Meet The Leader

Chapter 671: Ten thousand swords return to their ancestors

Some of the sects in Jianghu Songs have not changed for thousands of years, and some will be eliminated after only ten years on the list. These are normal things.

There are talented people in the country, except for the sects of the level of the Daguang Temple, few sects dare to say that they can live forever.

The Canglan Sword Sect has not been around for a short period of time, it has a history of thousands of years.

Now that the state of Wei is dead and become Wei County, the Canglan Sword Sect has also declined at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at this time it has even been reduced to the point of being bullied and beaten to the door.

This middle-aged man was Xu Beigui, the leader of the Nujiang Gang, the Seven Killing Sabres, and he was also a member of Wei County.

It's just that in the past few years, Xu Beigui was not well-known. The Nujiang Gang under his command was also a second-rate force in the whole Wei County. Although it was not weak, it was not strong.

But now, Xu Beigui didn't know what chance he got. He stepped into the realm of martial arts masters in just half a year, and reintegrated the Nujiang Gang. A lot.

If anyone in the entire Wei County is stronger than the Nujiang Gang, it must be the Canglan Sword Sect of Wei County.

After many inquiries, and even after many trials and verifications, Xu Beigui was finally able to confirm that the Canglan Sword Sect had declined, and Liu Yuanyuan might not be able to live for long.

This time Xu Beigui came to the door because when the disciples of the Canglan Sword Sect were shopping at a market in Wei County, they accidentally discovered that it was a treasure, and they clashed with the Nujiang Gang.

The things were discovered by the Nujiang Gang first, but the Canglan Sword Sect was so arrogant that it did not take the Nujiang Gang in the eyes of its own strength, and even threatened to abolish them.

At the end of the trouble, everyone moved their hands, and it was the people from the Nujiang Gang who suffered, but Xu Beigui just took this opportunity to bring people to trouble the Canglan Sword Sect.

Since stepping into the realm of martial arts masters, Xu Beigui has developed the Nujiang Gang's power in Wei County. If nothing else, he has really helped the Nujiang Gang to develop well, but there is always one thing that makes him very unhappy, and that is the Canglan Sword Sect. The presence.

Canglan Sword Sect has dominated Wei County for so many years, and even when Wei State was still there, Canglan Sword Sect was the first sect of Wei State. The local warriors and forces were used to the existence of Canglan Sword Sect, even if it was Canglan Lan Jianzong was in decline at this time, and everyone subconsciously believed that Canglan Jianzong was still the first sect of Wei County, and their awe for Canglan Jianzong had been immersed in their bones.

No matter how strong Xu Beigui's Nujiang Gang is, in the eyes of everyone, it is not as good as Canglan Sword Sect.

Therefore, Xu Beigui has been thinking about how to solve this problem for a long time. It was not until after such an incident that Xu Beigui reacted. It seemed that he did not need troublesome calculations.

The decline of Canglan Sword Sect has already become a fact. Since he is sure to deal with Canglan Sword Sect, what are you doing with those falsehoods? Just hit Canglan Sword Sect and publicly reveal the truth of Canglan Sword Sect's weakness and decline, so that everyone in Wei County knows who is the first sect of Wei County!

It was with this thought in mind that Xu Beigui made this matter a big deal and led the entire Nujiang Gang to come to the door.

All the disciples of the Canglan Sword Sect showed anger on their faces.

How many years have passed, when did their Canglan Sword Sect have been knocked on the door? This is simply a disgrace!

Everyone looked at the sect subconsciously, where is the head? Why hasn't the boss come out yet?

At this moment, the crowd separated. Liu Zongyuan held a long sword and walked out of the sect step by step. Every time he took a step, the momentum of his body was condensed. The momentum has been condensed to the extreme, and even affects the celestial phenomenon in mid-air, making the air become stagnant and heavy, very terrifying.

Xu Beigui looked at Liu Zongyuan with a hint of fear in his eyes, no longer arrogant and arrogant.

Xu Beigui had met Liu Zongyuan.

At that time, Liu Zongyuan was already the head of the Canglan Sword Sect. His sword sank into the river, shaking the whole river and lake, not to mention in Wei County, even in the whole river and lake, he was considered a master with a surname and a surname. Extremely.

And who was Xu Beigui at that time? He was just a loose cultivator seeking a life at the bottom of the Weijun martial arts forest. After seeing Liu Gongyuan, he didn't even have any idea of ​​what he could replace him with, so he could only look up.

Even though his attitude was so arrogant and arrogant before, but when he really saw Liu Yuanyuan, Xu Beigui still had a subconscious awe in his heart.

Liu Yuanyuan stared at Xu Beigui and said lightly: "It seems that I have been in seclusion for too long, so some cats and dogs don't even know who Wei Jun is in the world!

Hit my Canglan Sword Sect? Xu Beigui, you are so brave!

Even the military Longquan, the general of Beiyan who guarded Wei County in the past, dared not do things that you now do. Xu Beigui, you are very good, very good. "

Under the momentum of Liu Yuanyuan, a trace of cold sweat fell on Xu Beigui's forehead.

