Meet The Leader

Chapter 647: mystery

After getting the Seven Magic Swords, this was the first time Chu Xiu used the Seven Magic Swords to fail.

Of course, this is also in Chu Xiu's expectation. The seven emotions and six desires are the emotional power of people themselves, but as long as they are emotions, there is the possibility of being suppressed. Just like the current Guan Siyu, his emotions are extremely hot, but he can rely on his own. Perseverance, forcibly suppressing this emotion, can be called extremely terrifying.

In other words, in fact, Guan Siyu's self-control is far stronger than that of monks and monks from Taoism and Buddhism, such as Xuxing and Zhenyangzi.

It's just a pity for Chu Xiu's seven magic knives.

The Seven Devils Swords were not considered divine weapons, and even in terms of firmness, they were not as good as Chu Xiu's Heavenly Devil Dance.

The real role of the Seven Devils Swords lies in the evil power that evokes their emotions and desires. Once this loses its effect, the Seven Devils Swords are not even as good as an ordinary treasured weapon.

However, although Chu Xiu was shattered with the Seven Devils Sword, his expression did not change in the slightest, and he still took the initiative to kill Guan Siyu.

With a cold snort, Guan Siyu just wanted to continue to shoot, but he turned around abruptly, moved the mountain seal in his hand, and blasted it directly behind him.

I don't know when, a man in black robe behind him was already standing there.

Under the seal of moving the mountain, a powerful gust of wind blew up the mask of the man in black robe, revealing An Liunian's pale and godless face.

"An Liunian was actually killed by you!"

There was a hint of coldness in Guan Siyu's eyes. He should have thought long ago that Chu Xiu, his own person, actually has more reasons to kill An Liunian than outsiders.

However, although Guan Siyu could not see the details of such a thing as a human puppet at this time, he could also feel it. The body of An Liunian in front of him was not only a dead aura, but also an extremely evil aura, so he The moving mountain seal did not stop at all, but went straight to An Liunian.

But at this moment, An Liunian's mouth opened wider and wider, and in the end it was so big that it didn't look like a human being. The endless qi was swallowed into the huge mouth by him, and an evil spirit with two horns on its head The hungry ghost crawled out of Zi'an Liunian's mouth, opened his mouth, and actually wanted to swallow Guan Siyu directly into it!

This is the first time that Chu Xiu has used a human puppet to use this incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao, but seeing the human puppet take action, even Chu Xiu couldn't help but complain about Gong Shuyuan, what the **** is he doing?

The incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao only has the soul, so using a human puppet as a container, the Hungry Ghost Dao can condense the virtual body directly, and then swallow the solid body, which is similar to when Chu Xiu used the Hungry Ghost Dao incarnation in the past.

As a result, Gong Shuyuan arranged the formation in the human puppet in a nasty sense of fun, and insisted that the incarnation of the hungry ghost crawl out of the human puppet's mouth. This is simply an aesthetic deformity, isn't it?

Seeing that he was about to be swallowed up by the incarnation of the hungry ghost, Guan Siyu's whole body shone with golden light, and countless long swords converged into sword formation runes, falling overwhelmingly.

"Excuse the evil!"

There are countless exercises in the Nine Transformations of Divine Powers, and it is easy to see the traces of the Daomen's demon-subduing exercises in Guan Siyu's execution of evil.

At the moment when Guan Siyu shot, Chu Xiu also dropped a finger, endless death and destruction merged into it, and the black power passed through the void, as if dividing a dead place.

Heaven and Earth will destroy the Immortal Slaughtering Divine Finger!

Guan Siyu didn't turn his head back at this time, and also pointed out with a fluttering finger, and a small sword qi shone out, seemingly inconspicuous, even the swordsman of the outer gang realm is better than this small sword qi. There is momentum.

But it was a fluttering sword energy, but it tore apart the vitality of the world, and between the dancing figures, there was the ultimate kendo sharpness!

Before that sword energy, any power was torn apart, even the Immortal Slaying Divine Finger, which represented death and annihilation.

The overwhelming sword qi of Punishing Evil suppressed the incarnation of Hungry Ghost Dao, forcing the puppet back, and the sword qi contained in the same little sword qi was probably stronger than the first of the four sword halls in Sword King City. In the meantime, Chu Xiu's Immortal Killing God Finger has been completely smashed!

Chu Xiu and Guan Siyu, you come to me, these moves seem to be evenly matched, but in fact, Chu Xiu's complexion is already a little pale.

Whether it is using the seven magic knives or the unity of the nine seals, only this kind of trump card can block Guan Siyu's move.

Even if the human puppet is used, Chu Xiu will not suffer the backlash of the incarnation of the hungry ghost, but the mental power consumed by the use of the human puppet is also Chu Xiu's.

After such a series of fights, Chu Xiu's strength is on the verge of exhaustion.

Of course, Chu Xiu doesn't have no room to fight, for example, the existence of the seven extreme limited skills obtained from the Black Magic Tower, which made Chu Xiu vomit blood directly at a glance, and he still doesn't know whether he can perform it smoothly. The red dust misty slash and the destroying three city arrows came out.

