Meet The Leader

Chapter 639: inherited

ps: This chapter is for the reward of the leader Jingfeng.

The images left by Dugu Yume are almost the images of when he used the two strongest martial arts at his peak. I have to say that this is a great opportunity and great fortune.

It's just that when Chu Xiu thought about all the strange things that happened in the Demon Heaven Realm before, and all kinds of secrets about him, even if he got this kind of good fortune, Chu Xiu actually couldn't be happy.

On the contrary, Wei Shuya said excitedly: "It's enough to destroy the Three Liancheng Arrows, although this martial art was created by the leader of Dugu, but its root is above that sect.

However, Hongchen Misty Slash is one of the secret martial arts of the Dugu Cult Master. You have obtained the Red Dust Misty Slash. From now on, you will be the orthodox descendant of the Dugu Cult Master, and your status is even higher than it is now. "

But then Wei Shuya shook his head and said, "But you'd better not use the Red Dust Misty Slash for a while to reveal the things you got in the Demon Heaven Realm.

The hearts of the hidden demons have changed. Even if you get these things, the entire hidden demons will not be able to pay their respects and regard you as the true heir of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

Therefore, the most important thing for you right now is to accumulate strength. As long as you have enough strength, having this identity is the icing on the cake, and it is justifiable, but it doesn't matter without this identity, and no one will compete with you anyway. "

Wei Shuya thought very clearly about Chu Xiu, but he himself had never thought about trying to capture the Mist of the World or destroy the Three Liancheng Arrows, including Chu Wuji.

These two are not the kind of short-sighted people, and since this thing was left to Chu Xiu by Dugu only me, once the image dissipates, no one can see the charm in it, so even if Chu Xiu wants to hand the thing over Can't pay them.

Besides, both of them have actually entered the Demon Heaven Realm, but they have not seen these things. Only Chu Xiu has seen them, which proves that Chu Xiu is the one chosen by Dugu and I, and some things do not belong to me. They, they forcibly seized them, and the consequences may not be too good.

Chu Xiu said with a wry smile: "I am too far from the realm of the former leader of Dugu. Even if I see the image, I only remember a few similarities, and I can't show it at all for the time being."

Wei Shuya waved his hand and said, "Even if it is similar in shape, it is enough. The martial arts handed down by the leader of Dugu, even if there is only one success, the power is amazing."

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly asked: "By the way, Senior Wei, is there a portrait of the former leader of Dugu in the hidden demon lineage? Or do you know what the leader of Dugu looks like?"

Chu Wuji on the side said strangely: "Didn't you have seen the images left by the leader of Dugu? Don't you know the appearance of the leader of Dugu? And why are you asking this?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "In the image, the appearance of the leader of Dugu is very blurred, and he can't see his face at all.

I have inherited part of the martial arts of the leader of Dugu, so I am naturally a little curious about the leader of Dugu. "

Wei Shuya thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Although the leader of Dugu used to be the devil who ordered the entire line of the devil, he doesn't like to make himself a god, so naturally there won't be any portraits left, even if Yes, five hundred years have passed, and I am afraid it has been lost long ago.

Moreover, five hundred years is too long, and almost all the people of the same era as the leader of Dugu have died.

Maybe there will be some strong men of that era in the rivers and lakes who use various strange ways to save life, but there is no such person in the hidden demon lineage. "

Chu Xiu nodded, but there was still some disappointment in his heart.

Originally, he wanted to see whether Dugu Wei I was like him, and whether the scene he saw at the beginning was a hallucination and dazzling.

At this time, Chu Wuji said: "By the way, didn't you ask Gong Shuyuan to help you refine the human puppet last time, it happened that he had already finished refining, and he also asked Lu Jin to inform you, but you were on a mission at that time. , so this news was stopped by me, just now you go to see Gong Shuyu with me, and let him help you completely complete the puppet."

Chu Xiu nodded, but he didn't expect this Gong Shuyuan's movements to be quite fast.

For the rest of the matter, Wei Shuya, the old senior, did not need to take action, so Chu Wuji took Chu Xiu to Gong Shuyuan's residence.

In fact, Gong Shuyuan did not have a fixed residence. Usually, wherever good materials appeared, Gong Shuyuan would be there.

Gong Shuyuan had been wandering around in Xichu before, but at this time, in order to wait for Chu Xiu, he still stayed in a secret place of the hidden demon lineage in Xichu.

After walking with Chu Xiu for a few days, Chu Wuji and Chu Xiu came to a mansion in a small town, and Gong Shuyuan hid the underground of the mansion.

Entering the dark passage, there is a **** smell.

Chu Wuji entered the underground secret place with a dark face, only to see dim lights lit in the lobby, stumps and broken arms everywhere, as well as some messy materials, etc., like a corpse scene.

