Meet The Leader

Chapter 630: a bit square

The Buddha said that all afflictions arise because of delusion.

Of course, this 'idiot' is not an idiot's idiot.

An idiot is ignorant, so he can't see himself clearly, he can't see the world clearly, and if he has delusions in his heart, he will be trapped in his own world.

In Chu Xiu's view, Chen Jiankong fits the word 'idiot'.

The strength of the Bashan Sword Sect is not weak, but compared with the real big factions in other rivers and lakes, and compared with their own peak period, the Bashan Sword Sect's "not weak" seems to be a bit lacking.

Chen Jiankong was mad because he didn't realize the weakness of the Bashan Sword Sect, and he still acted in accordance with the thinking of the Bashan Sword Sect when it was strong in the past.

To put it simply, this Chen Jiankong is actually a very unreliable person.

What kind of person has a force? It's very simple, people like Canglan Sword Sect Liu Yuanyuan are really powerful.

The Canglan Sword Sect has declined to a certain extent, so for Liu Yuanyuan, as long as he can preserve any bit of the Canglan Sword Sect's power, he can put down his face, fame and everything else.

Therefore, Shen Bai was abolished by Chu Xiu, and Liu Yuanyuan did not say anything.

His eldest disciple Dou Guangchen was killed by Chu Xiu, and some of his disciples fell into Chu Xiu's hands, but he didn't even let a fart.

Although some people said that Canglan Sword Sect behaved a little too cowardly and did not have the power of the great faction, Liu Yuanyuan knew that without strength, everything was empty talk.

But this is not the case with Chen Jiankong. He has not yet realized that the strength of the Bashan Sword Sect is actually the last among the great sects in the entire Jianghu Song Jue.

He was still thinking about the so-called big faction's reputation and face and other things that he didn't need.

The Bashan Sword Sect will be involved in this incident, and the culprit is this Chen Jiankong, the head of Chen!

The silk-like demonic energy on the Chiknife wrapped around Chen Jiankong, wrapping it like a cicada pupa.

The demonic energy locked Chen Jiankong, and even covered his eyes. It was not until the idiot knife came to face that Chen Jiankong seemed to have reacted. Suddenly, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the sword energy all over his body rushed into the sky, breaking free from the demonic energy. Sleepy lock, the long sword in his hand, the long sword transformed from Gang Qi, and at the same time used the eight-character swordsmanship such as the Zidian Qingguang Sword, the Shenxiao Yulei Sword, and the Jinxiu Mountain and River Sword.

At the same time, he performed the Bashan Sword Sect's eight-character sword art, which was actually the means by which Chen Jiankong became famous.

It's just that these eight swords were too hastily, and the swords had not been fully displayed, and they were defeated one by one by Chu Xiu's stupid swords.

Chen Jiankong's hand holding the sword was still trembling, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore.

Chu Xiu withdrew the Chidao and suppressed the backlash of the Chidao. At the same time, he condensed the arrow, and released the Soul-destroying Arrow in the Ninth Style of Destroying Soul, and he shot three arrows at the same time!

In fact, the power of these three arrows is not as strong as the power of Chu Xiu's previous full-strength use of the Soul Killing Arrow, but Chu Xiu did not intend to kill Chen Jiankong with this move.

Locked by the three arrows, Chen Jiankong, whose weapon had been shattered, could only choose to flee.

Although he could fight again with the Qi-huajian with Gang Qi, after experiencing the knife just now, Chen Jiankong's courage seemed to have been completely cut off, and he did not dare to challenge Chu Xiu again.

However, when he turned around and was about to escape, he discovered that the soul destroying arrow had blocked his three directions, and the only place of vitality was the direction of the mountain guarding formation, and a powerful Zixiao Thunder Sword erupted from it. Gas, repelling Luo Sancong and others.

The formation method is not a person, and it will not recognize the master.

Now that he is forced into the formation, he can either choose to fight against Chu Xiu in the outside world, or choose to step into the range of the formation and withstand the attack of the formation together.

Chen Jiankong's whole body qi and blood soared, turning into three blood-colored sword qi to intercept the soul-killing arrow, but he himself was completely forced into the formation, and he was baptized by the purple thunder sword qi.

Chu Xiu stepped forward, and the demonic energy around his body surged into the sky. As he squeezed the seal, the monstrous demonic energy condensed behind him into an evil black Buddha. At the same time, it also affects the blood of Chen Jiankong's whole body.

The eight-character swordsmanship came out, and Chen Jiankong struggled to resist Chu Xiu's killing demon, but he was forced into the disadvantage almost instantly, and the situation was extremely dangerous.

Master Cen, who was inside the Bashan Sword Sect, suddenly changed his face when he saw this scene. He quickly said: "Quickly open the formation! Let the master go in!"

The other elders of the Bashan Sword Sect around were hesitant.

It's not that they want to kill Chen Jiankong, but once the formation is opened, what will they use to resist Luo Sancong's powerful demonic murderers? That Chu Xiu's subordinates, he is not the only one who is strong!

Master Cen said anxiously: "Idiot! If you don't open the formation, the master will die outside, and my Bashan Sword Sect will be completely finished! Who among you can compete with the martial arts master? Who is sure to support the Bashan Sword Sect?"

