Meet The Leader

Chapter 609: hatred

If someone wants to kill me, I will kill him. Facing Dou Guangchen, Chu Xiu doesn't want to talk nonsense.

It's just that those who saw this scene shivered violently. This Chu Xiu's attack was really ruthless, and a martial artist who was in the unity of heaven and man was directly smashed into pieces by him.

Even though there is a reason why Dou Guangchen burned his blood essence before and had overdrawn his physical strength, but now Chu Xiu also has not much strength left. As a result, Chu Xiu can still cause this kind of result. It is conceivable how big the gap between the two sides is. .

At this time, seeing that Dou Guangchen was killed, the rest of the disciples of the Canglan Sword Sect showed cowardice in their eyes, but most of the disciples cursed Chu Xiu in grief.

How can a great sect disciple have the spirit and background of a great sect disciple? Although Canglan Sword Sect is not a top sect now, it still has its background. It will not be like a mob just because one person was killed. Crying and running away.

Chu Xiu suddenly sighed: "Canglan Sword Sect, I gave you a chance, but unfortunately, you never cherished it."

What Chu Xiu said was the truth, he really gave Canglan Sword Sect a chance.

At the Shenbing Conference, Shen Bai took the initiative to challenge Chu Xiu, but he was abolished by Chu Xiu. At the beginning, Chu Xiu really wanted to solve the Canglan Sword Sect, and it was done once and for all.

But there were a lot of things in Chu Xiu at that time, and there was still Liu Yuanyuan in the Canglan Sword Sect. It was not easy for Chu Xiu to kill a martial arts master, and the Canglan Sword Sect never came back. Seeing trouble with him, Chu Xiu forgot about it, until after Chu Xiu's strength increased greatly, in fact, he never thought of going to the Canglan Sword Sect.

It's just that he didn't expect that he didn't go to trouble others, but some people took the initiative to trouble himself, so don't blame yourself for being ruthless.

Chu Xiu's fingers flicked gently, it looked like Yin Jue, but it didn't seem to be.

It's just that Chu Xiu's fingers flicked, but a thunderous explosion sounded from the ear of a Canglan Sword Sect disciple, and the power shook, which instantly shattered his heart, making the The warrior with the Three Flowers Gathering Dingjie bleeds from the seven orifices on the spot and fell to the ground.

As Chu Xiu's fingers unceasingly flicked, the hearts of the warriors of the Canglan Sword Sect burst one after another, crying and trying to escape, but in the end, not a single one escaped.

Such an understatement of murder, Chu Xiu's strength suddenly made everyone present take a breath.

In fact, this is not some advanced martial arts, but a temporary method created by the combination of the lion seal outside Chu Xiu and the spiritual power.

It is useless for opponents of the same rank or even stronger than himself, but to kill these warriors who are far less powerful than himself, it is like destroying the dry and pulling the rot, and the opponent has almost no resistance.

At this time, Chu Xiu looked at Lin Kaiyun again.

Lin Kaiyun's hand trembled, and the blood dripping sword almost fell to the ground.

His face was pale, half of which was the result of burning blood essence just now, and the other half was frightened.

Looking at Chu Xiu, Lin Kaiyun's performance was even more unbearable. He didn't even resist, just shouted in a stern tone: "Chu Xiu! You can't kill me! Kill me, and my Sword King City will be with you forever!"

At this time, everyone else also saw this scene, and Bai Qian's complexion suddenly changed in the distance, and he also hurriedly said loudly: "Chu Xiu! Stop!"

It's true that Lin Kaiyun did it first, but Lin Kaiyun is also a disciple of his Sword King City. He can punish him, but he can't let Chu Xiu kill Lin Kaiyun in public.

Fang Qishao also shouted from behind: "Brother Chu! Calm down! Don't be impulsive!"

Although Lin Kaiyun is his own person, Fang Qishao hates Lin Kaiyun very much. With his relationship with Chu Xiu, Fang Qishao will not turn against Chu Xiu for a Lin Kaiyun. He asked Chu Xiu to calm down, in fact, for the sake of Good morning Chu.

Lin Kaiyun was wrong about this matter, and suddenly he wanted to kill Chu Xiu on his own initiative.

Now that he didn't kill it, it's easy to say that Chu Xiu wanted to make up for it afterwards, and Fang Qishao could even help him deal with it.

He doesn't have the habit of helping relatives and not doing things like the Sword King City. If he does something wrong, he will admit punishment, which is normal.

But now if Chu Xiu really killed Lin Kaiyun in public, there would be no room for recovery.

Sword King City will never tolerate someone who kills their own disciples in public and swallows their anger, especially this person is Lin Kaiyun, who is second only to Fang Qishao in Sword King City and ranks in the Dragon Tiger List.

So as long as people don't die, everything is fine.

But Chu Xiu just glanced at Fang Qishao and Bai Qian, his fingers flicked gently, no killing intent, but it gave people a sense of extreme despair.

