his ranking is ahead of Chu Xiu.

But this time winning Bailu in front of him aroused Fang Qishao's interest.

Before winning Bailu, there were very few shots, and Fang Qishao had never seen it, but Fang Qishao knew about the battle between Chu Xiu and Zongxuan. He also understood Chu Xiu's strength. To be able to truce with Chu to this level shows how strong it is to win Bailu.

Moreover, Fang Qishao knew the background of Shang Shui Ying's family, and Ying Bailu was afraid that there were still some things in the bottom of the box that had not been taken out.

Looking at Fang Qishao who was eager to try, Ying Bailu frowned and said: "Fang Qishao, now is not the time to start, if you are also interested in Fang Tianhuaji, you and I can make a gesture, but since you are If you have no intention to fight for Fang Tianhuaji, why waste your time here? I remember that you are not a belligerent person."

Fang Qishao waved his hand and said, "You're wrong, I'm not bad at fighting, it's just that most people make me uninterested.

I said to win Bailu, you and I have known each other for a long time. You have already had a truce with Chu, why can't you fight with me? You don't have to be so overbearing, right? "

Just when Fang Qishao was entangled with Ying Bailu, Chu Xiu had recovered some infuriating energy in the corridor, and appeared in the hall with Qiao Liandong's head.

Some of the people present couldn't help exclaiming when they saw Chu Xiu's figure, and their eyes showed horror.

Those who hadn't noticed Chu Xiu before were also attracted by the exclamations of the crowd. After seeing the thing that Chu Xiu was carrying, they all took a deep breath.

Qiao Liandong is actually dead! A dignified martial arts master actually died in the hands of a junior martial artist like Chu Xiu!

Fighting the masters of martial arts with the unity of nature and man has happened in the history of Jianghu, and there are many, even in this generation of Jianghu, the little Tianshi Zhang Chengzhen has also done this kind of thing, and Zong Xuan, etc. Although there is no record, everyone believes that the top five on the Dragon Tiger list are all qualified to fight against the martial arts masters, but they have no record to spread.

But I heard that, now Chu Xiu is standing here carrying Qiao Liandong's head, which also gave everyone present a great impact.

For these warriors on the rivers and lakes, the master of martial arts is an extremely special existence. Condensing the true elixir of martial arts, you will immediately become a master-level figure admired by everyone, and even have the qualifications to start a sect and become a real strong force in the arena. expert.

But it is such a martial master-level existence, and now he has been cut off by a junior like Chu Xiu, and they can't help but be surprised.

Ying Baihu gave Chu Xiu a deep look, and he was also shocked in his heart, how exactly did Chu Xiu do it?

With the strength to win Bailu, when he faced the martial arts master, if he was fighting to the death, he would not dare to say that he could win 100%.

But if he used those taboo cards of his Yingshi, then he would only have a little more confidence in winning Bailu, but there was no hope of winning.

Glancing at Fang Qishao with a shocked face, Ying Bailu said lightly: "If you want to fight, you should go to Chu Xiu instead of me, that one is much more ferocious than me, I fought against him just now, he can Not using all your strength."

Fang Qishao paused, the shocked expression on his face turned into a grinning look again, he smiled and said: "Chu Xiu didn't use all his strength, but you also didn't use all your strength, right?

The suzerain of my Sword King City once said that among the nine great families, your Shang Shuiying clan is the most hidden one.

For so many years, most of the Shang Shui Ying clan have ranked first. Even if they are sometimes surpassed by others, you Shang Shui Ying clan have not been in a hurry, maybe you will catch up at some time.

But in fact, it was all your Shang Shui Ying clan was hiding on purpose. If your Shang Shui Ying clan showed your true strength, it would make other families feel desperate.

Your style is the same as Ying's style, you show it if you have strength, why do you hide it so deeply? "

Just when Fang Qishao was still talking nonsense with Ying Bailu, Dong Qikun and the others had already decided the winner.

Xuan Jiuyou's strength from Lu Wenhou's imprint has been exhausted, and at this time the imprint has also dissipated, and he no longer has the strength to fight with the two masters of the martial arts master level. The breath blew away.

However, in this place of repression, Xuan Jiuyou and the others seem to be immortal beings. Although the aura on his body was blasted away, he re-condensed his body on the side, but this body is smaller than before. The circle appears to be a little weaker.

Xuan Jiuyou said anxiously: "Things have gone wrong, and I can't beat them. What should I do now?"

Shui Wuxiang did not speak, just when Xuan Jiuyou was about to say something, a clone of Shui Wuxiang emerged from the What he was carrying was the headless Qiao Liandong. corpse.

Shui Wuxiang said in a deep voice: "What else can we do? Now we can only forcefully revive Lord Wen Hou, don't worry about whether you have a suitable body or not, don't worry about whether the power of qi and blood is enough, anyway, we only have this fight left. This is the way, otherwise it will attract those strong people outside, especially the ox nose of the Taoist school and the bald donkey of the Buddhist school. Once we let them take action, we will not even be able to keep the true spirit!

Corpse Nine Spirits! You go to activate the formation, extract the blood of this guy's body, add the energy and blood accumulated before, put it all in the center of the formation, and Xuan Jiuyou and I will delay the time! "

The voice fell, Shui Wuxiang and Xuan Jiuyou rushed directly to resist Dong Qikun and Xu Tingyi, but the two of them did not have the cultivation of the martial arts master level, they were directly smashed by the two, and when they condensed their figure again, their strength was even It's not as good as the unity of heaven and man.

But the time the two of them delayed was enough, because the formations were all arranged before the water had no phase.

This place is the place of seal to suppress Lu Wenhou, there is no material, but in this ten thousand years, Shui Wuxiang slowly dismantles the formation that suppresses them, and then transfers the materials here, and the cloth can revive Lu Wenhou. array method.

It's just that although the arrangement of the formation was completed at this time, there was a deviation in the plan. No one could guarantee the result of whether Lu Wenhou could be resurrected.

Shi Jiuling waved his hand, and instantly Qiao Liandong's corpse had turned into a mummified corpse, turning into blood beads and falling on the formation under the coffin.

The corpse nine spirits threw out a large pile of blood beads, and at the same time withered hands, and pressed down, in an instant, the demonic energy was soaring, and the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling resounded throughout the hall!


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