Meet The Leader

Chapter 626: shock

Outside the Red Leaf Valley, the voices were silent, but even after a few days, the pungent **** smell still did not dissipate.

At this time, a lot of people had gathered outside the valley, including the Xuxing of the Daguang Temple, the warriors of the Chunyang Daomen and the Zhenwu Sect, and the people of the Eastern Qi faction such as the Xiahou clan and the Shang Shuiying clan.

At this time, several days have passed since the battle at Red Maple Valley. It is not that Xu Xing and others are slow, but that they did not expect Chu Xiu to come out like this.

When they wanted to come, when Liu Jianhong convened the alliance in the Red Maple Valley, then Lin Ye should still be wandering around in the land of Western Chu. I didn't expect that all this was a game from the beginning!

Standing in front of the valley, Xu Xing said with a dark face: "It's too late, no! It should be said that we have all been tricked!"

Everyone present looked a little ugly. They were all played, and they were played badly.

These big factions didn't take action at first, because Chu Xiu made little noise. A disciple of the younger generation brought more than 20 people to seek revenge on those small forces. The demons are looking for someone to vent their anger.

In the end, who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, Lin Ye would have done such a big thing before they made up their minds!

Overnight, the elites of the patriarchs of dozens of forces were all destroyed. Although these forces still have some blood descendants, but without these masters and elites, that force itself has been abolished.

Others are also gloomy, especially those martial arts forces in the Eastern Qi.

It was because they didn't pay attention that they let Lin Ye do such a big thing and kill so many people under their noses. This was humiliating to them.

"Go in and have a look."

An old monk with white hair and beard sighed and recited the "Ksitigarbha Sutra", as if to save those who were killed.

This person is the eminent monk of the Subhuti Zen Institute, Shamajia. Although he is not well-known in the world, as long as he is a master-level master from the Subhuti Zen Institute, there is almost no weak person.

There are several shivering warriors in front of everyone. They are all survivors who escaped from the Red Maple Valley. If it weren't for them, everyone would not know that such a big thing happened in the Red Maple Valley.

With those few people, everyone stepped into the Red Maple Valley, and the pungent blood rushed to the face in an instant, making everyone's faces even more ugly.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Xu Xing said with an ugly expression, "Then how did Lin Ye do it? There are thousands of masters, even thousands of pigs can't be killed so quickly, right? "

One of the survivors said with a weeping voice: "It's that **** Liu Jianhong! He has long joined the hidden demon lineage, and after bringing us here, he directly set up a killing formation here, ambushing a large number of masters. to strangle us.

Senior Yang from Yangjiabao was beheaded without even blocking Lin Ye's three moves. Fortunately, I have an escape from my ancestors, so I was lucky enough to escape with my life. I'm waiting to be the master! "

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present changed slightly.

He killed a martial arts master with just three moves. Although it was only an old martial arts master, it was amazing enough. Lin Ye's strength was really worthy of his ranking on the Dragon Tiger List.

Xu Xing snorted coldly and said: "To take refuge in the demons and demons, this Liu Jianhong should be killed more than those in the demons!"

At this time, a warrior wearing a black cloud patterned costume shook his head and said: "No need to kill, Liu Jianhong is already dead and was killed by Na Lin Ye.

In fact, I, Shang Shuiying, have already investigated this matter, and Red Leaf Villa is also a victim.

That Lin Ye had already aimed at Hongye Villa and Liu Jianhong, and directly took the Hongye Villa with lightning speed, and threatened the lives of the entire Hongye Villa's disciples, and asked Liu Jianhong to help Lin Ye's layout.

But in the end, Lin Ye lied to him and killed him at the last moment. "

Xu Xing snorted coldly: "If he doesn't agree, then only his family will suffer, but as a result, he helps Zhou to abuse, causing dozens of forces and thousands of people to die, even if they die, they are still accomplices!"

Most of the people present scoffed at the idea of ​​vain. The monks of Daguang Temple just stood and talked without back pain.

In fact, if they thought about it from their standpoint, it would be easy for them to understand Liu Jianhong.

The lives of their own family are in the hands of the other party, their own death and the death of others, unless it is a saint who cuts flesh and feeds eagles, almost everyone will choose the latter.

And seeing this scene now, everyone present can do nothing but silence.

Although they all belong to the righteous line of martial arts, in fact, there is no alliance in the martial arts of the righteous way. They have their own grudges, and it is impossible to join forces to find trouble in the hidden demon lineage because of this matter.

Their previous plan was actually very simple. If the Hidden Demon lineage killed too many people, they would come forward to warn the other party to restrain themselves.

The alliance organized by Liu Jianhong is not weak, so they will come forward to win over and maintain a certain relationship with him.