Canglan Sword Sect has accumulated power in Wei County for a long time, and this is a master and strong man who used to be side by side with all the giants of the rivers and lakes. Although he is old now, this momentum is not something that Xu Beigui can easily resist.

Liu Yuanyuan pulled out the long sword in his hand, inserted it on the ground in front of the two, and said coldly, "They are all forces from Weijun, you and I represent Weijun's face, so after the rise of your Nujiang Gang. At that time, my Canglan Sword Sect did not block it, that is because my Canglan Sword Sect tolerated people.

Unexpectedly, the tolerance of my Canglan Sword Sect is regarded as weak by you, which is really ridiculous!

For the sake of your youth and vigour, I will give you a chance, or take me a sword, if you don't die, it's all over.

Or slap yourself in the face now and get me out of Canglan Sword Sect! "

Under Liu Yuanyuan's powerful gaze, Xu Beigui's hand was trembling slightly.

Just how strong Liu Yuanyuan's Shen Jiang Yijian was, he knew from his nickname.

Although they are both masters of martial arts, but because of this, Xu Beigui knew how huge the gap was in this realm.

Liu Yuanyuan's Shen Jiang sword can temporarily split the Canglan River. What if this sword was cut on him? Will you die? I am afraid that even if it is not dead, people will be abolished.

Although he was embarrassed to slap himself with two slaps, at least he had nothing to lose to himself and the Nujiang Gang itself.

Just as Xu Beiguizhen was about to slap himself in the face and clenched his teeth to retreat, he suddenly raised his head, suddenly thought of something, held the saber in his hand, looked at Liu Yuanyuan, and laughed loudly: "Old man! You are making fun of me!

Don't forget, in the past, I was also born in Wei County. I am very clear about your style of Liu Yuanyuan and your style of Canglan Sword Sect!

For so many years, your Canglan Sword Sect has dominated Wei County, when have you ever been able to tolerate people? You Liu Yuanyuan acted strongly and decisively. When did you give him another chance to excel?

If your Canglan Sword Sect is not strong from the outside, how can you sit back and watch the rise of my Nujiang Gang? If you Liu Yuanyuan were not too old to move, how could you give me the opportunity to slap me in the face and leave easily? "

With a sneer, Xu Beigui's saber-cutting saber burst out with a fierce **** glow, and the boundless murderous intent gathered, and the **** murderous intent condensed into a ghostly roar, slashing towards Liu Yuanyuan with boundless fierceness!

Liu Yuanyuan's prestige in Wei County was too strong, so strong that when Xu Beigui saw the real person, he was immediately in a weak position, and he didn't dare to say a word.

However, since Xu Beigui was able to build such a large family business as the Nujiang Gang, he was naturally not stupid. At a critical moment, he finally realized that Liu Yuanyuan might be bluffing!

Of course, he didn't dare to be 100% sure that Liu Yongyuan was pretending to be there, but in life, he always needed a fight, and the bet was right to reveal the truth about the weakness of Canglan Sword Sect and Liu Yongyuan. This Wei County was his Xu Xu. North and the Nujiang Gang!

Seeing Xu Beigui's slashing, Liu Yuanyuan held the sword in front of him, and his face showed a trace of exhaustion and oldness.

Gathering the qi in the whole body and stabbing out a sword, Shen Jiang's sword intent was still there, gathering all directions, but the power was so small and pitiful that it no longer had the power of Shen Jiang.

The swords intersected, and Liu Yuanyuan was directly slammed back by this sword for more than ten A mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out, and he was instantly exhausted to the extreme.


The disciples of the Canglan Sword Sect exclaimed in surprise, looking at the scene in disbelief.

Liu Yuanyuan was actually vomited blood by Xu Beigui's knife, what is the situation?

Liu Yuanyuan showed a wry smile helplessly, and the hand holding the sword was still trembling slightly.

Originally, at his age, he could still support it for a while.

However, within Xiaofan's day, Dou Guangchen died, and all the burdens of the Canglan Sword Sect were placed on Liu Yuanyuan's body. The mess of worrying things caused Liu Yuanyuan's mood to be depressed, and his breath was unstable during cultivation, which caused the meridians to suffer. Chuang, made such a mistake that even innate realm warriors rarely make.

He was really deceiving Xu Beigui just now, but unfortunately he failed, and he still found out the details.

Xu Beigui laughed loudly, and slashed again with his sword. From now on, there will be no Canglan Sword Sect in Wei County, but his Nujiang Gang will be the only one!

But at this moment, an astonishing sword qi suddenly emerged from the back mountain of Canglan Sword Sect. The sword qi shot straight into the sky, and under the momentum, everyone present looked at it.

Liu Yuanyuan suddenly thought of something, and the eyes that had already shown despair suddenly burst into light.

At the moment when the sword energy erupted, a figure in white clothes was enveloped by the sword energy. With his movements, the sword-wielding warriors from the Canglan Sword Sect and the Nujiang Gang all had long swords in their hands. Trembling, as if seeing the master, he was not under their control at all, and was wrapped around the man's body by the sword qi. With a wave of his hand, countless long swords slashed towards Xu Beigui with the sword qi rushing towards the sky.

Qi Ling Jiuxiao, ten thousand swords return to the sect!


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