Meet The Leader

Chapter 603: 1 golden pill swallowed

In a short period of time, Zhang Chengzhen was forced into a desperate situation, which made everyone present shook their heads. Zhang Chengzhen was still a little too impulsive.

None of the existences that can rank in the top five of the Dragon Tiger List are weak and mediocre. Chengzhen may be able to win alone, but it is impossible to win so easily. As a result, he now has one against five, and his winning rate is Simply pitiful.

At this time, facing the siege of four people, he was in a desperate situation, and there was another Zhang Chengzhen, who was staring at Li Feilian, but his expression did not change in the slightest.

In fact, he had expected this scene from the beginning.

Zhang Chengzhen has never underestimated anyone. If Zong Xuan, Chuxiu and others were trash, he would not challenge the five of them.

In that desperate situation, Zhang Chengzhen's eyes changed between yin and yang, and the most yang qi and the cold yin qi burst out, condensing in the thunder light.

Thunder is born of Yin and Yang Qi, Thunder is Yang, Thunder is Yin.

The Tianshifu is a line of cultivating the method of thunder, but the Tianshifu is an authentic Taoist sect, and what they cultivate is thunder, but in the final analysis, what they cultivate is actually the way of yin and yang between the heaven and the earth. It is a power evolved from the power of yin and yang.

In an instant, two zhang thick thunder lights flowed around Zhang Chengzhen, one was as hot as fire, while the other was as dark as ink, like mud.

Yang Lei Yin Ting, the combination of the two forces, constantly circled and exploded, tearing apart Fang Qishao's siege sword array, forcing Zong Xuan and Ying Bailu to retreat, shaking Chu Xiu's day-changing method, and finally putting him behind him. The Great Sun Tathagata phantom was completely defeated!

Li Feilian held the flying knife in his hand, and his spirit was condensed to the extreme, but in the end his knife still did not shoot, because he was not sure.

The two thunder lights dissipated, and Zhang Chengzhen's complexion was a little pale. Obviously, he was under great pressure to control this kind of power.

At this time, Zhang Xiling had no intention to **** any Dao Yun, and all his attention was on Zhang Chengzhen.

Zhang Chengzhen is the future hope of their Tianshi Mansion, and there is absolutely nothing that can happen.

Seeing Zhang Chengzhen's appearance at this time, Zhang Xiling couldn't help but muttered anxiously: "I'm impulsive! I'm impulsive!"

The Yin-Yang Promise Divine Thunder that Zhang Chengzhen cast just now is the secret technique of their Tianshi Mansion. It uses the power of yin and yang to pull the source of thunder. Even the martial arts master of Tianshi Mansion dare not say that he can completely control this kind of power of heaven and earth. Now Zhang Chengzhen is using these secret techniques by leaps and bounds, obviously his pressure is also great.

In fact, in the Tianshi Mansion, normal disciples can't come into contact with so many exercises and secrets. You must wait until your strength is reached, or if the master agrees to teach you, you can learn those exercises and secrets. .

But these rules are useless to Zhang Chengzhen. Zhang Chengzhen can read the exercises and secret techniques in Tianshi Mansion at will. After all, his status and strength are there.

But now Zhang Xiling regrets it. If he had known this, he should not have let Zhang Chengzhen learn so many secret techniques that he could not control!

Everyone thought that Zhang Chengzhen was very measured, but once he became self-willed, no one could dissuade him.

The lightning flashed, Zhang Chengzhen squeezed the Dao seal in his hand, the qi around him burned violently, and a divine shadow condensed behind him, the Dao Yun was misty, but surrounded by thunder.

Anyone who knows the Daomen lineage can recognize that the divine shadow is the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Puhua Tianzun enshrined by the Daomen lineage!

On that day, Zun Shenying squeezed the Dao Seal, and with a wave of his hand, powerful thunders with different attributes such as Wulei Zhengfa, Zixiao Shenlei, and Shenxiao Tianlei fell, and took the initiative to attack Chu Xiu and others.

But Chu Xiu frowned slightly, Zhang Chengzhen, what is he doing? Do you really want to push yourself into a corner?

Chu Xiu's Sun-changing Dafa has the fortune of stealing the heavens and the earth, stealing the sky and changing the sun, and taking the power of the Great Sun Tathagata into one's body. Its requirements for the power background are not ordinary, and the human body cannot withstand this power. When using it, Chu Xiu's whole body is His qi and blood seemed to have been burned by the boiling of this power.

Now Zhang Chengzhen's secret method is actually similar to the principle of Chu Xiu's Day-changing Dafa. It also accommodates the power of Jiutian Yingyuan Thunder to universalize Tianzun, but its consumption is not ordinary, and the qi is consumed like running water. , not to mention that Zhang Chengzhen is not yet a master of martial arts, even if he has become a master of martial arts, the martial arts real pill cannot absorb so much energy from heaven and earth to consume.

However, since Zhang Chengzhen had already made his move, Chu Xiu and the others would naturally not dodge. They made the move together, and even Li Feilian had already cut out his three flying knives.

The thunder light exploded in the sky, and the deafening roar of gang qi sounded. In the thunder light, it was the first time that Chu Xiu had exerted his strength to the extreme.

And this is not the kind of battle with martial arts masters, but a fight between people of the same level. Everyone is in the realm of heaven and man, but each of them has exerted the power of this realm to the extreme. It can be said that how many of them People are almost the pinnacle of the younger generation in the entire arena.

