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Chapter 628: Xiangjia must die

In order to save his life, Xiang Jia handed over all the chassis directly. For Xiang Jia, Bashan Sword Sect is almost their only hope.

Chen Jiankong pondered for a moment, then he got up and helped the head of the Xiang family. He smiled and said, "Brother Xiang doesn't have to do this. You and I are in-laws, in-laws. If something happens to your family, my Bashan Sword Sect will naturally not ignore it."

Xiang Family Patriarch hurriedly thanked him, but he sneered in his heart.

This time, if he hadn't taken out all the trump cards he could come up with this time, Chen Jiankong probably wouldn't have chosen to protect him.

Seeing this scene, Master Cen said quickly: "The head is not good! We choose to protect Xiangjia and fight against the hidden demons. Even if the Zixiao Thunder Sword Formation can block that Lin Ye, in case the hidden door is attracted again. If you have more powerful masters, what should we do?"

Chen Jiankong said lightly: "It would be easy to do at that time, if the Hidden Demon lineage dared to dispatch so many strong men, the other righteous sects would not ignore it.

And I'm going to send someone to deliver the letter to Tianshifu.

In the Red Maple Valley, Lin Ye killed thousands of people with extremely ruthless means. I believe that the Tianshifu has already received the news.

As long as that Lin Ye dares to come, I believe that the Tianshi Mansion will not be on the sidelines. After all, there is still some friendship between my Bashan Sword Sect and the Tianshi Mansion. "

Hearing Chen Jiankong say this, Master Cen couldn't say anything more, but he felt a little uneasy.

The sect master is a little too careless, especially putting his hope on the Tianshifu.

It's true that Tianshifu has friendship with Bashan Sword Sect. Even now, the Bashan Sword Sect's mountain protection formation, Zixiao Thunder Sword Formation, was set up by Tianshifu and Bashan Sword Sect's masters.

But then the friendship between Bashan Sword Sect and Tianshi Mansion faded, not because of anything else, but because the strength of Tianshi Mansion declined for a period of time, and Bashan Sword Sect had a comprehension during that time. When the powerhouses of the time kendo come, they are no longer so respectful to the Tianshifu.

But now, the Tianshifu has risen again, and the Bashan Sword Sect has become its original appearance. At this time, if I go to ask others for help, the Tianshifu will take care of it?

But now that Chen Jiankong has made up his mind, Master Cen can't say anything more.

Ten days later, at the foot of Bashan, Chu Xiu brought Luo Sancong and Zhao Chengping back to Western Chu, and immediately brought people straight to Bashan.

The hidden demon lineage also has its own information. When Chu Xiu was rushing to Xichu, someone had already sent news to Chu Xiu, saying that the Bashan Sword Sect had decided to keep Xiang Jia, and at this time all Xiang Jia had been sent to him. Everyone is within the Bashan Sword Sect.

When Chu Xiu received the news, he was very surprised. Are Chen Jiankong of Bashan Sword Sect and the elders all brains broken? to make such a decision.

In the battle of Red Maple Valley, Chu Xiu had already exposed all his strength, and the Bashan Sword Sect should know how much he weighed.

Among the major factions in Jianghu Songs, the Bashan Sword Sect has been inherited for a long time. It can almost be counted from the positive. However, in terms of strength, although the Bashan Sword Sect is not the weakest one, it can only be ranked from the bottom. .

What kind of price will the other party pay for keeping Xiangjia? As long as Chen Jiankong is not in a daze, he should know it, but he still chooses to do so, either Chen Jiankong is really stupid, or there is something in it. The secret that Chu Xiu didn't know caused Chen Jiankong to take risks to keep Xiangjia.

But it doesn't matter what it is. In the face of absolute strength, Chu Xiu can choose not to think about it.

And now, in Chu Xiu's view, this situation is the kind that can solve the problem directly with fists without any tricks.

Looking at the beautiful and majestic Bashan, Chu Xiu couldn't help but admire: "The scenery of Bashan is really good, but the Bashan Sword Sect chose a feng shui treasure."

Luo Sancong, who was on the side, complimented with praise, but Zhao Chengping felt a little awkward. Fengshui treasure land, how could it be described as a yin house? Although it's okay to put it here, but from Lin Ye's mouth, he always feels that it doesn't seem like a good word.

Chu Xiu and others did not hide their traces. He directly took more than 200 people to Bashan, and went straight to the Bashan Sword Sect on the top of the mountain.

Such a blatant momentum has long been noticed by the people of the Bashan Sword Sect. Several Bashan Sword Sect disciples who were guarding the mountainside did not even dare to stop them, and they were immediately frightened and rushed to report to the head.

When Chu Xiu came to the mountain gate of the Bashan Sword Sect, the two Bashan Sword Sect disciples holding swords did not flee in a panic like the others on the mountainside, but they all looked trembling and frightening.

The Bashan Sword Sect can be regarded as a major faction in the Jianghu Song Jue. The disciple should not be so timid.

However, Chu Xiu's murder during this period of time was a bit too much. The battle of Red Maple Valley directly buried the lives of thousands of warriors, and they were not cats and dogs, but the real elites among dozens of forces.