It's just that this kind of martial skill that even Chu Xiu himself is not sure whether he can use it is really unreliable. Once used, it is really desperate.

Of course, Chu Xiu's side is dangerous, but some people are even more dangerous, such as Yang Gongdu's side.

Yang Gongdu's own strength is not too strong. Although these people he brought here are from the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army, they are only a few squads of the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army, and his opponents are the elites of the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Whether it was Xiao Yi and other officers in charge, or other warriors in Guanzhong's punishment hall, those who were qualified to come here to discuss matters were not ordinary people.

Especially Fang Sha, at this time, his shot is almost crazy, and he can't wait to smash Yang Gongdu into ten thousand pieces immediately.

This time, he was used by Yang Gongdu, and he almost had to be locked in the punishment hall.

It's not wrong for him to be selfish, and it's not wrong to be dissatisfied with Guan Siyu's protection of Mei Qinglian, but he doesn't want the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to be destroyed.

The more he played, the more critical the situation became. Even if Yang Gongdu used all his hole cards, it was still useless.

Looking at Guan Siyu over there, Yang Gongdu shouted: "Guan Siyu, let me go! I have a big secret to tell you!"

Guan Siyu, who was preparing to take Chu Xiu completely, was unmoved.

Everyone in the arena knows that Yang Gongdu's mouth is much better than his kung fu, and he is best at deceiving people, so now Yang Gongdu simply doesn't bother to listen to his nonsense.

Seeing that Guan Siyu didn't listen to him at all, Yang Gongdu shouted directly: "Guan Siyu! Don't you want to know how Chu Kuangge died in the past? Chu Kuangge used to treat you like a direct disciple, but he can't wait until he is about to die. I didn't even tell you who was hurting him.

Moreover, the death of Chu Kuangge is even more related to the future of your Guanzhong Punishment Hall. If you don't solve this problem, you Guan Siyu, as Chu Kuangge's successor, may not be far from death! "

Hearing Yang Du's words, Guan Siyu suddenly turned around and said coldly, "What did you say!? Do you know who murdered Lord Chu Kuangge in the first place?"

In the past, Chu Kuangge had just been in charge of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall for more than 20 years, and he died unexpectedly in his prime. This was a pity and a mystery for the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

As the heir of Chu Kuangge, Guan Siyu knew how strong Chu Kuangge was in the past, even much stronger than he is now, and he has already stepped into the realm of real fire.

As a result, one day, Chu Kuangge was on the verge of death when he returned to the Guanzhong Execution Hall. He insisted on using his prestige to hand over the Guanzhong Execution Hall to Guan Siyu and then died. killed.

Although Chu Kuangge made many enemies at that time, there were actually not many people who could really kill him in the arena, not because of his strength, but because of his reputation.

The reputation of the giant Chu Kuangge is really too great. He is not from the righteous path, but his chivalrous spirit is greater than that of the righteous sects such as Daguang Temple and Chunyang Daomen.

Therefore, no matter how many people Chu Kuangge has offended, whoever kills him will surely be reviled by many people in the arena, his reputation will be dissipated, and he will be left behind for thousands of years.

At that time, there was no sign of the revival of the devil's way, and even Ye Shaonan, the leader of the worship of the moon, was still in retreat and comprehend the Heart Sutra, and he had nothing to do with Chu Kuangge.

Besides, it’s not good to say that Chu Kuangge offended more people in the right way than people in the demon way, so it’s unlikely that someone in the demon way killed him, including the post-mortem examination, and everyone didn’t see Chu Kuangge to the end. Who died in the hands of But at that time, Guanzhong Punishment Hall agreed that it must be Chu Kuangge's actions that angered some bigwigs, leading to one or even several forces to join forces to get rid of them. Chu Kuangge.

If the murderer cannot be found, the matter can only be abandoned, and now listening to Yang Gongdu, does he know the truth of the year?

"Fang kill, stop!"

Guan Siyu stopped Fang Sha, who wanted to continue to shoot. He just turned his attention to Yang Gongdu. Yang Gongdu did not dare to have a half-point of nonsense, nor did he habitually sell off, but simply said everything.

"In the past, Chu Juxia died in the hands of Luo Shenjun, one of the nine great generals of Tianmen!"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone present was stunned for a while, and it seemed that they did not respond, and then Guan Siyu shouted: "Impossible!"

No wonder everyone present reacted so, it is really the word Tianmen, which is very close to the rivers and lakes, but far away, so far that many people have heard the name of Tianmen, but in this life they can only hear it as a legend, or even see it. Never seen.

Fengmanlou's Jianghu Songs spread throughout the entire Jianghu, and since some days, the forces in it have been changing, even the Three Great Gates are different from the Three Great Gates in the original Jianghu Songs.

Apart from the Northern and Southern Buddhist sects, the only forces in the Jianghu Song Jue that have not changed are the first two forces, the East and the West!

Among them, Dong, refers to the East Sea Zizitian, a force that has been passed down for countless years in one line, only one person, but it is comparable to the top Jianghu sect.

And this west refers to the West Kunlun Tianmen, a powerful force that could not fully occupy the West Kunlun Mountains even at the peak of the Kunlun Demon Sect, and could only rely on the other side to face each other across the mountain.


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