Seeing that the originally neat lobby was turned into this appearance by Gong Shuyuan, Chu Wuji couldn't help but said with a dark face: "Gong Shuyuan! What am I talking about? If you want to get these things, find a quieter place by yourself, how do you like it? How to do it, this is the secret place that my hidden demon lineage uses for gatherings, what you do is like a slaughterhouse, how can you let others use it in the future?"

Gong Shuyuan curled his lips in disdain and said, "You're poor! You guys have killed a lot of people, and now you still despise the corpses? Don't worry, I'll clean it up for you when I leave."

Saying that, Gong Shuyuan looked at Chu Xiu again and complained, "But I've been waiting for you for a long time. The puppets are refined. Come and have a look."

Chu Xiu followed Gong Shuyuan to the inside. Gong Shuyuan waved his hand, and a figure shrouded in black robes walked over, unbuttoning the black hat on his head, exactly what An Liunian looked like.

But at this time, An Liunian was expressionless, his expression was dull, and there was no vitality in his body.

Gong Shuyu said proudly: "I have made more than one puppet at the level of a martial arts master, you can rest assured of the quality.

Later, I will tell you how to control human puppets. Human puppets must be controlled with mental power, but the consumption is not large. With your mental power, there should be no problem.

If you have a deep control over your mental power, you can even make the puppet make all kinds of subtle movements and expressions, which are enough to confuse the real.

Now just get your hungry ghost avatar out, and put it into the human puppet, and this is the container.

But you have to pay attention, the true spirit of your incarnation of the hungry ghost is very fierce, don't let it swallow too many things, otherwise it will break the puppet, and your incarnation of the hungry ghost will not attack you, but But it is possible to flee directly, out of your control. "

Chu Xiu nodded and released his hungry ghost incarnation. Instantly, the evil hungry ghost appeared in the lobby, exuding an incomparably evil aura that could devour everything, even Chu Wuji. Tsk amazed.

This thing is the incarnation of the evil things in the world condensed to the extreme, and it can't even be called a devil, it is simply an evil thing.

Gong Shuyuan nodded, and immediately began to come up with a lot of formations, and performed a lot of manipulations that Chu Xiu couldn't even read. It only took a short time to successfully encapsulate the incarnation of the hungry ghost. among the puppets.

Wiping the sweat from the top of his head, Gong Shuyuan nodded and said: "It's done, Chu Xiu boy, I've agreed in advance that I won't provide after-sales service here. If something goes wrong, you'll have to pay extra if you come back to me."

Chu Xiu didn't get angry either, just nodded and said, "No problem."

Like the style of Gongshuyuan, it is actually quite good to pay with one hand and deliver it with one hand.

Of course, his character is destined to be incapable of getting along in the arena, even if it is a hidden demon.

Everyone likes to talk about human relationships, about cause and effect, today you help me, tomorrow I will help you, and back and forth to pay the debt of favor, it seems convenient, but it is actually troublesome.

In fact, it's not as good as Gong Shuyuan, where one can say one, and two say two.

After getting the puppet, Chu Xiu separated from Chu Wuji, and temporarily returned to the Guanzhong execution hall.

On the surface, he was a person from Guanzhong Punishment Hall after all. Although there was no problem in leaving temporarily, he was afraid that Guan Siyu would suddenly come to him.

Of course, it doesn't matter if he finds him once in a while, there is Mei Qinglian at the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to support Anyway, she is confident to get Guan Siyu.

After Chu Xiu returned to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, he did not immediately appear in front of everyone's eyes. Instead, he took a good look at his body, but he never found anything.

His strength has greatly improved, his combat power has greatly increased, and his condition cannot be better. At this time, even if he is asked to single out Zhang Chengzhen, who has not stepped into the realm of martial arts masters, Chu Xiu dares to take action.

But what happened in the Demon Heaven Realm always shrouded Chu Xiu's heart like a cloud, and it couldn't be dissipated.

Especially when he just stepped into the Demon Heaven Realm, a strange emotion eroded Chu Xiu's will. If it wasn't for the sudden shattering of the slate with the invincible destiny written on it, it protected Chu Xiu's will. What will happen.

But the only thing that is certain is that his body is 100% related to Dugu and I, but what is the secret in it, Chu Xiu can't see it, but he can't touch it, but the only thing he is sure about is that, The connection between myself and Dugu Weiyi is definitely not as simple as a simple inheritor.

Touching his chin, Chu Xiu murmured, "Perhaps I should find a fortune teller master and do the math for myself?"

The way of divination has always been very mysterious, and it is rare to be able to practice this way to the extreme.

For example, the head of the Karma Chan Hall in the Daguang Temple, and a master of the same generation as the old Tianshi in the Zhang family of the Tianshifu are all good at this way.

Of course, the existence of that level doesn't count, not to mention that they can't help Chu Xiu. Even if they could, Chu Xiu wouldn't dare. Who knows what secrets they will figure out?

However, he had heard that there was a fortune-telling master named Yuan Ji in Beiyan, who seemed to be quite famous, but he didn't know why he came to Xichu recently, or else he would go to him someday for a fortune-telling?


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