With one enemy and five, Zhang Chengzhen wanted to use the pressure of Chu Xiu and others as a whetstone to make his strength reach perfection and step into the realm of martial arts masters.

But in fact, in the battle, Chu Xiu and the others are not whetstones. Each of them is an extremely sharp blade. When confronting each other, they will either sharpen the other side more sharply, or they will lose both!

At this level, several people actually did their best, except that they didn't use the secret technique of burning blood essence.

However, even if Zhang Chengzhen used this level of secret technique, he still couldn't stop the joint attack of the five Chu Xiu.

In less than 100 breaths, the aura around Zhang Chengzhen's body has gradually weakened, and the shadow of the nine-day Ying Yuan thunder and universalizing Tianzun behind him has gradually dimmed.

Fang Qishao's sword transformed into thousands, and each sword blocked Zhang Chengzhen's chance to dodge.

Ying Bailu was surrounded by black qi, turning into a black dragon and hovering around him. Every time he punched, the black dragon roared and roared.

Chu Xiu also used all his strength, and the colorless Ding Mudra displayed, the birth and death in the palm of his hand, subverting the universe!

This supreme martial skill created by Master Tanyuan in the past has exerted its power to the extreme, even more powerful than the Dafa of Changing the Sun.

In the rear, Li Feilian also shot five swords together, except that he didn't use the last sword he fought for his life, which was already his full shot.

Feeling the fluctuation of power, even the expressions of these martial arts masters present slightly changed.

These five people joined forces to attack, even if it is a martial arts master, it is estimated that few people can stop it. Now it is Zhang Chengzhen, and he is most likely to be less fierce.

But at this moment, Zhang Chengzhen's eyes suddenly burst into ten thousand thunder.

Behind him, the divine shadow of the Nine Heavens Ying Yuan thunder and universalizing Heavenly Venerate was completely shattered, but it did not dissipate, but condensed into his body.

As Zhang Chengzhen accommodated the shadow, a thunderstorm suddenly fell from the sky, covering Zhang Chengzhen's entire body, and at the same time, the thunderstorm completely defeated the attack of Chu Xiu and others.

This thunderstorm is the evolution of the power of heaven and earth. No matter how strong the manpower is, it cannot resist heaven and earth.

But in the thunderstorm, Zhang Chengzhen was unscathed, and his aura was even rising piece by piece. As his aura climbed to the extreme, it seemed as if something was broken, and a powerful air force immediately filled the audience. .

With a wave of his hand, the boundless thunderstorm around Zhang Chengzhen began to shrink completely, and finally turned into the size of a pill, which was swallowed by Zhang Chengzhen.

In an instant, the thunder sounded like a thunderbolt!

"Thundering Golden Core!"

Zhang Xiling looked at Zhang Chengzhen with ecstasy and disbelief on her face.

Zhang Chengzhen stepped into the realm of martial arts masters, which actually did not make Zhang Xiling too excited, because let alone Tianshifu, everyone in the whole world knew that Zhang Chengzhen's stepping into the realm of martial arts masters was a sure thing. What he was really excited about was Zhang Chengzhen condensed the thundering golden elixir that no one in the Tianshi Mansion had condensed for thousands of years!

The Martial Dao True Pill Realm is the most important realm for warriors, and at the same time, for this realm, the three veins of Dao, Buddhism and Demon have an extremely detailed analysis.

Motivating the power of heaven and earth to refine Martial Dao Zhendan at the dantian, and communicate the power of heaven and earth, Buddhism is called relic, and Taoism is called Jindan. When a golden dan is swallowed, I know that my life is inexorable. The so-called golden elixir of Daomen is the meaning of the true elixir of martial elixir of martial arts means that the martial artist can officially move the world, step into a mysterious realm, and be in harmony with the heaven and the earth. Every sect, even everyone is different.

Just like the Tianshifu lineage, who has cultivated the method of thunder to the extreme and stepped into the realm of the master, what condensed is this thunderous golden pill. Breathing, breathing, and breathing, all have thunderous sounds, and in an instant, this heaven and earth vitality can be transformed. For the power of thunder.

It's just that this thundering golden pill is extremely difficult to cultivate. For at least nearly a thousand years, no one in the Tianshifu has successfully cultivated it, and Zhang Chengzhen is the first.

No wonder it took so long for Zhang Chengzhen to condense the true elixir of martial arts and step into the master realm, but he has been accumulating it all the time. It turns out that his plans are very big, and he is preparing to condense the thunder gold that no one in the Tianshi Mansion has made for thousands of years. Dan!

Shrouded in boundless thunder, Zhang Chengzhen took out the array plate with Dao Yun from the space secret box, threw it into the air, and floated above the hall under the blessing of the array.

Looking at Chu Xiu, Zongxuan and others, Zhang Chengzhen said solemnly, "I would like to admit defeat, I lose, Daoyun belongs to you."

After he finished speaking, Zhang Chengzhen turned around and left without even helping Zhang Xiling stay behind to fight for other Dao Yun, and everyone on the spot was stunned.

But then everyone figured out that Zhang Chengzhen was justified in saying that he lost.

With one enemy and five, Zhang Chengzhen is almost certain to lose, and even if Zhang Chengzhen fails to step into the realm of martial arts masters in the last blow, he may even be seriously injured.

But in the same way, although Zhang Chengzhen lost, he also won because his goal has been achieved.

Stepping into the realm of martial arts masters, and condensing the Thunder True Pill, Zhang Chengzhen did not suffer anyhow.


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