Chu Xiu waved his hand, and the people behind him stopped together.

Chu Xiu said indifferently to the two of them: "Please let the two of you announce that Lin Ye, a hidden demon, has come to visit Bashan Sword Sect Chen Jiankong, the head of Chen."

Seeing Chu Xiu being so polite, the two Bashan Sword Sect warriors were taken aback.

They had thought that this guy who had murdered like a numb recently must be a ferocious person, and he would do it when he came up, but they didn't expect the other party to be so particular about it.

After being stunned for a while, the two disciples and martial artists turned around immediately, wanting to report to Chen Jiankong.

However, before they could take a few steps, Chen Jiankong, who had already received the news, had already arrived.

Chu Xiu casually cupped his hands towards Chen Jiankong and said, "Sect Master Chen, it's the first time we meet, it's a pleasure to meet you."

In fact, regardless of age or seniority, Chen Jiankong is a senior. Chu Xiu's attitude is somewhat disrespectful, and it is still very disrespectful.

However, whether it is Chu Xiu's subordinates or the Bashan Sword Sect, they all feel that Chu Xiu's attitude is normal. With Chu Xiu's strength and what he has done, no one in the room will take Chu Xiu's attitude. Hugh treats it like a real junior.

Chen Jiankong also cupped his hands at Chu Xiu and said, "I've heard about Young Master Lin's name for a long time. When I see it today, it's really extraordinary."

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Sect Master Chen, don't say more nonsense, you should know what I'm here for this time."

Chen Jiankong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Lin Ye didn't call directly at the door, and his attitude was considered calm.

He was afraid that this Lin Ye was a desperate maniac who only knew how to kill, and that would be difficult.

But looking at it now, this Lin Ye is still reasonable. Since this is the case, it will be easier to say.

So Chen Jiankong smiled and said, "I know what you mean, Young Master Lin, but I, Bashan Sword Sect, also feel very sorry about what happened three hundred years ago.

Although their positions are different, but the five heavenly demons of Jiutian Mountain dare to outnumber their enemies, and I actually admire the aura that thousands of people will go to.

The grievances between the Xiang family and the hidden demon lineage were all three hundred years ago. In fact, to put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with the current Xiang family.

However, this sentence also makes sense. Xiangjia is willing to spend 80% of their family property to buy their lives, only to ask the hidden demons to let him go this time. "

Although Chen Jiankong had promised to keep Xiang Jia, his opponent was the entire Hidden Demon lineage after all.

Even if he is sure to block these people in front of him, he is not sure to block the retaliation of other masters of the hidden demon lineage.

So if this matter can be revealed with some external objects, that would be the best thing.

However, Chu Xiu shook his head without hesitation and said, "Impossible, Senior Wei Shuya said that the debt is paid for with blood, and if the Xiang family wants to survive, it is not that simple.

But now that you have spoken to Sect Master Chen, I can also give you a face to Sect Master Chen.

Xiangjia does not need to pay with blood and blood for everyone. The ancestors of Xiangjia killed 23 disciples of my hidden demon lineage in the past, and the revenge of the past was paid ten times. , I let Xiang Jia go once, by the way, there must be a head of Xiang Jia in this self-inflicted person. "

Feeling Chu Xiu's gaze drifting towards him, Xiangjia Patriarch suddenly felt cold all over, and hurriedly ducked behind Chen Jiankong.

Chen Jiankong frowned and said, "Young Master You are a bit of a tough guy. What's the difference between you doing this and destroying the Xiang family?

80% of the family property is not enough, then the Xiang family is willing to hand over all the family property, and my Bashan Sword Sect is also willing to reconcile it in the play and give you a few sword formations as compensation for Young Master Lin. Do you think this is feasible? "

A small family like the Xiang family has a lot of people, but in fact there are only more than 100 disciples in the direct line. If they want to kill all of them, the entire direct line of the Xiang family will not be enough to kill. What is the difference?

Chu Xiu stretched out a finger, shook his head and said, "Sect Master Chen, you seem to have made a mistake, I am not discussing with you, nor am I negotiating with you.

I have no grudge against you Bashan Sword Sect. If you come forward, I will give you a face. I will not let Xiang Jia die too ugly, and I will not let all Xiang Jia die. This is my account to you, and I give you face.

Now that I've given you face, but you don't take it for granted, then don't blame me for speaking badly. Xiang Jia must die today, and he must be destroyed. This matter is not negotiable.

You Bashan Sword Sect had better not get involved in this matter, otherwise, you will die miserably. "

As soon as this statement came out, Chen Jiankong's complexion suddenly turned red, and it was a look of rage.

The faces of the other Bashan Sword Sect warriors also showed anger.

Before, they felt that this Lin Ye was not so arrogant, at least he would still speak some truth.

Only now did they know that this fellow is so arrogant!

Chen Jiankong shouted angrily: "Lin Ye! You don't want to deceive people too much! You killed enough people in the battle of Red Maple Valley, and now you want to kill them all in my Bashan Sword Sect? I am Bashan Sword Sect, but you can't just do it. A wild place!"


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