Meet The Leader

Chapter 589: Li Feilian

Everyone knows the grievances between Li Feilian and Chunyang Daomen, but in fact everyone knows that this matter should not be Li Feilian's fault, but Chunyang Daomen, but they don't say that.

As a top ten existence on the Dragon Tiger list, Li Feilian's identity is very mysterious. Even Feng Manlou only vaguely dug up some simple information about Li Feilian, but he didn't know anything in detail.

The news about Li Feilian released by Feng Manlou to the outside world is very simple. His ancestor was one of the most powerful people in the martial arts before the ancient catastrophe. Wait for the strongest martial arts.

This lineage has always been a single lineage, not righteous, not devilish, not evil, seldom involved in the right and wrong of the arena, extremely low-key, but occasionally a successor comes out, but the strength is extremely powerful.

With Li Feilian's style, he is the same as his ancestors for so many generations, and he is also very low-key. Even the people he killed, all took the initiative to trouble him, and he has never asked anyone else for trouble.

Even those ordinary warriors, Li Feilian, are reluctant to provoke them, let alone the geniuses of the younger generation of Chunyang Daomen.

What is the style of Chunyang Daomen? In fact, everyone on the rivers and lakes knows that the reason why Li Feilian murdered, everyone wants to come, it is estimated that the person from Chunyang Daomen angered Li Feilian, which made Li Feilian kill.

However, there are many things in this arena that cannot just be right or wrong.

Even if Li Feilian was right, but he killed people, Chunyang Daomen would kill him to avenge his own disciples.

Over the years, Chunyang Daomen has been trying to track down Li Feilian's whereabouts, but they have not found him.

And Li Feilian has not appeared in the field of vision of Jianghu people all these years because of the pursuit of Chunyang Daomen.

This was his first appearance, and as soon as he appeared, he gave Mayoko a big gift!

In a short period of time, Zhen Yangzi encountered two great enemies of his pure Yang Daomen in succession.

But before Mayoko could say anything, Li Feilian made another move.

The sneak attack failed to hurt Zhen Yangzi, which was nothing to Li Feilian. His flying knife was not intended for sneak attacks.

In an instant, the three flying knives came out of their hands. There was no strong qi or dazzling power, just three ordinary silver lights.

Zhenyangzi snorted coldly. At this time, his Dao sword was slashing towards Chu Xiu, so he had no weapons in his hands.

But it doesn't matter, Zhen Yangzi pointed to the sword, and the pure Yang Gang Qi pointed out one after another, turning into a sword light that filled the sky and stopped in front of him.

But Li Feilian's three flying knives had a strange change at this time.

In mid-air, the three flying knives are looming, the void seems to be folded, and the dense pure Yang sword energy seems to penetrate into the air, but the three flying knives are locked from three different directions. , This also gave Zhen Yangzi a very strange feeling, no matter how he dodged, those three flying knives seemed to be sure to hit!

Seeing this scene, everyone present was instantly moved, thinking of Feng Manlou's evaluation of Li Feilian in the past.

This person's inheritance of martial arts involves space and even causal rules. Now there are only two young warriors who are known to be qualified to touch such rules. One is Fang Qishao and the other is Chu Xiu. , these two people once fought the way of cause and effect on the ring of Fuyu Mountain, and now Li Feilian is the third!

There was a trace of murderous intent in Mayoko's eyes.

When it comes to the grudges with their Chunyang Daomen, Li Feilian is deeper than Chu Xiu.

Li Feilian killed the most outstanding disciple of his Chunyang Daomen generation, and their Chunyang Daomen was also chasing and killing Li Feilian, forcing Li Feilian to dare not set foot in the rivers and lakes for several years.

Now that Li Feilian is immortal, Chunyang Daomen is just an additional enemy of the unity of nature and man.

But judging from Li Feilian's progress, in the future, they will have an enemy at the level of a martial arts master!

Of course, whether it's Li Feilian or Na Lin Ye, they're the sure-fire targets of Zhen Yangzi!

Zhenyangzi squeezed the magic seal in his hand, the pure yang qi was in full swing, and the seal fell, directly shrouding the three flying knives in it, trying to suppress it.

But the strange thing is that there was a wave of fluctuations above Li Feilian's flying knife. With the rapid tremor of that power, the pure yang qi melted, and it could not stop the blade of the flying knife at all.

It was just such a knife just now, which easily broke through the body protection qi of the martial arts master Zhen Yangzi, and almost inflicted heavy damage on him.

Seeing this scene, Mayoko also frowned.

At this time, Chunyang Daojian was still fighting with Na Lin Ye, with the blessing of the Demonic Dao Rune. If he did not use his power for the time being, the power of Chunyang Daojian would not be weakened much.

There is no weapon in Zhen Yangzi's hands now, so this should be his weakest period. Facing Li Feilian's sword that seems to be impossible to defend at all, even Zhen Yangzi has a difficult feeling.