The result is good now, everyone is dead, and they let Lin Ye kill a lot in Red Maple Valley, they are like a spectator, it is too late to do anything.

The middle-aged man from Shang Shui Ying's family was the first to cough and said, "This matter is very important, and I need to report it to the Patriarch to deal with it."

After finishing speaking, Shang Shui Ying's family left directly.

The positions of the nine great families are inherently ambiguous, and most of them are thinking about their own interests, regardless of whether they are righteous or evil.

Now that everyone is dead, it doesn't affect Ying's interests, of course he doesn't want to stay any longer.

When the rest of the people saw Shang Shui Ying's attitude, they also found various reasons to turn around and leave.

These dead people have nothing to do with them, and they don't have to take revenge for them to shake the hidden demons. Only when the hidden demons move their interests will they take action without hesitation.

Moreover, the entire line of demons, as Xu Yun said, is not the hidden demon lineage that has been hiding in the dark, but the Moon Worship Cult.

Since the battle between the righteous and demons in Fuyu Mountain, the Moon Worship Cult has always displayed a strong and unparalleled attitude, and even in Western Chu, it has some power over the Heavenly Master's Mansion.

Although the Moon Worship Cult has not yet developed to the level of the Kunlun Demon Cult in the past, it is enough to make Zhengdao martial arts vigilant.

Therefore, for some masters with long-term insight in Zhengdao martial arts, they will not take the initiative to target the hidden demon lineage.

It is precisely because of the existence of the hidden demon lineage that the Moon Worship Cult cannot dominate the entire demonic way. Otherwise, the demonic way that is twisted into a rope without infighting will be even more terrifying.

The Shakka of the Subhuti Zen Temple sat on the ground, offering funerals for the warriors who died in the Red Maple Valley.

Two disciples of the Subhuti Temple, who looked not too young, followed behind him, tidying up the corpses.

There was only Xu Xing but not walking, and his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

If other people are the masterminds in this matter, even if Xu Xing is angry, he will temporarily put it all down, and first go back to the Daguang Temple to report to Xuyun and others before saying this.

But now that Lin Ye was the one leading the group, Xu Xing didn't want to go back so soon.

In Xiao Fantian, his long-established martial arts master turned his boat over in the hands of a junior like Lin Ye. This is a shame for Xu Xing, but he has always wanted to find this opportunity and give this hatred to reported.

Xu Xing turned his attention to the previous survivors, and said solemnly: "Wait, do you know if there are any forces that have not come to participate in the alliance of the Red Maple Valley this time, and thus survived the disaster?"

The few looked at each other, nodded and said, "There were two or three forces that didn't come. They were either because the journey was too long or too late, or they had the protection of the great faction, thinking they could be safe and sound."

Xu Xing waved his hand directly and said: "That's good, you take me to those forces, since Lin Ye is going to avenge all the grievances three hundred years ago, then these few surviving forces, he will definitely won't let go."

When they heard that Xu Xing actually seemed to take the initiative to find Lin Ye, these people suddenly panicked.

In fact, Xu Xing wanted to find Lin They agreed with both hands, after all, Xu Xing was avenging them.

It's just that after going through the Red Maple Valley incident, for them, Lin Ye was like a devil at all, and they really didn't want to face that devil again.

Seeing the appearance of these people, Xu Xing couldn't help frowning: "Why, you don't want to go? Don't you want to avenge your seniors?"

Feeling the violent aura on Xu Xing's body, several people smiled bitterly and said, "I will wait."

Looking at Xu Xing's attitude at this time, if they dare to say that they are not willing, maybe Xu Xing will do something.

At this time, several disciples who followed Xu Xing pulled Xu Xing and said, "Uncle Master, Master Xu Yun just asked us to shock the hidden demon lineage, but he didn't say let us take the initiative to deal with the hidden demon lineage. what!"

Before coming here, Xu Yun had already said that if Lin Ye's people at Daguang Temple arrived and took the initiative to take action, they would naturally do it too.

But now they are late, and everyone is already dead. If they take action against Lin Ye, is there any meaning other than provoking a conflict between the Daguang Temple and the Hidden Demon?

But obviously, Xu Xing can't listen to these things anymore, he snorted coldly: "Senior Brother Xu Yun also didn't say that I would not allow me to do anything to the hidden demon!

Don't make a fuss, then Lin Ye killed thousands of people in the Red Maple Valley, and he acted to the extreme. I don't care about this kind of thing at Daguang Temple, who will take care of it?

You don't have to go, go back and report what happened here to the temple, and I'll take someone to contain Lin Ye. "

After he finished speaking, Xu Xing took those people away without giving the disciples of Daguang Temple a chance to speak again.


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