At the moment, the Chin Bashan Sword Sect is actually very weak, and there is no successor in the next generation, not even a young disciple who can handle it.

However, if the young disciples are gone, they can slowly discover and cultivate them. If Chen Jiankong, the martial arts master, dies, and the Bashan Sword Sect has no martial arts master in charge, it is estimated that he will be kicked out of the seven schools and eight schools soon.

Master Cen said bitterly: "The old man told you a long time ago that you can't cover up Xiangjia, you can't cover up Xiangjia, is it okay this time? Just set yourself on fire!"

At this time, even Peng Chong didn't speak.

Although he has a good relationship with the Xiang family, and even the head of the Xiang family is his sworn brother, but he is the elder of the Bashan Sword Sect. If something happens to the Ba Shan Sword Sect, it will be an unimaginable loss for him.

The elders of the Bashan Sword Sect looked at each other and could only manipulate the formation.

Chen Jiankong, who was suppressed by Chu Xiu to the extreme, retreated and fled to the rear, but at the same time, because of the opening of the formation, Luo Sancong and others also rushed into the crowd of Bashan Sword Sect.

Before Luo Sancong and others thought that this must be another fierce battle, the people from the Bashan Sword Sect would definitely stop them.

But what they didn't expect was that the people from the Bashan Sword Sect took the initiative to back away and let out Xiang's family who were hiding behind them.

When disaster is imminent, they will fly separately, even husbands and wives, not to mention the Bashan Sword Sect and Xiang Jia.

The Patriarch of the Xiang family was still a bit stubborn. Seeing that he and the others had fallen into a desperate situation, he did not choose to retreat, and all his true qi burst out, desperately trying to pull a few people back.

However, the strength of the head of the Xiang family was a little weak, and Luo Sancong was directly cut into two pieces with a few knives, and even the Xiang family was slaughtered.

At this time, whether it was Chen Jiankong or other warriors of the Bashan Sword Sect, they all looked ashamed and angry.

To be massacred by others on their own chassis, or to kill their in-laws and allies, is simply humiliating.

However, Chen Jiankong didn't dare to say anything more at this time, and the other Bashan Sword Sect warriors were silent.

They had all seen Lin Ye's strength, and their leader Chen Jiankong had no temper after more than ten strokes.

The other warriors of the hidden demon lineage are also strong enough. If they really fight, their Bashan Sword Sect has no formation to protect them, and maybe they will be wiped out!

At this time, Chu Xiu also squinted at Chen Jiankong with malicious intent in his eyes.

Is this Chen Jiankong killing it? Or not kill it?

Did the Bashan Sword Sect destroy itself? Isn't it immortal?

this is a problem.

Today, he severely injured Chen Jiankong, and he also started a massacre in the sect of Bashan Sword Sect. This is already a deadly feud with Bashan Sword Sect, so it doesn't seem to be a problem to solve all of them together?

I'm afraid that the Bashan Sword Sect still has some background, which will easily cause some trouble.

After all, there must be some treasures at the bottom of the box for a big sect like the Bashan Sword Sect.

At this moment, Chen Jiankong also seemed to sense Chu Xiu's malicious gaze, and he couldn't help trembling.

The majestic Buddha Zong Qi burst out, and a figure wrapped in golden Qi ascended to the top of Bashan Mountain, looking at the person who had been slaughtered by the Xiang Family, Xu Xing's complexion sank for a while.

Another step too late!

In fact, if Xu Xing was on his he could catch up with Chu Xiu and come to Bashan Sword Sect ahead of schedule.

However, he brought a few fuel bottles and followed the guys on the road, so he was slowed down.

At the foot of the mountain, Xu Xing heard from other warriors passing by that there were a lot of people in the magic way going up the mountain before. Xu Xing secretly said that it was not good, hurry up and hurry up, and finally took a step slower. All have been killed.

Chu Xiu glanced at Xuying, and said hello casually: "Master Xuxing, stay safe."

As he spoke, Chu Xiu stood with his hands behind his back and put on a very indifferent attitude.

But now Chu Xiu seems very stable on the surface, but he is also a little more optimistic.

Xu Xing would appear here, he really didn't expect it.

Because according to the logic of normal people, Chu Xiu has already killed everyone in the Red Maple Valley, who would come to him for revenge when he is bored?

So Chu Xiu was ready to withdraw after killing people from the beginning.

Who would have thought that this time the Daguang Temple came to Xu Xing who had old grudges with him. It was obviously meaningless, but he still followed him to the Bashan Sword Sect.

If it was in its heyday, Chu Xiu was actually not afraid of Xuexing. If he could hit Xuxing once, he would be sure to hit Xuxing a second time.

But that time Chu Xiu was because he had the Seven Devils Sword in his hand. It could be said that the Seven Devils Swords played a huge role in Chu Xiu's trump card.

However, when Chu Xiu was fighting against Chen Jiankong, he used the Seven Devils once, and then used the Seven Devils again. Chu Xiu might not be able to suppress the backlash of the Seven Devils.

Knowing this earlier, Chu Xiu would not use the Seven Devils Sword. Anyway, Chen Jiankong's strength is also very weak, and Chu Xiu can still solve it with some effort.


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