However, Zhen Yangzi was after all a martial arts master of the older generation. Even if he didn't have a weapon in his hands at this time, he would not be easily forced into a dead end by a younger generation like Li Feilian.

When the three flying knives approached, a golden light emerged from Zhenyangzi's body, and it was just up to the sun, which made Zhenyangzi look like a **** in golden armor at this time.

He pointed out the swords with both hands, collided with the two flying knives, and a powerful force suddenly burst out, and the two flying knives were directly smashed by the golden light.

At the same time, Zhenyangzi recited the Mantra of Conquering Demons, and there were ripples in the void, and the heaven and earth in front of him were constantly shaking. No matter how the flying knife changed its rules, the power was completely dispersed and fell directly. on the ground.

Daoist Guangning, who was watching the battle next to him, said in shock, "It's the Yangdao Miao Xuangong of Chunyang Daomen! When did Daoist Zhenyangzi practice this practice?"

Everyone in the world knows that the golden body of Buddhism is unparalleled in the world, and it is the pinnacle of all physical exercises in the world.

But they don't know that the door also has countless body refining profound arts, and it is not inferior to the various golden bodies of Buddhism.

It's just that Taoist warriors like to be pure and inactive, but very few people choose to practice this kind of physical profound art, unless they are really good at taking this route.

Zhenyangzi is an old man in the rivers and lakes, and even he is already close to the stage of qi and blood decay. No one would have thought that he would be thankful to practice this kind of physical profound art at such a time.

At this time, Daoist Guangning was also hesitating, should he help Zhen Yangzi?

If they don't help, they all belong to the same lineage of the Three Great Daomen. Seeing Zhenyangzi fighting all alone here, the Daoist of Guangning can't bear it.

But if it helps, he will also be infected with karma, and this matter has nothing to do with him.

Yu Chi Feng, who was on the side, sent a voice transmission to Daoist Guangning, telling him not to interfere and just watch the development of the matter calmly.

At this time, Zhen Yangzi, who blocked Li Feilian's three flying knives in succession, sneered, but Li Feilian didn't even speak harsh words or ridicule. He took out a flying knife and slid on his meridian. Blood spurted out, but it dyed the flying knife blood red.

The five flying knives stained with Li Feilian's blood shot out almost in a line, heading straight for Zhenyangzi.

The blood-colored silk threads connected the five flying knives together, seemingly scattered, but there was a causal connection.

At the moment when the knife came out, there was even a faint vision of howling gods and ghosts, which made Shinyoko's primordial spirit feel a little cool.

These five knives cut not only Zhen Yangzi's body, but also his top three flowers, with five qi in his body!

At this time, Chu Xiu was still fighting with the pure Yang Dao Sword.

Without Zhen Yangzi's control, Chu Xiu couldn't do anything with just a magic-suppressing pattern driven by qi and blood.

Chu Xiu saw Li Feilian's series of shots just now, and I have to say that this Li Feilian is really a character.

He only had ten knives, the first sneak attack was unsuccessful, and the next three were blocked by Zhen Yangzi. Once again, he used the secret technique of burning blood essence, and he was already in a desperate posture.

Li Feilian still had the last knife in his hand, but Chu Xiu guessed that the last knife was Li Feilian's life, and when the knife came out, his life was about to be lost.

After making three shots, he revealed all his Fighting for his life, Li Feilian's seemingly indifferent and ordinary appearance hides extreme madness. Even from his appearance to the present, Li Feilian has even one He didn't say a word, and there was no killing intent or hatred in his eyes when he looked at Zhen Yangzi, as if killing Zhen Yangzi was just a task for him, a stage that he had to go through in his life, which was extremely natural.

In general, people like Li Feilian are the ones who don't talk much about being ruthless.

The most difficult to deal with and the most difficult to provoke are people like Li Feilian.

It's not scary for a person who can go all out with you with red eyes at any time. What's scary is someone like Li Feilian, who has already decided to go all out with you, but you don't know it yourself, and you're still in the dark. resist.

At this time, Shinyoko was in such a state.

Although he wasn't light-hearted, he didn't expect Li Feilian's move to be so elusive.

The five blood knives slashed not only Zhen Yangzi's body, but also the five qi in his body.

Although Zhen Yangzi has practiced the Yangdao Mysterious Mysterious Art, and his physical body is not weak, but in the face of such a strange attack, even if Zhen Yangzi has shown a fighting attitude, it is a pity that it is a bit late.

In the golden pure yang qi, Zhen Yangzi's whole body strength was condensed to the extreme, a touch of blood rose, turned into a demonic seal and condensed in his palm, and when the palm fell, it directly shattered a flying knife. .

It seemed like an understatement to smash the five flying knives, but Zhen Yangzi couldn't help spewing out a mouthful of blood, his profound art was broken, and his face was pale.

Although the blade body was defeated, the blade intent slashed into Zhen Yangzi's body without hindrance, slashing his internal organs and five qi!


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