Lin Kaiyun noticed this despair, so he frantically poured his last trace of blood into the blood-dropping sword, trying to resist, but he was directly shattered by that powerful force between Chu Xiu's fingers. The heart pulse was broken, the seven orifices bleed, and fell to the ground with a bang, and there was no more life.

He resented the sect for more than ten years, and resented the sect master's partiality towards Fang Qishao.

As a result, before dying, he could only choose to rely on the prestige of his division to save his life, but when someone did not take this prestige seriously, all that awaited him was death.

Bai Qian and Fang Qishao were still a step too late.

Looking at Lin Kaiyun's corpse on the ground, Fang Qishao couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Brother Chu, what are you doing?"

At this time, he couldn't care about making jokes with Chu Xiu, because the matter was serious.

In the past, Chu Xiu only had some grievances with Sword King City, but now, this grievance has turned into a grudge, even the kind that will end in the death.

Chu Xiu said lightly, "I'm just not used to making simple things complicated.

There are so many hatreds in the rivers and lakes, nothing more than that I kill people, and people kill me.

Now that someone wants to kill me, or when I am the weakest, I will naturally kill him, so why do I still need to ask? "

Fang Qishao was a little speechless, but this was also Chu Xiu's style of behavior. Sometimes, it was extremely simple and rude.

Sword King City's own style of behavior is very domineering, and it is not helpful to help relatives.

Even if Lin Kaiyun shot him in front of everyone, could it be that the Sword King City would abolish Lin Kaiyun and let Chu Xiu vent his anger? nonexistent.

On the contrary, the hatred between Lin Kaiyun and him will get deeper and deeper, and finally to the extent that he can't solve it, he will kill him again sooner or later.

So killing early and late is killing, so why not settle the matter now?

As Chu Xiu said, if people want to kill me, I will kill them. It's a very simple thing, don't complicate it.

Bai Qian stared at Chu Xiu, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! You, Chu Xiu, are powerful enough. Just after defeating Zong Xuan, you killed my disciples in Sword King City. I really thought that no one in this world could cure them. is you?"

Although Bai Qian also secretly hated Lin Kaiyun for taking action against Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu killed Lin Kaiyun in front of everyone. Where to put it?

Fang Qishao frowned and called out, "The first seat!"

Bai Qian turned his head and said solemnly: "Seventh Young Master, I know that you have a good relationship with Chu Xiu, but this matter is related to the prestige of my Sword King City, and it is not something you can control by your personal emotions. In this matter, You can't help being willful!"

In the past, the masters of Sword King City really doted on Fang Qishao. For nothing else, just because of Fang Qishao's strength and potential, even if Fang Qishao did something ridiculous, it was worthy of forgiveness.

But in this kind of matter related to the prestige of Sword King City, Fang Qishao couldn't be bothered.

Seeing Bai Qian's attitude, Fang Qishao also sighed helplessly.

He is usually a little out of tune, but it does not mean that Fang Qishao is really stupid, he understands all the interests of the sect, and the relationship between prestige, but Fang Qishao was too lazy to think about it in the past.

Now that things have gotten to this point, even if he is the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation of Sword King City, he cannot intervene, because he is only an outstanding disciple of the younger generation, but he is not yet the ruler of Sword King City.

Seeing that Bai Qian's hand was already on the long Guan Siyu came from behind and said solemnly: "Palace Master Bai, in the battle between the juniors, can't you help but end in person? already?"

It is true that Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not as good as Sword King City, but now in the public, not to mention that Chu Xiu has shown his terrifying strength and potential, even if Chu Xiu is just an ordinary Guanzhong Punishment Hall martial artist, Guan Siyu will not be able to let Bai Sneak him.

Looking at Guan Siyu in front of him, Bai Qian snorted coldly, let go of his sword grip, pulled Fang Qishao, turned around and left.

As the head of the Sword King City-shaped Sword Hall, Bai Qian's strength is considered to be the upper level among many martial arts masters, but he really doesn't have much confidence and confidence in his superior Guan Siyu.

In fact, Guan Siyu has been underestimated for a long time, including this time Guan Siyu entered Xiaofan's day, and many dared to shoot him.

Just before Chu Xiu met Guan Siyu in the Sanqing Palace, Guan Siyu had already played against a lot of people, including some masters who were much more famous than Guan Siyu, but the result was that Guan Siyu never lost!

Including the **** of Dao Yun this time, Guan Siyu himself has successfully **** one, and few even dare to compete with him.

Bai Qian has seen Guan Siyu take a shot, he is not sure of winning, or even undefeated.

It's just that the disciples of Sword King City were easily beheaded by Chu Xiu in Guanzhong Punishment Hall. If he loses the first place in the Sword King City-shaped Sword Hall to Guan Siyu again, his face in Sword King City will undoubtedly be even more lost.

However, although Bai Qian didn't say anything cruel when he left, he also gave Guan Siyu and Chu Xiu a gloomy look, obviously saying that Sword King City has written down this matter and will never end it so easily!


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